View Full Version : I am Lord Fire Blade....
Elieen Cross
Jan 12th, 2002, 09:13:44 PM
I stand outside the building where the Jedi held a recruiting post, on the planet of Arcan IV. I had my full armour on, Forcer Pike in hand, sabre on my belt. I was usually assertive and confident of myself, especially on the times the Jedi had to face me.... but this was different. Here I was, about to turn my back on an Imperial past and join a group whom I had caused much trouble to.
I took a deep breath, steeled myself. Once I passed the doorway, there would be no going back, there would be no turning from this path. I took a step, then another and another, steppng through the doorway and into what lay beyond.
As I entered, I heard a gasp and a yell of "Look Out!". Someone tried to pounce. Moving fast, my hand grasped the attacker's throat.
"I'm not here to fight.... I am here to speak to Master Yoghurt...."
"Why?" Called back someone else
"Because I wish to .... join"
What irony. The destroyer of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, wanting to join the Jedi.
Jan 13th, 2002, 04:26:28 AM
::Somewhere in the galaxy a tremor woke Boricua. It had been long since something like this had disturbed him, something at GJO was instintively akward. Strange this was, for JB had left the Jedi to endure his own quests and find his own way, but the jedi master thought often of his jedi comrads, and his feeling of hope were always in the temple. Someone was turning over to the light side, someone who had been the antithesis of the light side wanted to correct his crooked past. Lord Fire Blade...NO! It cannot be. Lord Fire Blade whose single will had destroyed what had stood for over a millenia, the Jedi Temple at Coruscant. Fire Blade had been evil in it's purest form, a demon for an Evil Empire. He had been a part of the massive battle inside the temple, and he had emerged victorious, thought Boricua had thought he had died succeding. He was now with the jedi, and seeking the counsel of Yoghurt, strange but fascinating at the same time::
OOC: LFB! How are you? For all those who do not know him, LFB with a group of sith and imps assaulted the Jedi Temple like two years ago in a thread that went 2000+ replies and was legendary. It became so huge EZboard asked for it to be deleted! So please do the best to train him, he can be a GREAT asset for the Jedi!!!
LFB, whatever are your plans, good luck!
verse dawnstrider
Jan 13th, 2002, 02:26:15 PM
::Verse laid in his room. His long hair falling off his bed. Verse shot up in his bed. Lord Fire Blade was near. That could never be good,::
OOC: JB? WTF? I haven't seen you anywhere is a LOOOOONG time. You forgot to keep an eye on your trainees.
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jan 14th, 2002, 01:50:39 AM
::Sure as Boricua felt a disturbance in the did Leia. The Jedi Master sprung to her feet and went sprinting down to the recruitement center. Upon coming up to Lord Fire Blade, Leia felt very uneasy with his presense, recalling every horrible deed this Sith Lord was responsible for. The Jedi Master could not help but rest her hand on her saber that remained clipped to her belt.::
::Her conscious seemed a little easied upon hearing that the Sith Lord wanting to turn to the lightside. At first Leia did not know how to react. Finally, she backed her hand off her saber and extended it out to the future former sith lord::
Lord Fire Blade..I must say this is a pleasant surprise and yet so unexpected.
Jan 14th, 2002, 02:36:45 AM
OCC:VERSE! How are you!? Yeah reappeared, just doing some casual visits, but hey try and contact me in my new aol sn: JediBoricuaPR or email me: We have a lot to catch up to. Cya.
Sia Lan Darkheart
Jan 22nd, 2002, 02:23:36 AM
Sia-Lan had heard some yells from the Recruitement Center as she was walking down to the B&G. She walked in to find several people in a panic. She walked up to some of the other jedi in the room. They were talking to some one with suprised looks on their faces.
"Whats going on?" she asks confused.
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