View Full Version : BASIC FORCE MOVES CLASS: For Unassigned Padawans
Warren Azalin
May 26th, 2001, 01:41:19 AM
:: Walking into the Training Room the Jedi pulled down his hood slowly, looking around at the class he let a grin pass his face. Taking off his cloak slowly he places it on a table as he looks onward ::
"First, I would like to greet all the new Padawans to GJO and this training course. Unfortunately, at this time we are unable to assign you to masters. As they become available I will let you know and do so. For now..instead of keeping you waiting, I will begin Basic Force Move training here for you. There will be times that other knights and masters, will come into this class and assist me in this training."
"Okay, now that I got that out of the way. All new padawans please report here so we can begin. For the ones that show up late, please just try to catch up with the rest of the class thank you."
"Now, roll call please."
May 26th, 2001, 01:15:17 PM
"I be here."
Christian Lightheart
May 26th, 2001, 02:08:39 PM
*Lightheart had followed his Master here. Not quite sure what for, he found out soon after Warren sent out the message.*
Master, may I also participate?
Riley Jacobson
May 26th, 2001, 09:45:54 PM
:: Riley walks into the training room, he looks around and then speaks. ::
"I was told to report here."
Master Yurza
May 27th, 2001, 09:15:10 AM
:Yurza walks into the class room and goes and leans by the wall:
"I have already taken one class but I was just wondering if i cold just sit in and watch and maybe learn some things that I missed??
May 27th, 2001, 02:24:29 PM
"When we be starting?"
Warren Azalin
May 27th, 2001, 02:56:50 PM
"Very Good, I shall wait for a few more of you before I begin shortly."
(OOC: I'll post more when I get back tonight.)
May 27th, 2001, 03:29:32 PM
OOC: K man. btw what anime is ur pic from, he looks familiar.
Master Yurza
May 29th, 2001, 01:44:23 PM
"I think that this is all that is gonna why don't we start this shin-dig."
Warren Azalin
May 29th, 2001, 04:19:13 PM
:: Noticing a few more padawans arriving the Jedi smiled and bowed to them accordingly ::
"Please take a seat for the moment. It is good to see those of you who have have arrived. "
:: Warren turns his attention to Christian ::
"Surely Christian, you may particapate. This might be an excellent time for you to learn the basics."
:: The Jedi Knight turned his attention to the class once again ::
"Again, I would like to Greet you all on behalf of The Greater Jedi Order in starting your training. What I will be doing is instructing you on the basics of Force Moves. Momentarily, I will continue with this. But first I would like to mention a few things to you."
"It is important for each padawan to understand The Jedi Code and abide by it with all your heart and soul. You must be true to it. For a true jedi is.
The Jedi Code is as follows:
"There is no emotion; there is peace. There is no ignorance; there is knowledge. There is no passion; there is serenity. There is no chaos; There is harmony. There is no death; there is the Force. The peace and justice of the Galaxy will be guarded, and all life in any form is and will be respected. For my ally is the Force, and I use its powers to serve and protect the innocent from evil. I seek goodness, and defend it from the Dark Side. I have dedicated my life to the Truth, I am the Light - I am a JEDI
Another key point for all of you to remember is: Fear, Agression and Hate all lead to the Darkside. Always be mindful of this.
Now..I would like you all to follow me the Garden Area right outside the Academy."
:: The class followed the Jedi Knight outside the building as he walked towards the beautiful Garden Area ::
"Now You maybe wondering why we will begin outdoors. Well it is the very first basic force move that I will teach you out here."
:: The Jedi points to some small stones on the ground ::
"You see these small stones by that tree over there. I would like each of you to concentrate on visualizing a stone lifting off the ground and then proceed to do so. What you have to do is feel the force. The force flows thru everything, Concentrate and feel it. When you are ready, I would like each of you to please do this. For some this might be a little awkward at first. But remember to concentrate and feel the force flowing through you. And mostly importantly, Patience!!"
:: Warren looked on and watched the padawans proceed ::
Riley Jacobson
May 29th, 2001, 05:07:04 PM
:: Riley looked over to where the Jedi Knight had pointesd to. There were many stones that rested beside the tree, some small, some big, they varied in size. Riley noticed one small stone that was close by the tree that layed off to the side on its own, close by to the stones that the Jedi had pointed to. He looked at the small stone for a few moments, concentrating on its features and where it was placed, he then closed his eyes. He concentrated on picturing the same scene that he had just seen seconds before, when his eyes were open. With his eyes closed, Riley pictured that small stone slowly lifting off of the ground. Remembering that picture, Riley slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were fixed on only that small stone, and nothing more. He had not blocked anything else around him out but his concentration was now solely placed on that one stone. He concentrated with his mind, picturing that one small stone slowly lifting off of the ground. Riley felt relaxed as he looked on at the stone. It took him a few moments before anything happened, but he remembered what Warren had said..."patience". Riley took his time, letting the force flow through him as he concentrated. Slowly, without even Riley knowing it, his stone began to rise off of the ground. The stone wobbled for a few seconds before it was lifted off of the ground. Riley smiled slightly as he watched his stone rise into the air. The stone lifted at least one foot into the air before Riley let it drop back onto the ground. He then turned and looked at Warren, seeing if he had noticed his accomplishment. ::
Master Yurza
May 29th, 2001, 07:14:48 PM
:Yurza stood against the wall of the building they had exited. Since he had already taken the class and all he was doing was waiting to see if they taught anything that he might have miss, he sat down next to the wall and started to meditate. For he didn't want to use up te stones before the other students had a chance to practice, so he waited until something new cam along:
Christian Lightheart
May 29th, 2001, 09:32:56 PM
*Christian, listening to his Masters words, focused on the Force, closing his eyes. In his mind, he impictured what he did with the chair, when he lifted it not too long ago, and how he used the Force then to help him. This time was no different.
Lightheart reached out through the Force with his eyes still closed, getting a feel for what all awas around him. He saw the stones in his mind, and picked out three of them, two medium sized ones and one small one. In his mind, he could feel them lifting as if he reached out with his own hand and picked them up. Opening his eyes, he concentrated on the Force, getting a feel for the rocks. The three he picked out began to shake a little before lifting from the ground. The smaller one was the easiest to lift, while the other two he struggled with. He remember the chair, and kept his concentration on the stones, steadying them a half foot above the ground.
Christian's eyes closed for a brief second, causing him to loose his touch with the stones. Each one fell to the ground, and Christian sighed.*
Figrin D an
May 30th, 2001, 02:13:32 AM
*** The Jedi's boots scrapped lightly against the cobblestone path that led to the Academy Garden. His cloak swayed slightly as he moved at a modest pace, his hood drawn back and lying against he back. Figrin's, his hands comfortably rested behind his back, observed the activity of the day with a keen eye. He looked about to see many young Jedi padawans, and even a few knights, scattered amongst the spaceous garden. Some practiced honing their Force skills, some sparred, some carried on free conversation. Still other chose to find a quiet corner and read. A few larger groups gathered in the larger grassy spaces....
classes in session, no doubt, thought the Jedi Master to himself...
At last, he came upon a small group of faces that he did not recognize. Talking to them was Warren Azalin, introducing the group the Force and the abilities it could imbew. Figrin walked slowly to the back of the group, resting himself against the base of the grand marble fountain nearby. He watched the group as they focused on lifting groups of stones from a neaby rock garden... ***
Teka Kenobi
May 30th, 2001, 05:21:12 AM
OOC: Joining now Warren :)
::At one point in the garden Teka looked up. Without intention he sensed his masters presence on the other side. He could see a large group over near a large tree, with a man who wasn't clear quite what it was they were doing. He presumed it was a class and got up from his sitting position. He pushed up with his hands on the grassy ground and started to walk. As he looked around he could see lots od different people. All Jedi yet all different personalities and types. Teka had found that being a Jedi didn't neccisarily mean that you were a protestant to your ways but could be flexible enough to adapt to knew people as well as fight for the good.::
::Teka could now see quite clearly what was happening. The large tree, in front of the now recognisable people as padawans, had stones surrounding it. However not all were on the floor. Some floated up and some fell. And (Yes I know I'm not supposed to start a sentence with and!! :p )some were just stationary on the floor. For about a minute Teka watched the padawans lifting and dropping. He had noticed the figure of Figrin D an sitting at a small circular pool, that constantly spurted out water in the middle. Teka turned his head to see Warren. He walked over to him slowly wondering what his expression would be.::
Good morning Master. I was not aware of this training session. May I participate?
::Teka put on a fairly blank face but never taking his eyes off of those of his masters. He raised his head slightly in anticipation of the response...::
Shadow LeFae
May 30th, 2001, 10:23:01 PM
:: no one had noticed Fae slip into the group as Warren begun the class. Fae sat down near the back, and concentrated on lifting the stones with the force. :: *This is harder than it looks.* :: Fae thought as she sat there, struggling not to use the powers of teleport that she had inherited from birth. Beads of sweat broke out on her furrowed brow, and she resolved to teleporting a small rock into her hand. :: *Oh well... i tried* :: she consoled herself as she returned the rock to it's former resting place. ::
Shade Magus
May 31st, 2001, 09:16:05 AM
:Shade Magus, the new student Walked into the training grounds and saw the class that he was told about. In front of the class he saw the teacher and what appeared to be an advanced student. Instead of inturpting class he looked around and from what he saw the other students doiing he could presume that they were attempting to lift stones. Shade had had almost no training in the Force but he had been taught to lift small obects with ease, but since practice never hurts he decided to try it:
"Well let's see which is the biggest stone."
:After locating the biggest stone, he sat down off to the side and began concetrating, trying to lift the stone it took a little effort but he was finnaly able to pick it up off the ground a few inches before he lost it. After a few moments of resting he tried it again. He repeated this exercise and each time the stone came further and further from the ground until it was almost has high as the third limb on the tree it was next to:
"Well looks like I am getting the hang of this after all."
May 31st, 2001, 04:12:07 PM
Closes his eyes and trys, the stone doesnt move.
"Come on...."
He extends his head and relaxes and continues to feel the rock.
"I dont think Im doing this right."
Shadow LeFae
May 31st, 2001, 09:41:55 PM
"me neither" :: Fae said to Tomduo. trying again to lift the rock without using the natural Talent that she had used before. she failed. again. ::
Jun 1st, 2001, 10:10:44 AM
Looks at the rock.
"I've seen the Jedi do it.... but now I can't. I gotta be missing something. And please call me Tom."
Shadow LeFae
Jun 3rd, 2001, 09:15:38 AM
"I'm beginning to have doubts at wheather or not i'm a jedi." Fae said with a wan smile as she teleported a rock right infront of her and began trying to make it move.
Christian Lightheart
Jun 3rd, 2001, 04:43:02 PM
*Christian looked over at LaFae and Tom as he was about to give the stone levatation another shot. He overheard their words, and was quite surprised that they were doubting themselves. Lightheart spoke in a soft calm voice.*
Just keep at it. Practice. Reach out with your feelings and be concentrate on the Force. As master Warren said, let it flow through you, and invision the stone move in your head.
*Lightheart turned his head away from the two fellow students, and closed his eyes. He once again reached out through the Force, letting it flow through him. Doing this, he found out that it was becoming a little easier each time he did it to open himself up to the Force. He "saw" the stones, three of them all medium sized. He reached for them with his hand, not moving. Concentrating, the three stones shook a little before rising in the air. Lightheart opened his eyes, which last time caused him to break his train of thought. This time, he held stronger, keeping the stones suspended in air much longer then before.
Smiling, he closed his eyes once more, nd brought his hand back down to his side. In his mind, he could see the stones float softly back down to touch the ground.*
Shadow LeFae
Jun 3rd, 2001, 06:17:06 PM
OOC: that's just Fae please
IC: Fae tried to do as Christian had done, but failed again. it was just a little rock in front of her, no more than a pebble really, but still, it refused to budge.
Shade Magus
Jun 3rd, 2001, 09:11:33 PM
:Shade noticed the other students having some trouble, but since he was fairly new to the Force and all he could do was levitate small objects he thought it wise to help them:
"What Lightheart said is true you must let the Force flow throw you but also try to think of it as an extension of your own body. Try to imagine that you are lifting the stone with a part of your body that you never knew you had."
:After giving his adice he went bnack to practicing himself. He just hoped that he has helped them in their quest to become Jedi:
Shadow LeFae
Jun 3rd, 2001, 09:29:49 PM
:: Fae breathed in real deep and, using Shade's advice to guide her, tried again. unsuccessfully. then she got somewhat bored and started making the pebble do little dances in the air, zing around people and doing nothing inparticular, then she set it back down and tried to use the force again, but to no avail.
Riley Jacobson
Jun 3rd, 2001, 10:35:04 PM
:: Riley approached Fae and the other student having trouble. ::
"It's not really hard at all. You just concentrate, pretend you are the rock. It will not work unless you believe, if you do not believe then it will not happen."
:: He looked at the two. ::
"Go on, do it again, this time, with a more positive outlook."
:: He smiled slightly. ::
Shadow LeFae
Jun 4th, 2001, 09:36:24 AM
Fae smiled and tried a more positive outlook...
Shadow LeFae
Jun 4th, 2001, 09:36:47 AM
again, she tried to feel the rock in the force, to reach out and know it was there, but it registered blank. she tried thinking that she was the rock, but it didn't work eiether. then she simply picked it up with her mind and made it hover in midair, not moving around as it had done previously, and dropped it down uponthe cold stone floor again.
Warren Azalin
Jun 4th, 2001, 06:29:57 PM
:: The Jedi Knight nodded his head as he looked around the class ::
"Good! Very good! Some of you have had a few problems, but need not worry about it, this will come with more practice and time. What I would like you to do is this. Lift that stone once more with the force, but this time I want you to focus and redirect your energy. Once the rock is lifted , I would like you to send it into that tree right over there. Don't worry, I know each and everyone will be able to do this. You really will have not have a problem with this. Now please do this and concentrate. When you are ready, you may proceed."
OOC: Sorry for the delay but my Cable Modem has died on me, until everything is fixed I won't be posting that often :( .
Jun 4th, 2001, 07:13:53 PM
Kyle slipped in just as he saw everyone training. He smiled. He walked up beside the others in the row. Than he concentrated on one of the stones that he saw on the ground. He lifted the stone off the ground will concentrating and remaining focused on it. He than sent the stone into the tree.
"All you have to do is concentrate and practice. Practice makes perfect after all."
Shadow LeFae
Jun 5th, 2001, 09:37:05 AM
Fae picks the stone up with her mind again, not knowing weather it was with the force or with Teleport, though probably the latter, and sent it on over to the tree Warren had specified
Jun 5th, 2001, 03:30:17 PM
"Good job Fae."
Kyle had sensed her using the force to lift the rock and send it into the tree.
"Your learning well. When your busy not with Jedi training and Suadron stuff you should practice."
Jun 8th, 2001, 09:08:37 AM
"Good Job Fae...."
Closes his eyes and seeks out. The temples of his head began to burn as the rock budged slighty and leviated slightly as it droped again.
Begins the feel the same way, this timee breathing differently and ignoring everything around him. The rock floated again, higher and longer, before falling.
"I think that works..."
Shade Magus
Jun 8th, 2001, 10:51:55 PM
:Shade looks at the rock and at the tree where Warren told them to throw it. He starts to breathe deeply while concentrating on the rock before him. It begins to rise just barely off the ground. Before trying to send it at the tree, he tries to send it to a stone sitting next to it. With little ease he finally gets it there. He then starts to move it from that spot to its starting spot he practices this for a few moments until he is comfortable with it:
"Ok, now let's try to make it to that tree over there."
:Shade picks up the stone with the Force and he uses it to try and throw it at the tree. It goes a little farther than the rock he was using a while ago. After trying it again and again for an hour he finally makes it to the tree. He then practices over and over until he can do it in about 15 mins. an improment:
Shadow LeFae
Jun 9th, 2001, 06:51:38 PM
Fae said, relieved that she'd actually used the force that time, though she coulda swore she was using Talent...
Jun 10th, 2001, 05:00:40 PM
"Yes well they both seem the same in many ways but once you start to get more into the force you will be able to sense it and many other things."
Shadow LeFae
Jun 10th, 2001, 06:36:28 PM
"Actually, I've been thinking that maybe Talent is caused by the Force" Fae said, Testing her skills on a bigger rock. "YodaChef recently told me that the residents of my homeworld are desecendents of colonists who came theere almost 800 years ago because of persecution. I think that the natural Talent that everyone is born with is actually caused by the Force, similar to the Ysanna of Ossus. We used to be Force welders, but then forgot the details, and developed it into what we call Talent. That would explain why I'm a Prime Talent, and why My force abilities seem so strong"
Christian Lightheart
Jun 11th, 2001, 11:03:15 AM
*Christian listened and watched the other students around him, then noticed Fae once more, this time, using her "Talent", then explaining what she thought.
The young boy smiled, as that is what he thought as well: That Fae's Talent was indeed Force induced.
Turning around, Lightheart closed his eyes and reached out once again with the Force. He focused on one of the medium sized stones he had lifted earlier. Using the Force, the stone began levitating once more. With his right arm stretched outwards, he focused more, and lightly glided his arm across infront of his body. The stone, following the will of the Force which Lightheart held, flew through the air, in the direction of the tree.
The speed at which it traveled was comparible to that of an slug, but that did not matter. The excersice was to levitate and move stones around. That's what was done.
A dull thud reverberated in Christian's head when he opened his eyes. He saw that his stone had hit the off side of the tree indicated by Master Warren, and had quickly fallen to the ground. He smiled once more.
Shade Magus
Jun 14th, 2001, 07:21:46 PM
:Shade sits and meditates on the rock. He is trying to move the rock faster than he had a few moments ago:
"Ok. We can do this."
:Shade concentrates on the rock, making it lift. He then tries to send it over to the tree. with more force than he had earlier. After a while, Shade finally gets it down to 5 minutes:
"Well, this is an improvement."
Warren Azalin
Jun 15th, 2001, 05:05:55 AM
:: Warren watched on as the padawans trained themselves at throwing the rocks at the tree, he could see an improvement in a large part of the class. Smiling as he did so he walked towards the class ::
"Very well class, your next tasks shall be a little harder than the previous ones. This move is known as Force Pull, instead of using the force to push the object away from you as you all have done with the rocks, this technique calls the object towards you. I would like you all to call those same rocks back towards you now. Remember, do or do not, there is no try. Let me show you all what I would like to see."
:: Raising his hand outward Warren used the force to pull one of the larger rocks to his hand ::
"Now you all do it."
Shadow LeFae
Jun 15th, 2001, 10:56:51 AM
*This is like Priming with Shadow* Fae silently thinks to her self as she searches for the rock she had just moved over there, and mentally got a rough readout on it again, to help her know how much force to apply. then she gently brought it up from he ground, and made it come straight at her face, where it stopped two inches from her face, then slowly drifted to the ground.
Jun 15th, 2001, 01:14:58 PM
Kyle raised his hand and concentrated on the force and than he opened his hand and pulled the rock to him. First it nudged down a bit but he focused harder and called it to him. He closed his hand immediately around the form of the rock.
Shade Magus
Jun 15th, 2001, 02:15:11 PM
::Shade listens to what Warren told the class about their next assignment. He then closed his eyes and lifted the rock and instead of pushing it away from him he tried pulling it towards him. He got it most of the way to him before opening his eyes and seeing it come the last few inches towards him::
"Wow, this is getting easier with each new technique."
::Shade sat there practicing throwing the rock and recalling it over and over until he had gotten it almost perfect::
Christian Lightheart
Jun 16th, 2001, 03:36:49 PM
*Concentration. That would be needed for this task, a lot of it. Christian reached out with the Force ocne again, finding the rock which he had been using. He identified it, and used the Force to levitate it.
Closing his eyes, Lightheart began concentrating on the area around him, the Force and the Stone, as well as the other students using the Force, and the few masters which were around. He took a hold of the rock with an invisible hand. The rock began to tremble in mid air, as he strained harder. Soon, his concentration won, and the began to pull the Rock closer to him, slowly.*
Riley Jacobson
Jun 17th, 2001, 01:38:16 PM
:: Riley looked toward his lifeless stone. If he could lift the stone, he could move it too. He concentrated, picturing the stone rising into the air, slowly it rose into the air. Now came the more difficult part of the task, reaching out with the force and pulling the stone. In his mind, Riley pictured the stone moving toward him, it did not move as fast as he pictured it in his mind but it did move, just slowly instead of the fast movement he had pictured it moving. Within a minute or so after lifting the stone it had drifted into the palm of Riley's hand. ::
Sequel Horn
Jun 30th, 2001, 11:07:17 PM
Sequel slipped in unnoticed he hoped. He looked at the rocks everyone was using. He raised his hand into the air and concentrated. One of the rocks nudged towards him. He smiled and concentrated harder and than suddenly the rock came flying at him. He caught it in his hand and his smile grew.
Kikran Akard
Jul 1st, 2001, 06:08:27 PM
All unassigned padawans, go <a href=>here</a>.
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