View Full Version : The Directors Of The Academy - An Addition

Sage Hazzard
Apr 29th, 2002, 03:28:38 AM
OOC - Greetings and a special Howdy. <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

As of currently there are only two, perhaps three people who can OFFICIALLY grant you entrance into the Jedi. Those are myself, Warren Azalin, and Jedi Knight(just a user name, she's a Master) Leia Solo. Of course if Marcus Q'Dunn, Master Yoghurt, or any other top tier Jedi, or Jedi Masters greet you and grant you admition, they'll be no argument. However regulations are usually followed and responsibilties are deligated. Meaning unless myself, Warren, or Leia admit you, you should wait until we do so.

Now there has been a newly appointed Jedi Knight to help oversee and run this forum and offically welcome Jedi into our ranks. If she says you're a Jedi, you are one, simple. Same goes for myself, Warren, and Leia. Her user name is:


Her character's name is Xazor Dawnstrider or Xazor Leo Kama.

Also, these people mentioned, along with Xazor, are in charge of assigning Masters to the new recruits. DO NOT BEG endlessly, or ask impatiently. If it has been a long time since joining and you have no Master, you may politely ask for one. This would simply be to bring it to our attention. Do not believe for one second we can be pressured into making a hasted decision.

With that, I'd like to congratulate Xazor on her new position. May you all have a good day and a pleasent tomorrow.

~ Sage Hazzard on behalf of the Greater Jedi Order.

P.S.: I'd make this a sticky topic, if I could. <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)"> Could I get some help?

Marcus QDunn
Apr 29th, 2002, 06:09:56 AM
I just like to add one more things...

Existing Jedi, be it PAdawans, Knights and Masters have been encouraged to greet new arrivals fast. Dont be surprised if they do - they are here to welcome you into the Jedi family.