View Full Version : Natia's arrival

Natia Lerf
Mar 2nd, 2002, 08:33:46 PM
*Natia, a female child of 7, uses a set of crutches to slowly make her way into the Recruitment Center. She is a human, and wears a frown on her face since she is coming to a place where she only knows one person, Falcon Gyndar, the brother to her best friend, and the only person she can truly trust right now. She has a small backpack on her back as she looks around, hoping to spot Falcon.

She slowly makes her way to the center of the room and slowly turns in a circle to get a good look of the room that she is in. Her voice is soft, quiet, and gentle*

Hello?? Anybody here?? Falcon??

*Natia blinks her ice blue eyes briefly as she fights back the over whelming fear that threatens to engulf her*

Mar 2nd, 2002, 10:29:40 PM
Xazor continued her path down the hallway but suddenly stopped at the sound of a child's voice. She reached out with the Force and felt the presence just down a ways. She continued walking and turned a corner. She then saw a small girl in the middle of the recruitment center who looked lost and frightened. Xazor slowly approached her and smiled gently. She knelt to the floor to become at eye level with the precious being.

Hello, you must be new here. My name is Xazor.......what is yours?

She asked in a soft and gentle voice.

Natia Lerf
Mar 3rd, 2002, 02:29:24 PM
*Natia hobbles backwards a couple of steps from Xazor. She looks her over before saying anything at all*


*Natia looks around again for a moment before looking back at Xazor*

I am new here.

*Natia blinks her ice blue eyes while looking at Xazor. She has a hard time trusting ppl who she does not know*

Why should I tell you my name??

*Natia tightens her grip which she has on her crutches as she looks around the room again, after which she looks back at Xazor, the look on her face is neutral*

Mar 3rd, 2002, 03:25:14 PM
You do not have to tell me your name.....I already know it, Natia.

She said with a smile. She had probed the girls thoughts and her aura to gather it, but Xazor did it nonetheless.

It's a very pretty name.......why do you not wish for me to know it?

She asked in a soft voice. Xazor had a great task laid before her, the girl didn't trust her or anyone for that matter........so she would have to earn it.

Natia Lerf
Mar 4th, 2002, 03:02:34 PM
*Natia gets a look of hate briefly on her face before her expression goes neutral again*

How did you find out my name?? Silly me, Falcon knew I was on my way here so he probably told you right??

Where is Falcon??

*Natia hobbles backwards another couple of steps though, just to be on the safe side*

I glad that you like my name. My Father told me that my Mother wanted me to have it as my name. Only those that I trust I want knowing my name, but that never happens. Always ppl I don't trust learn my name.

*Natia looks around the room again, hoping to see Falcon, the one person she can trust here. She straightens up slightly and winces in pain as her back shoots a fiery blast of pain throughout her body. As the pain moves through her body, she looses her grip on her crutches as well as her balance and falls to the floor as she gasps in pain slightly. Taking a couple of deep breathes she gets her face with a neutral expression again and it looks like she did not feel any pain except for a hint of it remains in her eyes*


Falcon Gyndar
Mar 4th, 2002, 06:50:31 PM
Falcon rushed into the R.C., knowing Natia was there...He saw Xazor keeping her company...He ran toward Natia and stopped, knelt down and hugged her...

"Natia...little lady...I missed you. My sister said you'd be here soon. Sorry I wasn't here when you arrived."

Falcon let Natia out of his arms.

"Xazor, I know you know her name already. But I will introduce her nonetheless. This is Natia Lerf. She is from my homeworld, where she had taken refuge, and we have been working to get her back to a calm, so she could finally train."

Falcon turned back to Natia...

"Natia, is it true you find me like a father to you? Because if that is so, I'd be more than happy to be yours. Just say the word, little lady. And you can trust Xazor. She is one of the good people around here."

Mar 4th, 2002, 08:57:54 PM
Xazor smiled at Falcon's kindness to the little girl.

I think you're pretty lucky if you get to train her.

Xazor said with a gentle smile as she looked at Natia.

Natia Lerf
Mar 5th, 2002, 12:16:03 PM
*Natia smiles and lets out a squeel of delight when she sees Falcon and hugs him back when he hugs her*

I missed you to Falcon. It's all right that you weren't here when I got here. I knew you would show up soon after I got here.

*Natia waves and smiles at Xazor when she is introduced to her. She then smiles at Falcon again*

Yes Falcon. You are more of a Father to me then my real Father ever was.

*Natia lets out another squeel of delight*

You will?? You are willing to be a Father to me even though I don't deserve to have any parent. Especially after....

*Natia's voice trails off as she closes her eyes. After a moment she smiles again*

So Falcon, you are sure that I can trust Xazor. She won't hurt me or turn me over to my legal gaurdian??

*Natia looks at Xazor again, but this time with almost a trusting look in her ice blue eyes. She then picks up her crutches and goes to stand up, using her crutches for support as she smiles at Falcon again*

Falcon Gyndar
Mar 5th, 2002, 05:03:29 PM
Falcon smiles and laughs...

"Of course. I'll take care of you as if you were my own."

Falcon looks at Xazor, speaking to both girls..

"Yes, lucky indeed. However, it would be a better idea if someone else were to train her. I think it would help her to be more open, and trusting. Natia, I don't see how she could do that when she does not know who your legal guardian is."

Falcon sighs...

"Xazor, how would you like to hang out with Natia for a bit? I think she may be hungry, and I hear they have excellent cheese pizza at the bar and grill. If you could do that, it would be great, because I have a few things to do before I can spend any large amounts of time with you, Natia."

Natia Lerf
Mar 5th, 2002, 07:01:07 PM
*Natia smiles when she hears that Falcon is willing to take care of her*

Falcon, Xazor won't be mean to me like my legal gaurdian is?? Cause if she is, I'm gonna have to whack her with my crutches and scream for help and if she's as bad as my Father, then she may end up like my Father some how and then she would deserve it and I won't cry and I would be happy and try and jump for joy and get injured cause I can't jump and then I might loose what use I have my legs and that would mean I would be handicap and I don't want that and then I would cry and be very sad and that would be bad because I don't want to cry and be very sad.

*Natia giggles slightly but quickly stops*

You know that I am always hungry Falcon and remember, I don't like cheese pizza. Please hurry Falcon cause I have lots I want to talk to you about and things to tell and show you like this picture I have of some lady with my Father but she doesn't look happy and if I didn't know any better, I would say that she wanted away from my Father, but I wouldn't be surprised if she did want away from my Father because he was a mean person and didn't treat me nicely and he never let me do what I wanted to and if I did, he beat me. Maybe you can tell me what the squiggly lines on the back of the picture mean cause I am kinda curious since I can't read it yet because I think it is in another language and I have been told that you can read every language out there which is known and you can even speak all those languages and even the ones that aren't know you can speak so maybe you can read it and tell me what it says for me. I've had the picture for as long as I can remember and I know my Father never knew I had it because if he did know he would have taken it away from me just like he did to all my toys whenever somebody gave me a new toy because I told them that Father took the last one away from me and then Father would beat me and send me to my room without food for a couple of days, but I deserved it because I didn't do what I was told to do and well it is understandable since I know what my name means but I don't understand why my Mother would want me to have that name cause I am really doing my best to be a good girl, but when I was younger, Father always punished me for doing things without his permission and I'm gonna shut up now cause I don't want to be hit like I always was when I was younger when I started talking and didn't stop.

*Natia hangs her head thinking that she has done something wrong*

Mar 6th, 2002, 12:31:08 AM
Xazor smiles brightly and looks at Falcon.

Sure, I'd love to hang out with Natia.

She said, smiling gently on the little girl.

You do not have to worry about me speaking a word to anyone........I too ran away from some bad people. The Jedi have kind hearts and promised they wouldn't report me to him........you are safe here.

She said with a reassuring smile.

Natia Lerf
Mar 6th, 2002, 01:36:13 PM
*Natia looks up at Xazor and smiles slightly*

I don't want to go back to my legal gaurdian. He is wanting me to do things that I don't know how to do, but they would hurt ppl and destroy things.

*Natia looks down at her feet again*

I know I don't deserve having ppl being nice to me because I'm not a good girl and only good girls have ppl being nice to them. I have always been a bad girl according to my Father and

*Natia's face brightens up suddenly and looks up at Xazor again*

You mean it. Nobody will tell my legal gaurdian that I'm here. I really will be safe here??

Falcon, is this true?? Will I be safe here?? I won't have to worry about my legal gaurdian finding me. Will I actually be able to sleep in peace and not wake up in the middle of the night scared??

Falcon Gyndar
Mar 6th, 2002, 04:55:11 PM
Falcon laughs...

"Yes, yes. That is all very true. Now calm down before you get too excited. Please, go with Xazor."

He looks at Xazor..

"Have fun. If there is any problems, let me know."

Falcon pauses..

"Natia...since when do you not like cheese?"

Natia Lerf
Mar 6th, 2002, 06:57:56 PM
*Natia smiles and laughs for a moment before quickly stopping and looking down at her feet for another moment. She then looks up at Falcon and nods*

Okay, I will go with Xazor because you trust her and only because you trust her. Why would there be any problems Falcon?? Not many ppl know that I came here and well...

*Natia's voice trails off and then picks up again in a cheerful tone*

I still love cheese, but I never really liked cheese pizza. It's just to plain for my liking and well, I actually prefer the ham and pineapple pizza because there is more to it and it always has a nice flavour to it and I like the taste of the pineapple more then the ham and well, I always want to have the ham and pineapple pizza because it is always better tasting then just the plain cheese pizza and speaking of cheese, can I have a piece of cheddar cheese please. You know how I have always really liked that cheese because it always has a nice flavour and texture to it and well, it just tastes good and I really would like some and I never got it from my Father and when he did give me some, it was always moldy and dirty and I think he got it from a garbage can or picked it up off of the ground and it never really tasted good and I always got sick after eating it but Father didn't care because he always made me do what he wanted me to do and I never enjoyed it and well I'm happy that he died somehow and that he can't hurt me anymore but my legal gaurdian can and I don't like that and well I have done pretty well in avoiding him for awhile now but the threat that he can just come and get me anytime he wants to is rather scary and I don't like it and I always wake up at night scared that I heard him come into my room and he threatened that when he gets his hands on me again that he will make me sleep on the cold metal floor in a cage.

*Natia takes a deep breath and smiles*

So can I have a piece of cheddar cheese please??

Mar 6th, 2002, 08:25:37 PM
Xazor smiled brightly. She had never seen such enthusiasm before, and loved the light the little girl emitted.

There shall be no problems, Falcon. She's in good hands......

Xazor said with a reassuring smile and then looked down at Natia.

You can have whatever you want....

She said in a cheerful tone.

Nash Stolar
Mar 6th, 2002, 11:46:24 PM
*Nash walked the halls of the Recruitment Center.. It was full of life.. as new people came to become padawans.. and all around masters were talking to there future padawans and such... But Nash would have seemed out of place with his clad black clothes and battle worn and ready armor clanked as he walked.. The only thing that did not make the new arrivals move back was his gentle aurora that surrounded him.. He had not walked the halls in awhile.. not since last Warren Azalin asked him to... and now he was asked to again.. Though he did not say it.. He enjoyed greeting the new arrivals.. Then a group caught his eye.. Xazor Another jedi and a little girl... He walked over to them and bowed as he spoke*

"Greetings... I am Jedi Knight Nash Stolar... "

*He stood up and grinned*

"I am here on behalf of Master Azalin's absence... Filling in for him if you will. All is well I hope..."

*He looked down at the little girl.. He seemed to tower over her.. as with a good part of the order as well.*

"......And that your stay here so far has been a pleasant one?"

Mar 7th, 2002, 12:04:06 AM
Xazor bowed to Nash when he approached them.

Greetings, Nash. This is my friend, Natia. She is new to the Order......

Xazor smiled brightly at the little girl but could sense the distrust in her.

Do not worry, Nash is one of the good guys too. He won't do anything to hurt you.

She gave Natia a reassuring smile.

Natia Lerf
Mar 7th, 2002, 12:43:50 PM
*Natia smiled back at Xazor*

You mean it. I can have anything I want.

*Natia's smile quickly leaves her face as she sees Nash approaching the small group she is in. She then hobbles backwards with the assistance of her crutches for a few steps, not trusting this dark clad stranger since he reminds her to much of her Father and legal gaurdian. When next Natia speaks, her voice is hard and full of mistrust*

What do you want??

*Natia looks up at Xazor and then to Falcon and then back to Xazor*

Xazor, what does he want here??

*Natia looks around the room for a place where she can hide if need be, but every place she sees seems to be a long way from where she is. She then looks at Nash, her eyes full of hate, her face showing distrust towards him*

Mar 7th, 2002, 06:13:00 PM
Xazor gently places a hand on Nash's shoulder and smiles at Natia.

Nash is a good brother here at the Order. He will not harm you. You could trust him with your life.

Xazor said softly to the little girl. How she wished she could end her fears.......she was safe here. Though, she would find that out once she began trusting.....Xazor knew exactly what she was going through. It was hard for her to trust when she first came to the order.

Natia Lerf
Mar 7th, 2002, 07:00:04 PM
*Natia looks at Nash, her face still showing hatred on it*

There is only one male that I would ever trust with my life and that's Falcon. He's nice to me and he would never hurt me unless I did something to deserve it.

*Natia looks up at Xazor and smiles and then looks back at Nash and hobbles backwards a few steps again*

Nash Stolar
Mar 7th, 2002, 09:19:00 PM
*He looked at the small girl... she seemed scared... to a point where she already hated him.. Honestly he could not blame her.*

"I do not blame you for not trusting me, little one... Even though I am a Knight here. I never brought myself to fully trust anyone.."

*As the girl stilled showed hate for him his own expression faded slightly.. He knew if she joined and keeped the same attitude for the jedi she would not get far if she fully joined.*

"I am here because I am seeing a promise through for my old master.. I'm not asking to be liked or trusted from the people I talk to.. But if you show hate to most of the jedi you meet you will not get far. Because the people you soul depend on will not always be around."

*He was usually to the point with advice.. It was a hard way to do things.. But he felt that was the way it had to be said to get his point fully cross..*

Mar 7th, 2002, 10:51:24 PM
Xazor nodded in agreeance with Nash.

He is right, Natia. All of the men in the order are good hearted creatures with feelings. They understand a lot more than you may give them credit for. Too, a man hurt me.........but I had to overcome it and trust the Jedi. I assure you with my life that Nash, nor any of the other men at the order, shall do you harm. I promise this to you......

She smiled gently at Natia, hoping that she would learn to trust soon. It would not be easy around here if she only trusted a few people......

Natia Lerf
Mar 8th, 2002, 01:14:20 PM
*Natia looked back at Nash as she listens to him*

What do you really know?? Even more important Nash, what do you really know about me and the way I have lived so far?? Nothing. All you see is a young girl who does not seem to like or trust you. Who may even hate you. I won't deny it. I don't trust or like many males. In fact I only trust one male and thats Falcon. All others have to earn my trust and ask Falcon, it's not easy.

And I will not pretend to like or trust you because that would be living and leading a lie which there is no use for.

*Natia takes a deep breath before continueing to speak*

I will admit, it won't be easy for me here. It never has been easy, but if Jedi are so good at patience as I have heard, then they will be patient with me until I trust them.

Before I can trust any male, they have to prove to me that I can trust them and that there is no chance that they will hurt me for no reason. And if most of the ppl here are males, then yes, I have an instant dislike of them, and an even bigger dislike if they are dressed like you because you look to much like my Father and legal gaurdian dressed like that.

*Natia shakes her head knowing she unwillingly picked up some of the things that her legal gaurdian was trying to teach her. She then looks at Xazor*

Xazor, all males have feelings and likes and dislikes.

*Natia leans her even more of her weight on her crutches as she uses both her hands to untie her hair and then tie it back again before putting her hands on her crutches again*

If they understand more then I am giving them credit for, then none will be offended by the way I act at first. For most of my life, the males I was around were violent and cruel to me.

*Natia's eyes darken slightly as a slightly distant look gets into them*

I was never safe from them. Father always knew where to find me. As far back as I can remember, he was there, hurting me.

*Natia's ice blue eyes lighten back to normal but harden as doing this as she comes back into focus with whats around her*

But I'm not going to let that happen to me anymore. I have to protect myself in anyway I can Xazor. Ppl are wanting me to learn how to be mean to ppl and how to hurt them. Given enough time, I may trust some of the males here. But it will only be because they have proven to me that I can trust them and until then, they will have to put up with me not trusting them.

*Natia knows that it will be a long time before she trusts any male other then Falcon. She hopes that the Jedi will be patient with her in this and that they won't send her away because she doesn't trust males. Looking between Xazor and Nash she frowns slightly*

Nash Stolar
Mar 8th, 2002, 08:46:38 PM
"You seem to have strong morals on trust... Indeed... we are one of the same on some parts. Trust should be earned or it is not a real trust.."

*He crossed his arms and looked down at her.. His face became straight..*

"I have no intention of harming anyone unless I have reason to. And yes, Most jedi are patient but can be pushed to far like the next man.."

*He put his hands to his sides then crossed his chest with his right arm.. and bowed slighty*

"But.. I am a jedi of diffrent morals and standards then the rest.. I am in no hurry to prove myself trust worthy to you.."

*He straighted up and grinned... Then turned. His black cloak kicking up as he did so and then started to walk away..*

"May the force be with you.. and enjoy your stay at the Order."

Mar 9th, 2002, 12:45:29 AM
Xazor bowed to Nash as he parted.

May the Force also be with you, friend.

She said quietly and then turned to Natia again.

If you do not wish to trust the men of this order, then so be it. You shall learn, with time. I have full confidence in you. You must understand, though, that in order to survive around here, you have to have a little trust. I am not trying to tell you what to do........I am just saying that it would be wise to give people a chance. We are not your father or legal guardian.........we are a people of peace.........we are the Jedi.

Xazor said, her voice resolved and point spoken well to the end of the fact. She smiled gently on Natia...the little girl appeared so scared.........Xazor wished she could help her.......

Natia Lerf
Mar 9th, 2002, 06:24:30 PM
*Natia listens silently to what Nash says and nods occassionally at what she hears him saying. She looks relieved when he turns to walk away and in a quiet voice, just barely above a whisper she says*

I hope I enjoy my stay here.

*Natia turns to look up at Xazor and smiles at her*

Xazor, I don't know what life has been like for you, but if you have had the experiances that I have had when it comes to males, then you would understand why I do not trust them.

*Natia turns her gaze down to the ground again as she continues to speak*

I am sure that I will learn with time. And I do have a little trust, its just that when I am in a new place where I have never been before and have the worry that they won't want me here because of my past, I'm sorry if I have done something you don't like or approve of, but I'm doing my best right now.

*Natia lifts her gaze up to Xazor. She has a serious look on her face*

It's just that when I saw Nash approaching us, I first thought that he might be here to take me to my legal guardian and well I got scared and I wanted to run and hide. His outfit is to much like that of what my Father wore and what my legal guardian does wear. I got scared.

I will try to do better next time, but how can I trust somebody who scares me. When I get scared, all I want to do is run and hide. Again, I'm sorry, I really am.

*Natia looks at Nash again who is walking away and says loud enough for Nash to hear*

I just wish that I didn't scare easily. I want to do well here and I don't want to offend anybody and if I do, then I truly am sorry.

*Natia then looks down at the ground and a tear forms at one of her eyes and starts to roll down her cheek*

Mar 9th, 2002, 06:36:15 PM
Xazor knelt to one knee and lifted the little girl's chin up with a gentle hand. With her other hand, she wipes the falling tear from her face. She smiled brightly as she looked into her eyes.

We have a lot in common, then. I had a past darker than you probably did. Look at you, you're so young! You're a beautiful little girl and you will make an excellant Jedi.....I can sense it. Do not worry about offending anyone. The people here have patience and will understand you. I promise you that. No one here is to judge anyone else........one person's past may be totally different from the next, but that is what makes everything interesting. No matter where you come from, or what you done.........you are accepted! Everyone is welcome here.......

She said softly. Xazor knew exactly how she felt......

Natia, no one here will report you to anyone. We are protectors of peace and that is the last thing anyone would want to do to you! If anyone tries to come back for you.....you'll have the whole order standing to protect you......I guarantee it. You'll do fine.......try not to think about your past so much. This is your new home.......you are the future of the Jedi!

She said brightly. Xazor's heart reached out for the girl on their common bond.

I used to be Sith.........I was very bad.........I killed a lot of innocent, good people who didn't even do anything wrong. I did it though because of a man........I too had trouble trusting at first until I found a man who taught me about love. My Master here at the Greater Jedi Order has a heart of gold. His name is Verse Dawnstrider and he showed me how to trust. You don't have to right away......but you are right.....you'll learn with time as your heart heals.........

Xazor knew that some of what she was saying was pretty mature and she didn't know if Natia would fully understand what she was talking about.........but she hoped and prayed in her soul that the little girl did, and could see the light now.......

Sia Lan Darkheart
Mar 11th, 2002, 12:48:17 AM
A small, black cat steps out of the shadows and makes its way over to the young girl. It mews softly and gazes up at her. It sniffs around then runs back into the shadows, disappearing. From the shadows where the cat was comes the jedi knight. She walks over to Xazor and the others.

"Hello Xazor." she kneels down next to the young girl. "And who might you be?" she asks politly.

Natia Lerf
Mar 11th, 2002, 02:17:16 PM
*Natia smiles up at Xazor*

We may have alot in common Xazor, but not everything is the same. I am not afraid to admit that I truthfully don't know the difference between Jedi and Sith. All I know is that Jedi are suppose to be patient and caring and that both Jedi and Sith can use the Force.

*Natia blinks away a couple more tears before continueing to speak*

You mean it. It doesn't matter what I have done or where I am from, I will be accepted?? Even if I will be more of a liability then a help here, I will be accepted??

*Natia listens quietly as Xazor talks about being Sith and killing lots of innocent ppl*

Xazor, why do ppl kill others?? And how do you know if you have killed someone or not?

*Natia lowers her head slightly, thinking that the questions she asked are rather inappropriate to ask anybody. As she asks the questions, her ice blue eyes cloud over*

It is hard not to think of my past because everyday second of every day of every week I have a constant reminder. Perhaps if I can learn to work around this reminder, I won't think about my past, but if that happens, it will be along time from now.

*Natia shifts her weight slightly so to balance on her crutches better, she takes one hand and wipes the tears away from her eyes with the back of her hand*

I hope so much to be accepted here and that I can get comfortable enough to be able to call this place home. I kinda think it would be nice to have a place to call home.

*Natia surprisingly looks like she understands everything that Xazor is telling her. She then watches the black cat approach and then run off back to the shadows*

I didn't know that there were cats here.

*Natia looks at the lady that approaches and kneels down next to her. She looks up at Xazor, wondering if this person is one that can be trusted*

Mar 11th, 2002, 08:50:52 PM
Xazor smiles as she sense Sia's presence and then sees her physical. She looks at Natia who looks at her with questioning eyes. Xazor nods and smiles gently.

Yes, you can definatly trust Sia. She is one of my best friends and a great Jedi. If I didn't know better, I'd say her heart was made of solid gold.

She said with a smile at both Sia and Natia.

Do not worry about your questions......they shall be answered with time. I don't understand why people kill others........now that I am a Jedi.....I don't see that it is needed. When you kill someone.....you know it. There is a strange feeling in your heart...almost like you can see their soul leaving their body. Then they are gone. When I killed, though, I did it so often that I didn't really think about it after a while.......

She said with a slight sigh. She knew that it was painful to talk about.....so it must be painful to hear, but Natia asked and Xazor couldn't lie to her. She smiled gently on her and nodded.

You will be able to work around rememberances of your past. The Force will help and guide you once you learn more about it. And about your acceptance, you are a part of the Greater Jedi Order. Even though I probably can't officially welcome you in........I am. We just need to find you a Master. That is always exciting. Your Master will teach you so much, and you will come to understand the Force and be able to use it.

She said, excitement shrouding her voice. She looked over at Sia and winked.

Sia teaches students too. Someday soon, I will be able to. Then one day after you are done training, you will also!

She said, gently putting a hand on Natia's shoulder.

Natia Lerf
Mar 12th, 2002, 12:27:15 PM
*Natia smiles and nods. She then shifts her weight slightly so that she remains balanced on her crutches and holds one of her hands out to Sia*

My name is Natia.

*Natia bites her lower lip gently, thinking that if she says her last name, ppl will laugh because it sounds stupid. She then lowers her head as she hears what Xazor is saying about killing ppl, but then forces a smile on her face and looks up at Xazor*

It always helps to talk to others about things that are painful to you. I know that it helps to ease the pain and the burden of carrying it on your shoulders so you don't have to do it alone.

*Natia sighs slightly*

Xazor, until I can do things without my crutches, I will have a constant reminder of my past. The rest of my healing from the injuries I got when I was five, I have to do on my own. It will take time.

*Natia smiles and shakes her head slightly, knowing that she is sounding more mature then others in her age group*

So, I will be able to learn here, like you and everybody else that comes here to learn. So I just might be able to defend myself from those that wish to do me harm.

*Natia gets a huge smile on her face upon saying that*

I'm going to do my best to learn everything I can here. I'm gonna be the best student possible and if I don't understand something, I'm gonna ask and after I'm done learning, I'm gonna teach others like Falcon does now and I won't let anybody else go through the pain and suffering that I have. I'll teach them how to avoid something like that and make sure that they never have to worry about it at all.

*Natia is about to jump up when she remembers that she can't and frowns with a sad sigh*

Maybe one day I can jump again, but it will be a long time coming.

Sia Lan Darkheart
Mar 12th, 2002, 01:00:35 PM
Sia smirks up at Xazor.

"I think heart of gold is going a bit over board." she says smiling. She then turns to Natia. Sia shakes her hand lightly.

"You have a very pretty name, Natia. My name is Sia-lan Darkheart. I am one of the jedi knights of the GJO. So do you like cats?" Sia asks her. The black cat jumps out of the shadows agian and walks over to the three of them. Sia speeks to Xazor through the force. < It's a shadow creation. I have figured out how to give them some type of solidness to it. > she says. The cat rubs up against Natia's leg.

Natia Lerf
Mar 12th, 2002, 02:13:32 PM
*Natia smiles and blushes slightly as she returns Sia's handshake*

Thank-you Sia. My Father told me that my Mother wanted me to have this name.

*Natia nods her head yes as she moves her hand back to the crutch so she is better balanced*

Yes, I do like cats, though I have never really been near them before.

*Natia smiles as she looks down and sees the cat rubs itself against her leg*

That's a pretty cat. What's its name?? I always wanted to have a pet, but I was never allowed to and the one time when I managed to sneak a small puppy into the house, my Father found it and killed it right in front of me and then he rubbed the puppy's blood on me and then locked...

*Natia frowns for a moment as she lets her voice trail off and then smiles down at the cat*

The cat is rather pretty.

Sia Lan Darkheart
Mar 12th, 2002, 06:38:05 PM
Sia nods slightly at the girl.

"Well perhaps we might be able to get you a pet while you are here. But at this moment I must ask you something. I have just been informed that I am able to take you on as a padawan. Would you like me to teach you about being a jedi?" Sia asks the girl in a soft voice. Sia had the cat dodge off into the shadows and disappear once again.

Falcon Gyndar
Mar 12th, 2002, 06:53:58 PM
Falcon smiles...

"Well, it's alright with me."

He looks at Natia..

"Don't worry about anything. Sia would be a good master for you, since you seem to be comfortable with her."

Falcon walks off..

"Feel free to drop by my quarters anytime, munchkin. I don't use the bed, so you can pass out there anytime. See you later, my little girl."

Mar 12th, 2002, 08:01:45 PM
Xazor thought it was a rather exciting thing for Sia to be able to train Natia. She hoped the little girl accepted. She smiled at both Natia and Sia and waited in silence for her answer.

Natia Lerf
Mar 13th, 2002, 01:39:28 PM
*Natia looks up at Sia as she speaks and watches the cat run off into the shadows. She then turns to look at Falcon*

Ok Falcon. I shall see you later.

*Natia lowers her head and looks at the ground for a couple of minutes thinking. She then looks up at Sia and smiles and nods her head yes*

Yes, I think I would like that. I think I would like you to teach me to be a Jedi.

But I must warn you, I probably won't be able to do everything that you want me to do. I probably will only be able to do one or two things. My Father always said that I was good for nothing except beating upon, and well I don't blame him for saying that since I can do even less things now then I was able to before because I have never been able to do many things and the things I can do, I can't do very well but I will do my best.

*Natia looks up at Sia and then over to Xazor, hoping that they may see that she is just saying things that she had heard from her Father and then again from her legal guardian whenever she sees him*

Mar 14th, 2002, 12:01:17 AM
Xazor smiled gently at Natia.

If you came in perfect.....you'd be teaching me! No one here expects you to really know anything. That is why they call it "training".

She said reassuringly. She had once been taught this by her Master......she thought back to how she felt like Natia.......thinking she had to know many things. How her Master had been so gentle and patient with her.

Sia Lan Darkheart
Mar 14th, 2002, 02:06:14 AM
Sia smiles again. She nods slighlty.

"It took a while for me to be able to do the things I am able to do now. My master taught me well and in time, I hope to be able to teach you as he taught me. Your father is wrong if he thinks that you are only as good as a punching bag." Sia-lan says to the young girl.

Natia Lerf
Mar 14th, 2002, 01:33:01 PM
*Natia smiles back at Xazor*

Xazor, there is no such thing as perfect. Ppl can get close to being perfect, but they will more then likely never get there.

*Natia looks at Sia*

I hope that I will be a good student for you and I will do the best that I can to learn everything that you can teach me. I may only be good enough for a punching bag, but I will be the best punching bag there is. But maybe I can be more then just a punching bag someday.

*Natia looks back and forth between Xazor and Xia with a smile on her face as if she is happy again*

Mar 14th, 2002, 09:12:08 PM
Xazor nodded and smiled.

You are correct......no one is perfect........that is why you come here to learn because no one knows how to do these things without training. I think that Sia will be an excellent Master for you.

She said with a smile.

Sia Lan Darkheart
Mar 15th, 2002, 12:26:26 PM
Sia rises from her kneeling position.

"We can start your training when ever you see fit to, Natia. I shall await you in the training ground. A suprise will await you in there along with me." Sia tells the child, smiling. She then nods to Xazor and walks out of the RC.

Natia Lerf
Mar 15th, 2002, 01:36:34 PM
*Natia smiles as she looks up at Xazor*

You really think that Sia will be an excellent Master for me?? She will be able to help me to learn what I want to learn to??

*Natia looks over to Sia*

I'm ready whenever you are.

What type of surprise Sia??

*Natia watches Sia as she walks out of the RC. She then looks back at Xazor and smiles*

Xazor, what type of surprise do you think Sia will have there??

Mar 15th, 2002, 04:41:06 PM
Xazor grins slightly.

I am positive that Sia will train you well.......you shall make an excellent padawan. As for the surprise....I have a feeling that it might be furry..........

Xazor winked at the little girl and smiled brightly.

Natia Lerf
Mar 15th, 2002, 06:51:49 PM
*Natia gets a confused look on her face*

Why would the surprise be furry?? And your sure that I will make a good Padawan, because well, I want to do the best I can and I want Falcon to be proud of me.

*Natia digs into her pocket and pulls out a folded piece of paper and shows it to Xazor. On it is a picture of two adults and a 14 year old girl who has some of the same features as Natia does*

I found this picture amongst my Father's things after he died. The man is my Father and I'm guessing the lady next to her is my Mother. But who is the other girl??

*Natia looks up at Xazor with a questioning look on her face*

I haven't shown this picture to anyone other then you. Each night I look at it and wonder who that girl is. Do you know who she is??

Mar 15th, 2002, 06:57:00 PM
Xazor smiles gently.

I just have a feeling about things.......I think you will really like what Sia has for you. Yes, I think you shall make an excellent padawan! You will make everyone proud, I promise.

She said with a smile. Natia then pulled out a picture and showed it to her as she explained and questioned Xazor.

The girl looks a lot like you............but older. I do not think it is my place to be guessing.......but if you really want my opinion........I'd have to say that she might be your sister.......

Xazor said carefully. She didn't want to allude to too much.......but she could see things that Natia could not......and that is what she believed in her heart. She didn't want to make false assumptions.....but there was something there that she just felt.

Natia Lerf
Mar 15th, 2002, 07:35:44 PM
*Natia nods slightly and smiles back at Xazor*

I sure hope that I can make ppl proud. It would mean so much to me because I have never been able to make ppl proud of me before. Only time my Father was ever happy with me was after he had finished beating me and well, he was never proud of me then.

*Natia gets a thoughtful look on her face for a moment or so*

So you think that I may have a sister. If that is true, then why did Father never tell me?? And why don't I know about her?? And why haven't I met her before??

*Natia gets a slightly excited tone to her voice*

Do you think that she's a nice person?? Where is she?? Why have I never met her before?? Do you think my Father beat her like he did me?? What is it like having an older sister?? Why have I never heard about her before?? Why did my Father keep it a secret from me?? Do you think she would like me??

I don't deserve a sister. I'm unworthy of any family.

*Natia lowers her head, all excitement gone from her face as she looks down at the ground*

Mar 15th, 2002, 07:45:48 PM
Xazor shook her head and knelt to the floor again, to be eye level with Natia.

Look little one.........you do deserve to have a family. You deserve to be happy and to not have to worry so much! I am sure that if she is your sister.......she would love you. Your father may have not wanted to tell you for many reasons.......I don't know where she is, but I am sure if you listen to your heart......then you will know. Maybe someday.....you shall meet her. Someday, when you are older......I shall take you on a mission with me.....in search of our true families. For right now, though.......if you would like, I can be like your sister. I can be your Force Sister......sometimes those are closer than the real thing. My Force brother's name is Satine Capashen.....you shall have to meet him someday. Do not give up on your dreams, little one..........

She said, lifting Natia's chin up so she could look into her gentle eyes. Xazor smiled brightly as she thought of how much pain this little girl had experienced in her short life. Hate knows more of you then most people have in a lifetime....... She thought to herself as she really searched the little girl's heart.

Natia Lerf
Mar 15th, 2002, 08:27:53 PM
*Natia lets her chin be lifted up so that she looks at Xazor*

I don't deserve a family Xazor. If I did, I would have had a nice family. And I would have a name which has a nice meaning. But I have neither. How could anybody love me Xazor?? I am unworthy of anything nice which could happen to me. I am unworthy of even having friends. But I want friends. I want to be happy and have a nice family. I want to have a sister who will love me and care for me and make sure that I am happy. Maybe I will meet her someday. There is alot out there that I do not know. I may have even more of a family then I know.

*Natia gives Xazor a puzzled look*

What is a Force Sister?? Who is Satine Capashen?? Is he a nice person?? Will he hurt me?? Is he trustworthy??

*Natia looks Xazor straight in the eyes with her ice blue eyes*

You do not need to worry about me Xazor. The life I have led and the life that I will lead is the life that I am meant to have. You may not like what has happened to me, but what has happened has happened and there is nothing we can do about it.

*Natia again speaks with intellegiance of somebody older then she is. She then carefully places her crutches on the floor and in careful movements, she gives Xazor a hug and whispers*

Life may be harsh, but with good friends, life is never bad.

Mar 16th, 2002, 12:01:29 AM
Xazor was shocked as Natia placed her hands around her neck in a hug. She wrapped her arms around the little girl in a tight embrace. A tear fell down her cheek and she smiled inside.

Natia.....I am here for you. A Force Brother or Sister is someone who you trust and is close to you. They do not have to be blood related....but you can feel each other through the Force. You know where they are because your souls are connected.....my Force Brother is Satine Capashen. Yes, he is very nice and you can trust him with your life. He is as strong as twenty men.....but has the heart of forty.

She said with a bright smile. Xazor looked down at the ground for a moment and then back up at Natia.

Little one.....I do not have a family either. We both deserve better than what we had....but that is why we are here now. We are Jedi......now we find peace and live in harmony with everything. No one deserves to live in fear, or to be hurt or hated...but it happens and has happened to both of us. You did nothing wrong....you were just born into a bad situation. You have a beautiful name and you yourself are a beautiful little creature that will be loved by many.....including me.

She said softly as she looked right into Natia's icy blue eyes.

Natia Lerf
Mar 16th, 2002, 01:18:06 PM
*Natia smiles as Xazor hugs her back*

I would like that very much Xazor. I would like to have you as a Force Sister. You are a nice person and

*Natia drops her gaze towards the ground while still holding onto Xazor for support*

And someone who I call a friend.

*Natia lifts her head up to look at Xazor again*

I would like to meet Satine Capashen. If you trust, I will try to.

*Natia gets a confused look on her face at the men of Satine having the heart of forty men*

How can someone have forty hearts Xazor?? I thought that they only have one.

*Natia shakes her head no slightly*

No, I don't deserve better then what I had. You do, but I don't. I will never deserve having a good life. I am unworthy of having a good life.

*Natia closes her eyes as she hears Xazor saying that she has a beautiful name*

Yes, my name is beautiful, but the meaning of it is not.

*Natia sighs slightly before opening her eyes and looking at Xazor again*

My name means Unworthy One.

*Natia carefully balances herself as she lets go of Xazor with one hand, keeping her other hand on Xazor, she uses the hand that is free to reach down to pick up her crutches. She straightens up and lets go of Xazor with her other hand, using her crutches for balance and support again. She then blinks her ice blue eyes as tears start coming to them*

Mar 17th, 2002, 06:58:39 PM
Xazor reaches over and wipes the tears from Natia's cheeks. She smiles with encouragement.

You shall meet Satine Capashen, then. He only has one heart, but he is so kind and loving......he loves like that of forty men! I would be honored if you were my Force Sister.......so you shall be.

She said quietly. She then got an idea. Xazor removed a braclet from her left wrist and placed it on Natia's left wrist. Smiling, she looked into her eyes and spoke.

There, now we are connected through the Force. If you are ever scared or in trouble, just put your hand on the braclet and I will know and I shall come for you. I will protect you from all around you........

She said, hugging Natia once more. Pulling back, she looked into her eyes.

I do not think you are unworthy. From now on, I shall call you Mara........in my native language, it means "heavenly".......which you are. Little one.....you deserve to have the best of everything, no matter what people in your past told you. Remember.......you are here now. I shall also give you a last name. Your full name can be "Mara Enjeru" which means in full "Heavenly Angel". You have so much to offer people, you just have to give yourself the chance to shine!

Xazor's eyes lit up with excitement. She wanted to give everything to this little girl, for she truly deserved it.

Natia Lerf
Mar 18th, 2002, 01:41:39 PM
*Natia smiles up at Xazor again*

I hope that I like, and maybe even trust Satine, but that will have to come with time.

*Natia watches Xazor as she removes a braclet from her left wrist and put it on Natia's left wrist. She then looks up at Xazor's face and smiles*

Thank-you Xazor. I will treasure the bracelet for ever. I will never lose it or let anyone take it from me.

*Natia smiles again when Xazor gives her a hug*

But I am unworthy Xazor.

*Natia smiles at the sound of being called Mara. She silently moves her mouth around the name*

That name sounds very beautiful, but I could never except it because I am not heavenly. I don't deserve the best of everything because if I did deserve the best of everything, I would have been happy my whole life and I would have had a good life.

Yes, I do remember that I am here.

*Natia silently moves her mouth around the name Mara Enjeru. Smiling slightly, she looks up at Xazor*

Your serious about this aren't you Xazor. You truly do want me being happy.

*Natia looks down at the ground, tears coming to her eyes again. She is truly happy that someone actually cares about her like this and wants her to have a good life*

Mar 18th, 2002, 01:50:39 PM
Xazor nods and rests both of her hands on the shoulders of the little girl.

Yes little one, I am serious! I want you to be happy because you deserve it! You are only saying that you don't because that is what some men told you........those are the wrong things they put into your head! They were wrong, though.......

She said firmly. She wanted her to see the truth in her words, but didn't know how.

I think you are heavenly........so if you would like, we can change your name........Mara Enjeru...it really fits you quite nicely......

Xazor smiled and wiped the tears away from the little girl's face. She wanted so much to give her everything, to take away the pain of the past and make her see how wonderful life really is.......

Natia Lerf
Mar 19th, 2002, 01:24:55 PM
*Natia looks up at Xazor*

I am the happiest I have been in a long time. But I don't deserve all this happiness and I am saying this because it is true.

*Natia lowers her head slightly, happy at the thought of having a name that means something nice, but thinks she doesn't deserve it*

If you wish, you may.

Mar 19th, 2002, 11:09:32 PM
Xazor smiled and hugged Natia once again.

Alright little one......I shall call you Mara Enjeru.......that is what you are. You deserve happiness and I will keep telling you that until you finally see.......

She said with a grin across her face. Xazor wanted so much for this little girl.......she wanted to give her everything that she could not have when she was so young.....

Natia Lerf
Mar 20th, 2002, 05:58:38 PM
*Natia continues to smile as Xazor hugs her. She then whispers to herself*

Mara Enjeru, I think I could get used to that.

*Natia then speaks in a normal volume for a speaking*

I don't deserve happiness Xazor. If I did deserve it, I would have been happy when I was younger. I deserve to be beaten and used as a punching bag because I am good for nothing else. You may see it differently, but I don't deserve happyiness or anything nice to happen to me because I am a stupid, ugly girl.

Mar 20th, 2002, 08:55:55 PM
Xazor shook her head and smiled gently.

Mara......if you keep telling yourself that, then you will just dig yourself a deeper hole. I am here offering you a ladder to pull you out of that hole! You deserve all good things that life has to offer....but someone told you otherwise and messed it all up for you. I and many others are telling you that it isn't true, because it isn't!! You must understand this!

She said, expressing through her eyes how much she wanted the little girl to see.....

Natia Lerf
Mar 21st, 2002, 08:58:53 PM
*Natia watches Xazor rather carefully as she speaks to her. When Xazor is finished, she continues watching her intently before saying in a soft quiet voice, she then lowers her head to the ground*

You truly do believe that I deserve a good and happy life don't you.

*Natia looks up at Xazor with a curious expression on her face*

Let us say that I do deserve a good and happy life like you believe I do. What would I do with it??

*Natia speaks this with a spark of hope in her voice. Hoping that just maybe things truly are ment to be good for her instead of bad like she's used to*

Mar 22nd, 2002, 08:06:20 PM
Xazor grinned brightly.

Yes! I do truly want this for you!

She exclaimed in cheerful tones. She smiled as she listened to the little girl. Hope was definatly in her words, and that is what Xazor wanted to hear.

Live it! That is what you would do! Take in everything! Go the distance in every situation and take advantage of everything and more! That is how I am living now....now that life is good for me......that is how it is supposed to be! Sure, everyone has a bad day now and again......but the whole of your life....that is what counts......that is what is supposed to be lived wonderfully and to the fullest! Live everyday like there is no tomorrow!

Xazor exclaimed almost in a preaching manner. She smiled as her hope and joy shone in her aura and through the smile on her face.

Natia Lerf
Mar 23rd, 2002, 05:36:04 PM
*Natia smiles slightly at hearing Xazor's words*

It would be nice to be able to live like that, but I will never be allowed to since I don't deserve to live a life like that. I may deserve to have the occasional good day, but other then that, a life which is good, I only get that in my dreams at night and even then, I don't deserve it.

*Natia sounds like she is repeating something that she has heard countless times*

I do not deserve a life that is good to me. I am unworthy of it.

Mar 24th, 2002, 11:44:31 PM
Natia, you must at least listen to what I am saying. Please......

She looked deeply into the girl's eyes, to see her soul. There were wounds there that would be un-cured for years....but with work, Xazor could help her. She smiled gently and spoke.

You deserve every good thing that is available to you. No matter what anyone has told you before...you do deserve it.......you really really do.

She said softly.

Natia Lerf
Mar 25th, 2002, 07:17:19 PM
*Natia smiles slightly upon hearing Xazor's words and then she shakes her head*

I am listening to what you are saying Xazor, I just can't believe it, at least not yet. Maybe in the time that is to come, I will believe, but now is not the time.

*Natia looks up at Xazor and right into her eyes, her face shows a deep sadness and loneliness as she looks at her*

But I will try and believe what you say about this Xazor, after all, you are older and more experienced then me.

Mar 25th, 2002, 07:23:25 PM
Xazor smiles and pats the little girl on the shoulder.

Good, I am glad to hear it little one. For now, though, you must train hard and concentrate on the present. Alright.....?

A smile played upon her lips as she thought for a moment.

I want you to meet someone. How about you come to my room tonight. Here are the directions, it isn't very far into the Living Quarters so you should find it easily.

She gave Natia a little piece of paper with a hand drawn map to her room. It had her room number on it and also her com-link number in case she got lost.

Natia Lerf
Mar 25th, 2002, 07:32:47 PM
*Natia smiles up at Xazor, happy that she did something that got her to smile*

Alright, I can do that. I'll do my best to train hard and concentrate on the present.

*Natia takes the piece of paper which has the hand drawn map on it and smiles*

Ok. I'll be there if I don't get lost though I might be a bit late if that's all right since I can't move very fast and I have a very bad habit of losing track of time.

Mar 25th, 2002, 07:40:38 PM
Xazor smiles brightly.

Alright, that is fine if you are a little late. Would you like me to send a guard to escort you? I am sure that it wouldn't be a problem.

She asked softly. She wanted to make things as easy as she could for the little girl.

Natia Lerf
Mar 26th, 2002, 02:45:08 PM
*Natia smiles happily at Xazor*

I kinda want to see if I can find it on my own. That way I will be able to find it again.

*Natia keeps smiling at Xazor. Her smile gets a bit bigger when she realizes that she is trying to make it easier for her*

Mar 26th, 2002, 06:47:20 PM
That is fine if that is what you want to do. I shall be waiting for you....and so shall my friend.

She said softly and rose to her feet from her previous kneeling position. She bowed slightly and smiled gently on the little girl.

I shall see you later then?

She asked with joy ringing in her voice.

ooc: The thread is already started in the LQ. It is called, "A new companion....." just go there! <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

Natia Lerf
Mar 26th, 2002, 06:51:37 PM
*Natia smiles and hugs Xazor around the waist with one arm after balancing herself cafefully*

Ok, I'll see you tonight.

*Natia looks down at the ground briefly and then back up at Xazor smiling*

OOC: Thanx

Mar 26th, 2002, 07:04:18 PM
Xazor bent over slightly and embraced the little girl. It brought a bright smile to her face. She loved knowing that Natia was happy....

Alright little one.....I shall see you then.

She said softly and then began to leave the recruitment center for her room. She wanted everything to be nice before Natia arrived.