View Full Version : Chaos no more.....

Alex Dawnstrider
Apr 6th, 2002, 02:24:19 PM
::Chaos Alexander Dawnstrider walked into the recruitment center. He was covered in a dark cloak. His robotic arm not showing, and his face covered in dirt. He had come along way. He started as a Jedi, then fell in teh Dark. After a short mission with his sister, he was ready to imbrace the light again.::

"Alexander Dawnstrider has returned. I wish to know will you all have me."

Apr 6th, 2002, 02:26:22 PM
Xazor stepped up behind her brother and laid a hand on his shoulder.

I am here for you...

She said quietly. Though she was a Knight and could welcome him....she did not wish to be bias seeing as though he was her brother. She thought it best not to say anything else for the moment....

Alex Dawnstrider
Apr 6th, 2002, 02:28:29 PM
::Alex nodded and understood her even though she did not speak.::

"Do you think they will take me back in?"

Apr 6th, 2002, 02:30:13 PM
Xazor nodded silently as her eyes darted around the room looking for the presence of another to speak up.

I know they will.....they must, once they see your changed heart!

She spoke in his mind with confidence dancing on her telepathic voice.

Alex Dawnstrider
Apr 6th, 2002, 02:35:06 PM
::Chaos sighed.::

"You now not all I have done. Is it true that Aura has lost her memories?"

Apr 6th, 2002, 02:37:21 PM
Xazor nodded slightly.

It is true....

She said in his mind once again. She sighed, thinking of her first run in with Aura. They did not get off on the right foot.

I do not think that she likes me too much. She and I sparred once....and I am aggressive...and she said I was going to fall to the darkside because of it. I don't know....she acts strange around me....

She sighed to herself and her gaze fell to the floor.

Alex Dawnstrider
Apr 6th, 2002, 02:42:51 PM
"I have heard that some of her memories are still there in her head. She will act stranger around me. She was there as I kileld a whole bar of people with the glass from their bottles. Then as a woman left, I implaled her witha chair leg and hung her to the ceiling. I almost killed her. I let her go. I beat her till she was about to die..."

::Chaos hung his head in shame.::

"There are many sins I must attone for. I have heard you share a Life bond with O'Dunn as well. Tell me, how do you think he will feel towards me?"

Thanatos VanDerveld
Apr 6th, 2002, 02:47:20 PM
Thanatos watched from the wings of the center with great interest. This man, or teen, was Xazors brother? That made him Verse's son. He was Garou too, Thanatos could sense it. Heh, this was certainly interesting!

"Brother Garou," he gave a nod and smile at Alexander in greeting.

Alex Dawnstrider
Apr 6th, 2002, 02:58:39 PM
::Alex bowed back.::

"Brother Lupine. It seems there are many of us here."

Apr 6th, 2002, 03:05:58 PM
It was hard for Xazor to listen to her brother's story...but she too knew what it was like to brutally kill.

Fear not....I have a dark past also....

She said quietly and looked at the floor. Nodding slightly, her eyes rose to meet his.

Yes, I do share a life bond with Marcus Q'Dunn.....I think he will give you a chance...don't worry. He gave me mine, and I do not see that it would be any different for you...

She smiled gently and her eyes scanned the room, suddenly she saw her friend Thanatos.

Greetings brother!

She said brightly and hugged him quickly. Then the three stood in a small gathering. Xazor wished someone would be here to accept her brother into the Order....she knew she could....but she did not want to be view as being bias toward him. She thought it best to wait for another so then she could speak out....

Thanatos VanDerveld
Apr 6th, 2002, 04:47:40 PM
Thanatos smiled a wide smile.

"Aye, we are great in number here!"

He laughed somewhat as Xazor embraced him and called him brother. He waited now, wondering whether Alexander would be allowed into the Order.

Master Yoghurt
Apr 7th, 2002, 03:25:06 PM

Someone clearing his throat could be heard in the shadow of the far corner. It was the tiny green Jedi known as Yoghurt. He strided toward Chaos, using his gimmerstick walking cane as support.

"Greetings. It is not an every day sight seeing a Knight of the Sith Empire wandering through these halls. History has a strange habbit of repeating itself. Now I must ask, why are you here? The Force tells me you wish to return to the way of the Jedi.. is that really so, and why might this be?"

The Jedi Master raised his green pointy ears into the air awaiting his answer.

Apr 7th, 2002, 03:40:41 PM
A young man felt the force from afar and came to the place master yoghurt was standing.

" Excuse me great one but I am in need of a master...and I know you are among the strongest jedi's in the galaxy,but it would be an honor to be trained by you...if you wish to train me.

Alex Dawnstrider
Apr 7th, 2002, 10:09:41 PM
::Alex bowed slightly to Master Yorgurt.::

"My father is a Knight if this Order. You may know him. His name is Verse Dawnstrider. My sister is the younge lady with me Xazor Dawnstrider. I was a Jedi once. I was being trained by Warren Azalin. I left because fate loves irony. I hated evil. Hated the things of evil so much I turned to the Darkside for a quick and easy way to right the wrongs. After a while, I grew tired of blood and death. I thought the only way to stop the evils of this world....was to rip it out by the root. I was so deep in the Dark Side of the Force, I was blind to see I had become what I hated so. After talking with my sister, I saw that I did not need to kill. I saw that my way was wrong. with my eyes open I saw the sins I have done."

::Chaos feel to a knee and kneeled before the Jedi Master.::

"I was ashamed at what I did and became. I knew the Light could make me new. I saw that life was gift. Something that no person has the right to take. The Dark takes life, and the Light gives it. I wish to attone for my sins. I want to be the giver, not the taker."

Apr 7th, 2002, 10:20:28 PM
A tear fell from Xazor's eye as he spoke. She quickly wiped it away and bowed to Master Yoghurt.

Oh great Jedi Master......what my brother speaks is the truth......he has really changed.....I have seen it.

The Jedi Knight fell to one knee also, pleading with her eyes the words she spoke to the Jedi Master.

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 8th, 2002, 10:44:20 PM
OOC~ I am assuming that Chaos still has it since well ... I don't know if he got rid of it and would be a good lead in for Navaria.


Navaria had been listening to the conversation for some time now, hidden within the shadows. There were enough Jedi out in the open and Navaria's presence could overwhelm the possible former Sith. As soon as Alexander had stepped foot on Yavin IV, Navaria was draw to the source. There was a sense of familiarity about him that she could not place. A sense of Deja Vu if you will, as if they had met before.

It was the Force guiding her to the Academy where Master Yogurt was inquiring about the former Sith Knight before Thanatos and Xazor. When the Jedi Knight set eyes upon this Garou Warrior, she knew without a doubt, Navaria had never seen this being before.

She cleared her mind of questions that the Force showed her, which led her here. The details were fuzzy, but Alexander did feel remorse and regret for straying off the path of Light. Deeper her senses went and then her eyes opened in shock and quickly she stiffled a gasp.

He bore a Chaos symbol ...

Alex Dawnstrider
Apr 9th, 2002, 07:16:59 AM
OOC: He still has it.

ic: ::Alex felt a wave hit him through the Force, It was the same as before, only different. It was from the Light. Dalethris was here somewhere. Chao scould smell here, almost taste here. There was that feeling of the Light though. Something was up. He heard Athena talk about a clone in the GJO. This must be it. He touched the Chaos Symbol.::

"Mistress Navaria I assume? Do not fear what I wear. It is a symbol of my past. Nothing more. It is a tid-bit of a person that died. This is all I have left of my old life. Does it call to you? Is that what brought you to me?"

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 9th, 2002, 10:15:18 PM
"You mistake what you felt as fear."

Slowly, a shadowy figure began to take shape until a demure figure dressed in brown robes was completely visible.

"It was surprise."

Navaria pulled back the hood of her cloak and studied Alex. She felt his surprise upon seeing her as well as a name that came to Navaria. It was Athena. As it was predicted, her errant Sister had spread word around the Empire about the clone.... Her body may be a clone body but she was the true essence of the original. Not the mockery known as Dalethria.

"Yes, you are correct. I'm Navaria Tarkin. I did not think I would be able to feel its presence. Only those of the Dark Side can ... those who follow the path of Chaos. Already your connection to it is fading ..."

She closed her eyes and focused.

"... And it did lead me to you ..."

Alex Dawnstrider
Apr 10th, 2002, 06:05:45 PM
::Alex turned away. A sudden blood lust had returned.::

"Sorry, change of heart. I think Dale is a beter choice......"

OOC: Sorry, Change of heart. After talking with some friends I think it would be better RP wise to have Chaos Sith. Besides, his God-Mother would kill him and Xanatos as well.

Apr 10th, 2002, 09:50:08 PM
ooc: Verse?! WTF?? We just RPd this out and now you do this? whatever......

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 10th, 2002, 11:55:43 PM
OOC~ Huh @_@ Okay, well yeah, Dale would try and kill him but ... okay.

:: still is confoosed ::

Aura Allei
Apr 12th, 2002, 11:57:16 AM
Masking her presence with the Force while Xazor spoke of her, Aura emerged from the shadows, lifting the guise.

"Be not concerned whether you are liked and appreciated by others, Xazor, as the one who first accepts him or herself, is far richer than being thought of in adoration by the populace," she paused with a smile.

"Your perception of me is untrue. I no longer fear of the Darkside for you, as I have circumvented its infernal temptations as well. Your feisty decree of not troubling myself with your affairs, has been noted," she said with a grin.

"The fact you have attained Knighthood, speaks for itself in your accomplishments over your past plights."

Aura averted her gaze, nodding to the assembled Jedi. She did not recall ever to have met the newcomer, Alexander. She added a brief note.

"To like someone is an act of commendation. I have accepted and liked you since our first meeting. Be not too fast to judge others, my friend."

The Padawan then bowed to all, departing to check on her horse, Guardian. Her constant solitude baffled many. Unbeknownst to them all, Aura secretly has been engrossed in lengthy meditation sessions, uncovering her past as a Knight, along with augmenting her attunement with the Force.