View Full Version : Master Sage...
Jubei SaDherat Vader
Apr 2nd, 2001, 02:36:57 PM
(Jubei enters the Academy, gesturing with a sign of peace)
Jubei: I wish to continue my lessons, Master.
Sage Hazzard
Apr 3rd, 2001, 12:17:31 AM
"Absolutely Jubei."
Sage motioned towards a large tree. A Earthling would call it a oak, a inhabit of the planet had another title for it.
"Let me ask you, what do you see there? A tree? Or something more?"
Jubei SaDherat Vader
Apr 3rd, 2001, 04:31:19 AM
Jubei: Much more than a tree. Fundamentally, I see another living being, something that is bound to me in more ways than I even know. With the gift of life, every part of the tree is a treasure to the soul. Even when people can exist in artificial places, with artificial existences, there is a need to draw one's self to that proximity of life...even if one cannot explain it. Perhaps this attraction is one of the many voices of the Force that guides my instincts.
Sage Hazzard
Apr 4th, 2001, 02:11:35 AM
"You are wise Jubei, beyond my hopes. I see the Force speaks to you also. This makes my ears happy to hear."
Sage motions towards the ground at his feet.
"What do you see here, Jubei? What do you feel as you walk across the soil? What sensation does this give you?"
Jubei SaDherat Vader
Apr 5th, 2001, 08:34:39 PM
(Jubei closes his eyes, and walks along the ground, stretching out with the Force)
Jubei: It is warm. Not so much the temperature, but there is life here. I can feel paths crossing, feelings of strangers who have passed through. They are all different, but they are all the same. They have all been connected here. I feel like I'm pulling on strings of yarn, if only to see what lies on the other side.
(Jubei's eyes open)
Jubei: If everything is so connected, perhaps it is the same with wisdom and existence. If a man walks a path, he will see many others. If I walk this path, I will see where others tread. Perhaps it is this that we call destiny?
Sage Hazzard
Apr 5th, 2001, 11:58:20 PM
"You are correct my Padawan."
Sage motions towards a small hut. It was built for shelter in rain. No walls support the structure, only posts.
"Come, sit with me. I have much I need to discuss with you. Much I need to ask you."
The Jedi makes his way towards the hut, waiting for his Padawan to follow.
Jubei SaDherat Vader
Apr 7th, 2001, 06:34:23 AM
(Jubei walks towards the hut with his master, eager to continue his lessons. Master Sage was forcing him to expand his thoughts, open his mind, and stretch out with his feelings. It was as if every day he awoke, he felt that much closer to everything around him, as if the universe itself seemed to comfort him like a soft blanket. The good and the bad, both visible in his mind's eye. Master Sage granted Jubei the wisdom to guide his newfound insight. It was truly the reason Jubei had started his pilgrimage, almost half a year earlier.)
Jubei: I would be glad to answer, Master.
Sage Hazzard
Apr 8th, 2001, 12:08:52 AM
Sage sat apon the wooden bench inside the hut, gesturing for Jubei to sit at the bench across from him. A table functioned as a devider.
"You have seen the Light Side, felt it's warm touch, now I must ask you something, something very hard to answer..... Have you seen the Darkside? I do not mean a terrible person who calls themself a Sith. I mean, have you seen the Dark Side of the Force? The energy itself? Did it speak to you? What did it say? What was your answer? Or were you fortunate enough to not encounter it?"
Jubei SaDherat Vader
Apr 9th, 2001, 02:45:15 AM
(Jubei thought of this)
Jubei: The Dark Side. It is something I know of. It has no direction, but trys to pull us instead into many directions, some more appealing to each than others. It has no form, and yet it has a name. However, that which I know that is the dark side is anything that tears at the balance between soul and universe. Between self...and environment.
Sage Hazzard
Apr 10th, 2001, 01:49:15 AM
Sage nods.
"You are wise Jubei. Very wise."
Sage paces about.
"It seems it has not formed into a solid person for you... perhaps this a private torture it holds for me. To blame me for my past sins."
Sage turns towards the open field.
"What about the Light? How do you feel when it touches you?"
Jubei SaDherat Vader
Apr 13th, 2001, 07:40:16 PM
(Jubei pondered his master's words. So the Dark was not an absolute at all? It held meaning differently for each pair of eyes? Interesting. Jubei decided to take his master's own experience to heart in his meditations.
Next, Jubei considered the light.)
Jubei: Also, I see the light as something with many directions. One might question a good man who befriends an evil man, but the evil man deserves friendship just as much as the good man's other friends may deserve it. One cannot be blinded to some in order to serve the light. You protect everyone, even those who wish you harm.
Sage Hazzard
Apr 14th, 2001, 02:52:44 AM
Sage nodded.
"Yes. You must always protect all individuals. No one is differant. Peace is our goal. All persons deserve Peace. But never lose sight of the fact that if one strikes you you must use whatever means you must to defend yourself. But try to use the least amount of force. Killing is wrong, no matter what the reason. Only use as much pressure as is needed to keep yourself safe. Never feel cowardly if you retreat. You could possibly not only safe your own life, but safe the enemy from your strength. Do you understand?"
Jubei SaDherat Vader
Apr 17th, 2001, 02:53:45 PM
(More and more, Jubei found Master Sage's teachings similar to the Seven Masters of Calan. He eagerly nodded.)
Jubei: Yes, Master Sage. I understand. There is no conflict heavy enough to destroy life over.
Sage Hazzard
Apr 19th, 2001, 03:24:54 AM
"To kill is a crime against the Force, there are no exceptions. It will forever taint your soul. It is a befitting punishment, more sorrowful then execution. Control is the key. I foresee that when you reach Masterhood you will find it absolutely nessecary to hold back more power then you have ever dreamed of possessing. The Lightside is Control, the Dark embodies Chaos."
Sage folds his hands.
"Light and Dark, good and bad. These terms mean nothing, you will soon find this. No one is inheritly evil. You will discover some of your worst enemies will be your former friends. Your worst enemies could possibly become your best friends. We are all the same, all equal. The paths we choose determines our fate, but are we not still the same? Deep down inside we are the same person as when we begun the journey. So do not think of these Sith as your enemies. Think of them as individuals that have been mislead and misguided. They must be saved, they cane still be saved. Do not make snap judgements on these people. If you ever have the opportunity to talk to a Sith in a enviorment where fighting is not allowed, such as the Bar & Grill, I encourage you to take the chance to learn a valuble lesson."
Sage thought for a moment.
"Tell me if you will take this assignment.... Go to the Bar & Grill. Strike up a conversation with a Sith. Talk about your views on the galaxy and encourage the other to do the same. Come back and tell me of your experiance. Would you do this?"
Jubei SaDherat Vader
Apr 19th, 2001, 02:39:00 PM
Jubei: Yes, my master. I will do this which you ask of me.
Sage Hazzard
Apr 23rd, 2001, 01:37:02 AM
Sage bows to his Padawan.
"Pleasant journey my Padawan."
Make a new thread for me once you get done please. Thank you.
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