View Full Version : A reluctant visitor

Elaina Korvachio
May 9th, 2002, 09:37:38 AM
The young woman, clad all in light blue, stormed into the recruitment center. Her long blonde hair was coming undone, adding to her angered look. It was easy to tell that she was in a foul mood.

"Hello? Is anyone here?" she called out suddenly, arms folded across her chest. It was plain to see that Elaina was not happy about being in this place.

May 9th, 2002, 10:28:16 AM
Kajhmin turned to the young woman

"Patience," he said to her in a soothing voice, "the jedi will come to see you when they are ready. You should take this time to calm your mind and rest your body.

May 9th, 2002, 02:11:24 PM
Xazor stepped from the darkness and smiled at the newcomer. She bowed and stood up straight, her long blonde hair falling to her waist. Her red robes gathered at her feet like the ocean, and the silver in her deep blue eyes caught the light, reflecting her inner joy and peace.

"Welcome young one......you seek a presence and now I am here. I am Warrior Jedi Knight, Xazor Dawnstrider. What brings you to this place?"

She questioned softly, extending her warmness to the young woman.

Elaina Korvachio
May 9th, 2002, 05:13:56 PM
"You're a Jedi? Then I suppose I'm to give this to you." Elaina handed Xazor a gilded envelope, sealed closed with crimson wax. On the front,stamped in gold was an emblem, the Korvachio house emblem to be exact.

Noble Jedi,

You do not know me but I have known many of your order and would trust any Jedi with my life. Alas, it is not my life that this letter, this plea, regards. It is my daughter, Elaina's. We are from the royal house of Palate. My father, King Alantio, passed away three years ago leaving the kingdom for me to rule. Recently there have been several assassination attempts on both mine and my wife's life. We feared that our daughter would be next. My wife wanted to secure an area of the palace for her protection but I know that it would not stay secret for long. There are traitors living under my roof. The only way I can think of to keep my Elaina safe is to send her away. And so I must ask of you something that I will never be able to repay. I ask that you care for her. She has credits enough to last for as long as there is a danger here. I know this may be a bit abrupt and if it is an inconvenience, I understand. Elaina is...upset that I have done this. She does not understand that it is for her own safety. She wants to be grown already, though she is far from it. But I do not know what else I can do. I appreciate any help you can give, even if it is just directing her to a safe haven. I send my thanks in this letter until I can give them in person.

Sir William Korvachio

Elaina waited until Xazor had read the letter. Then she smiled. "You needn't listen to whatever he had to say. I am sixteen, nearly grown. I can take care of myself. Regardless of what my father feels."

May 9th, 2002, 06:37:29 PM
Xazor took the letter in her hands and read it quickly. She nodded and smiled at the girl's words.

"Yes, I am a Jedi, and I am sure you can take care of yourself......but this letter gives the Jedi explicit instructions and we shall follow them. We need to keep you safe. If you would like, you may even have your own room in the Living Quarters. There are plenty of things to do on the Jedi Base.....perhaps you would like to learn of the Force.....it's better than sitting around doing nothing."

She said with an encouraging smile.

Elaina Korvachio
May 9th, 2002, 06:56:02 PM
"What I would like to do is leave. I'm not stupid. I know what's going on and I can fight well enough to protect myself. I appreciate your efforts but they are unnesisary. You will not be held accountable if anything should happen. If my father happens to inquire about me, tell him you saw me here but you don't know where I am at the moment. It's not a lie...just avoiding certain truths." Elaina smiled quickly and then turned to leave.

May 10th, 2002, 06:15:34 PM
Xazor shook her head and held the girl in her place with a Force restraint, something she could not see....but knew it was there because for some reason, she could not move.

"I know exactly how you feel. I know that you do not wish to be here and that you can fight well enough to protect yourself. I also know that your father sent you here for your own good. What if you fell into a situation where you couldn't protect yourself? Do you honestly think that you can defend yourself against a whole league of storm troopers.......or one Sith Lord? That I know you cannot do. Please.......I will watch over you until it is time for you to go back. We may have much in common....I am not much older than you, in fact."

The Jedi Knight said with a warm smile, wishing she could somehow make this girl see her point of view.

Elaina Korvachio
May 10th, 2002, 09:18:12 PM
At first Elaina was outraged at the restraint and turned angrily back to look at Xazor. At the womans words, however, her anger subsided somewhat. She was still firm in believing that she could defend herself but could see that arguing was going to get her nowhere...especially if Xazor knew any other Jedi 'tricks'.

"Fine. I'll stay. But," she fixed Xazor with a defiant glare, "I don't need anyone to watch over me."

Elaina was still very upset but she could wait. There were other ways of leaving. And one--sneaking--was something she was very adept at.

May 10th, 2002, 09:40:22 PM
Xazor picked up on the girl's thoughts and shook her head.

"Fine.....we can set you up in a cozy room for yourself.....but sneaking out and leaving will be very difficult to do. In fact.....it will be most impossible."

The Knight said with a gentle smile. She released the girl from the Force hold and nodded slightly.

"You have a defiant spirit in you young one......you may find yourself happier if you learn to be at peace with others."

She said softly, smiling once again in hopes that Elaina would at least consider her words.

Elaina Korvachio
May 10th, 2002, 10:10:10 PM
Elaina blushed. How had Xazor known what she was thinking? Brushing it off uneasily, Elaina took a few steps closer before stopping. She didn't know where to go.

"Nothings impossible. And I am happy." Elaina sighed and counted to ten. Things would be easier if she kept her tongue.

"I'm sorry. Will you show me the way to the rooms?" she asked, smiling genuinely at Xazor. This woman had done nothing but show kindness to Elaina. It was her father she was mad at.

May 10th, 2002, 10:21:39 PM
Xazor nodded and smiled.

"Indeed, I would love to show you the Living Quarters. There are some very beautiful views to be had from the east wing. That is the side I am on. From the large bay windows, you can see every heavenly body and track their movements. It is incredible to witness a full moon rising above the jungle....which those rooms overlook."

She said gently and began to lead the way towards the turbolift that would take them down to the lower level where they would exit the Recruitment Center and make their way about a quarter of a mile to the Living Quarters.

Elaina Korvachio
May 10th, 2002, 10:25:38 PM
Elaina followed the Jedi Knight silently before curiosity got the better of her.

"What's a jungle?" she asked, keeping her voice neutral.

May 10th, 2002, 10:30:56 PM
Xazor lofted a brow and spun around, stopping to look curiously at Elaina.

"A jungle? You do not know what one is?"

She questioned, seeing that the girl was serious. Xazor smiled slightly, remembering that not everyone was familiar with the terrain of places such as Yavin IV.

"A jungle is a beautiful place full of lush green grasses, trees that touch the sky, crystal clear rivers that flow for miles, waterfalls that offer some kind of inner peace, and flowers.....lots of wild flowers."

The Knight said, reminiscing about her special place in the jungle. She turned and continued to walk, hoping her answer was some indication of what a jungle was....

Elaina Korvachio
May 10th, 2002, 10:44:58 PM
"There is nothing like that on Palate. The whole planet is covered in big white buildings and fountains. There is one tree but it is very far from the palace and I have only been to it once when I was very young. I do not mean it isn't pretty...it is. But sometimes it would be nice to have...well I suppose a jungle." Elaina explained, following Xazor.

May 10th, 2002, 11:24:44 PM
Xazor smiled and nodded understandingly.

"Sounds like Coruscant. Very pretty city....but no jungle."

She said gently. They continued until they reached the turbolift. Once inside, Xazor pressed a button and it shot them down to the lower level. The door hissed open and the pair stepped out into a dimly lit room that led to two giant doors. They began walked across the large room, and all that could be heard were their quiet footsteps....

Elaina Korvachio
May 10th, 2002, 11:33:10 PM
Elaina glanced around trying not to look interested. After all, she wasn't supposed to like being her was she? The thought of being here rather than at home, caused a little ripple of frustration to surge through her body. Elaina stretched her fingers out, the taught muscles relaxing her back to a calmer state.

"This place is very quiet. And yet very alive. It seems as if one doesn't feel alone even when they are."

May 10th, 2002, 11:43:57 PM
Xazor smiled to herself as they continued to walk through the dark and quiet room.

"Indeed.....one is never alone.......even when they think they are."

The Knight said gently, knowing that she was speaking of the Force.....and wondering if the girl would question her answer. The pair finally reached the large doors and Xazor pressed a hand upon one. It hissed open, nearly blinding them with the bright light of the day. They continued on, walking down a long and wide set of stairs that seemed to continue on forever.

Elaina Korvachio
May 11th, 2002, 12:19:13 AM
"Why? I mean, what do you mean?" Elaina asked, stopping on the stair, foot paused just above the next step.

May 11th, 2002, 12:27:26 AM
Xazor quickly spun around, a bright smile danced upon her lips.

"I mean the Force.....it is everywhere. It flows through you, me, the rock, the tree. It is what bindes the galaxy together. Without it we are nothing......"

She paused in her thoughts for a moment before continuing.

"One is never alone because the Force is always there......it is what fills the dark and quiet voids of an empty room......or an empty heart."

The Knight smiled once again and turned around to continue walking down the long flight of stairs.

Elaina Korvachio
May 11th, 2002, 12:38:06 AM
Elaina stared at Xazor's back for a moment before continuing on their descent.

"I don't have an empty heart. And even if I did, no mysterious energy binding would fill it." She mumbled to herself. Still, there was that strange feeling...it made her uncomfortable. Perhaps it would be a little harder getting away than she thought. If this 'Force' really existed it could surely be used to find her.

May 11th, 2002, 12:41:43 AM
Again Xazor picked up on the girl's thoughts through the Force. She smiled to herself as they reached the first of three platforms that joined the stairs together. They continued their descent and Xazor spoke once again.

"Indeed, escaping here is not the answer......the Force tells the Jedi many a secrets......"

She laughed slightly as they continued walking.

Elaina Korvachio
May 11th, 2002, 12:50:05 AM
"But it depends on what you do with those secrets. Please...you said you understood how I felt. Just let me leave. I want to go home. I need to go home. There are things that I need that I can't get here. Please!" Elaina pleading desperately.

May 11th, 2002, 12:53:39 AM
Xazor turned around, her eyes fell on the girl and were gentle.

" I do understand how you feel.....but I know that by you going back there you could be killed. I know that you don't care what I think or that your father is trying to protect you because he loves you. I know these things......"

She said softly. Turning around once again, they continued decending down the stairs, finally reaching the bottom. They began walking on a path, towards the Living Quarters.

" What is it you need? You can get most everything you need here....."

The Knight said as they continued to walk.

Elaina Korvachio
May 11th, 2002, 01:07:36 AM
Elaina shook her head. She wrapped her arms across her chest, as if she were cold.

"I can't tell you. I can't get it here. Not here."

She was shivering and trying not to cry. Oh how she longed for the lonely solitude that was so familiar at home. Unwanted or not, it had provided her with the opportunity to experiment with all kinds of things. Her habits had labelled her a 'problem child'. But at least they left her alone.

May 11th, 2002, 01:20:35 AM
Xazor looked back at Elaina with a curious expression.

"That is fine....you do not have to tell me anything.....but I am here to help and listen if you ever need..."

The Knight said with a gentle smile. They continued on until they finally reached the large building. Walking a large set of stone stairs, Xazor stopped at the top.

"Well, this is the Living Quarters.......shall we hit the east wing first?"

She questioned, gently smiling on the girl.

Elaina Korvachio
May 12th, 2002, 11:00:46 PM
She could tell that no amount of pleading or acting was going to change the situation at hand. Out of ideas, Elaina's mood changed drastically, almost unnervingly so.

"I don't care." she snapped, looking off to the side.

OOC: gah, I feel so bad! I'm really not mean but I'm trying to make Elaina that way...I'm really not this mean<img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

May 12th, 2002, 11:16:34 PM
Xazor turned around, a puzzled look on her face. She lofted a brow for a moment and smiled slightly.

"That's great, then....as long as you don't care, we shall check out the East Wing....and then perhaps the North. Both are very beautiful....."

She laughed slightly, knowing what the girl had really ment. She brushed it off, though, and continued up to the large doors of the building. Once there, she pressed her hand against one and it hissed open. The inner courtyard awaited the presence of the pair, greeting them with the sweet smell of fresh flowers.

ooc: That's fine! <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)"> It's all part of RPing!

Elaina Korvachio
May 13th, 2002, 12:00:34 AM
Elaina gasped despite her determination to stay aloof.

"It's beautiful!" she whispered. Suddenly catching herself, she frowned and kept her gaze downwards. Faking a sneeze, Elaina glared at her surroundings.

"My allergies are kicking in. Can we leave?"

May 13th, 2002, 10:10:41 PM
Xazor had heard the little comment and smiled to herself. She nodded at the girl's comment and fake sneeze.

"Sure, we shall make our way to the East Wing..."

She led Elaina down a hallway to their right, leaving the beautiful courtyard. The walls were covered in vines and smaller flowers of every color laced the greenery. After walking through the small passage, they entered the main hallway and took another right. Doors on both sides of them began to appear, and many of them had names on them. The pair took a left suddenly and stopped right at an indoor fountain. It was beautifully carved out of a special crystal only found on the planet Llum, and it was in the shape of two angles with glorious wings. Water shot out of their hands and formed a sphere in between the two, draining into the pool at their feet. Xazor smiled and touched the water gently...this was another of her favorite places.

"This is a beautiful stop on the way to my room...I love to sit here and read..."

She said with a gentle smile.

Elaina Korvachio
May 13th, 2002, 10:51:44 PM
"I despise reading. And fountains are nothing new to me. I've seen hundreds, perhaps thousands."

Elaina was surprised at how far she was pushing it. Usually she was not this... moody. Not even bothering to glance at the fountain, she stalked over the wall and leaned against it,arms crossed, glaring down the corridor.

OOC: i know it's just RP but I feel so nasty when I write Elaina, lol<img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

Xazor Elessar
May 14th, 2002, 02:52:22 PM
Xazor sighed to herself and shook her head. She walked away from the fountian and looked at Elaina.

"Please...I know how you feel...I can sense your emotions through the Force. You can hide nothing from me. At least pretend to be interested...."

She said softly, and walked on, motioning for her to follow behind. Their footsteps echoed slightly off of the corridor walls as they made their way to the end of the hall and stopped at a door. Xazor placed her hand on it, and it hissed open. She stepped inside and motioned for Elaina to enter also.

"This is my room..."

She said with a smile. On the walls hung beautiful swords with their scabbards and saber hilts...a few daggers of extremely nice craftsmanship, and a small set of throwing knives. The display was stunning...but perhaps the most impressive of all of them were the guns and blasters that sat in a case adjacent to her bed.

There were two beds, in fact....about six feet away from each other. One was hers and the other was her roomate's and friend, Maia Tharrinn. A gorgeous plant clung to the head of Xazor's bed, winding it's sticky foilage around and around, seeming to never end. Purple flowers sprouted from it, giving off a plesent scent to put her to bed and keep her resting easily at night.

Then there was the view. A large bay window overlooked the jungle with it's sky high trees and winding rivers. A set of planets and moons were visible at this hour of the day...and even a few stars could be seen in the blue sky. It was truly breathtaking. The room itself was up about two hundred feet. Xazor loved it up that high...it was a grand feeling.

She smiled and turned around to see what Elaina was doing. Hoping that she would be happier, she walked over to the kitchen, which flooded into yet another room belonging to her adopted daughter, Natia. A large wolf came bounding out of the room at sight of her and sat at her side with loving eyes. Xazor petted his head and signed something to the deaf creature...and he obeyed by going and laying down in his bed where he had come from.

"Would you like something to eat or drink?"

The Knight asked gently, hoping the girl would accept...and perhaps would begin to open up a bit.

Elaina Korvachio
May 17th, 2002, 07:31:14 PM
"I had refreshments on the way here. I'm fine thank-you." Elaina replied curtly. She was looking around the room at the various weapons and at the view. It was beautiful. She would have enjoyed it had she not been convinced that this was the worst experience of her life. Sighing, Elaina looked at Xazor.

"It's awfully quiet here. Where is everyone? I was under the impression that there were quite a few Jedi here."

It was clear that she was going to be stuck here for at least a few days. Perhaps she could meet someone that would help her to get out. At the very least, someone who was able to get the resources that she needed.

Xazor Elessar
May 17th, 2002, 07:49:17 PM
Xazor turned and looked at Elaina, sighing quietly to herself. She walked out to the living area and sat down in a comfortable chair, pulling one closer with the Force and motioning for Elaina to sit.

"Yes, indeed...there are many Jedi here. Do you expect them to be loud?"

She laughed to herself and took a sip of the juice she had gotten for herself. She wished that she could show this young woman, how much she would be missing if she just sat around the whole time she was staying on the Jedi base.

"I feel that you would like to see some of these people? Maybe meet some, perhaps. If you would like, I could take you down to the Jedi Academy and watch some Padawans and Masters training together. Or perhaps we could stop by Master Yoghurt's Bar and Grill. There are plenty of Jedi there. If you met some of them, you might feel more comfortable here. And I assure you, none of them will be willing to help you escape...it isn't so bad here. It's not like we're holding you captive, you're not a prisoner. You are just supposed to stay here. How do you think we feel? We love it here, this is our home. Sure, we leave to go on missions and things...but we do not seek adventure...excitement. It is plenty exciting to be here, training...meeting new people."

She said with an encouraging smile. She truly wanted Elaina to make herself at home while she was here. It would be a shame to have her feel locked up when she could be enjoying herself.

Elaina Korvachio
May 25th, 2002, 04:09:27 PM
"If I'm not a prisoner I should be able to leave. But I would like to meet others of your order, and anyone else that happens to visit. Perhaps there will be a way that I can leave. I am sure that there have been those able to get by the Jedi. And for the right amount of credits perhaps they will assist me."

Elaina said hautily. She would not let Xazor think that she had given up but she honestly wanted to meet others. Elaina could be a social person when she wanted to and the silence here was unsettling.

Xazor Elessar
May 25th, 2002, 04:30:50 PM
Xazor smiled to herself.

"Well.....think what you wish. Indeed...meeting others might be a nice change for you. Would you like to go to the Bar and Grill...or to the Academy? Either way....it doesn't matter, there are people everywhere."

She said with a hopeful smile.