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Aesop Bacchus
Jan 24th, 2002, 12:50:27 PM
"Damn piece of junk." Aesop kicked the leg of his worn-down, modified luxury. "You good for nothing.... I should get rid of you! Replace you with a newer model!" He rose his right foot to kick it again, but a look of worry crossed his face and he stood in place, perfectly still.

Suddenly, he leapt towards the side of his ship, his arms stretched wide apart, acting as if trying to give the whole thing a big hug. Tears streamed down his face. "Oh, I'm sorry, baby. You're not junk, you're beautiful," he pleaded, "I didn't mean it. It's just that why do you have to break down all the time? Especially here, in a random planet in the middle of nowhere!?." He plopped down upon the grass and threw his hands up in defeat. "I was supposed to deliver the shipment hours ago. Balja the Hutt's gonna have my head for this.

Suddenly, noises were heard coming from beyond the brush in front of him.

Mercutio Bacchus's- better known as Aesop- eyes lit up. "Civilization."

He rose from the ground and straightened his jacket, brushing off an imaginary crumb. Giving his best smile, he strode towards the brush and cleared it out of the way with a hand.

Appearing on the other side, his smile vanished. In front of him were dozens of....... well, beings of various species, all covered in light brown robes. "Jedi.....," he shook his head and looked up at the sky. "Having fun with lil'ol me today, huh? Does this make you smile? Are you amused? I go looking for help to get my ship back together and you give me a cult. Very cute. You're hilarious."

OOC: Aesop is Force-sensitive, though his midichlorian count is probably lower than the average Jedi's. So, I'd be honored to get a master, although he/she might have to rp a little to get him since he's a little skeptical of the Force.

Warren Azalin
Jan 25th, 2002, 09:53:46 PM
Warren stood at the Recruitment Center, waiting. It seemed it had been a slow day and not one new student had walked down these halls in the past twenty-four hours. Warren had been ready to give up hang around the place when he felt a slight jolt in the Force. It was barely noticable and he had a good idea that those not looking for it would have missed it, but he always kept his mind open for anything...

"Well, well, well, seems we got a newcomer on the Planet. This should be intresting."

Aesop Bacchus
Jan 26th, 2002, 12:37:00 AM
*Aesop sighed deeply and approached the center.*

"Great, I'm surrounded by these psychotic tree-huggers," he muttered underneath his breath.

*He approached one of them, who seemed to be studying him, and began in a slow, meticulous pace, as if talking to a child. "Do.... you.... UNDERSTAND.... this," He pointed to his mouth. Realizing that the man understood, he continued. He pointed to his own chest. "I.... need... YOU-," he laid a finger on Warren's chest, " to.... HELP me. H-E-L-P. Understand?" He finished with a doubtful look.

"My.. ship. Y'know... vroom vroom. Is BRO-ken. Yes," he nodded frantically. "Broken."

He shook his head and wished he were somewhere else. He was once told by an old, insane wanderer on Corellia that HE was one of these Jedi. Wasn't that a hoot.

Navaria Tarkin
Jan 26th, 2002, 12:56:24 AM
"It's not like we are ignorant of technology here, stranger. If you need assistance we can help you without the visuals or slow speak," said Navaria with a smile, folding her hands in front of her.

She was heading over to her room when this man's words had caught her ears. The Knight had to admit that it was amusing to watch him make the fool of himself and of course for that reason alone, the Force had blessed him with being Force sensitive. It was easy to see his potential by studying his aura...

Who said that the Force didn't have a sense of humor?

Aesop Bacchus
Jan 26th, 2002, 01:23:13 AM
Stunned by the woman's word, Aesop merely stood still. He blinked. Then again.

"Um..... yes," He quickly smoothed his hair back in place with his hands and straightened his jacket, his head darting left and right in fear of being recognized by an officer of the law. Finally, satisfied, his eyes rested on Navaria. "Well......," he felt his throat dry, "that.. well.. would be great. Great, indeed." He laughed hysterically until it died into a pitiful cough when he realized he hadn't made a joke.

Great going, Aesop thought to himself sarcastically. 5 years in prison and you already forgot how to talk to women. He jammed his hands into his pockets, pulled them out and crossed his arms, but then switched again once he realized he was more comfortable in the previous position.

"Well, can you point me to anywhere I can get some help?," he said hurriedly, with a hint of nervousness. "And maybe somewhere where I can drink. A lot."
It was strange. He felt like he had been here before. Maybe in a dream? But that was impossible......... Wasn't it?

Navaria Tarkin
Jan 26th, 2002, 01:36:19 AM
He is a jittery one all right. All nervous and apparently in a hurry with how quickly he spoke and by repeating some words over again. It was uncertain whether or not it was her or just the situation itself that caused him to be uncomfortable.

She turned and looked around rather amused, still keeping her tone pleasant to try and settle this stranger.

"Well, I think you have found it. My name is Navaria Tarkin and this is Warren Azalin. If you explain what is wrong, perhaps we can aid you in your situation. Then perhaps you can drink ... alot."

The was a little sparkle in her blue eyes when she said that.

"But not now ... I need you to explain yourself without slurring words together. I'm not well versed in drunk talk."

Hopefully her little joke was able to break the ice some.

Aesop Bacchus
Jan 26th, 2002, 01:57:12 AM
They stood in silence until he realized this was her way of trying to make him comfortable. He smiled weakly.

Trying not to seem ignorant of the Jedi customs, he gave a quick salute and clapped three times making a clicking sound with his tongue (he had heard that Jedi greeted each other in this fashion from a VERY reliable source) and introduced himself. "Hello Mr. Azalin. Ms. Tarkin," he gave a quick nod to each, "My name is Mercutio Bacchus. But you two can call me Aesop... my mom says I'm good with words...," he quickly explained. He turned and waved his hand in the general direction of his crashed ship. "Well, I'm here because it seems I was shot down. A loooong story." Aesop spread his arms wide to demonstrate how long. "It seems that some authorities... uh... believed I was smuggling something. Heheh, which I naturally wasn't. Heh. Anyway, I am actually late for an appointment somewhere, and let's just say if I'm late I'm dead. But... it seems I'm already late, so I'll be dead once the guys come looking for me. Or my parole officer. Either way."

He again gave a nervous laugh, taking a handerchief from his jacket pocket to wipe the sweat from his forehead, until he sighed and gave a defeated look. "So....... it might not matter whether I get that 'help' or not." Slouching, he looked at the two Jedi. "Any ideas?"

Navaria Tarkin
Jan 26th, 2002, 09:17:10 PM
This was one messed up situation. Navaria looked at Warren, trying to picked up what he thought about this situation. He was unreadable so she took that as her cue to continue.

"Aesop it is then. No matter what you decide ... we shall help repair your ship. There are many among the Jedi that can help repair it."

She motioned behind her to a path that went around the entire Academy.

"As for ideas. I have plenty of them but it is all dependant on you."