View Full Version : Humbly asking for your aceptance...

Jedi Guerrero
Oct 3rd, 2001, 10:43:49 PM
*A lone figure enters the jedi chamber, for some odd reason he looks oddly familiar to those inside*

*Removing his hood*

Honorable masters and knights of the jedi order my name is Jedi Guerrero, Jedi Boricua's younger brother. I never had the opportunity of meeting Boricua for I am the younger of 15 brothers, so by the time that I was born JB was already gone. When I reached my teens I decided to travel around the galaxy to find my own identity. News of my older and unknown brother fascinated me and the tales I heard around the galaxy about him urged to look for force traits of my own. It seems the force is strong on my family. I think I have the talent and most important I have the desire to become a padawan learner under the guidance of a knight or master of GJO. To ensure our right to exist is my biggest desire.

I await your response.

Marcus QDunn
Oct 4th, 2001, 11:35:18 PM
"Bro to Boricua????"

The Jedi Master was, to a word, stunned.

"I know Boricua well. He never told me of this.... you can show whom you are?"

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Oct 7th, 2001, 11:03:48 PM
::Leia walks in behind Master QDunn and bows her head before him and Jedi Guerrero. At first she just listened to the young jedi before responding::

As Master QDunn has stated. He and I know Jedi Boricua very well. Master QDunn more so then I, but all the same please excuse for being somewhat stunned by your news. JB never mentioned a brother.

::Leia extended her hand for a shake::

Please pardon my rudeness. The name is Leia Solo. I am a Jedi Master , just like QDunn and your brother JB. Its a pleasure to meet you.

Oct 9th, 2001, 07:18:46 PM
OCC: Guerrero is my RL youngest brother. He has worked out on a story for his character that he plans to develop on the boards. So be nice with him! ;) and I hope you give him a good master.

JB will not respond to this as a character just yet. Maybe later.

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Oct 9th, 2001, 07:39:04 PM
OOC: ::POUTS:: JB..I'm nice!!! :(

;) J/K But I am!! No worries..I wanted you to know that! I will delete this after I think you and your brother read it I think this is great:)

Jedi Guerrero
Oct 9th, 2001, 07:46:02 PM
I am the youngest of fifteen brothers. By the time I was born JB had alredy left to start his journey as a Jedi Knight. As I grew older my mother told me that I had another brother that had become a Jedi. Instantly I wanted to meet him so I started my own journey across to the galaxy. Two years had passed when I found an ancient Temple in a moon of some distant planet. There I met person that knew my brother so I went with him and came here.

Now that I know my brother I wish to be a Jedi Knight and maybe a Master like him.