View Full Version : Master i must talk.
Apr 17th, 2001, 09:02:22 PM
I have been transfered to the war of maderlufe.
If this war fails in our part we are afraid that it might afect the jedi in the protection of the galaxy.
My father, being killed only two days ago a great loss in my part, left me in charge of the entire war!
I am know the great/high warlord/leader of another planet called Maderlufe.
If this war fails then the planet of Maderlufe will be destroyed, leaving the galaxy's secret gardians no more.
Very soon I must come to the jedi clan and get some training and learn the art of the jedi,
The fate of the galaxy rests on you willing to take me in.
If we win the war I will make it very worth your while.
but if we lose well that's up to you, i couldn't give a stuff what you do then.
so will you take me in.
................. the dreaming is over..............
Jedi Rebel X
Apr 17th, 2001, 11:01:27 PM
Riigghhttt.....I'll just let someone else handle this....
Darth Turbogeek
Apr 18th, 2001, 02:06:02 AM
The Force is the secret guardian of the Galaxy. Nothing else.
Now will someone give me the gift of interpretation and tell me what the ..... that was all about?!?!?!
Paul Vader
Apr 18th, 2001, 06:09:36 AM
i think he means he needs someone to train him cuz we will all die if he doesn't become a master in a week.
Darth Turbogeek
Apr 18th, 2001, 08:51:00 AM
Ha. As if you can be a Jedi Master in a week! It takes patience and training! Dedicated you must be. That's my first lesson to you Paul. Dont expect to be a Jedi quickly as you need to be calm and at peace. That takes time if you dont know that already.
One impatient like that will fall to the Dark Side.
Katarina Kariena
Apr 18th, 2001, 11:13:18 AM
Reb: hey!! where the heck have you been?!?!?!
everyone else: *sighs* I started a string on the old board, and he kinda disapeared. I can start another string if you want . . . could you try and be a little more sane this time though? :b o.o;
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 18th, 2001, 11:25:13 AM
Kat..I suppose he is your padawan? I don't recall him. Sorry
Jedi Rebel X
Apr 18th, 2001, 01:04:22 PM
Hey Kat, I just came back to rping. I remember him, and his strange conversations with his brain...
Nash Stolar
Apr 18th, 2001, 01:17:22 PM
I think he died....right?
Paul Vader
Apr 18th, 2001, 03:28:30 PM
[OOC: I meant that sarcastically. I don't expect my character to become anything in a week.]
Force Master Hunter
Apr 18th, 2001, 09:24:16 PM
I think he knows. He was just using it to illustrate a point....
Oh @#%$, I'm not allowed in here!!!!!
:: runs::
Apr 19th, 2001, 01:48:19 AM
There is a secret gardian of rhe galaxy but they don't very often have to do anything.
For the Jedi is a much greater force.
And it can use a power that can overpower the magic that we use.
But this was aimed at my race to get them out of the way so they could have a clean and easy shot at the jedi.
But I doubt that they will go for the jedi, when the are other things at stake ahhhhhhhhhhh
I seriously doubt you will understand what I am talking about soooooooo....... PPPPPPPLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAASSSSSSSEEEEEEEE will you train me.
Jedi Rebel X
Apr 19th, 2001, 01:57:18 AM
At least you know I won't understand...
Apr 21st, 2001, 02:27:36 AM
Typical human!
So average it's not funny.....
but then again I guess I don't know the ways of the human race.
*turns away from Jedi Rebel X*
So Kat when will the training begin?
*pulls out his sword (Aluviel)*
Jedi Rebel X
Apr 21st, 2001, 02:41:12 AM
You must have patience if you are to learn, young padawan. I'm sorry if I seemed to insult you, but some of what you're saying is just very.......strange sounding.
Apr 21st, 2001, 02:54:45 AM
Your just trying to butter me up, and get a date with me!!!
And my answer to that is N-O (NO!).
And I know what I'm saying is strange so I think that I'll have to be more well............aaaaaaawwwwwwww don't make me say this :( *mumbles under his breath the word human*
(And for the top bit I know your a guy :) impressive ha..
I can tell the difference *looks pleased with himself*)
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Jedi Rebel X
Apr 21st, 2001, 03:01:28 AM
<img src= ALT=":\">
Won't try to understand anymore.
Apr 21st, 2001, 03:27:48 AM
no you must try, please for mee?
OK that sounds corny let me take that back.
so can I challenge yuo to a harmless battle with my new flame saber?
Jedi Rebel X
Apr 21st, 2001, 03:35:31 AM
I don't really participate in spars, but I'm sure someone else will be around.
Apr 21st, 2001, 03:44:25 AM
Why do I even bother?
Jedi Rebel X
Apr 21st, 2001, 03:53:02 AM
Don't ask me...that's your own question.
Force Master Hunter
Apr 22nd, 2001, 01:19:59 AM
Please dont bother bloodofwolf... I'm sure we will be all happier and less confused
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