View Full Version : A Child..

Salemn Lysce
Jul 29th, 2001, 09:37:57 PM
A girl about the age of 14 walks in slowly and looks around. Biting her lower lip, she sighed. Being mute, she couldn't speak her intentions, so instead she used the Force to make the others hear her voice inside of their heads.

My name is Salemn Lysce...I would like to be accepted and trained as a Jedi, for I wish to learn of the lightside.

Salemn Lysce
Jul 30th, 2001, 03:44:40 PM
Salemn started to feel uncomfortable as she stood there. She wondered if she was under some sort of inspection, or maybe just being ignored. Salemn looked around and didn't see anybody there.

I guess nobody noticed me...Well, that's nothing new...

Feeling a chill run up her spine, Salemn looked behind her to make sure nobody was there, ready to slit her throat. Seeing nothing, she looked away, feeling foolish.

They must be looking for me...They don't give up that easily...I hope the Jedi's hurry...

The words that someone once told her echoed in Salemn's mind.

"Cold...You like that word, dearie? Eh? Excuse me, I forgot you couldn't speak. Poor little weakling. Doesn't matter, anyhow. You'll probably die as soon as you venture off on your own. Almost like your parents, eh? Too bad, if someone tries to kill you, you can't scream to let others acknowledge your presence..."

Salemn shook her head slightly, to get rid of the voice. Sighing, she shifted her weight to her other foot uncomfortably, waiting..

Salemn Lysce
Jul 30th, 2001, 08:39:59 PM
Salemn knew she didn't have much time left. She had to find somebody quick...no matter who they were...Hell, she'd even go to the Siths, if they could help...But she thought that the Jedi's would acknowledge her and help her A.S.A.P...Maybe she was wrong..

And Salemn fails again...Heh, figures, doesn't it? I mean, who would actually accept a child...especially a mute child...Especially me..

Nash Stolar
Jul 30th, 2001, 08:54:41 PM
*Nashwalked up to the girl.. one of his arms were bandaged up along with a few small scars on his face, it looke das if he just recoverd from a fight*

"Hey, the name is nash stolar.... I could feel that you seemed to be destressed about something..."

*Nash gave a warm smile*

"No one her is going to come and get you.. not with jedi everywhere... so what brings you here?"

Alexander Strife
Jul 30th, 2001, 09:56:02 PM
"Just leave her. She can't talk."

Alexander glanced codly at Nash and walked up to the 14 years-old. He ignored Nash and took the little girl's hand. Holding his katana in one hand and the girl's hand in the other.

"Come on, Salemn .."

Liam Jinn
Jul 31st, 2001, 01:18:05 AM
Liam stepped in front of the person who had grabbed the childs hand.

"Now, you wouldn't be taking her against her will, would you?"

Liam grinned before glancing down at the girl.

"Now, lets see if she wants to stay or go."

Nash Stolar
Jul 31st, 2001, 10:15:01 AM
"She dosen't have to speak to be a jedi... ther are other ways of communicating... like through the force perhaps... And all she has to do is nod to liam and that was say enough that she wants to stay.."

Salemn Lysce
Jul 31st, 2001, 07:17:59 PM
Salemn looked up at the man who called himself Nash. She noticed that his face had a few scars and that one of his arms were bandaged, as if he was in a fight. When he said that she seemed distressed, Salemn nodded, but when thinking of an answer to his question, a new person came.

When Salemn heard a different voice, she looked at the person who just appeared. He seemed so familiar...But from where? She couldn't remember ever meeting him, but it seemed like he certainly knew her. When he took her hand, Salemn was deciding what to do, when yet another person came out of nowhere to block the man's way.

Where are all these people coming from...?

When the man infront of her said, "Now let's see if she wants to stay or go," Salemn bit her lower lip in confusion. Where would she go if she left? Certainly she would become what she was before deciding to seek refuge...But where did the man holding her hand want to go? Salemn knew it was wrong to trust a stranger, but she found herself trusting this person.

Maybe it's his eyes...They aren't googly like Latrell's...

At the thought of Latrell, Salemn laughed silently, remembering how big his eyes got whenever he was displeased.

Looks like I won't be seeing you again, Latrell...

Salemn looked up at the man holding her hand and then at the guy infront of her, deciding that something was going on. Slightly scared now, she bit her lip even harder, causing it to bleed. She had to find out where this man was going to take her, or what he planned to do...She also had to find out that if she stayed here, what would happen to that man...Sighing, Salemn stopped biting her lower lip and once again used the Force to let the others hear her in their minds.

"Where does the man holding my hand want to take me? What will happen if I go with him, or if I stay here with you? I would like to become a Jedi...Is that not why I came? I am confused at this all...Tell me, please, what exactly is going on?"

With that, Salemn looked at them and waited for the answers.

Alexander Strife
Jul 31st, 2001, 09:20:23 PM
Surprised that Salemn didn't remember him, Alexander bent down on one knee and looked at her directly in the eyes. He smiled to her discreetly, just like he always did when she was younger and murmured to her.

"Don't worry ... Where I'll take you, we'll just talk, about you, your past and our connection."

Alexander nodded to the girl and stood up, without glancing at Liam or Nash.

Nash Stolar
Jul 31st, 2001, 10:27:14 PM
*nash nodded a bit then spoke*

"I do believe you came here to become a jedi.. why else would you have come into the Rc?... If you stay we will try our best to find you a master to teach you the ways of the light side of the force.."

*nash then noticed her lip started to bleed..without much thought he raised his good plam to her..and started a force heal.. he diden't have to do much untill the cut closed and the bleeding stoped*

"Uhh sorry.. should have asked if you wanted that done.."

Liam Jinn
Aug 1st, 2001, 12:05:51 AM
Liam held back laughter as the man with the katana spoke to the young girl.

"I will not bribe her or ease her into staying, it's not my nature. So, where is it you are wanting to take her?"

Liam pauses and gives a small smile.

"Just away from here?"

Salemn Lysce
Aug 1st, 2001, 03:55:15 PM
When the man who was bending down murmured to her, something in the back of Salemn's mind stirred a bit.

This is interesting...He wants to talk about me and my past, and the connections between me and him...I wonder who he is, anyways...

When the man stood up, Salemn heard Nash speak again. When Nash was done, Salemn looked at him and nodded her head. She wanted to become a Jedi, and didn't plan on leaving any time soon...

Suddenly, Salemn saw Nash raise his good palm to her and close the cut on her lip. Turning a pale shade of red, Salemn looked down in embarressment when Nash apologized. Using the force so he could hear her, Salemn spoke to him..

"No, it's alright...Thanks..."

Salemn suddenly became interested in a pebble.

Nash Stolar
Aug 1st, 2001, 04:31:41 PM
*Nash smiled at the girl after listening to her force message*

"It was no problem.."

*He turned his head to liam*

"Away from here?"

Alexander Strife
Aug 1st, 2001, 09:34:33 PM
"Where I'm taking her is surely, none of your business."

Holding onto Salemn's hand slightly tighter, he shut his eyes and opened them right after. He looked down at Salemn and nodded lightly.

"You people don't have to worry ... I'll bring her back."

Alexander turned his gaze to Liam and a slightly more angry face drew on his face.

"Now ... back off."

Liam Jinn
Aug 2nd, 2001, 12:05:26 AM
"Nah, backing off isn't my style, though you should consider it. She hasn't confirmed she wanted to go with you either, it seems she wants to stay. Now, why don't you leave before you annoy someone?"

Alexander Strife
Aug 2nd, 2001, 12:06:29 PM
"You're the one who's annoying. You don't know her so how can you assume that she wants to stay with a person such as you ? Now, why don't you leave before someone catches your stupidity ?"

Liam Jinn
Aug 2nd, 2001, 01:58:03 PM
"Obviously you aren't too bright if you don't get where you are and who it is you're asking to leave. Care to ask Nash who the annoying one is? Why can't you just let her make her choice? It's not your place to tell her where she goes or stays. I have not assumed she would rather stay here either, I want to get where she wants to go from her, not you."

Salemn Lysce
Aug 2nd, 2001, 02:32:47 PM
Salemn looked back and forth at the two men as they argued. She could sense anger in the air; it was too strong to miss. Salemn shifted her weight uncomfortably to her other foot when she heard the other man make the final statement. She knew it was time for her to answer, possibly to stop this arguement from going any further.

"I would like to go with this man who is holding my hand. I want to know what I can't remember, for it might help me further on in life and in my training."

Salemn looked up at the other man who was standing infront of her. She appreciated and admired his will to defend her rights; it was uncommon to meet somebody like that. She nodded her head to him in thanks.

Alexander Strife
Aug 2nd, 2001, 03:02:49 PM
"Now, you heard her, smart-ass. Back off."

Alexander pushed Liam out of the way, grinning evily, still holding Salemn's hand, he walked off very quickly. Thinking : "In your face, Liam."

Liam Jinn
Aug 2nd, 2001, 03:40:43 PM
Liam smiled as the man walked away, giving him a little push through the force, causing him to fall into a plant before the door.

"Oh, take care Salemn. Don't let the clumsy fool bring you into any harm."

Nash Stolar
Aug 2nd, 2001, 04:26:02 PM
*nash only watched.. with out saying a word through the whole thing.... then as the man and the girl left nash finaly spoke.. his voice was quite but it was clear*

"Alex.... when you are done.. I advise not to return to the Recruitement Center... You have showen your self a sith by acting like how you did... and the jedi do not need a sith around the RC.."

Alexander Strife
Aug 2nd, 2001, 05:29:54 PM
Alexander shook his head briefly and smirked evily, looking over his shoulder. He coughed as Liam's hair slightly caught in a little blue fire. He looked at Nash and grinned.

"Yeah and Liam showed himself a perfect idiot by acting like one."

With that, he left the RC, holding onto Salemn. He sent a Force message to the Jedis.

"Salemn will come back as soon as I finish talking to her. Oh, and I will not be back, of course ... Scared of catching stupidity."

And he left GJO, with Salemn, vanished in the shadows.

OOC:*(Eve Siren)* Bunch a childish stupidos :mad: :p

Nash Stolar
Aug 2nd, 2001, 06:31:49 PM
ooc: Thats a nice big pile of bullp00p


Salemn Lysce
Aug 3rd, 2001, 05:18:44 PM
Salemn was slightly scared by everything that just happened.

I wonder where we're going...

Salemn clung to the man's hand and wondered what his name was. She sent a Force Message to him, hoping that he wasn't too angry.

...What's your name...?

Warren Azalin
Aug 7th, 2001, 10:25:08 PM
OOC: I would like to know if Salemn is still looking for a Master, because if she is we have a Knight ready to train her.

Salemn Lysce
Aug 9th, 2001, 07:05:55 PM
OOC ~ Yes, I am still looking...Who's the gracious Knight?

Warren Azalin
Aug 9th, 2001, 11:54:20 PM
OOC: The same one who was talkign to you in this thread: Nash Stolar. :)

Nash Stolar
Aug 10th, 2001, 10:43:58 AM
ooc: :| ......You could have made it more dramatic, warren :p now I gotta find Salemn IC and then say somthing :) ...unless you have any objections?

Warren Azalin
Aug 10th, 2001, 01:13:26 PM
OOC: You still ahve to do it IC dragon, thats why it's not Dramatic :p .

Nash Stolar
Aug 10th, 2001, 01:32:24 PM
ooc: yeah I gotta tell her ic... but she went off with that alex guy, right?

Eve Siren
Aug 11th, 2001, 10:04:45 AM
OOC:Yeah ... That Alex guy.

Nash Stolar
Aug 11th, 2001, 10:50:07 PM
ooc: well IC alex is a guy.. and ooc... well.... he is played by you.. nuff said ^_^

Salemn Lysce
Aug 14th, 2001, 02:06:55 PM
OOC ~ Now fight nicely children :D

Nash Stolar
Aug 14th, 2001, 02:36:34 PM
ooc: *wondering when alex will bring back Salemn so she can get the shocking news IC*

Salemn Lysce
Aug 15th, 2001, 04:49:24 PM
OOC ~ Oh, when Alex posts, ya guys can't edit it! Reaper Fett said so. :p

Nash Stolar
Aug 16th, 2001, 03:19:53 PM
ooc: ... umm.... alright.... *tells liam not to edit alex's posts*
heh.. no mod powers of anykind belong to me

Salemn Lysce
Aug 16th, 2001, 08:02:05 PM
OOC ~ LoL! *Looks at her watch, checking the time, and whines* Alex... C'mon...! I'm getting tired of waiting...

Nash Stolar
Aug 18th, 2001, 09:59:57 PM
ooc: maybe alex is testing to see how jedi like we are bu having us wait.....

Salemn Lysce
Aug 20th, 2001, 09:03:31 PM
OOC ~ I think Alex has just forgot about us... :mad:

Nash Stolar
Aug 20th, 2001, 09:10:00 PM
ooc:.... That too.....