View Full Version : In Passing...

Richter Tyrus
Mar 6th, 2002, 01:41:09 AM
Richter had arrived on the planet less than a week ago, and his trek to it had come at a great cost. The Jedi weren't easy to find anymore. He scanned around the main courtyard with his black eyes, his black hair falling lightly along the sides of his face. A few gaurds asked him for identification upon his entering the Jedi academy. "I am Jedi Knight Richter Tyrus," he replied, bowing. "I'd like to speak with a Jedi who goes by the name of Marcus."

The Shadow Jedi
Mar 6th, 2002, 01:45:47 AM
"Do you now?"

A man, cloaked, face hidden came forward before others did.

"why do you wish to speak to him?"

Richter Tyrus
Mar 6th, 2002, 01:48:49 AM
"His reputation proceeds him..." Richter scanned the robbed man with his eyes. "You do make little sense, however. Do I known of what?" The Jedi Knight stepped forward, his Aura fluctuating momentarily to the point where it almost vanished from detection of others in the room. It came back just as it had been before, calm and full of peace. He raised a brow questioningly.

The Shadow Jedi
Mar 6th, 2002, 01:52:31 AM
"It's interesting you know the name. Even most of the Jedi are not aware of a Marcus even existing in the Jedi"

His foot falls were quiet as he walked around Richer. "I believe only a handful know of him at all. Aye, I found out only by chance. How does a stranger know?"

Richter Tyrus
Mar 6th, 2002, 02:08:31 AM
"I spent some time with a Dark Jedi not more than three months ago. He confessed to me that at one time he had been a Jedi, and in the end I found that I could no longer allow him to keep me as his prisoner. I broke free at the cost of his life and fled."

"This place is my last hope to find another Jedi. Whoever the Dark Sider was either knew Marcus as a friend or as an enemy, and that name has been my only hope since. The Empire searches me out now as a criminal. Apparently the particular Dark Jedi I killed held great favor among the Imperial's court. At one time I served the New Jedi Order, but times changed. The New Jedi Order is no more..."

Richter looked down and let his eyes cast their gaze towards the robbed man's silently moving feet.

The Shadow Jedi
Mar 6th, 2002, 02:12:41 AM
A Dark Jedi knew of Marcus????

"I find your explaination ..... strange. Who was this Dark Jedi you speak of?"

Richter Tyrus
Mar 6th, 2002, 02:18:29 AM
"I never came to know his name.... I'm sorry, but he had very distinct features that I'd never forget. Wings were among these. I've rarely seen any of his kind. it's a shame he was isguided to the Dark. He could have had great potential."

The Shadow Jedi
Mar 6th, 2002, 02:21:44 AM
"Wings? Was there another one near this winged one, tallish, young, scruffy? May of had a female companion?"

Richter Tyrus
Mar 6th, 2002, 02:23:41 AM
"At one point, but I only saw them breifly and didn't know much of them. They weren't around when I escaped, or else I'd likely not have made it out of that place alive."

The Shadow Jedi
Mar 6th, 2002, 02:26:48 AM
"hmmmmmm. Interesting"

The Shadow Jedi shfted under his cloak.

"Marcus is dead. He fell due to a traitorous ambush two months ago"

Richter Tyrus
Mar 6th, 2002, 02:35:35 AM
"I see... then who could I speak to now? I wish to request acceptance into this order if that is possible. I offer you all my services as a Jedi in return. I realize that perhaps my methods are out dated and I may need to be re-educated."

The Shadow Jedi
Mar 6th, 2002, 02:36:52 AM
"I will find you some one. Wait here please"

Richter Tyrus
Mar 6th, 2002, 02:49:13 AM
"As you wish."

Richter waited patiently.

Elieen Cross
Mar 6th, 2002, 06:15:17 AM
I had no idea why there had been a anonymous request form me to attend the Jedi Recruitment centre. I was not a person who would train new blood and I was not interested in that either. That was not me. Thence, as I walked into the room, I was scowling, visibily annoyed. One man was there.

"Yes? May I help you?" I requested.

Richter Tyrus
Mar 6th, 2002, 06:07:33 PM
Richter bowed to the young woman. "I made a request of the council to join your order. I am Jedi Knight Richter Tyrus. I was told to wait for you here. Have you any news of what has been decided?"

Elieen Cross
Mar 7th, 2002, 01:35:16 AM

"I was only told to come here and see what you wanted. If you want to join this order, then that is a given, you may do so. Where do you come from Tyrus and where did you learn the Jedi arts?"

Richter Tyrus
Mar 10th, 2002, 09:19:21 AM
"I learned the ways of the Jedi from my master, Dax Adeus... He was a Jedi Knight before the Old Republic fell. This is my first time off our planet. If I had known about the New Republic, and the rebellion against the Empire, then I'd have been here sooner. My master forbade it... but he's passed away now, and so I made my own decision. I wouldn't die without knowing that I made a difference. Please let your council know that I am here to take up my duties in the service of justice and peace."

Richter gave the woman a star that was emotionless, and while it was calming and in tune with the way of the Jedi, it was also a very cold and hard stare that was difficult to feel comfortable underneath - at least, most people certainly seem to feel that way.

Elieen Cross
Mar 12th, 2002, 08:19:41 PM
I met his stare, matching it with one of my own, intense and piercing.

"Very well. What skills would you offer? Warrior, healer, scholar...?"

Richter Tyrus
Mar 15th, 2002, 05:03:46 AM
"I am well practiced in the arts of war, and am a scholar by trade. I can serve as a teacher, diplomat, or anything else you might think me suitable for. I look forward to taking a Padawan of my own when the time is right, so this is a service I can also offer you in the future." Richter's eyes suddenly calmed underneath her gaze, and she could feel his aura become much clearer and focused, a work of art that took years to perfect...

Azhure Darkstone
Mar 15th, 2002, 05:07:38 AM
:;Azhure looked at the man, someone who claimed to have much power. Perhaps he was one such as Daquin? She walked in and nodded her head at him, not saying anything, just watching the proceedings::