View Full Version : A new hope....

Apr 6th, 2002, 04:17:39 AM
After offloading all of her things from the shuttle, Xazor walked from the hanger to a land speeder. She and one that followed her took the speeder from the docking bays to the Jedi Recruitment Center on the Jedi base. The speeder dropped them off and Xazor led the way into a large building. Once inside, she walked to the middle of the room.......the stranger still behind her. She bowed and motioned for him to do the same. He was a little shaky at first, but did as she instructed.

Great Jedi.......this is Syrius Cline and he wishes to become a Jedi......

She stated proudly. Looking at Syrius, she flashed him a confident, reassuring smile. She could feel his nervousness and sent calming waves into him through the Force.

Syrius Cline
Apr 6th, 2002, 04:27:04 AM
Continued from: <a href=http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=12706>Crimes of Ignorance</a>

Syrius couldn't find a place for his hands. Finally, he settled on the pockets of his leather jacket. He whispered to himself.

"I don't think I'm in Coruscant anymore...."

Apr 6th, 2002, 04:30:04 AM
Xazor smiles to herself as she hears his words.

No, you're on Yavin IV.....

She whispers back, standing with her hands clasped at her belt.

Sage Hazzard
Apr 6th, 2002, 04:42:32 AM
Sage laughed at Syrius joke. He was obviously attempting to defuse his fear with laughter.

"Good evening young man."

Syrius turned to face the Jedi, who had been standing behind him the entire time. Sage loved good entrances. Syrius' face altered. Yes, Syrius was older, but Sage was much wiser. The Jedi Master always thought of those around him as his responsibility, his children.

"You wish to become a Jedi..."

Sage looked to Xazor.

"Jedi Knight Dawnstrider, can you vouch for this one's honorable intentions? Is he worthy to be in our ranks?"

Apr 6th, 2002, 04:45:04 AM
Xazor smiled when she saw her friend Sage. She listened to him speak and then bowed in respect.

Yes, great Jedi Master.......his intentions are pure and he has the right to be amongst the Jedi.....

She smiled, quickly glancing at Syrius and then her eyes fell back to Sage once again. She quickly brushed a stray piece of blonde hair from her face and returned her arms back to her sides....

Sage Hazzard
Apr 6th, 2002, 04:50:30 AM
Sage nodded.

"Very well. I assume you will take him as a Padawan then?"

Apr 6th, 2002, 04:53:20 AM
Xazor smiled and nodded.

Yes Master Jedi......I will take him as my padawan learner.......

She smiled once again and turned to Syrius, offering him some confidence. She could tell that he was nervous.....but that would pass soon enough......

Sage Hazzard
Apr 6th, 2002, 04:55:12 AM
"May the Force be with you, Syrius Cline. You are in capable hands."

Sage seemed to disappear. No trace to be found. He loved spectacular exits as well.

Apr 6th, 2002, 04:58:50 AM
Xazor bowed once again and turned to fully face Syrius.

Welcome, my padawan!

She exclaimed brightly. It was a happy moment for her and she could see that Syrius was growing comfortable also....

Syrius Cline
Apr 6th, 2002, 05:21:25 AM
Syrius' eyes couldn't had gotten wider as Sage vanished into thin air. But then Xazor exclaimed and that was proven wrong. Syrius smiled.

"I'm beginning to rather like this place."

Syrius looked around before turning back to Xazor.

"So what now? And what the bloody hell does that mean, that I'm your Padawan?

Syrius had heard Xazor mention the word before but now it had taken on new meaning, it was his title.

Apr 6th, 2002, 05:27:10 AM
Xazor laughed slightly.

Padawan......you're my padawan......my student. It means student basically.....

She smiled at his question. She forgot, not everyone knew what that meant.

Now we start your training!

She exclaimed brightly. She almost seemed more eager than he did...

Syrius Cline
Apr 6th, 2002, 05:36:33 AM
Syrius smiled.

"Alright love, teach me the ways of the Force."

He laughed. He might not of seemed eager, but he was. He simply didn't want to come off as childish. Plus he was too busy being baffled by the granduer of the place to act eager.

Apr 6th, 2002, 11:46:03 AM
Xazor smiled brightly on her new padawan.\

I will.....

She looked around for a moment and then her eyes went back to his.

Meet me in the academy in an hour...and we'll beging your training then....

She said with a smile.

Syrius Cline
Apr 6th, 2002, 08:35:15 PM
"Alright, then."

Syrius began to wonder off around the area. It'd probably take him an hour to find the training area alone, but he needed to familarize himself with his new home.

"See you then, Master," Syrius added with a wink.

Apr 6th, 2002, 08:38:37 PM
Xazor bowed and smiled as he wandered off.

I'll be there...

She said softly and then made her way for the academy.

ooc: the thread is already in there! <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

Apr 6th, 2002, 08:53:26 PM
OOC: Hey playa where do u get those pics at? I want one..