View Full Version : Leeloo Mina, report for training.
Sage Hazzard
May 1st, 2001, 01:15:18 AM
Sage stood in the open meadow. It was his favorite spot on the planet, he found it oddly enough when he crash landed after a system failure on his ship. The open land platau was a perfect spot to land a skidding craft.
He awaited his new Padawan, one Leeloo Mina. He had his sabre on his hilt. And he also carried a wooden Katana in his hand.
Leeloo Mina
May 1st, 2001, 04:56:30 PM
Leeloo walked across the soft grass on the meadow it was slightly damp from the morning dew. She walked over to her new master-Sage Hazzard who she was supposed to meet here. The Padawan noted he held a wooden weapon in one hand and she slighty wondered about it..Leeloo began to speak in a casual tone.
Sage Hazzard
May 1st, 2001, 11:52:21 PM
"Yes, greetings."
Sage pointed the Katana at the woman. He then flipped it over and offered the handle to Leeloo.
"Your training sword. You must not use your Lightsabre in practice, when you graduate I shall present you with a weapon truely befitting a Jedi. That is when you become a true Jedi, a Knight."
Sage waved his hands.
"I will not bother you with redundant questioning about your knowledge of the Force, for I know you have been asked this before. What I will ask you is how much of it you can use. How much have you learned from your past Masters? I shall build on those experiances."
Leeloo Mina
May 2nd, 2001, 08:28:23 AM
ooc-Which is why I didnt start out with a lightsaber :)
She took the katana from him and listened as he spoke. What had she learned from past masters..well.. not much, not much at all..she thought of a way to put this.
"Well, in short. Nothing."
Sage Hazzard
May 2nd, 2001, 11:47:52 AM
"No Force moves? No knowledge? Surely you can give me one example. Anything that you Master said about the Force is aplicatable"
Leeloo Mina
May 4th, 2001, 12:37:54 PM
"Well, alright he told me a few things about the Force."
Leeloo thought for a moment and remembered Nup's words
'It has been with you since your conception, and it will be with you on the day that you pass from this plane of existance. It is through the Force that we seek inner peace and guidance. Leave yourself open to it, willing to hear it, and it will guide you well' She tried to remember anything else she had heard either from Nup or other jedi
Sage Hazzard
May 5th, 2001, 03:43:16 AM
Sage raised a hand.
"Stop right there, that's good enough. Lets build on that concept."
Sage rubbed his chin as he thought of what to say. He noticed stubble for he hadn't shaved in days.
"The most crucial mistake young Force users make is they try and find the Force. They stretch out there senses, they begin to sweat, they try so hard it shows! But this is wrong. When you do this you are in essence trying to create the Force, trying to make it appear. But this is wrong. The Force is always present. It is with you no matter where you may be. To truely find the Force you must not be attempting to find it. Instead, try and relax. Open your mind to anything. Perhaps you won't notice the Force at first. But pay relaxed attention to everything. Hear the bird sing it's song. Here the ants at your feet march. You will sense many things when you do not try and hear them. The Force will always be there, you just have to distance yourself enough to notice it. Let it find you, not the other way around. Open yourself to it, but do not attempt to see it, rather know it's there! Have confidence that it will always be there, that you mustn't try and see it, but rather let yourself see it. Do you understand?"
Leeloo Mina
May 7th, 2001, 10:55:42 AM
The padawan noded to Sage- it did make sence, She had even tried this herself. Now she knew what she had done wrong... Leeloo brushed a strand of orange hair back from her face thinking about her time spent at the Greater Jedi Order. She had much to learn and no doubt Sage would teach her. She looked down at the katana in her hand and then back up at Sage. Leeloo stood waiting for Sage's next words
Yes, I understand.. I've even done this myself sometimes.
To her suprise she didnt feel stupid saying that, in the old days to admit her own weakness would have been the last thing she whould ever do. Then again that was then, this is Now. She had given that up to become a Jedi. In the time she had been at GJO she tried her best to follow the code and act like a jedi. She didnt seem to think she did a very good job, after all she was untrained and by no means equal to the knights--or even most of the padawans. It didnt really matter to her what her ablities where she wasnt here to show off or be "cool" she was here to protect the innocent and try to keep those of evil from harming others.
Sage Hazzard
May 9th, 2001, 01:30:21 AM
Sage smiled.
"Prove it."
He motioned toward a pebble.
"A simple test. Lift the pebble. Do or do not; there is no try."
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