View Full Version : Anyone want to spar?

Satine Capashen
May 15th, 2001, 06:14:23 PM
Alpha steps into a training room filled with obstacles, including some auto firing blaster cannons. The Young One ignites both of his sabres waiting for an opponent.

"Anyone wanna spar...?"

Terris Rhyson
May 16th, 2001, 01:37:05 AM
Terris walks into the obstacle filled room...


He spots another person...

"Hey there! Looking to spar? Well, I haven't done any saber work since my father passed away a few months back, but I'd love the practice..."

He approaches her...

"Hi. I'm Terris Rhyson. Who might you be?"

Satine Capashen
May 16th, 2001, 08:16:33 AM
Alpha nods his head to Terris, smiling.

"My name's Satine Capashen, but I go by Alpha."

Alpha gets into a fighting stance, both of his sabres held in defense positions. "Shall you go first or shall I?"

Terris Rhyson
May 16th, 2001, 06:03:45 PM
Terris grabs the lightsaber from his belt, and flicks it on. A length of forest green light shoots from one end.

"This was my grandfather's saber. I've only learned to use one, and only have one. Oh, you go first. But I'm here to refresh myself, ok? I haven't done this for about 6 months.Bring it on."

Satine Capashen
May 16th, 2001, 06:21:31 PM

Alpha disengages one of his sabres, leaving the silver one out. The Jedi jumps out, slicing downwards. Terris blocks, and counters. Alpha blocks and attacks again, letting lose a volley of strikes.

Terris Rhyson
May 17th, 2001, 11:34:31 PM
Terris counters the volley of strikes, one being aimed at his right side, ankles, and his stomach...Which in sucession he avoids by, blocking the first with his lightsaber, jumping the second, and stepping back, and doing 2 backflips, landing facing Alpha, then spinning, starting the spin with his left side, slamming his light saber, which is in his right hand, at Alpha's right left side, stopping the spin and moving his lightsaber to slash diagonally across his opponent's body...

Satine Capashen
May 20th, 2001, 08:02:21 PM
Alpha drops to the ground, letting his legs collapse under him. the Jedi rolls before he hits the ground, landing arms extended. As the blade on Alpha's lightsabre goes out from the fall, Terris's blade swings right over him. Alpha jumps to his feet, re-igniting his sabre. He ducks under a slash towards his neck, coming up with a quick stab directed at Terris's gut...

Terris Rhyson
May 21st, 2001, 09:22:50 PM
Terris brings his saber around from the diagonal slice to the side of Alpha's saber, batting it away from his gut, lifting Alpha's saber up, then bringing his away and down to cut through his midsection, but staying prepared for any downstroke from Alpha..

Satine Capashen
May 22nd, 2001, 08:27:25 AM
Alpha hisses in pain as the sabre rakes through him, but pushes it away, swinging his sabre in a wdie arc, ending at his solar plexus. Terris brings his sabre up quickly and blocks. Alpha drops down and sweeps the other Jedi's legs out, dropping Terris to the floor.

Terris Rhyson
May 22nd, 2001, 01:18:55 PM
The young sandy haired boy shrugs and drops to his butt. He then slides forward, remaining on the floor, and kicks forcefully at the hilt of Alpha's saber with his right foot and uses his left leg to trip Alpha from behind, while holding his own saber in his right hand, close behind Alpha's back. Meanwhile he is thinking:

I'd like to see how and if he gets out of this one...

Satine Capashen
May 23rd, 2001, 08:38:01 AM
Alpha concentrates on the Force, pushing Terris backwards with a powerful Force shove. Alpha rolls as he hits the ground, and then coems to his feet, retrieving his fallen sabre and reigniting it.

"Very impressive move..."

Terris Rhyson
May 23rd, 2001, 11:41:20 AM
Terris slides back several feet, then flips to his feet, holding his light saber in his left hand...

"Thank you. My father pushed me hard to learn sometimes, to see a way out of any situation. "

Satine Capashen
May 23rd, 2001, 05:32:23 PM
"Well, it works..."

With that, Alpha jumps at Terris, attacking with a flurry of strikes and stabs. Terris paries them and throws in a couple of counterstrikes, some catching Alpha...

Terris Rhyson
May 23rd, 2001, 07:09:41 PM
After striking at Alpha's left shoulder from behind, and connecting, Terris turns to the wall behind him and takes 6 steps up as Alpha turns around. Terris slices with his lightsaber down the middle of his opponent's face, while in midair, and Alpha moves his head to the side, leaving Terris to catch him in the left shoulder yet again. Terris lands behind Alpha. Alpha is facing the wall now, as Terris rams his lightsaber through Alpha's midsection, starting on Alpha's right side, making to cleave him in half...

Satine Capashen
May 24th, 2001, 02:43:56 PM
Alpha hisses in pain and drops to the floor, rolling aside. As Alpha stops, he swings his sabre low, catching Terris in the knees.

Terris Rhyson
May 24th, 2001, 03:13:11 PM
Terris gets caught in the side of his right knee, and his face gets a crumpled look. He drops, front to the ground, rolls a bit towards Alpha, and sends a forceful kick at Alpha's saber hilt, hitting the button, turning it off, and knocking the saber out of his hand at the same time, making it fly across the room. He then flips himself up, over Alpha, landing on his left side. Terris drops and plants his right knee on Alpha's chest, and holds his forest green saber horizontally across Alpha's neck.

Satine Capashen
May 24th, 2001, 06:51:10 PM
"Is there a surrender option here?"

Terris Rhyson
May 25th, 2001, 12:22:01 PM
Terris nods...several strands of his sandy coloured hair is hanging in his face...

"Yes, there is. Do you wish to take it?"

Satine Capashen
May 25th, 2001, 02:46:25 PM
Alpha normally spiked hair flies around as he nods, sweat flying off the quills.

"I don't see any other choice right now. Good fight, you are a worthy opponent."

Alpha gets back to his feet as Terris disengages his green sabre, and retrieves his silver sabre, hooking it to his belt...

Terris Rhyson
May 26th, 2001, 02:36:51 PM
Terris clips his saber to his belt, and walks over to Alpha. He shakes Alpha's hand.

"Thanks. I needed the practice. Anytime you want to spar with me specifically, just ask. I'll be around"

Terris, the 11 year old boy, walks off to shower, etc.

Satine Capashen
May 28th, 2001, 04:22:50 PM
The 13 year old watches Terris leave and heads out, heading for his quarters.