View Full Version : ::steps into an empty training room::
Hunk Seidou
Mar 29th, 2001, 12:50:15 PM
::settling himself towards the center, he closes his eyes, letting himself drift into a gentle trance. All conscious thoughts slowly drifted away--thoughts of his new ship, his recent practicing with the force lift (which ended abruptly when in enraged trader gave him a good tongue lashing, apparently not liking his ship being suspended in the air), the amorous feline woman in the bar, all dropped away, leaving his mind peaceful and uncluttered. He began to reach out slowly with the force, sensing the energy flowing through the room. He reached into the floor, the hard, cold, stone floor...before he knew it, he was down to the molecular level, sensing the powerful bonds holding the atoms together. Getting a momentary idea, he began tugging at the bonds, urging them to rearrange themselves. Carefully shaping the atoms, he urged them to flow, like water. Opening his eyes slowly, he was thrilled to find a small pool of "liquid" stone before him. Reaching down tentitively, he touched the pool with his right index finger, and was surprised to find it gave a little to his touch. It surprised him so much, in fact, that it broke his concentration. The stone quickly took the opportunity to return to its prior state, hardening in an instant, and, in the process, trapping Hunk's finger in its cold, unyielding grip.::
"Son of a bantha!"
::tries to free himself::
"Well...this is a fine mess. Okay Hunk, calm down, you did it once, you can do it again"
::repeating the process he had went through before, Hunk again sought out the all important bonds of energy he needed to work with. Fighting the discomfort he felt, Hunk manages to make the stone viscous enough to free himself once more.::
"Hmmm...that was...interesting to say the least. Maybe I'm not ready for that quite yet. Let's try the lifting thing again."
::reaches into hie pockets and bulls out three fist-sized wooden balls, setting them before him on the once-more solid ground::
Hunk Seidou
Apr 8th, 2001, 04:18:06 PM
::Hunk closes out all his senses, reaching out with the force....slowly, the three wooden balls rise in the air until they are at the height of the kneeling jedi's head...slowly, Hunk open's his eyes, pleased to see the balls suspended in the air. Spliting his concentration, he holds two in they're present postion, while the other rises higher into the air. As the first ball reaches a height of 6 ft, he allows it to fall, at the same launching another ball into the air...when the first ball reaches its base height, he softly cusions its fall. Soon, the three balls are moving up and down in a graceful dance, weaving and bobbibg between each other::
Hunk Seidou
Apr 9th, 2001, 10:11:57 PM
The steady motion of the balls had a calming effect on Hunk, and the longer he kept them in motion, the easier it got. Soon, his mind began to wander, contimplating other uses for the "force lift" he had learned.
It came to him in a flash, a sudden revelation.
Could it work? Logically, it shouldn't be any harder than lifting a 225 lb rock. But, then again, it was a living being, with an energy field of its own. So maybe it couldn't work.
Regardless, there was only one way he would be able to find out if he could use the force to levitate himself. He had to try.
Concentrating again on the balls, he let them drop gently to the ground. He reached out again with the, not out...instead, he reached inward, and reached around himself. It was an electrifying feeling, a completely new experience; inherently different than his experiences with the balls.
He examined the forces acting upon his body, seeking out their effect on the force. He found the effect of gravity easily enough, it was like a series of ropes, pulled taught, holding him to the ground. Carefully, he began easing the ropes off of his body, one by one. With each line that fell, he could feel himself get lighter. He dared not open his eyes, for fear that it would break his hold on his concentration.
[edit: there was a big chunk in the middle that was missing]
Hunk Seidou
Apr 10th, 2001, 08:09:41 PM
As the last "line" of energy fell to the ground, Hunk felt himself lift from the ground ever so slightly, still in a cross-legged, sitting position. He slowly opened his eyes, letting them focus again before looking down.
He was still on the ground.
However, he felt almost weightless. As a test, he reached out with a hand and gently pushed against the ground. As if he was pushing off a wall while standing on glare ice, Hunk began to move upward with the thrust, with nothing to hold him back. He rose steadily until he was almost 20 ft off the ground. He was doing it! He was actually "flying". Thrilled with himself, Hunk moved into a standing position, mindfully holding the forces of gravity at bay to allow him to continue floating. He twisted around, and kicked his legs, trying to move forward.
Unfortunatelly, he couldn't move. In midair, with nothing to push against, Hunk was helpless. His heart sank as he realized there was only one way out of the present predicament.
Straight down.
Reluctantly, Hunk eased on the mental pressure he was placing on the gravitational forces, letting the "lines" of energy spring back into place. He could almost hear the ground laugh in triuph as it welcomed Hunk back.
With a bone jarring crunch, he hit the ground.
Apr 10th, 2001, 10:46:40 PM
What you can lift, you can set down... rather than making oneself boyant, you simply need to lift, like and invisable hand holding you upward...
perception, is a key part of the force.
[Edit] TTT
Hunk Seidou
Apr 16th, 2001, 07:37:40 PM
And once in the air, can the force be used to propel an obeject sideways?
Apr 16th, 2001, 08:53:08 PM
How is side to side any differnt than up or down, really?
Hunk Seidou
Apr 18th, 2001, 09:05:29 AM
I see your point. Now I know the force can be used to do more than just pick up and move things, will I be learning any of these?
Apr 21st, 2001, 05:10:46 PM
Of course...
*she looked at hunk*
anything in particular you're thinking of?>
Hunk Seidou
Apr 22nd, 2001, 12:05:52 PM
No, no there isn't. I can't even imagine to what means the force can be used. I was hoping you would enlighten me in that respect.
Apr 22nd, 2001, 12:34:25 PM
Hrump. What ever happened to inquisitive minds...
Alright now... let's see....
*she drew a knife, balancing it by the point on her finger*
How about healing.
Hunk Seidou
Apr 28th, 2001, 01:32:24 AM
::looks at the young woman, inquisatively::
Healing? Now you're talking.
May 3rd, 2001, 09:18:37 PM
May 8th, 2001, 12:34:11 AM
Alright then. First question. What are you going to practice on?
*a grin crossed her face*
And you're going to be practiceing on yourself at first... so choose wisely...
Hunk Seidou
May 8th, 2001, 09:04:43 AM
Choose wisely? I don't think I quite understand. I've never been much into purposefully injuring myself, but if that was it takes...
May 8th, 2001, 09:29:17 AM
*she shrugged* Learning on yourself is the best way to start.
It's either that, or you have to wait until you get injured. Not that it takes much, a simple little cut to practice on.
Hunk Seidou
May 8th, 2001, 06:27:27 PM
I see. Well, her it goes.
::takes the knife from the jedi knight and carefully makes a small incision on his forearm...blood begins to seep from the shallow wound, running down to his hand, leaving a ruby streak::
Ok, what next?
May 9th, 2001, 12:57:43 AM
Well, trying not to bleed to death comes to mind.
*she grinned*
Relax... focus on the force. The force is a form of energy.. and tht's what your body needs to grow, strengthen yourself.
*she looked upon him with blind eyes* But remember, there's some extreams that even the force can't overcome...
now, guide the energy to the wound... let the cells feast on it, grow, multiply...
but again, you have to watch, as they multiply, they can mutate, and cause a cancer... those ones you must weed out...
(ooc) Healing isn't something I'm good at really, never found a satisfactory wway of doing it. just some things to note.
Larger wounds take more time to heal
It's draining for the jedi and the person being healed.
Two Jedi can split the task, one doing the healing, the other gathering the force and giving it to the other jedi.
Probably a few other things I could add, but I can't think of them now.
Hunk Seidou
May 9th, 2001, 07:46:58 PM
Well, lets hope I'm a fast learner, otherwise I may have to interupt the lesson and
::concentrating on the wound, Hunk guides the energy of the force to the incision, slowly coaxing the platelets to the open skin...his skill was paltry though, and he was unable to gather the energy needed...despite the effort he was putting in, the enery of the force evaded his minstrations like sand flowing though fingers...the wound began to heal, but hardly any faster than it would unaided...exhausted from the effort, Hunk is forced to give up::
This...this isn't working.
::takes his hand and tightly grips his forearm, halting the flow of blood::
I'm going to go get somthing put on this. I'll be back in a few minutes.
May 10th, 2001, 02:18:26 AM
Go then. *she nodded*
Maybe next time I'm going to have to start with plants...
Hunk Seidou
May 11th, 2001, 01:13:13 PM
::returns with a freshly bandaged arm::
Why was it so difficult? It seemed much harder than our earlier exercises. It seemed like the energy was slipping right through my grasp, why is that?
May 11th, 2001, 09:11:20 PM
Beacuse it is harder. As I said, healing is one of the more difficult things that one can learn.
Healing is an intensive action... you're speeding up part of the body's processes... if you're not guiding the energy properly, you'll just be ineffective...
Hunk Seidou
May 11th, 2001, 10:03:56 PM
Do you have any helpful tips? I realize I must practice, but I'd prefer not to have to cut myself a couple dozen times to get this right...
May 12th, 2001, 01:31:30 AM
*she shrugged slightly* Can't say mcuh more than I have... you're basically useing the force to speed your natural processes... burning energy from your body, as well as the force...
All else fails, find some injured animals to try it on...
Hunk Seidou
May 15th, 2001, 09:54:41 AM
With a fresh <a href=>wound</a> in his side, Hunk attempts healing again.
::closing his eyes, he reches out with his mind, pulling the miniscule strands of force energy surrounding him to his wound...he attempts to use the force like a tool, forcing it into the wound, trying to make it affect his bodies natural defenses...but as hard as he pushed, the force seemed more and more reluctant to follow his orders::
::sitting back, he sighed and tried to catch his breath...the ordeal had taken quite a toll on his mind::
Oh well, back to the med-bay. I guess some good ol' bacta will have to do it. I guess I'll have to try some other time.
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