View Full Version : - Drake Zephyrus enters... -

Sep 15th, 2001, 07:16:41 PM
-Drake Zephyrus-

Dressed in a completely white cloak with the hood down, he steps in. His face is very pale, and while it is not to be compared with such a trivial thing as a cloak, it is almost as pale as his attire. His nose and ears are slightly elongated and almost pointed. His eyes match the alienation that his nose does, in that they are somewhat almond-shaped with with white pupils and a tint of blue in the area normally used to judge someone's eye-color.
His face is long, also somewhat almond-shaped. He stands somewhat tall, reaching a standard measurement of an even 6'3. His shoulders are broad, and his build structured to be flexible. Keeping his head up high, this man even manages to give off the aura that he holds himself very high in his own values.
He looks around for a few seconds before taking in the scents and sounds of the locale. Opening his mouth, he releases a light and airy voice to speak...
"My name is Drake Zephyrus. I come in light of my uncle and caretaker's death. I have charged myself with the mission of studying the Jedi ways, and with the optimism of one day reaching the aspriring rank of a Jedi Knight. Will any of those present accept me as a student and train me?"
His introduction, proposal, and question being finished, Zephryus clasps his hands together and waits for a reply...

-Drake Zephyrus-
-(Oh, I'm new here. If I screw up on anything, just tell me what I did wrong, okie? Thanks. =) )-

Warren Azalin
Sep 15th, 2001, 11:52:01 PM
"My name is Drake Zephyrus. I come in light of my uncle and caretaker's death. I have charged myself with the mission of studying the Jedi ways, and with the optimism of one day reaching the aspiring rank of a Jedi Knight. Will any of those present accept me as a student and train me?"

"Tell me Drake, why do you seek to be a Jedi Knight?"

Drake turned around in surprise as Warren walked behind the man as if walking from the shadows.

"I did not mean to surprise you boy, only to ask your opinion."

Pulling back his hood he crossed his arms before him as he looked on at Drake.

Sep 16th, 2001, 01:17:19 AM
-Drake Zephyrus-

Turning around, he sees the man, only showing his own surprise through his eyes. He slowly looks the man over, sniffing the air for his scent and listening to the very heartbeat of the man. Slowly he once again opens his mouth and speaks...
"By no comparison am I a ...boy...but I do desire to become a Jedi Knight. My own reason is simple; I am in need of a goal. With my uncle's recent death, I am left with nothing to do or no purpose in life. I seek a path..."
He watches the man and waits for his response...

-Drake Zephyrus-

Warren Azalin
Sep 16th, 2001, 01:25:15 AM
"You know this is not an easy path correct? You shall have to undertake many hardships if you wish to become a Jedi Knight. Although if you are certain on the path of the light open before you then allow me to welcome you with open arms. My name is Warren Azalin, Jedi Knight. I am the Academy Coordinator at The Greater Jedi Order so if you seek a Master I shall find you one."

Sep 16th, 2001, 02:32:31 AM
-Drake Zephyrus-

He nods, and thinking for a moment, he nods again before speaking...
"Yes...I am willing...if you do not mind, find me a master..."
He kneels and waits for a reply..

-Drake Zephyrus-

Katarina Kariena
Sep 21st, 2001, 01:44:58 PM
Kat watched Warren and the other young man from her perch in a tall tree. She finnished her apple and jumped down. "It won't be an easy road," she said landing behind both of them. "There are challenges ahead that even you havn't dreamed about."

Oct 4th, 2001, 06:17:25 PM
- Declining -
You know what? Screw this. I wait 1-2 weeks for a reply..if a reply at all, and I get the same bloody thing as before? What's the point? I'm dropping this. Not only can you people not take the time to type on the world's most pathetic RP system, you can't even take the time to make what you DO write decent, original, or even remotely helpful.

Warren Azalin
Oct 4th, 2001, 08:42:26 PM
OOC: *Sigh* well I had assigned a Master to you a few weeks back, I guess they never had the time to post though <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/intl/aenglish/images/emoticons/ohwell.gif ALT=":\"> .

Oct 5th, 2001, 09:17:33 PM
What a pity...I soooo could have enjoyed pointlessly role-playing over a MUD...