View Full Version : Wating for a Master

Princess Leia 1288
Nov 28th, 2001, 01:06:10 AM
A young girl of 15 with a jedi cloak on and a lightsaber hung at her waist.The girl has an abnormaly large amount of mediclorian,she is skinny but toned mucles,and adgile.She has been trained slightly in the ways of the Jedi, and have masters such small parts such as beginner moves with her lightsaber,the force push and pull,and the levitating skills.She has been told by Master Yoda himself that she was a good candidate for a padawan and since that Master Yoda's option is so highly prized she tresures his option and his words.

She walked into the Recrutment Center and looked around.

"Hello? Is....Is someone here?"

She asked with egerness that she might find a Master that he/she felt that the girl was worthy to become his/her padawan.

Warren Azalin
Nov 28th, 2001, 02:11:20 AM
"Yeah, I'm here."

A low voice echoed out through the halls of the Recruitment Center as the newcomer gazed upon a figure dressed all in Black.

"Warren Azalin, Jedi Master and Academy Coordinator. Allow me to welcome you to the Greater Jedi Order."

Princess Leia 1288
Nov 28th, 2001, 09:54:29 AM
She smiled and bowed slightly.

Thank you...My name is Leia.