View Full Version : Searching..........

Dec 9th, 2001, 10:48:35 PM
Suddenly a flash of blue light struck the floor of the room and a girl appeared. She was not short or tall, but
had a medium build and was very muscular. She had long blonde hair that fell over the blue robes that she
was wearing. Her face was light but was tinted with a brush of pink. She walked around the center of the room for a moment, as though she was looking for something. "Hello?" she asked in a meek voice. There came no answer. She looked about the room again for a moment and sighed. "I suppose they were right...I am just a foolish young girl with dreams that are out of my reach....." she said as she sat down in the center of the floor. She turned her face down and lightly began to cry. "I wish someone could help me....." her small voice trailed off into the darkness of the room......

Loki Kale
Dec 10th, 2001, 05:04:52 PM
Loki turns from her conversation with Nash Stolar, to notice the girl, sitting on the wet floor, sobbing. she makes her way towards the girl. She crouches, to talk to her. Her mouth does not move, but her sweet voice is heard. She taps the girl gently on the shoulder. She looked about the same age in appearance as Loki herself...

Hello. Are you alright? Why do you cry?

Dec 11th, 2001, 12:14:11 AM
The girl looked up and her piercing blue eyes met the stranger. There was something warm about her
that comforted the girl. "I'm just looking for something........" she said in a quiet voice. "I can't describe
what it is, exactly, for it is more of a way of life than anything else. You can't hold it in your hands or
admire it with your eyes........*sigh* you probably have no idea what I am talking about." she trailed off
again and looked at the floor beneath her. "I'm not so sure that I know exactly what it is.....but I have
feelings. Sometimes I can hear people speak in my mind.....and I can see things that others can't. I've
read many books and things on what I think that it is....but I am not sure anymore. My path is so unclear.
Someone once took a blood sample from me after I described these things to him and he said that my
midichlorian count was extremely high. He wouldn't tell me what he ment, but told me to search deep
within my heart for something that no one could give me but myself. My search led me here...." she finished as she wiped the remaining tears from her crystal blue eyes. "Can you help me....?" she whispered putting her face down again.

Warren Azalin
Dec 11th, 2001, 04:23:14 AM
(OOC: Just so you know you are not being ignored. Usually I come here everyday to greet the newcomers but Lately I've been busy in real life and won't really be posting till next week. As of next Week I'll be starting a Force Class for Padawans in need of training. I hope you understand.)

- Warren Azalin, Jedi Master, Council Member and Academy Coordinator

Loki Kale
Dec 11th, 2001, 04:12:03 PM
I think it is obvious that you can hear people in your head. I did not have to poke at your mind so you could hear me. I do not speak verbally. It is in the mind that one hears me speak. It comes to you most naturally...

Loki looks closely at the girl...

I noticed something. You and I both have blue eyes, and blonde hair. I think that is neat. Don't you? I can be your friend, If you want. I know much more than some would think. Don't let my childlike appearance fool you.

Dec 11th, 2001, 07:40:58 PM
OOC: Don't worry, I understand. I have been quite busy also. Life has been pretty hectic! Thank you for telling me though. I appreciate it.

Xazor, knowledge seeker.

Dec 11th, 2001, 07:55:13 PM
"I would like it if we could be friends" the girl said with a slight smile. She looked up at the stranger and said, "I must tell you something.........I've never had a friend before. The place that I come from is not very nice. I never knew my parents but instead I was raised under the rule of the Sith. They tried to force their ways on me and said that I should never trust anyone except for them. They were so dark..........so full of hate for all living things......." she sighed again and looked up at the ceiling. "They said that they had a way.....the force.....they said that there were others who had this way too, but messed it up into something that it really wasn't. I didn't like their way so I started to search for the others that they seldomly spoke of........I found some books and started to read of a people called the Jedi. Their ways are so pure and right and I feel as though it is my calling to be one of them. The force.....that is what I am in search of. That is why I am here. Once the Sith discovered that I knew about "the other side" they threatened to kill me, so one night I fled the planet in an X-Wing and found myself here." she looked back at the stranger again. She could tell by the look on her face that the stranger was not happy by her story. "I am sorry if I have told you too many things.........but you are different.....you are like the Jedi that I am in search of......I feel as though I can talk to you for I have never been able to do so with anyone before now." she finished and brushed her fallen blonde hair away from her piercing blue eyes reavealing a longing look.

Shade Magus
Dec 12th, 2001, 12:44:24 AM
Shade walked into the Recruitment Center and looked around. He had felt a disturbance that felt as if someone was in trouble. He saw two young girls talking and felt that the disturbance was coming from one of them. He was not sure which, for he was not that far along, but he coold almost say that it was the one sitting down. He walked over to them to see if he oculd be of any help.

[/i]"Excuse my ladies, but is there any thing I could do for either of you?"[/i]

Loki Kale
Dec 12th, 2001, 04:59:30 PM
Loki looks up at the man...she examines him...then speaks. Her mouth does not move. She cannot vocalize, but her words are heard in your mind.

Hello. I gather you are Shade Magus, no? I am Loki Kale, and this is Xazor. You may stay if you like, but I feel I am on a common ground with her, and am doing alright.

Loki looked back to Xazor..

Very well. We are friends. I know evil well, Xazor. Do not worry. It is alright if you speak endlessly. In fact, I encourage it if something is on your mind or bothering you. Meet me in the Bar and Grill, would you? You will not recognize my physical form, but my presence will be all the same. And my voice will be in your mind. I need to go for some relaxation, as is scheduled for me and my body is used to. I will meet you there, ok? Shade, you can talk with her if you like, and maybe join us at the B&G. I will be there shortly.

Loki stands up...


...and vanishes in a flash of soft and brilliant light.

OOC: It's up to you guys to start the thread in the B&G. I'll post when it is started.

Dec 12th, 2001, 08:17:42 PM
Loki silently vanished and Xazor looked up at the man standing next to her. "Hi....my name is Xazor" she said in a small voice. "Why did you come here? I sense that there is a reason beyond what you may tell me." she said looking at the ground. "Your eyes tell me that you are very perceptive......I sense that there is much good in you.......you and Loki share a common bond, something of which I am still trying to find." she said studying him closer.

Shade Magus
Dec 13th, 2001, 10:47:45 AM
Shade was a little taken a back by her question and comment. Only two other people have ever asked him that, but none has ever told him that there would be a deeper reason, but he knew she was right.

"I came here because of my father. I wanted to learn the ways that he did, but then it became a much deeper intentsion because I found out that he might be alive, but I am not sure of that or anyother reason that I cam here."

Shade looked at her and looked intoher eyes. He was no Knight or Master and he didn't have the ability to tell people's future but he could tell when something was wrong and when someone had something special about them.

"Why did you come here?"

Dec 13th, 2001, 07:48:40 PM
Xazor didn't exactly know where to start, for her story was long and complicated.

I came hear to escape the life I used to live.........there is much about me that no one knows. I played oblivious to many things while I spoke with Loki, but you are not easily fooled. I was raised by the Sith all of my life......I never knew my parents. They tried to push their cruel ways on me and they trained me in the ways of the Force. They taught me that the Jedi were Force users who took the concept and turned it into something that it was not. These people sounded so good, so peaceful......I wanted to learn more about them so I found some books and started to read. One day they were doing a routine check in my room when they found one of my books. My Sith Master was waiting for me later that day when I returned to my room. He threatened to kill me. He threw me to my knees and I lowered my head. He raised up his lightsaber and slashed it across my upper arm.

Loki took off her robes to expose her deep scar. Shade winced as he looked at it.

I never found out why he spared my life........ after he left, I bandaged my wound and packed very few things and flew out on my Master's X-Wing. I had no knowledge of where I was headed but something lead me here. I wanted to leave the Sith so much, Shade......I felt my calling was hear, to be a Jedi. I never supported the Sith.......my true love is for the Jedi....so that is why I am hear....but there are very few people who believe that I am not Sith anymore.....you believe me, don't you Jedi Shade? Please do........

She said with a tear streaming down her face. Again a look of longing was in her eyes............she looked up at him again and spoke

That is why I am here, Shade....I am hear to be a Jedi........

She finished, looking into his eyes........ You are very special, Shade, please do not hate me because of my history..........so many others have......but you seem different.....

She finished and looked back at the floor.

Shade Magus
Dec 15th, 2001, 12:44:33 AM
Shade reached out and wiped away a tear away from the girl's face.

"You needn't have any fear of being judged by your past here. I may not have come from such extremes asd you, but I knwo where you are coming from."

Dec 15th, 2001, 07:36:29 PM
Xazor looked up at him and smiled.

You are a good person, Shade. My feelings tell me that you are very wise. I must thank you for not judging me for who I was. It's a shame that you are not a Jedi Master, for I would have requested to train under you.......

She said as she thought for a moment. She examined him closely and looked into his eyes.

You and I are going to make a great team......I can sense it.......and good friends also....

She finished with a bright smile that indicated that she hoped he felt the same.

Shade Magus
Dec 16th, 2001, 01:47:43 AM
Shade smiled and looked at her.

"I hope so. You are a really intersting person, and thanks for having enough confidence in me to train under me. It is a shame becuase you would eb a great first student."

Dec 16th, 2001, 02:00:54 PM
Xazor smiled and blushed from his comment.

You really think that I'd make a great first student? I hope I will be.....I really want to do well in my training.

She said as she kept smiling.

I just hope that I find a Master who is as kind and understanding as you have been to me....

She commented as she thought for a moment.

So.......you haven't really told me much about you. You are also a very interesting person and I would like to learn more about you. Where do you come from exactly? And if you have any questions for me, don't be afraid to ask them.

She looked into his eyes and added:

There is much about you that you have revealed to no one. You have a deep past and a bright future because of it. I can only tell these things because you have opened your heart, soul, and mind to me.....

Shade Magus
Dec 17th, 2001, 12:15:43 AM
Shade laughed and then nodded.

"You are right there are things that I have told no other and for the time I would like that to remain the way it is. Prehaps later I will be able to tell you, but for now it is just to painful."

Shade looked down and then back up.

"As for where I am from, that is kinda a long story. I don't really know the name of the planet I was born on because my father was an ambassador for the Jedi and he had to move around a lot. I can tell you that I am a saiya-jin......and one other thing no one else has seemed to pick up on yet....I am a prince just like my brother. Other than that, I don't think there is anything else that is really exciting about me."

He thought for a moment and then jerked his head up.

"Oh..and don't worry about being a good student. Just let the Force flow through you and go with its will. And don't be afraid to ask others for help. I am sure they will be more than willing to help you."

Dec 17th, 2001, 12:24:42 AM
Xazor looked up surprisingly at him.

You're a prince? I thought there was something special about you that you hadn't spoke of.......the most that I ever was was the "Sith daughter" of the Lord of the Siths......iff that's anything to be "proud" of.

She smiled a little bit.

Thank you for all of your helpful advice........you are a very wise person....someone who is to be listened to.

She finished with a smile.

Yes...someday when you feel ready, I would love you to tell me your story.....I understand painful memories very well.....you shouldn't be ashamed....

Xazor looked into his eyes and took his hand

It's ok to feel badly of such things.....

Shade Magus
Dec 17th, 2001, 10:29:44 PM
"Feel badly? It is not so much that. It is mainly just how In feel lately. I have fought against my brother and unfirtunately I found that I am not strong enough to defeat him..."

Shade looked up into her eyes.

"You know, you remind me a lot of him when he was younger. You are kind and listen to what peole say. It is remarkable."

Dec 18th, 2001, 01:29:18 AM
Again Xazor blushed.

Thank you.........you seem to care and listen a lot also. It is something rare that I have never encountered until I met you.........you have a true desire to help others. Defeat does not make one great.....it is how he deals with both friend and enemy....that is what makes a true Jedi great.......and you already are great.

She said with a smile as she looked into his bright eyes.

There is a certain peace about you that tells such a wonderful and silent story.....I haven't figured out what it is yet....

Shade Magus
Dec 18th, 2001, 06:23:50 PM
Now it was Shade's turn to blush.

"Thank you for considering me great, but I do not believe I have been granted the right to be called great just yet."

Dec 19th, 2001, 10:10:09 PM
She smiled at his blushing and replied:

What you think and what you are might be two totally different things. In this case it is true. You may think of yourself as not great......but you are.

She said taking on a more serious tone.

You must listen to your heart, Shade. It wil tell you far more than I or anyone else ever could. And listen to the force......for it will guide even the most confusing path. For this is the truth.....I live the tale.....

She said looking at the floor to think for a moment.

Maybe someday you'll realize how much I admire you for how far you have come. It's not easy to be someone great when there are so many others around you who are trying to pull you down.....

She looked up at him and smiled with a tear in her eye.

I'm sorry.....I have been a little emotional lately........

Shade Magus
Dec 20th, 2001, 03:06:17 AM
Shade looked at her and smiled in a gentle way.

"Yeah who knows maybe I'll see it some day too. As for the emotional thing. Don't worry you'll learn to control it."

Shade then took her hand in his and spoke again.

"And remember if you ever need a freind to talk to then I am always available."

Dec 20th, 2001, 10:48:09 PM
She looked down at her hand in his and smiled.

I don't think that you will ever know how much your friendship means to me...........you are the first really good friend that I have ever had and I appreciate it so much.

She looked into his eyes and smiled even brighter than she had before.

You are like the brother that I have never had......................I hope that I can be like you someday, Shade.....

Shade Magus
Dec 21st, 2001, 12:40:02 AM
Shade shook his head in a comical way.

"I don't think you want to be like me...I don't think the universe could handle two people like me, but other thatn that I am really flattered that you consider me a freind."

Dec 21st, 2001, 06:59:19 PM
Xazor laughed because of the expression on his face.

Why do you think that way? I wish that people could be more like you. There is so much hatred in the galaxy lately......I just wish that people could be kind, gentle, and loving...........just more like you and maybe then there wouldn't be so much darkness....

She said with a smile on her face and almost a day-dreamish look in her eyes.

Shade Magus
Dec 22nd, 2001, 01:20:57 AM
Shade looked at her and smiled weakly.

"Maybe that is what you think now, but there could be a darker part to me. A part that i have been fighting all of my life."

Dec 22nd, 2001, 01:36:21 AM
Xazor looked at him curiously for she had not fully understood his answer.

I don't think that any part of you could be darker than what is a part of me. I was a full blooded Sith at one time..........and unfortunatly it is still a part of me......

She said and she pulled down the left side of her robes to reveal a tattoo on her arm. It was the mark of the Sith Empire.......

When I finished my training, I swore alligence to the Sith..........I have never shown anyone this before...especially not now. I must never let any of the masters see it........I don't want them to think that I have Sith tendencies...........

She finished and looked down as she brought her robes back over her arm. She felt ashamed and felt a surge of emotion coming over her but she fought it and it subsided unwillingly.

Shade Magus
Dec 23rd, 2001, 02:14:26 AM
"You shouldn't be so unwilling to share your past. It is behind you and that is what is important. Besides one day it could be helpful to you and also to others."

Dec 23rd, 2001, 01:16:04 PM
I don't see how anything that bad could be helpful ever.........

Xazor said with a sigh.

I guess you are probably right, somehow, and maybe it will be someday......

Shade Magus
Dec 23rd, 2001, 02:13:09 PM
Shade smiled.

"Well think about it. Since you know what it is like under those conditions and you know what to expect from the Sith then you could prepare others for what is to come."

Shade looked around before returning his gaze to Xazor.

"So tell me..would you be interested in getting a drink later? It would be the least I could do for making you sit here and talk for this time."

Dec 23rd, 2001, 04:48:36 PM
Xazor looked up into his eyes and smiled.

I would like that a lot......and I have really enjoyed sitting here talking with you....

She said with warmth.

Shade Magus
Dec 24th, 2001, 12:45:24 AM
"Tanks. Not many people take the time to talk to others nowadays, that is one reason that I am starting to. I remember what it is like to be new."

Dec 24th, 2001, 01:24:23 AM
Yeah, being new was kind of scary at first....until I met you......

She smiled as she looked into his gentle eyes.

Shade Magus
Dec 25th, 2001, 02:34:37 PM
Shade blushed as she spoke to him. I wasn't everyday that he found someone as beautiful and as smart as Xazor. He wondered what it would be like between the two of them in the future.

"So...what do you say about that drink now?"

Dec 25th, 2001, 05:23:14 PM
Xazor smiled and replied.

It sounds like a great idea....let's go!

Shade Magus
Dec 25th, 2001, 05:55:27 PM
"Ok then."

Shade got up and held out hsi hand to help her up.

Dec 26th, 2001, 01:17:16 AM
Xazor held out her hand and he took it in his ever so gently. With a light pull, he had her on her feet. She stopped for a moment and looked into his eyes......they were so deep....they spoke hundreds of silent thoughts all at once. Xazor had been caught up in the moment when she realized how close they were standing. She looked down at her hand in his and smiled. She had almost totally lost herself when she remembered that they were on their way to the bar and grill.


She said quickly.

I suppose we should go....

She finished almost feeling as though she had ruined the moment.

Shade Magus
Dec 27th, 2001, 02:13:31 AM
Shade blushed as she looked at him. He hadn't been this close to a female in a while. To tell the truth the last time he had been this close to one, physically anyways, was during a training session with his master, but close to one emotionaly was his mother and that was over a decade ago, before she died.

"Ok..umm...here we go I guess."

Shade felt so pathetic. He just knew he was going to do something to humiliate himself somehow before the night was over. He took her by the arm and lead her towards the bar and grill.

OOC: I'll start the thread there. ok

Dec 27th, 2001, 02:15:17 AM
(OOC: Sounds good, there were two guys arguing over who was going to sit by me in there, so now they won't have to worry about it and I can get rid of them!! <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)"> )

Shade Magus
Dec 27th, 2001, 02:33:09 AM
OOC:: i saw that. I think i am just going to post there and have a little fun. <img src=http://www.thegjo.com/forum/smileys/evil.gif ALT=":evil"> <img src=http://www.thegjo.com/forum/smileys/biggrinangelA.gif ALT=":angel">

Dec 27th, 2001, 02:34:14 AM
OOC: Be my guest! <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)"> hehe

Shade Magus
Dec 27th, 2001, 02:46:36 AM

verse dawnstrider
Jan 5th, 2002, 02:38:04 AM
Xazor, If you have no master I shall take the task to train you.

Jan 5th, 2002, 01:05:45 PM
You would? I would be honored! When shall we start?