View Full Version : padawan requesting training
Daigo Kenshu
Apr 25th, 2002, 07:30:21 PM
Seeking guidance to help me learn control of the force. I wish to join the Jedi, live by the Jedi Code, and protect all living beings from evil. I come from a long line of warriors, yes I know wars don't make one great, but learning to enhance the powers in which a already posses will help me in becoming a great Jedi Knight and some day possibly joining the great Jedi who came before me on the Jedi Council. Please contact me, as I am very excited to start my training.
Daigo Kenshu
Apr 25th, 2002, 07:35:20 PM
Xazor steps from the shadows and bows to the newcomer.
Greetings......I am Xazor Dawnstrider, Warrior Jedi Knight of the Greater Jedi Order. Do you seek training, or other things?
She questioned with a gentle smile.
Daigo Kenshu
Apr 26th, 2002, 05:36:24 PM
I am seeking training. I come from a people who seek knowledge. The reason I am seeking training to become a Jedi is mostly because of my father. He also possesed powers in which he could not control. He could move things with his mind and was a healer. I have different gifts, but back to my father. He was killed one standard year ago by a creature in a black cloak claiming to be Lord Legion. I am seeking training to protect my people as well as any other creature from Legion and other evil. My people do not know of vengance only justice, to ease your mind. Once again I am seeking guidance in learning the ways of the force.
Apr 26th, 2002, 05:52:53 PM
Xazor nodded and smiled gently.
Your reasons are noble, young one. But will you finish what you begin? Committment to this new life is the only way you will succeed in it. The way of a Jedi takes dedication.....of your life. It is not an easy path to follow.....true, the dark side is easier.....but it is corrupt and evil. The true path of the Force is through the light and if you are truly will follow it until the end.
She closly examined the man that stood before her, wondering what would become of his life....
Daigo Kenshu
Apr 26th, 2002, 06:09:21 PM
thank you for seeing my cause to be noble. I do wish to ease your mind on how committed I am to becoming a Jedi. The only way I can see to accomplish this is throgh words. I am an educator, yes maybe just another noble cause in some minds, but the life of an educator is one that takes a certain kind of dedication. One that you must me an example for all at all times. One that you must be positive and willing to move ahead when it seems that life has thrown you a curve ball. I not only wish to be a defender of peace and justice but an educator to all beings. Leaving my system and joining the Jedi Order will be difficult to both myself and my family, but I feel it is my destiny.
Apr 26th, 2002, 06:19:26 PM
Xazor smiled and nodded. Her eyes softened as she sensed the dedication of this man.
You're heart is in the right place. I feel your dedication to the Jedi and it too is noble. Welcome to the Greater Jedi Order. A Master is in the process of being assigned to you currently.
She said gently.
Daigo Kenshu
Apr 26th, 2002, 06:35:49 PM
Thank you for your kindness, I am eager to start my training and hopefully one day we and work side by side.
Peace be with you,
Daigo Kenshu
Master Yoghurt
May 2nd, 2002, 02:30:22 AM
Has a Master been assigned yet? If not, I might be willing to to offer him tutelage in the ways of the Force.
Kan Riki
May 2nd, 2002, 06:31:02 PM
Daigo Kenshu
May 2nd, 2002, 06:37:16 PM
I would be honored to learn from you Master Yoghurt.
May 5th, 2002, 11:19:39 AM
* A cold dark shadow blows into the room. A figure enshrouded in black with darkness in his heart looks pointedly at Daigo Kenshu.*
" Use your agressive feelings boy". That is the only way you can get what you most desire in your heart. Me! Legion. The man responsible for the death of your pathetic father"!
*Legion smiles tightly and patiently awaits the response of Daigo Kenshu*
Daigo Kenshu
May 5th, 2002, 12:31:22 PM
Daigo feels the dark presence and fear and anger fill his body.
Daigo calls out, "Master Yoghurt please help me destroy this evil creature for he is the one who killed my father."
May 5th, 2002, 01:38:35 PM
"Good. Use your agrression. Your father suffered much at my hands. He begged for his life, but he did ask one thing of me. To not hurt his only son. When he asked me that i rewarded him with my lightsaber to his neck. You remember dont you? You saw the mangled body. You screamed out for him and the u saw me"!
*Legion shifts his hand to his lightsaber, waiting for the attack he knows he provoked*
May 5th, 2002, 02:00:28 PM
ooc: Um.....Legion, you're sith, you're not supposed to be posting in here. If you don't stop, you'll either be edited, or perhaps a mod or admin will ban you. Trying to come in here to convince a new lightsider to be evil and fall to the darkside is a very VERY bad idea.
May 5th, 2002, 02:36:31 PM
maybe u are right. I will await till his training is complete
May 5th, 2002, 07:01:20 PM
ooc: Good, I know I am right. Don't do it again.....
Master Yoghurt
May 6th, 2002, 09:28:54 AM
Master Yoghurt had allready noticed the ripple in the Force, produced by the Dark shadow known as "Legion". Yog's eyes narrowed.. his senses alert and ready, but he remained utterly calm. The ominous presence would be foolish to try pick a fight here.
"Pay no attention to this Dark Sider for now. There is a time and place for everything. He attempts to persuade you joining his misery. We shall deal with him later.."
The Jedi Master pointed his finger at a distant control panel. The panel lit up with a flash, and a wall panel slid to the side. "Young Padawan, if you would follow me please, and I will teach you about the Force and train you in our ancient skills and traditions..", he said as he lead the promising Jedi Apprentice towards the Jedi Academy..
Master Yoghurt
May 6th, 2002, 09:57:24 AM
OOC: Welcome to the Jedi! I hope you enjoy your stay. Our thread continues here: (
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