View Full Version : Spar anyone?

Katarina Kariena
Jul 7th, 2001, 01:12:54 AM
Kat sat in a dark corner of the room where she could see the door, but the person walking in the door would have to work a little to see her. She hoped someone would come who she could spar with.

Force Master Hunter
Jul 7th, 2001, 10:37:36 AM
:: The Bounty Hunter known as .... who was he known as? Strooled through the door. He was intending in doing some practice. He did as per usual allowed his presence in the Force to be shown so he would not startle anyone, as he normally hid himself in the Force. It was not normally appreciated by the Jedi for one like him to disguise his movements. A precursory scan with the Force revealed a single person and who it was. Hunter looked directly at Katariena.

"Eyes I dont need to see you Jedi. The eyes can decieve. Now, I have come in here to practice, so what are you here for?"

Katarina Kariena
Jul 8th, 2001, 06:18:20 PM
Kat didden't open her eyes at he spoke, but listened. "I came in here for a hopefull spar. I was just waiting. Perhaps you are up to the challenge?"

Force Master Hunter
Jul 8th, 2001, 08:19:42 PM
:: Hunter goes to a corner and removes his trench coat. His guns come off next. He is dressed in a black t-shirt, with black army pants and armoured boots. The sword he carried concealed is still on his back. From pocket sheafs, he withdraws twin daggers.

"No Jedi Knight Katarina Kariena. It is you who should be asking if you are up to this"

He points a blade at the door, it closes and the deadbolts can be heard engaging.

"There will be others to face this test, Jedi Knight. You are the first. There is a Council member outside observing how you fight and how you act. Do not disappoint them."

His closes his eyes... and when he reopens, them, there is a marked difference. "Choose your weapon and face me now"

Katarina Kariena
Jul 8th, 2001, 08:40:25 PM
Kat opened her eyes and looked up at him, "I can be my own weapon, but I keep my lightsaber with me. A test is a test. I shall face it will all my effort and if the Council dosen't like the results they can go jump in a lake."

With that said she stood up, she hardly ever wore the usual Jedi robes. They made her seriously uncomfortable, so she wore a black jumpsuit that gave her freedom of motion.

Force Master Hunter
Jul 8th, 2001, 08:57:21 PM
:: Hunter's eyes bored into the Jedi's.

"Again, incorrect Jedi Knight. It will be you who will be doing the swimming if the Council does not see something they like."

He began to walk forward, carefully and easily. Both daggers held low and points to the ground, with the boots making a echo as he walked.

"Tell me Jedi... what do you think that word means? what does it mean to you?" He continued to close the distance as he spoke::

Katarina Kariena
Jul 8th, 2001, 09:25:59 PM
Kat stood there motionless and refused to let Hunter's glare effect her, "So let me swim."

She glared back at him and watched him carefully not moving, "It means that I have a duty to protect those who can't protect themselves. The innocent, for one. It means more to me than words could explain from there."

She watched him carefully, not moving from her standing posision. She kept her hand by her lightsaber and her knees bent ready to jump out of the way or block one of his blades at any momment, as she watched him advance.

Jul 8th, 2001, 09:39:38 PM
**Her back rested against a nearby wall as she looked through the wide window that occupied most of the door. Her midnight blue cloak rested on her shoulders and dropped lazily to the floor; Bel's whole demeanor was of someone taking a load off their feet, but her eyes told another story. Alert, they watched the happenings inside the sparring room. A man she had seen around, going by the code name Force Master Hunter, was standing nearby a Jedi Knight.. obviously getting ready for a spar.

**She moved not an inch, simply observing the events that were to unfold inside of the room.

Force Master Hunter
Jul 8th, 2001, 09:43:42 PM
"How very formulaic. Even the Sith can recite that back. And even the Sith can do that. Do you think that is all a Jedi is, or is there more? What you apart from say.... scum like me. I would be interested to know what you think...."

One of Hunter's blades pointed, and quite suddenly, the Jedi was picked up via the Force. The blade transcribed an arc and the Jedi followed, flying through the air to be slammed in the wall on the far side. The wall shook with the impact.

"I would say there was more to a Jedi than just protecting the innocent, wouldn't you agree?"

He turned and began walking in the Jedi's direction, same cold and deliberate step

Katarina Kariena
Jul 8th, 2001, 09:56:32 PM
Kat shook her head and muttered, "Why do they always slam me into walls?"

She stood up and summersaulted over him and landed gracefully faceing him on the other side, "Yes there's more to being a Jedi, but some just don't care to hear it . . . that and some of it is unexplainable," she replied standing. "I'm not about to give the Sith who killed my faimly the pleasure of knowing I've become a Sith myself. No matter how hard it gets."

She steped back away from him pacient, calm, and waiting.

Force Master Hunter
Jul 8th, 2001, 10:27:09 PM
"Really. And do you think that just because the Sith killed your family, that was a good enough reason to be Jedi? That sounds like a motive of revenge"

The knife pointed and again, the Jedi was flung through the air, to smash into the wall directly behind. Hunter pointed with the other knife, the shelf holding some training targets groaning then brealing, spilling it's contents onto the Jedi

"So, what are your motives?"

Jul 8th, 2001, 10:33:54 PM
**Bel tsked softly as she watched the Jedi Knight get thrown around like a rag doll. Kat would need to do something to protect herself, or risk serious injury. She winced as the targets broke upon the young Knight. Kat was certainly getting a beating in there, but even a Jedi must defend themselves.

**She listened to Hunter as he spoke, and wondered what Kat's answer would be. This question struck every Jedi at the heart, it was this question that drove all potentials to become Jedi. Del'Anar wondered as to Kat's motives as she quietly continued to observe.

Katarina Kariena
Jul 8th, 2001, 10:39:51 PM
Kat used the force to protect herself from the falling objects, when they stoped falling she cursed under her breath and stood up and jumped out of the pile she was in the middle of, "I don't want revenge. What good would it do? What's done is done. My faimly is dead and there was nothing I could do about it. I was only three years old at the time!"

She watched him carefully. She circled around him staying close to the wall. "What's done is done," she repeated. "I can only move on and accept the fact that they can't come back."

Force Master Hunter
Jul 8th, 2001, 11:38:53 PM
"Accepting the fact does not cancel motives of revenge, does it? You can be accepting of facts and still desire revenge."

Hunter hand moved again and this time the Jedi was thrown head first into the ceiling. The plaster cracked and a portion of the roof collapsed as she fell back to the floor

"What do you understand of being a Jedi?"

Katarina Kariena
Jul 9th, 2001, 12:33:35 AM
Kat summersault droped to the floor landing gracefully on her feet, she was getting frustrated by his questions and she took a deep breath to help disolve it muttering, "The last thing I want is revenge. I don't want it, my parrents woulden't want and my sisters woulden't want it."

She stood up fully and glared at him, "I'm not going to answer that, I've answered it already. If you can't accept what I have already given you then back off!!"

Kat calmly concentrated through the force, she was tiered of being thrown into walls. She sent a concentrated blast at Hunter sending him back several meters into the wall himself.

OOC: Do another attack to the head agian like that without giving me a chance to defend myself and I'll have an ADMN edit the post. and let ME type MY defence. do NOT do it yourself.

Force Master Hunter
Jul 9th, 2001, 01:53:40 AM
OOC : Oh really now? There was absolutly nothing wrong with you being shoved head first by the Force into the ceiling. Frankly I have had a lot worse done to me and I deal with it.

IC : Hunter felt himself being picked off his feet and knew she was going to try and turn the tables on him. He couldn't spin with nothing to kick off from, so he allowed his mind to settle into the force and relaxed. The thump of his impact echoed as he allowed the Force to cushion the impact. He dropped to his feet and crouched, then coming back to his feet slowly.

"So, you strike back? Do I also detect impatience as well? Well.... Why do you fear questions? Is there something you hide, something from the Council? You should be aware one of them watches this and is watching you". He placed one of his knives back in it's sheaf, pausing only to study the room layout, guaging what could be used and what was lying about. A rack of training weapons. Some tables and chairs. Some possibilities.... ahhhhh. That would do nicely. His mind sought out the peace and calm. Then he dropped into a reverse ready stance, one hand open, the other with the knife held in it, behnid him.

"Shall we dance.... Jedi?"

Katarina Kariena
Jul 9th, 2001, 02:18:53 AM
OOC: So have I, but I like to be able to defend myself if it's an attack to the head. I usualy put that rule down for all challenges and spars.

Kat sighed, "I could care less what the Council thinks. If I have something to tell them I will tell them. I do not need you to remind me we're being watched. I can feel the presence of another. And I quite honestly don't care what they think right now."

Kat closed her eyes and forced herself to relax. If it weren't for the questions this would be a nice relaxing spar. She had nothing to hide from the council, but she had nothing to share with them either. When she opened her eyes she was more calm than she had been in a long time, "Impacence left me when I was a padawan. I had to have more than enough pacience beacuse of my master."

She felt him reach out with the force and she knew he had something planned. All she had to do was be ready for it. She prepared herself as much as she could mentaly and as much as she could without being obvious physicaly, "You're lead."

Force Master Hunter
Jul 9th, 2001, 06:28:25 PM
::"You dont care what they think? Let me clue you in for a moment. You might be a Jedi Knight but your no Figrin D'An, Master Yoghurt or Darth Turbogeek. THEY dont care what the Council thinks because they are... or in Tubogeek's case were powerful and capable of operating on their own with implied trust. They founded what is here and EARNED the right to ignore the Council if they wished. You have yet to prove yourself to that extent. You should care well Jedi Knight. And ask why you are being watching in this way"

The last word was almost overtaken by Hunter in the air, as he drove off one foot into the air, moving with inhuman speed, leaping high and into a spinning back kick, aimed at her ear::

Katarina Kariena
Jul 10th, 2001, 12:13:25 AM
Kat moved quickly out of the way blocking his kick as she did so and spinning around to deliver one of her own, "I said I don't care what the Council thinks of me. All those Masters are or were far better Jedi than I will ever be. I don't care what anyone thinks of me. I'm not like them and I never will be. I am me and I try to be the best Knight I can be, but I will never be as great as Master Yoghurt or Master Turbogeek."

Hart Kenobi
Jul 10th, 2001, 12:42:30 AM

Force Master Hunter
Jul 12th, 2001, 01:55:33 AM
"So you do not believe it matters and you can not be as good? No wonder you act as you do"

Hunter stepped back, then sprung forward, both hands striking straight out and aimed at the Jedi's eyes

Katarina Kariena
Jul 12th, 2001, 11:18:06 AM
Kat steped to the side blocking, "I can only be as good as I can be as me. Not as them. I'm not them therefore I will never be as good as them. I am me, I can only be as good as myself."

she replied sidekicking towards his ribs.

Force Master Hunter
Jul 12th, 2001, 06:49:04 PM
:: He reacted fast, catching the foot between his hands, then pulling back hard. As she came forward and offbalance, he clenched a fist and swept a backfist strike right into her nose. Hunter didnt give her the chance to recover, pulling his hand back and firing a open palm strike to her chin.

[i] Over by the wall, there was a small rattle, like something beginning to rattle loose. The sound went silent /<i:mad: :

Katarina Kariena
Jul 12th, 2001, 11:34:20 PM
Kat rolled away and shook her head, she ignored the slight amount of pain. She heard something rattle over by the wall but didden't pay attention to it. Her danger sence would alarm her if anything came flying at her.

She summersaulted over his head and spun into a round kick behind him, before he could react to it she withdrew and used the back of her fist at the side of his neck. Backing away she watched Hunter carefully.