View Full Version : A young woman enters,

Livia Hikari
Jul 21st, 2001, 01:50:10 AM
her sky blue eyes looking around curiously. She wears a snowy white cloak that covers her unusual silvery hair. With no memory of her past, Livia Hikari wasn’t even sure if Livia was her real name. After waking up a pile of wreckage, she was nursed by to health by an old woman who had told her that her family had been killed by a group of Sith. It had been said that the Sith had been angry over her parents not telling them why they had such strange hair. Livia herself had no idea why since she couldn’t remember anything before she had woken up injured in the ruins of what had been her home. Because of this she often kept the hood of her cloak up so she wouldn’t attract unwanted attention. She had come to this place to learn the ways of the Jedi and she carried with her the saber of her father who the old woman had said had been a Jedi. Livia looks around for a few minutes more as she waits to be acknowledged by someone.

Warren Azalin
Jul 21st, 2001, 04:08:45 AM
:: Stepping forward as if out of the shadows Warren looked on at the new Padawan; it seemed as if the newcomer had been waiting around for awhile when he first arrived. ::

"Welcome to the Greater Jedi Order, I am Jedi Knight Warren Azalin, one of the Academy Coordinators here. If you seek to be a Jedi here then a Master shall be found for you as soon as possible, while waiting though you may go to the Bar and Grill to meet some of the others or even go to the Academy and spar.... Well now that all the pleasantries are over what is your name?"

:: Standing back the Jedi pulled back his hood as he stared forwards, Smiling slightly he crossed his arms as he waited for a response. ::

Livia Hikari
Jul 22nd, 2001, 12:46:53 AM
Livia turns to him and listens to him for a moment before smiling.

"I am Livia Hikari and that's about all I can tell you since I can't remember anything before the accident..."

Livia looks away to the floor as what she did know seemed to bother her before looking back at Warren.

"I came here to learn the ways of the Jedi like my father did before me so I guess I seek a master right now. How would I go about getting a master if you don't mind my asking?"

Warren Azalin
Jul 22nd, 2001, 02:39:27 AM
:: Nodding to the young woman Warren smiled. ::

"Livia, that's your name correct? Well it's not too hard to find yourself a Master, I will find you a Master if you wish."

:: Spinning on his heels lightly the Jedi began to walk away smiling; stopping slowly Warren turned back around as if he had just had an idea. ::

"Well how soon do you wish to find a Master exactly?"

Livia Hikari
Jul 22nd, 2001, 02:52:12 AM
Livia smiles, even though Warren was trying to only hint to it, she understood what he was getting at.

Yes, Livia is my name. I don't really know how it works around here, but I think I may have already found one and he's standing right in front of me. Would you be willing to train me, Jedi Knight Warren Azalin?

Warren Azalin
Aug 7th, 2001, 10:29:46 PM
:: Bowing his head slightly to the young woman Warren smiled. ::

"It would be my pleasure to train you Madam, I only ask that you meet me in the Training Chambers later and then we shall begin."

Livia Hikari
Aug 9th, 2001, 01:34:32 AM
"Fine by me, I will meet you there later, master." Livia smiles.