View Full Version : A Request to Join (II)

Torriana Marx
Oct 24th, 2001, 05:25:38 PM
OOC: The first time I tried joining with this chara, things didn't turn out all too well, and this was partly my fault due to not being around often enough. But, well ... here I am again! v^-^;;


A young girl walked through the halls of the GJO Recruitment Center, her pace rather slow and steps irregular. The heels of her high black boots echoed disturbingly in the silence, and even more unpredictable was the sudden halt she came to.

Clad entirely in black leather, Torri's dark make-up and pale visage, framed by jet-black hair, wasn't quite the image one would conceive when thinking of a stereotypical Jedi, but then again, looks could very well be deceiving. COULD.

The newcomer's eyes, appearing unnaturally sunken in, scanned the seemingly empty chamber. Her patience riding thin, she crossed her arms over her chest and began tapping the floor with her foot. Kissing her teeth in needless exasperation, she called out into the vast expanse: "HELLO?!!"


Well. Lovely first impression that made, I'm sure.

Gritting her teeth, "Yeah, well ... I don't like to be kept waiting."

As I always say: if times of desperation, burn. You'll feel a lot better, and they'll be very impressed by your determination to get your point across, no?

Torri frowned and paused, as though contemplating the gesture. A few seconds passed before she hesitantly came to a wary decision. "They weren't too happy last I tried that. Besides ... this bunch are meant to be the happy-go-lucky sort. I somehow doubt whether they'll gawk over fire."

She giggled, picturing the ensuing destruction in her head. "Pretty. People don't appreciate good art nearly as much as they should."

The voice, had it a body, would've at this point shrugged nonchalantly. Suit yourself.

"Don't try use reverse psychology on me!"

I'm not.

"Are too!"

To the casual onlooker, this disturbed teenager would look as through she was talking to herself ... though this was pretty much the truth. Pity, really.

Am not!

Nash Stolar
Oct 24th, 2001, 08:23:10 PM
*Nash was walking down the Recruitement Center halls, it was a pass time he liked to do and he also liked to see what new arivals have come to the order. As he walked his long sword hosterd behind his back clanked slighty.. he he keeped walking his cloak started to sway. He gave a sideways glance to a girl who seemed to be talking to herself then stoped walking.*


*He walked over to the girl and looked slighty down at her, smiled then spoke.*

"Excuse me.. but are you looking for something?"

Torriana Marx
Oct 27th, 2001, 12:46:31 PM
Torri blinked. " .. huh?"

Behind you.

Blinking again, she turned and looked up at who she assumed was the Big Boss Man around this place. "Oh ... hi there." Realizing that she had missed a good part of his welcome, she mumbled quietly, "Sorry ... I didn't know you were there, I was just ... " Her voice trailed off and she fiddled with one of the many pendants hanging off the silver chains around her neck. There was really no way of explaining to someone that you were talking to yourself and making it sound normal.

Before the stranger could reply, Torri was off again. "See, I need a place to crash for a while, and maybe learn a few things from you guys while I'm at it, you know, just so that I don't waste your time and all ... that is, if you don't mind, of course ... "

Wincing slightly, " .. do you?"

Geez, give the guy a chance to speak, will you?

Her eyes suddenly widening, Torri thrust out her right hand in the gesture of a handshake. "Oh, where are my manners! I'm so sorry ... my name is Torriana Marx, Torri for short." She smiled, eyes glistening with hope.

The voice sniggered. Or you can call her a jackass. It works either way.

Torri's face twisted into a medley of emotions, trying desperately hard not to retort to the voice and maintain a friendly appearance all at the same time. Surely not the simplest of tasks for one as stubborn as herself.

Nash Stolar
Oct 27th, 2001, 01:50:12 PM
*Nash smiled then shook her hand he saw the emotions in her face and foudn it best just to go along with the look she was trying to keep*

"My name is Nash Stolar the slighty older members around here call me dragon.."

*He found himself thinking about the past, one he would not really like to remember, when he first joined the order... but alot has changed at his time at the order and he gave himself a new name..*


*Realising he was drifting off he quickly pulled himself back to what he was going*

"I'm sure no one will mind you around the bar and grill as for getting you a master.. My old master; A jedi knight named Warren Azalin will try and find one for you when he desides to stop by.. That is unless you have come with a jedi that you would like to have as a master already in mind.."

Torriana Marx
Oct 27th, 2001, 02:06:57 PM
"Uh ... "

Nope, she couldn't think of any Jedi-esque names. Not that she knew whether Jedi names were any different from ordinary ones, but anyway.

" ... I don't know anyone around this place. At all. But I'll check out your bar thingy! Tell this Warren-person that I dropped by if you would, huh?"

Sticking the victory sign in his face with her fingers, Torri grinned and turned to make her exit.

Yes, your sense of direction when in the unknown is truly exceptional.

Suddenly halting again, she sheepishly grinned and looked toward Nash, tugging on her choker nervously. "Erm ... how do I get there again?"

Nash Stolar
Oct 27th, 2001, 02:43:45 PM
*After she was leaving Nash had turned around and was adjusting his cloak getting ready to make his way to his room when Torri asked him where the bar was he turned around and smiled..Then slighty pointed to a hallway*

"Its down that hall and to the left... after that follow your nose and you are sure to find it.."

Torriana Marx
Oct 27th, 2001, 03:02:21 PM
Helpful lad, innit?

"Shut up," Torri muttered under her breath, making sure she was out of Nash's earshot so that he didn't mistake her comment to be directed at him. That wouldn't be nice, especially not on her first day. Personal experience said so.

Waving bye to him silently, she left the Recruitment Center.