View Full Version : open spar
Master Yurza
May 10th, 2001, 12:46:08 PM
:Yurza walks into the training area and goes and stands under a tree waiting for a sparring person.As he waits he takes a moment to refelct on the beauty of the enviroment around him. The trees, the stream, the grass:
"What a beautiful day. And a perfect one for a spar and some exercise."
:Yurza begins jogging around to lossen up as he watches the other Jedi practicing and sparing:
Katarina Kariena
May 10th, 2001, 03:25:53 PM
Kat watched Yurza for a momment from her perch in a a tree before she took a running leap off of the branch summersaulting and landing gracefully and quietly behind him.
"Hello," she said quietly and calmly.
Master Yurza
May 10th, 2001, 04:53:35 PM
:Yurza turns around to see whoo had spoken and he is shocked to see that it was a beatiful young lady that stood before him:
"Umm....ummm.......he...hello. Nice to meet you. Are YOU wishing a spar!?!"
:Yurza stares, awed at the beauty of the warrior before him:
Katarina Kariena
May 10th, 2001, 06:06:58 PM
Kat looked back at the area she leaped out of and felt the wind agianst her face, "You coulden't want to spar on a better day. It's beautiful out."
She looked back at Yurza and smiled, "You're lead."
Master Yurza
May 11th, 2001, 11:53:59 AM
:Yurza takes one last loo at his opponent before igniting his LS and becoming serious:
"Ok lets do it....I mean spar of course."
:Yurza takes a step towards his opponent and swings towards her midsection but before she can react he stops his attackand changes it into an upward slash:
Katarina Kariena
May 11th, 2001, 11:15:35 PM
Kat ignighted her saber at the last second and steped back, "If I didden't know any better I'd think you were trying to use my own tricks agianst me." She steped quickly foreward and cut at Yurza's side.
Darth Ryanos
May 11th, 2001, 11:39:53 PM
OOC: Awesome sig, Yurza! Who did it? I want one!
Master Yurza
May 12th, 2001, 07:25:32 PM
OOC: sorry i took so long to respond but my comp is acting up last night. I got mine made at the sig shop. go to the B&G and ask someone where it is because i kinda forgot.
:Yurza sees Kat's swipe coming at him so he takes a step back and it couldn't sooner as Kat's LS just barely grazes his arm. When he gets out of range Yurza takes another step back so he can examine his arm:
"Looks like I'll live."
:After examining his arm he switches his LS from his right hand to his weaker left side so he can give his right time to relax. After a moment of silence Yurza releases yet another attack of LS blows at Kat each time she dodges and uses one of her own attacks. It would almost be a dance if we didn't have these lightsabers attacking each other, Yurza thought:
Katarina Kariena
May 13th, 2001, 01:21:51 AM
Kat did various gymastics to avoid getting hit by Yurza's saber, "You're good. As you continue your training try to strengthen your weaknesses."
She parried a strike and she moved to a cut at Yurza's side agian quickly switching directions and activateing the other end of her saber tapping him lightly on his side.
Master Yurza
May 13th, 2001, 12:32:10 PM
"I'll try to remember that."
:Yurza winces at the pain from Kat's LS. He then steps back to regroup before he releases yet another series of attacks at his agile opponent, each time she dodges. Anyone watching the spar could see Yurza visibly becoming fatigue, for he hasn't spared against someone with this much experince:
"Your master has taught you very well. Wish i could say the same but I have no master."
:Yurza then uses the Force to pick up a small stick and flings it at Kat's feet in an attempt to trip her:
Katarina Kariena
May 13th, 2001, 11:34:34 PM
"What?" Kat asked tripping over her own two feet and rolled back into a fighting stance, "You're kidding right? I thought you had a Master. You're very good."
Master Yurza
May 14th, 2001, 11:50:11 AM
"Thank you for the compliament. Unfourtanely my Master turned Sith so therefore I have none. So I continue to train on my own. You are very good yourself though. Your master must be very pleased with your progress."
:Yurza steps back to let his opponent regain her balance. He then swiches his LS off. He waits until Kat ragins her balance and then he ignites his lightsaber and stands in a defensive position:
"Your move"
Katarina Kariena
May 14th, 2001, 11:11:35 PM
"Thank you, but unfortunately you know little of the truth about my master," Kat replied, trying to keep the hint of bitterness out of her voice, as she quickly spun into a round kick towards Yurza's head, useing her lightsaber to block his. "Although he might be proud of where I am now, but I could care less."
Master Yurza
May 15th, 2001, 07:06:48 AM
"Whoa. I can see that you have a lot of anger in you. Why? If you don't mind me asking."
:Yurza tries to dodge kat's kick but unfourtantely the hell of her foot connects with the back of his head. As he falls he streches a hand out to brace himself and when he is on the ground he attemps a sorry try to sweep Kat off her feet but his head is still blury from the kick that she dodges. Yurza stands back up and trys to shake his head out:
"Nice move. Guess it is mine now."
:Yurza takes a step forward after his head has cleared and takes a slash at Kat's lower left arm:
Katarina Kariena
May 16th, 2001, 10:40:28 PM
"Ahh!" Kat yelped as his saber burned her arm. "Dang," she muttered looking at the burn. She looked up at Yurza, "My master caused alot of problems for alot of people. I'm not angry, for anger leads to the Dark Side, the side I don't want to be on."
Kat aimed a strike with her lightsaber at Yurza's mid section and side kicked him away from her. Spinning gracefully she landed in a defencable stance.
Master Yurza
May 17th, 2001, 11:42:17 AM
"Glad to hear you're not going to the Dark Side cause I would hate to have to fight against you for real. You are alreay tough enough just sparring"
:Yurza stands back up after recieving Kat's kick. Yurza then checks his mid-section to see if Kat's LS slash actually connected in any way. After seeing that it only singed his shirt Yurza then goes back on the offensive attacking Kat, but he isn't going o be able to last much longer for any onlooker could see him becoming visibly fatigue, it was only a matter of time:
Katarina Kariena
May 17th, 2001, 12:13:32 PM
Kat excended her hand and gave Yurza a slight push back away from her with the force. "Let me know when you want to stop," she said calmly watching his movements carefully.
Master Yurza
May 17th, 2001, 12:28:12 PM
:Yurza goes flying back after Kat used the force to throw him. After landing he gets back up and takes a deep breath and allows the Force to take control of him. He then uses it to pick up a rock and thorws it at the hand that is holding Kat's LS:
"I maybe getting tired but i am not a quitter."
:Yurza then goes back into a defensive position:
Katarina Kariena
May 17th, 2001, 01:07:58 PM
"AHH!" Kat yelped as she droped her saber stepping to the side to avoid getting hit by the rock, "I never said you were."
She called her lightsaber back to her and held a defenceive stance for a momment before she did a summersault mid air over Yurza's head and landed on a catwalk above his head. She motioned for him to join her.
Master Yurza
May 17th, 2001, 07:23:34 PM
:Yurza takes a step back and then he does a summersault and lands on the catwalk and begins to stand up, a little shakily at first. After finding his balance Yurza steps into a defesive position and ignites his lightsaber. Yurza takes a step forward and takes a jerky thrust at Kat's hand holding her lightsaber , determined to unarm her if he sees a chance:
"Nice coice of battleground," Yurza said as he looked down and took a big gulp.
Katarina Kariena
May 19th, 2001, 12:17:00 AM
Kat smiled, "A little afraid of heights are we? Don't worry, we each have our weaknesses, and we must learn to make them strengths."
She leaped back out of the reach of Yursa's lightsaber.
Chaos Alexander
May 19th, 2001, 04:06:00 PM
Go Yurza Go! Show her what you got!
::Chaos tilts his head back and lets loose a Howl of Glory in Yurza's honor. Chaos hopes it will fill Yurza with a sence of purpose that he has friends rootin' for him.::
Master Yurza
May 20th, 2001, 12:47:54 PM
:Yurza looks over to see what that howling was and as he looks over he trips and falls off the balance beam. As he falls he tries to use the Force to slow himself down and he lands and rolls out of the way just incase Kat had jumped down after himand after seeing that she hadn't Yurza then gets up and uses the Force to throw some dust in Kat's eyes and then he jumps back up on the Beam and kicks Kat's lightsaber out of her hand and going with the momentum he lands back on the ground and goes into a defesive position surprised at himself:
"Wow, I did that!?!?!?"
Katarina Kariena
May 20th, 2001, 08:32:28 PM
Kat laughed and kept her eyes closed. "That you did, but remember to stay calm and don't let hate or anger overtake you. That leads to the Dark Side, remember?" she smiled and keeping her eyes closed she called her lightsaber back to her and summersaulted off the catwalk landing just behind Yurza, with her eyes still closed she activated her lightsaber and brought it near his leg and motioned to tap his leg slightly but backed awawy instead and asumed a fighting stance. She opened her eyes, "And don't forget to keep an eye out in the force as you fight."
Master Yurza
May 21st, 2001, 11:48:38 AM
"You are right anger and hatred do lead to the Dark Side. It is just that that was the first time I have ever done something like that."
:Yurza turns around to face his opponent and after a moment he begins swinging his blade at Kat. While they contiue sparring neither is gaining an upper-hand. Each one is blocking the others attack and counter-attacks:
Katarina Kariena
May 21st, 2001, 11:46:17 PM
Kat steped back, "I'm impressed, You are able to hold your own rather well."
She spun foreward with a side kick to his ribs and brought her lightsaber down hard, but keeping it under firm control incase he coulden't block it in time.
Master Yurza
May 22nd, 2001, 09:50:17 AM
:Yurza feels the blow from Kat's kick but instead of falling he allows the momentum of her kick to knock him out of the way of her lightsaber blade. After getting back enough he stands up and supplies pressure to his ribs:
"Whoa that was.....a...nice..kick..," Yurza manages to get out.
:Yurza then takes his lightsaber and holds it up in front of him in a defensive position wincingat the pain from his ribs. Maybe I should take it a little slower for the rest of this spar, Yurza thinks to himself while wincing at the pain:
Katarina Kariena
May 22nd, 2001, 04:28:49 PM
Kat backed off seeing Yurza wince. Oops! I think I kicked him a little to hard! she thought. "Are you alright?" she asked. "Are you sure you want to continue?"
EDIT: Need to remember to make sure I unclick the little HTML blx thing. :p
Master Yurza
May 22nd, 2001, 05:01:36 PM
"Yeah I thiink i can continue for a little longer."
:Yurza takes a step forward getting ready for the next series of attacks:
Katarina Kariena
May 23rd, 2001, 03:18:27 PM
"If you say so," Kat replied and she leaped foreward cutting at his side with her lightsaber.
Master Yurza
May 23rd, 2001, 03:28:28 PM
:Yurza lets go of his lightsaber with hiis left hand and swings it around so that he is holding it upside down and then he moves it to where it is just in the way of Kat's blow. Then with some of his remaing strength he uses the force to pick Kat up off of the balance beam and hold her into the her and then he puts her down on the ground dropping her the last few feet. After putting her down he jumps down and uses the rest of his strength to release another seires of lightsaber attacks at Kat:
Katarina Kariena
May 23rd, 2001, 03:58:41 PM
"AACK!!!" Kat yelped as he picked her up. Comeing back down to her feet she quickly got into a fighting stance and blocked his blows. Quickly in the middle of one of his blows she backed away. "You're doing well. I'm very impressed. Just keep in mind that this is a spar . . ." she didden't continue her sentience, she hoped he could figure out what she was thinking.
Master Yurza
May 24th, 2001, 08:56:53 AM
:Yurza stops his movements so suddenly that it almost knocks him off his feet. And stands there staring at Kat:
"I guess your right it is just a spar......sorry. I guess i just got caught up in the moment. Sorry but i am going to have to cut this short I think I kinda drained my strenght with those last series of attacks there. Nice spar and as a tradition of mine would you like to go to the B&G for the winner. If that would be ok just meet me there later but first I am going to go see a doctor."
:Yurza deactivates his lightsaber and begins walking towards the infirmary. And afterwards he is going to the B&G:
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