View Full Version : Wanting to be a Jedi..

Dacian Zade
Oct 28th, 2001, 03:19:22 AM
Dacian Zade entered the recruitement center, his foot steps almost silent. He stopped in the middle of the room, and looked around curiously, searching for someone. When he saw no-one, he called out.

“Hello? Is anyone here..?”

He knew somebody was close by, but he didn't know where the being was. Dacian stood for a moment, but when no response came, he went and sat down on a chair, and waited patiently for someone to notice him.

Warren Azalin
Oct 28th, 2001, 03:51:11 AM
"Waiting to be noticed huh. Yeah I see that a lot around these parts."

Dacian turned in his seat to notice what seemed to be a large man draped all in Black.

"Don't worry about the attire, I'm one of the friendlier ones."

The Jedi flashed him a smile as he pulled back his hood, only to run a hand through his brownish hair.

"Oh that's right. This is the part where I introduce myself. Names Warren Azalin, Jedi Academy Coordinator."

Dacian Zade
Oct 28th, 2001, 03:56:22 AM
What a surprise.. someone noticed me.

“Umn, Hello..”

Dacian looked up at the Jedi, then stood up. He tugged slightly on the bottom of his shirt, straightening it, trying to make himself look presentable.

“I'm Dacian Zade, and I'd like to be trained as a Jedi. That's if, your order will accept me?”

Warren Azalin
Oct 28th, 2001, 04:07:08 AM
Warren let out a small chuckle as he looked on at the newcomer.

"Well trust me, it's not my Order,it's just the Order. As for becoming a Jedi and being ushered in, consider it done. Like I said I was the Academy Coordinator, kinda my Job to introduce the newcomers to the Jedi."

Warren took a moment as he threw back his robes and sat down, looking around him for once at everything around him.

"So, what Brought you here?"

Dacian Zade
Oct 28th, 2001, 04:11:20 AM
“I thought I already mentioned that? Oh well, I came here because I want to be trained as a Jedi. I don't really know much about the Jedi, and the Force, but some people said that I might be able to use the force. So, that's why I'm here, to travel the path of a Jedi.”

Sitting down beside the Jedi Knight, he curiously looked around, wondering what the Jedi was looking at. When he noticed Warren was looking at nothing, he turned back to the Jedi, and stared at him, waiting for a response.

Warren Azalin
Oct 28th, 2001, 04:56:00 AM
"Many want to walk the path of the light, but few have the inner-strength for it. Some think it's easy but turn to the Dark all too soon. I've seen it before and I'll be damned if I see it again. Happened to one of my own Padawans once, boy went Sith... still haven't forgiven myself for it. So do you think you have the power Dacian? Or will you fall to the Dark as many before you?"

Warrens smile turned into something more of a grin as he glanced at Dacian. The boy had potential, but would he even use it?

Dacian Zade
Oct 28th, 2001, 05:01:55 AM
Dacian listened to Warren, as he told him about his other padawan.

“Oh, I'm sorry about you're other padawan. You shouldn't blame yourself though, I'm sure it wasn't your fault. And as for your question.. I know I have the power. I wont fall to the dark side.”

Dacian nodded slightly to the Jedi Knight, then continued to speak.

“And to make sure that I don't fall, Warren, I ask you this. Will you train me to be a Jedi Knight?”

Warren Azalin
Oct 28th, 2001, 05:20:34 AM
"It would be my pleasure Dacian, I've needed to train some new Blood for awhile. I got some others in training right now and I'm sure you'll meet them soon enough. Whenever your ready come with me..."

Warren got up and smiled as he walked towards his ship, waiting for what he knew was to come..

Dacian Zade
Oct 28th, 2001, 05:22:19 AM
Dacian grinned widely, being quite excited that he was to become a Jedi. The new Jedi Padawan jumped up from his seat, and walked after his new Master.