View Full Version : JediBeldarine, training starts again
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Mar 23rd, 2001, 02:00:00 PM
<a href= ge?topicID=1251.topic>Posted by: Sage Hazzard</a>
Mar 26th, 2001, 01:04:32 AM
::Sage chuckles::
Yes, I am aware I am sitting in "mud". But it does give me a more direct connection to the Force, to cover part of myself in an organic material.
::Sage stands up, his legs covered in muddy soil::
Now we begin.
::Sage points towards a wooden dummy::
Take your lightsabre and go destroy the dummy. Start with the legs, then the arms, then the torso, then the head. Try and focus on your style and accuracy. Make each strike quick and powerful.... Go.
**Smiling at Sage, she answers..
"Ok, as you say, my Master. I think you're a tad looney, though."
**She draws the lightsaber from her belt and quickly ignites it. Infusing herself with the Force, she begin to walk slowly towards the dummy, planning her movements. Her face looses all traces of her smile as it becomes set with grim determination. She lost all of her easy-going manner and suddenly became all business.
**She rushes up to the dummy with surprising speed, whipping her saber in a semi-circle towards the dummy's torso. It slices a thin gash in the stomach area as she completes the move. Without pausing, she brings the saber up diagonally, marring a deep slice in the wood from the stomach to the shoulder. She brings her saber back to her side, moving once again into a half-crouch. Twirling her saber in her hands, she dives into a ball rolling to her knees and strikes at his leg. She struck a deep gash in the wood, and jumped to her feet. She threw herself into a powerful blow -- her movements guided by the force -- and it thoroughly chopped the manequin's right arm off. Using the speed from the force, she spun in a full circle. At the tail end of the circle, her saber dippen low and neatly severed the knee of her wooden opponent.
**The manequin was obviously being held up with the force by Sage, since the thing did not topple over. Not being able to use any hand-to-hand combat moves was slightly difficult, but she could work with the saber alone just as well. She feignted towards the dummy's left side, but moved right and neatly buried the saber in the dummies chest. Pulling it out, she used the Force and somersaulted over the dummy, landing a few feet behind it. Beldarine began the killing blow before she landed, and as her feet touched the ground, the blue blade of her saber connected with the wood of its neck. Cleanly, the blade slid out, and the head disconnected from the dummy's body. The two pieces fell opposite ways -- mute evidence of the menequin's demise.
**The Force filled her, glowing; shining. She let it go, and disengaged her saber -- reclipping it to her belt.
**She bowed to her Jedi Master.
"Master, it is done."
Sage Hazzard
Mar 26th, 2001, 01:32:08 AM
::Sage smiled and nodded his head::
That is is.
::Sage motioned towards a 20 feet tall wall made of wood::
Think you can hurdle that?
Mar 26th, 2001, 02:10:48 AM
OOC: Oops !! I'm sorry Sage, but when I posted my last post.. I didn't realize you wanted it done in a certain order !!! :( .... SORRY !!!!!
**Bel looks skeptically at the wall, then back at Sage. Walking up to it, she peets upwards. Never having jumped anything that high, she sighs.
"Yes, Master.. I believe that I can."
**Backing up about fifteen yards or so, she sets her shoulders. Chimeia always said try your hardest, and that she would do. She took off, slowly building up speed until she was a few feet away from the tower. She skid to a stop, flinging her hands out just before her momentum carried her into the wall.
"Oofffff" She hit it pretty hard, she was going decently fast when the wall stopped her. She could pilot an XWing, no problem, but she was afraid of heights.. How could she explain that? Bel smiled an apologetic smile at her Jedi Master, and waved a hand to ward off anything he might say. Walking back to her original starting position, she vowed to do it this time.
**She uses the Force to enhance her speed this time, and in a blink of an eye, she was a few yards from the wall.
This is it, Bel.. now or never
**Using the Force, she pushes upwards with all her strength. Her stomach clenches as she rose through the air, propelled by her use of the Force. As she passed over the top of the wall, she knew she had completed it. This was the part she hated the most -- the falling. Switching her hold on the Force, she now used it to break her fall. Bringing herself down quickly, but not with enough speed to actually injure anything. Her stomach fluttered as she hit the ground, her knees giving way slightly to absorb the impact.
whew.. at least that's over with !!
**She walks around the wall, shaking off the quesy feeling in her legs as well as her stomach.
"Sorry about that first botched attempt.. I'm a little afraid of heights, ironically. So what's next on the agenda, Master?"
Sage Hazzard
Mar 28th, 2001, 02:01:45 AM
::Sage closed his eyes. Suddenly the ground below the wall jutted up, pushing the wall up with it. Oddly though the wall still stood. Under it was a hugh mound of dirt, making the wall now 30 Feet tall, 10 more then before::
Try again. This time do not use your muscles much. Allow the Force to move them for you. Tell your midi-clorians what you wish to accomplish and it will do it for you. Do not think, do not run, simply use the Force. Let it guide you over the wall, let it land you, use the Force and let it's wisdom teach you.
Mar 30th, 2001, 03:52:03 PM
**Beldarine looked at the higher wall.
Dammit.. ok.. use the Force.. you are one with the Force
**She closes her eyes and communicates with the Force, letting it surround her, infuse her. She opened her eyes and suddenly everything seemed different. The world was sharper, more in focus. Her body was seemingly weightless because of the Force -- able to leap as high, and run as fast as she needed to. The tall wall seemed to shrink, she new she could jump it now.
**She walked up to the wall, this time not taking a running start like her Master told her to. She peered up, and reached out with the force. Unconciously she crouched lower to the ground, even though she didn't need to, the reflexive action remained present. Pushing off the ground with the Force, she launched into the air. She steadied herself midflight, and flipped effortlessly over the top of the wall. Using the Force to slow her descent, she landed softly, knees bending. She had no fears inside the void that held the Force, no emotion. She was calm, at peace within herself, she could do anything she wanted. Even concur long held fears.
**Walking towards her master, she bowed.
"Master, I have do what you wished of me."
Sage Hazzard
Mar 31st, 2001, 03:18:07 AM
::Sage nodded::
I will not ask for you to jump a higher wall. I sensed no hesitation as you jumped. The Force was strong in you, I know you could accomplish the task, so the task need not be attempted.
::Sage paused::
Every Jedi has things he find easier then others, and some harder then others. I have never been able to levitate. It takes more ability to lift yourself because you must keep your concentration, and I have found it hard to do so when you are moving through the air. This is something I am learning to do currently. I am also very good and using the Force in sabre combat. I can use it excellently to guide my blade skillfully, and I can see moves before they happen much better then ever possible before I became a Jedi. These are my "pros" and "cons" if you will. What would you say comes easy in use of the Force? What comes hard?
Apr 1st, 2001, 03:55:23 AM
**Bel leaned back, crossing her arms, and became lost in thought. What could she do quite well with the force, and what did she feel limited her.
"I feel one of my larger weaknesses is your skill, Master Sage. I can fight with a lightsaber, but mostly I use swordlike movements, flowing through the forms instead of letting the Force guide me. I have wanted to improve myself on that for a while. What I excel at? I would have to say the weather. I want to learn how to manipulate it more -- I still have much to learn. But it seems that creating breezes and that comes naturally to me. Also, I can seperate my mind.. so I can do multiple things at once.. this has come in handy many times."
**She bows her head
"I hope that I have answered your question to your satisfaction. Was there anything that I may have missed?"
Sage Hazzard
Apr 2nd, 2001, 12:11:06 AM
The unspoken word was "good", it was implied by his tone. He liked weather munipulation and was quite good at it in fact.
"I believe we should focus on your strength. We increase it as much as we can, and then we work on your faults. I want you able to do one thing very well, other then ten things well."
Sage pointed towards a peice of wood. It was commonly used for kindling to fire as it was very small, it sat next to a long ago put out camp fire.
"Lets see if we can expand on this ability. Weather is many things, including heat. Try and contain your ability's effects to that block of wood. Then try and heat it rapidly, until it burns. Take as many tries as needed. If you feel you do not have the understanding yet on how to do this, tell me and I would be more then happy to instruct. I first want to see how much you know of this first before I tell you."
Apr 2nd, 2001, 03:06:30 AM
**Nodding towards her Jedi Master, she says nothing.. simply looking towards the block of wood. She had never tried to set anything on fire before. She closes her eyes and draws in the Force, imagining the flame and the void. Pushing all of her emotions into the flame, she reaches for the Force -- feeling it fill her with a kind of holy joy. Opening her eyes, she concentrates on the block of wood.
This should be similar to how I destroyed the bricks.. fire is simply faster moving molecules in matter.. that's all it is.. similar.. I hope
**She reaches to the center of the wood, sinking the Force down to the very atoms. Controlling the Force, she makes them move faster and faster. The temperature of the wood rises, and smoke seems to be coming from the segment as she presses with the Force. Smoke, and heat.. but no fire. It wasn't hot enough. As much as she tried, it simply would not burst into flame. There had to be something more.
**Sweat burst out on her face, she tried in vain to light the wood on fire. She was about to give up and ask her master what to do, when a thought struck her. She had not learned much of the physics or the chemistry of the universe, only what she could teach herself to understand.
**She pauses, trying to follow the thought from one end to the other. The smoke begins to fade, and eventually stops appearing from the wood altogether. Sage seems about to speak, but notices that she is thinking hard.
A solid mass is one form of matter. Just like liquid or gas. However fire is a form of energy. If the atoms move fast enough, it can create heat and even smoke.. but there needs to be a catalyst for fire to occur.. a catalyst.. hmmm.... If I used an extra touch of energy, in addition to using the Force to speed the molecules.. could that be the answer?
**There was only one way to find out; she turned her attention back to the wooden block. Beldarine manipulated the molecules as before, getting back to the catalytic edge quickly. It had reached the highest temperature the wood would get, unless she added a motivator. She pushed with an outside flow of the Force, pushed until sweat stood out on her forehead. The equation of the atoms seemed about to ... the smoke rising from the wood increased until the barrier blocking flame broke. A small tongue of flame licked out from a charred hole in the center of the wood. It spread, with the aid of the Force, and consumed the entire block of wood -- leaving only black ash.
**She hoped she had done it right.. Wiping one hand across her face, she looks towards her jedi Master.
"I've always liked fire."
**Bel grins towards Sage.
Sage Hazzard
Apr 2nd, 2001, 03:26:58 AM
"That seems aparent."
Sage couldn't help but smile. How quick his Padawan had been improving.
"Now see that tree there?"
Sage motion towards a Oak. Or atleast as close to an oak as this planet could produce.
"Use the same method you just did to heat the wood, but in opposite. Decrease the speed of the molecules. Then when the trunk, branches, and leaves are frozen, use the Force to heat them to return the tree to it's former glory."
Sage smiled.
"That is if you aren't tired."
Sage was joking with his Padawan, his voice conveyed this. The statement was an unspoken dare taken half heartedly.
Apr 3rd, 2001, 02:45:57 AM
**She heard the slight jab in her Master's voice and smiled. He was testing her, driving her like any great Jedi Master should. She gave Sage a small wink.
"I'll do my best, Master." Her voice was light as she said it, conveying she heard that unspoken dare.
**She felt the Force flowing through her body as she walked a little nearer to the tree. Bel sunk herself into the wood, preferring to work in the center and move outward. The tree was large, and it generated a lot of energy. With fire, the trick had been to add energy until the bonds broke, but ice was the opposite. She needed to keep taking energy away until the atoms became solidified in their positions. The job was a lot bigger than the block of wood though.
**Her smile turned into a grimace. She swung one are out, pointing to the tree. With the Force, she took the energy out of the bonds, adding it to herself to feed her strength. The bonds at the center slowly hardened, and the atoms they formed crystallized in place. With her mind she could feel the cold of that section, and began to branch out.. widening in an ever large radius. By the time that she was half done with the massive tree's trunk, her clothes were soaked through. She was not about to give up, however.. and finally found that taking energy away from the tree because easier in time. Bel finished with the tree's trunk, and spread out to the surrounding branches.. including every one.
**When she was done, she allowed herself to catch her breath. This was a massive project. Walking towards the tree, she reached out and touched it. It felt so cold, the bark had a bluish cast, and icicles actually hung from some of the branches. She looked towards Sage and nodded. Backing away, she pushed out with the Force once again. Only this time, putting the energy back in. The process was slightly more difficult, she needed energy to speed up the molecules to their former velocitie -- which meant she needed to pull energy from her surroundings. Since the weather was warm and sunny outside anyway, the tree's branches had begun to thaw already. She noticed it only took a small amount of time to help nature get back to it's natural state -- even though it took more energy, the process went by faster. Her knees almost buckled by the end of it, but it was done.
**Again she walked towards the tree and placed her hand on it. It felt warm beneath her touch -- living again. Glancing towards her Jedi Master, she wiped her brow with her sleeve.
"Was it done to your liking, Master Sage?
Sage Hazzard
Apr 3rd, 2001, 03:11:49 AM
"Very well done Bel. Very well done."
Sage looked up at the heavens.
"To end our session, let's cool down. Looks like rain..."
Sage smiled knowingly at Beldrine.
"You know what to do. Cool the water molecules in the clouds to speed the rain process. Is that so hard?"
Sage chuckled.
Apr 3rd, 2001, 04:13:56 AM
**She half-grinned at her Jedi Master. She felt so close to him. He was a good person.
"Thank you Master.. why indeed, you are correct.. it does look like rain, doesn't it?"
**Reaching out with the Force, she rose hundreds of miles into the sky to the clouds. Technically it did not really look like rain. The clouds were thick, white, and fluffy. She took a deep breath and stretched the Force like a blanket, herding as much water vapor into the area.. each coallescing and forming another small cloud. The atmosphere at those heights cooled the water rapidly, but not enough to further coallesce the vapor into rain. Using the Force to cool the vapor inside the cloud, she slowly drained the energy from the molecules. The vapor condensed into rain after enough of the energy was lost. Reaching out like she had done before, she stirred a small breeze together, pushing the water droplets until they collided together. They grew larger and larger until the upward pressure of the wind could not counterbalance the weight of the droplets. They began to fall.. slowly at first, and then in a rising torrent.
**She glanced at Sage as soon as she felt the first drop of water fall from the cloud. It had been easier this time. She was starting to get the hang of manipulating Nature's energy bonds. Her confidence had increased tenfold.
"Um.. We're going to have to make a run for it if you want to stay dry.."
**She grinned at him,
"Unless you like getting wet !!!"
**She waited to see if Sage was following beside her, her knees were a bit unsteady but she could still run on them if she needed to.
Sage Hazzard
Apr 4th, 2001, 02:14:41 AM
Sage smiled as he slowly strided towards a hut.
"Indeed I do enjoy getting wet. The rain gives me connectivity."
Sage strolled towards the hut.
"You may sprint if you like, I will be there shortly. I have something to speak with you about."
Apr 4th, 2001, 02:21:27 AM
**She pondered for a second.. getting wet, or running.. which one seemed more preferable?
**She bowed to her master
"Thank you, Master Sage. I believe I'm going to make a run for it, I'm fond of rain.. just not when I'm getting drenched by it."
**Taking off, she ran as a leisurely pace towards the hut nearby. Bel reached the entrance as soon as the downpour begin. It was quite a heavy rain, and it made her rather proud of herself. There was lingering doubt, however. Her master wanted to talk to her in private? She made her way inside, thinking about what she might have done wrong.
OOC: I'll make a thread in the LQ for you to reply to when you want to start that talk.
Sage Hazzard
Apr 5th, 2001, 02:52:31 AM
OOC:LQ? Where's that?
Warren Azalin
Apr 5th, 2001, 03:06:10 AM
OOC: <a href=>Here you go Sage</a> and LQ is the Living Quarters.
Sage Hazzard
Apr 6th, 2001, 12:00:05 AM
OOC:Lol, thanks, totally overlooked that. I never visit the LQ because Sage really never rests, he's always in a state of wander. He feels like he must save the galazy, he has a lot of burden.
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