View Full Version : Request of a Council Master
May 13th, 2002, 12:50:07 PM
A man in black armour steps from the shadows, watching his former Apprentice and good friend interact with the Jedi. His armour is black, quantum steel, an indestrucable armour that formed the sun crusher, a deadly destroyer of Stars. On his wrists elboes, knees and shoulders are curved blades, each with a deadly razor sharp edge. On his back rests a single Katana, the sword almost dwarfted by this 1.8 meter tall, broad shouldered man. He reaches up to his helmet, removing it from his head, a hiss of air comes out as he breaks the seal. He sets his helmet under his upper left arm. Allowing his dark green on dark blue eyes to scan the room. Waiting silently for a Jedi Master to show, he stands silently erect, waiting at attention, as befets the Crown Prince of Zion.
May 17th, 2002, 09:47:24 AM
Angel begins to become impatient, wondering why it is taking so long for a Master of the Council to acknowledge him.
Xazor Elessar
May 17th, 2002, 04:47:58 PM
Xazor stepped from the shadows, after acknowledging the man's presence. She smiles slightly and bows before speaking.
"Greetings stranger.....I am Warrior Jedi Knight, Xazor Dawnstrider. You seek something...what might it be?"
She questioned gently, crossing her arms over her chest as she eyed the man closely.
May 20th, 2002, 07:10:21 AM
Angel Bows slightly at the waist, "Greetings, Master Jedi, I am Angelious Guardian, Shadow Lord and Crown Prince of Zion. I have a request regaurding the training of one or two of your best Padawans. I wish to train a few of your Padawans in the full power of the Force, both the darkside and light. I have already spoken a bit to another Master, but i feel the need to speak with someone on the council itself."
Xazor Elessar
May 20th, 2002, 01:54:47 PM
Xazor was a bit surprised by his words and crossed her arms over her chest to eye the man carefully.
"The Jedi who train here, train purly in the Light side of the Force. We use no darkness..."
She paused a moment and sighed gently.
"Though I myself am not on the council, my father is....and I know he would not approve of using any bit of the darkside to train.....none of the council members would. Perhaps a few of my friends may speak with you about training...where do you come from? Another academy by chance?"
She questioned curiously.
May 20th, 2002, 05:01:57 PM
"I was not trained in an academy, but by my father, who was trained by his father, and so on down the line. The Shadow arts, a mix of the Sith Arts and the Jedi arts, is something passed down the line from father to son, and to people deamed worthy by the current Shadow lord. I know it is frowned apon in the council, but, if they think about it, there may come a time when offencive measures are needed, but they will not have them. With the Shadow Arts, i can train a five men or women to become the Councils Offencive force. It is a suggestion i would like to bring before the council."
Xazor Elessar
May 20th, 2002, 05:15:46 PM
Xazor shook her head and frowned for a moment. Her eyes seemed to look right through the man.
"There is no in at the Order, one studies the Light side of the Force. To be a Jedi, there can be no darkness. What you speak of sounds such of the Dark Jedi. I do not agree with your "Shadow Arts". A Jedi does not attack unless attacked. You are either Light, or Dark.....there is no grey."
She said firmly. She thought it quite absurd what this man was proposing.
ooc: Where does your training come from? I see you have not been a member long on either SWfans or EZboard.
May 20th, 2002, 05:21:37 PM
"Ahh, but there is a grey area, the balance of both Dark and light in one person is something that is possible. My whole family has done it sence the begining of our line. I assure you, if the right people are choosen, the Jedi Council will have no problem controling their Shadow Knights."
ooc: different boards, i have multiple identitys with this one nic, dont ask for them, i wont tell you. Plus SWRPG's on Talk City, which tie into the EZboard.
Xazor Elessar
May 20th, 2002, 05:27:39 PM
Xazor shook her head. She stood firmly on what she believed. The fresh padawans would be walking such a thin line....they wouldn't be able to handle it. It would be difficult for even an experienced Knight. She sighed, knowing her answer would not please him.
"I am sorry...but if that is what you wish to teach.....perhaps you should take it to The Sith Empire...or the Black Hand. We here at the Order stand firmly upon our beliefs and this teaching does not fit our principles."
She eyed him quickly, but then went back to looking right through him again.
ooc: Well, telling us your names would only valididate your claims....holding that information from us only goes against you. It is easy for anyone to come in here and claim to be from Talk City or "other boards". Perhaps placing some links to threads would help us....but myself and most everyone else here, do not agree with this "Shadow Teaching".
May 20th, 2002, 05:33:22 PM
Angel spreads his hands from his sides, in a sign of reluctant defeat
"I Will not train a Sith to be a Shadow knight, they are too... unstable. But, if your council will not hear my request, That is fine with me. I will be on my way."
Angel steps backwards, a black cloud of mist forming behind him, disappearing into the old Sith Spell of Corporeal Translocation.
Xazor Elessar
May 20th, 2002, 05:35:42 PM
Xazor was not disappointed. She did not want darkness contaminating the Light. What was even more confusing was that he was unwilling to train any Sith....but yet, he used Sith spells. Shaking her head, she turned to leave....meditation on such a matter was necessary.
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