View Full Version : Enter the prospective padawan...

May 9th, 2002, 01:03:15 AM
Into the recruitment center enters a small, reptilian creature. It's height is hard to determine, as it moves in a crouched walk, sometimes dropping to all fours to move along with a lilting gait. It is undeniably small, though, probably no taller than 1 meter and a half. It has a disproportionatly large head, and large, dark eyes that take in everything in the room.

It moves quickly to a sunlit portion of the area, warming it's brownish-yellow skin in the comforting sunlight. With a quick look around, the alien creature settles into a crouch and with a bowed head and clasped hands, awaits a jedi.

Master Yoghurt
May 9th, 2002, 01:24:34 AM
A low frequent humming sound travels through the walls. At the far side of the chamber, the apparent dull and naked duracrete wall suddenly becomes semi transparent, receiving an an amber colored glow. The panels slides to the side, revealing a 60 cm tall creature dressed in the traditional Jedi robes. The figure approaches the lizard creature with his right hand on a wooden cane, using it for support as he walks. He stops 2 meters before the visitor, making eyecontact.

"Greetings.. may I help you?"

May 9th, 2002, 01:33:14 AM
Kajhmin looks carefully at the creature before him before answering.

"You can, Master Jedi. As you have already guessed, I have come here to seek training in the Jedi arts. And to answer your next question, I wish to be a jedi for two reasons. I am alone. My species is almost extinct. In the brotherhood of the jedi, I wish to find those to whom I can relate. Also, I have gifts, I can feel them. Often I can tell what others are thinking before they say it. I hope that the training of the jedi can give me a purpose...a direction."

Master Yoghurt
May 9th, 2002, 01:48:06 AM
The Jedi Master gives the visitor a puzzled look for a brief moment. His face forms into a pondering expression.

Intriguing. This creature seem to have the ability to read people's minds. Very interesting indeed.. wonder how he learned of this ability? I sense the Force is strong with him

May 9th, 2002, 10:17:55 AM
I did not learn it from anyone, it is skill inherent in many of my species, so I'm told. I was born from a clutch of two eggs; I have the ability, my brother did not.As the only other Cambrian I have ever known is my mother, I will have to take her word for it.

Master Yoghurt
May 10th, 2002, 11:34:51 AM
Your species are quite interesting.. I am eager to gnow more about it as well as more about your past and future ambitions. But tell me, this very moment.. how feel you?

May 10th, 2002, 11:42:10 AM
"I feel invigorated. I do not know whether it is because I have been sitting in the sun here, or if it's just this place, but for some reason, I feel this boundless energy flowing in me."

Master Yoghurt
May 10th, 2002, 12:06:29 PM
"Very interesting.. do you you sometimes have dreams or precognitions - a feeling where you somehow know what is going to happen before it does?"

May 10th, 2002, 12:18:44 PM
"Dreams or precognitions....I do sometimes see things coming, but it is usually never more than a few moments in advance. When dealing with people, it is a bit different. I am often able to anticipate what they will say or do, and prepare my actions. I have often tried to shut out these abilities though, as they can make people feel uncomfortable. Usually, though, I simply choose to ignore them."

Master Yoghurt
May 10th, 2002, 12:49:36 PM
The Jedi Master studied the Cambrian with an intent look as he concidered the future. It was something about this creature.. he seemed so calm and balanced. He had a remarkable aura surrounding him. He was Force sensitive no doubt. The Force radiated over this beeing as a glowing sphere, indicating the mindboggling potential.

"At this point, you are not yet aware of your potential abilities. With the right guidance however, you could one day become a Jedi Knight. A Jedi strive to help people for the benefit of others, rather than power and pleasure. Once you have started this path, it is difficult to turn.. the responsibilites.. the attachment to our order and traditions grows until you are fully dedicated to ways. It is certainly not an easy path, but it the reward is understanding and insight"

He paused to think.. "you would need someone to train you though. It would require a Jedi with long experience to train one of your species.. perhaps.."

May 10th, 2002, 03:27:05 PM
Kajhmin paused for a moment, considering the words of the jedi master.

"I have no attachments to anyone. I am seeking a direction in life, and the life of a jedi seems to be a noble one. I would desire greatly to join your order and have you intruct me."

Master Yoghurt
May 12th, 2002, 10:25:05 AM
"Very well, trained as Jedi you will be. Follow me please, and I will lead you to the Academy. There, I will train you in the ways of the Jedi"