View Full Version : Not Another Skywalker!

Hanna Skywalker
Nov 16th, 2001, 02:27:13 AM
Hanna, a Skywalker of all people, entered the Jedi Recruitement Center. Her eyes nervously glanced about the Recruitement Center. Not really knowing where she should go or where she should be, she stops just a few feet shy away from the entrance door. She clasps her hands behind her back and then speaks, her voice sounding somewhat nervous.

"I seek a Master to train me. I have come to train in the ways of the Jedi. I know training will not come easy but I am willing to work hard. I will dedicate myself to becoming a Jedi."

Anakis Moreven
Nov 17th, 2001, 08:56:32 AM
Anakis stumbles in, still injured from his fight with DarkStar. "I'll tell you what I tell em' all. We lose a lot of potential members because the Jedi are too busy to answer the padawans. But that does not mean we don't want you. So just wait and soon we'll get ya a master, ok?" The Jedi Knight smiles and leaves the room.

Hanna Skywalker
Nov 17th, 2001, 10:02:29 PM
"Thank You.." *She whispered quietly, hoping the man heard her as he left the room.*

*Now knowing that she would have to wait, and for some time at least, she wrapped her arms around her and walked toward a bench that was close by. She sat down, her eyes nervously glancing about at the strangers that passed by before her.*

Warren Azalin
Nov 19th, 2001, 03:26:11 AM
"Been waiting long?"

The voice seemed almost as if in jest coming from the man speaking, for he knew the humor in his words. Warren had been watching as Anakis had told the young woman that she would have to wait for some time now, and he had watched her sit and wait, expecting the worse. This was all merely a test of patience though, most newcomers now a days had found the urge to get desperate and leave, this one obviously was different, and yet somehow familiar in a way.

"Greetings, my name is Warren Azalin, a Jedi Master and Academy Coordinator around these parts. I apologize for making you wait, but I needed to see if you were devoted to the Jedi, or if this were merely a passing fancy. If you do not find it rude of me, might I inquire your name?"

He hoped that her name would give him some answers as to we she seemed so familiar, even though he had never met this woman before.... well not that he knew of.

Hanna Skywalker
Nov 19th, 2001, 04:21:59 PM
ooc: :)

ic: *Hanna smiled shyly.*

"Hello, Master Azalin. I did not mind waiting, I have quite a lot of patience. I am Hanna Skywalker."

*She grew quiet, not really knowing what to say to the Jedi Master.*