View Full Version : EDIT: Ok, I change subject now, open spar

Katarina Kariena
Jun 13th, 2001, 11:47:44 PM

Liam Jinn
Jun 14th, 2001, 04:52:58 AM
He's not here

Nash Stolar
Jun 14th, 2001, 09:58:01 AM
In other words he went sith.... :|

Shade Magus
Jun 14th, 2001, 03:11:51 PM
he sorta went sith but i am a close and personal freind and i coud get in touch with him if you would like to continue it on the main SWFans board.

Katarina Kariena
Jun 14th, 2001, 03:38:09 PM
BAH!! Why no one tell me this? *growls at everyone* hmmm ok in that case this is open to anyone. *shrug**thinks she lost her mind when her computer got fried*

Master Yurza
Jun 14th, 2001, 07:03:05 PM
(This message was left blank)

Shade Magus
Jun 14th, 2001, 07:27:18 PM
"I will spar with you, if you wish. I am new here but I have to have some practice. I am very talented wielding a lightsaber just not using the Force very well. So if you want to just tell me."

Katarina Kariena
Jun 14th, 2001, 09:32:50 PM
Kat nodded, "That's fine with me." ^-^;

Shade Magus
Jun 14th, 2001, 10:31:02 PM
"Ok then. I am very traditional so ladies first."

::Shade stands in a defensive position with his lightsaber unignited, waiting for Katarina to make the first move. He stood waiting, motionless, and silient::

Katarina Kariena
Jun 14th, 2001, 10:37:59 PM
Kat laughed, "You're going to regret that!" She stood motionles for a few momments and side leaped foreward activateing her lightsaber at the last second aiming for his waist.

OOC: I don't like finnishing moves for other people or other people finnishing them for me. I suggest a 1:3 ratio of getting hit.

Shade Magus
Jun 14th, 2001, 11:16:01 PM
OOC: ok i understand your thing but as far as i am concerned. you will never hit me wqith your litghsaber blade, mayeb a rock or the hilt of your saber, you might even singe me but you won't cut off my arm or anything so don't expect a direct hit with a ls blade. not trying to sound sarcastic or anything but i have met people who have tried to do that.


::Shade leaped back just in the nick of time, but not soon enough for there was a black mark on his side where Katariena had almost had a direct hit. After he landed from jumping back, he quickly ignited his lightsaber and summoned up all the Force he could, for he was gonna need it in this battle. He tried to focus only enough Force to up his speed and his strength enough to where he could hold his own. After summoning enough he lashed out with his saber, obiviously slower than Katariena. Well if I can't be faster than her maybe I can be more defensive and wear her out, Shade thought to himself after his first series of unsucessful attacks. After waiting a moment Shade went into a Fury of attack, not meant to be fast but just hard hitters. He knew he couldn't catcher her speed wise yet but maybe if he wore her down a little then he might be able to catchb her::

Katarina Kariena
Jun 15th, 2001, 04:15:41 AM
OOC: I'd never cut off your arm or anything like that that's god modding . . . that's ebilness!!! :b

IC: Kat summersaulted away and danced around him for a few momments, "Keep that up and you'll exaust yourself!" she chuckled and she slowed herself down just enough to be a chalange to him, not an unfair oponent. She swung quickly at his side and side kicked him in the chest. (BTW cut me leg off and I kill you :b)

Katarina Kariena
Jun 15th, 2001, 04:15:47 AM
OOC: I'd never cut off your arm or anything like that that's god modding . . . that's ebilness!!! :p

IC: Kat summersaulted away and danced around him for a few momments, "Keep that up and you'll exaust yourself!" she chuckled and she slowed herself down just enough to be a chalange to him, not an unfair oponent. She swung quickly at his side and side kicked him in the chest. (BTW cut me leg off and I kill you :p )

Shade Magus
Jun 15th, 2001, 02:07:38 PM

::Shade landed on the ground with a loud thump. After a moment had passed he rolled far enough out the way to where he could take his time getting up. After getting up and checking his side he reignited his lightsaber and stood ready to strike::

"I'll remember that about wearing myself out, but you should know that I have very high staminia. So me wearing myself out isn't something I am really worried about. I am more worried about you actually. What with your speed and everything, I am really gonna have to be on my toes."

::Shade then stepped foward and brought his lightsaber down in a strong vertical slash, hoping maybe to knock Katariena back a little. After acomplishing so he started swinging again, still keeping with his strategy of wearing out his opponent::

Katarina Kariena
Jun 17th, 2001, 10:22:14 PM
Kat summersaulted behind Shade's back and spun once roundkicking him in the side, "You needen't worry about me, I can take care of myself. With the force as my guide I can keep this up for longer than you think."

She backfliped out of the way and waited at ready, lightsaber in hand, to see what his responce would be.

Shade Magus
Jun 18th, 2001, 02:10:05 PM
::Shade took the hit in the side but as he was falling he used all the Force he could summon up to try and knock Kat's legs up from under her. He then rolled over to the side and sprang to his feet. He stood there and waited for Kat to back on her feet before going in for his next attack his was an back-handed slash across her left side::

Katarina Kariena
Jun 18th, 2001, 05:09:28 PM
"WEEEEEEE!!!" Kat laughed as she did a backwards roll onto her feet(I hate doing those things IRL I really do. :p ). "Good," she complimented. "Now try this one!"

Kat leaped foreward like she was about to attack him head on, but summersaulted over him agian and instead of actualy kide kicking him agian she made the movement of a side kick and used the force to progect the power from it at him.

Shade Magus
Jun 18th, 2001, 05:59:46 PM
::Shade flew a few feet from the force of Kat's Force Kick. He got up to his knees and stood there for a moment ctaching his breath before he noticed that somewhere along the linee his pendant had fallen off. He quickly scanned the area before finding it at the mid-point between him and Katariena. Well this is gonna be interesting. I hope I didn't reveal anything, Shade thought as he dashed over to his pendant and put it back on. He then got back up and switched his lightsaber on and stood in a defensive position::

"That is quite a kick you got there. You ever thought about playing for a few sports teams?"

::He stood ready and watched her every move trying to guess when she would strike next. For he was on red alert now::

Katarina Kariena
Jun 18th, 2001, 09:49:00 PM
Kat laughed, "Had I not grown up on the streets of Corellia I might have." She walked slowly foreward toward the pendant and picked it up, "This is a beautiful pendant. Where did you get it?" she asked looking at the pendant but monitoring his movements through the force.

OOC: BWAHAHAHAA!!! I'm female I can do 20 things at once!! :p

Shade Magus
Jun 18th, 2001, 10:43:17 PM
"Yes it is very beautiful. It is said to have a sort of magical powers and thus far I believe it. You see my race, Saiya-jins, has been granted a power to become some of the strongest fighters in the universe and up until a few years ago, my brother and I were two of the strongest fighters, but we decided to give up our physical strengths and train our minds using the Force. That is why I am here. To ensure that we didn't have an edge over other Padawans these were made to restrict or strength as long as we wear them. I have worn mine for three years now and this is the first time it has been off since I put it on. Though I am new here, my brother was here for a time before I, but he has gone over to join the Sith. Prehaps you know of him, his name is Yurza. But anyways enough of this maybe we can finish talking over a drink after this spar."

::Shade walked over and politely took his pendant from Katareina and put it back on. He then stepped back and reignited his saber and stood in a defensive position, waiting for the next series of attacks::

Katarina Kariena
Jun 18th, 2001, 11:41:29 PM
Kat nodded, "And for that I have great respect. My master was a Saiya-jin I believe. Although he didden't have the willingness to give up one thing to gain another."

She steped back and gave him a momment to put the pendant back on before she attacked him agian she brought her lightsaber across to his left side before she ajusted and pivoted her hips switching direction, activateing the other end of her lightsaber and strikeing at his right side.

Shade Magus
Jun 18th, 2001, 11:56:39 PM

::Shade pulled his lightsabe down to his left side before he noticed the change in direction of Katareina's movement's. He didn't have enough time to bring his lightsaber around, so he did something new. He deactivated his saber and did a sorta rool down the length of Kat's blade and knocked her down tripping over his own feet in the process and landing on top of her, knocking her lightsaber out of her hand. He quickly got up and he then offered her a hand up. After helping her up, he waited for her to get her saber back in her hand before he ignited his::

"Ok that was.....fun. Wouldn't you say?"

::He then gets back into his position and breathes a deep breath while letting the Force flow through him. He then took a step foward and did a sumersault and landed right in front of Kat and did a vertical slash across he chest::

Katarina Kariena
Jun 19th, 2001, 12:04:55 AM
"Naw," Kat replied calling her lightsaber to her, she activated it and blocked his attack, "This is fun. That's just one of the more intresting parts or sparing with males."

Spinning on her heal she kicked him back agian, "Besides, I thin you're the first one who actualy avoided getting hit by that attack!!"

Stepping back into a cat stance with her lightsaber held infront of her and her other hand opened above her head she watched Shades movements carefully.

Shade Magus
Jun 19th, 2001, 02:38:47 PM
"Well the i am honored that i am the first...wasn't easy do i managed it."

::Shade starts to walk around Katariena in a cricle, slowly encompassing her. He stopped when he was on her left side and then he brought a downward slash at her, but before it connected he turned off his lightsaber and went into a sweeping kick and knocked her legs from under her::

Katarina Kariena
Jun 19th, 2001, 02:46:49 PM
Kat let herself fall backwards into a back flip and came up agian calling her lightsaber to her. "Very good," she smiled and leaped foreward cutting at his side.

Shade Magus
Jun 19th, 2001, 07:08:11 PM
::Shade steps to the side allowing the blade of the lightsaber to glide across his skin, searing some of the hair on his arm. He pulled back quickly so he would not get more than a burn mark. He quickly backed away and tried to put the pain off to the side. He then switched stances so that he could use his other arm::

"Well this is getting interesting."

::Shade then took another slash at Katarina. It was the same as before only this time it was real and he was not gonna turn his lightsaber off::

Katarina Kariena
Jun 20th, 2001, 09:49:44 PM
"AHH!!" Kat yelped and she jumped back, but not intime to avoid getting burned. She laughed, "That it is." She brought her lightsaber around to block the rest of his attack. She steped in and side kicked him.

Shade Magus
Jun 20th, 2001, 09:57:58 PM
::Shade sees the kick and decides that it is time to block on of them so he drops to the ground and while Katarina is still in her kick position he decides to go for a sweep and try and knok her feet from under her::

Katarina Kariena
Jun 21st, 2001, 01:02:45 AM
Kat laughed as she let herself fall into a backwards summersault. "You're good," she complimented as she came back up standing in a fighting stance, "But there's always room to get better."

She reactivated her lightsaber and cut at his side once agian, this time switching directions with the same end of the saber.

OOC: I only use that trick of activateing the other end of my saber once in a battle. :p

Shade Magus
Jun 21st, 2001, 03:21:37 PM
"Thanks for the compliament," Shade said as he took his saber and swung it aroudn until he was holding it upside down to where he could block he slash. He then held it there as they pushed against each others blade. He then focused on the Force to allow it to increase his speed, so that he could move out of the way when he let go of his saber and swung around to where they were back to back. Shade then called his saber to him and activated it while he turned around to face her back:

Katarina Kariena
Jun 22nd, 2001, 01:04:21 PM
Kat felt his movements through the force and turned around at the last second to block his attack, without stoping she steped foreward and kicked him back.

Shade Magus
Jun 22nd, 2001, 04:10:25 PM

::When Shade got back to his feet he saw that he had landed on a rock and it had jabbed him in the side. After checking for any serious puncture wounds, he got back into a defensive position and waited on her next attack::

"Man.......you have some really strong legs"

Katarina Kariena
Jun 23rd, 2001, 12:09:06 AM
Kat laughed, "Not what you expected for a Human Female is it, Shade?"

She steped back and watched him carefully waiting for his next move.

Shade Magus
Jun 23rd, 2001, 09:28:33 AM
"Actually no. It was not at all what I expected, but I haven't had this good of a spar in a while so I am rather enjoying it."

::Shade then watched as Kat got ready for him. He watched as she tensed up and for a moment everything was quiet. Then all of a sudden he raced towards her and jumped in the air and flipped over her, and while he was in the air he ignited his saber and thrusted it at Kat::

Katarina Kariena
Jun 23rd, 2001, 11:32:16 AM
Kat steped out of the way and turned around watching Shade fall through the place where she was just standing and laughed, "Try to keep control of yourself at all times, that way you don't fall through places." Watching him carefully she took up a defencive posision agian.

OOC: please forgive my spelling.

Shade Magus
Jun 23rd, 2001, 12:42:19 PM
"I will be more careful next time."

::He then resumed his defensive position and waited for Kat's next attack::

"I believe it is your turn now."

Katarina Kariena
Jun 24th, 2001, 12:05:06 AM
"That it is," Kat smiled, She frontfliped foreward and spun instantly into roundkick then struck with her saber.

Shade Magus
Jun 24th, 2001, 11:53:09 AM
::Shade pulls his saber down ready to block, it only took a moment for the blow to come but that moment felt long. As Kat's saber came down it hit the blade hard and there was a bright blast, knocking both of them back. When Shade could see again he looked down at his saber only to find it busted::

"Wow that was a pretty good hit. Well I guess we can't continue at this moment, but thanks for the spar it really helped me take my mind off some things."

::Shade got up off the ground and went over and help Kat up. He then bowed and started to walk off to repair his lightsaber::

Katarina Kariena
Jun 24th, 2001, 06:29:43 PM
"You're welcome," Kat replied bowing back, "And if you need any parts for repairng your saber I'd be happy to give them to you."

Shade Magus
Jun 24th, 2001, 10:15:38 PM
"Don't worry it shoudl be easy to repair, but thanks for the offer," Shade called over his shoulder.

Katarina Kariena
Jun 24th, 2001, 10:53:18 PM
Kat nodded and walked quietly out of the room leaving Shade to his repair work.