View Full Version : Ralakks Training
Danster the Gangster
Mar 28th, 2001, 07:45:41 AM
***Danster sits in meditation, preparing himself for his introduction to his new padawan Ralakk. Next to him is his saber, and 3 remotes, all he needed for the first part of Ralakks training***
Mar 28th, 2001, 06:42:21 PM
:: Ralakk walks into the training area, his lightsaber he was lent for training swinging from his belt. Walking up to Master Danster, he bows deeply ::
"Greetings, Master Danster." He says, somewhat nervous about starting his training, but also very eager.
Danster the Gangster
Mar 29th, 2001, 09:30:21 AM
Hello Ralakk, to start with, I will ask you
What do you know about the force?
Mar 29th, 2001, 08:01:00 PM
To be honest, Master, not all too much. I know that it is like a giant ocean, and we, every single living organism, are swimming and living in it. We are all connected to it, and it to us, and we to eachother.
Well, that's what I used to think of it as a child, hearing only stories about it, and the Jedi.
Danster the Gangster
Mar 30th, 2001, 06:40:56 PM
Very good
The force is the source of a Jedis power
What do you know about the ways of a jedi?
Mar 30th, 2001, 07:46:53 PM
:: He clears his throat ::
I know that the Jedi protect the innocent, and serve the Force. They are the guardians of the known galaxy.
Danster the Gangster
Mar 31st, 2001, 08:39:23 AM
Yes, you are well informed
Jedis use their power for knowledge, protection and defence, never attack, unless the purpose for the attack is to help or defend other
What do you know of the Dark Side of the force?
Mar 31st, 2001, 11:46:02 AM
Again, from stories I've heard as a child, there are two sides to the Force, Dark and Light. The Dark side of the Force can be very hard not to call upon, so to speak. It is filled with false power...
Although, as a child and still today, I can't imagine not having the willpower to not be able to resist the Dark side..
Danster the Gangster
Apr 2nd, 2001, 02:53:29 PM
Good, anger, fear, aggression, these are all dark emotions, and will carry you along the way to the dark side
Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering
Well, enough of the talk for now, do you have a lightsaber, have you ever used it?
Apr 2nd, 2001, 03:50:36 PM
Well, I have one that the Temple lent me for my training, or until I construct my own...
:: He reaches down towards his belt, removing a simple, somewhat-worn lightsaber ::
I've played with it a little, but have been kinda afraid of losing a limb before I learn how to use it efficently... :)
Danster the Gangster
Apr 5th, 2001, 05:02:34 PM
***Danster unclips his own saber from his belt, and ignites it, then unclips another unignited one, and throws it Ralakks way***
You can have that, the lightsaber is the weapon of a Jedi Knight, it is an elegant weapon for a more civilized age.
***Danster removes another object from his pocket, a small metallic sphere. He presses a button on it***
A remote, it will fire little energy bolts at you, it doesn't hurt too much. Your saber will block them, give it a try***
Apr 7th, 2001, 01:19:11 PM
:: Catches the saber that was tossed to him, and looks it over ::
It has a nice feel to it. More natural that this, :: Gestures to the saber the temple lent him for training
:: As he activates it, he looks at the blue(?) colored blade, almost in awe. Then, remembering the training remote, he slins around, only to find a small, red colored energy blast catch his knee ::
:: He glared at the small sphere, and swung at it, completly missing it. Another small blase from the sphere, and he swings his saber twords it, missing the shot ::
At least it didn't hit me. He thought, glancing at the small scortch mark in the ground.
Danster the Gangster
Apr 13th, 2001, 11:34:32 AM
***Danster watches his padawan***
Stretch out with your feelings
ooc: Sorry bout my absence
Apr 13th, 2001, 11:56:30 AM
OOC: It' okay, just wondering what happened to you. I'm assuming spring break...
:: Ralakk takes a deep breath, calming himself, and opens his eyes, staring intently on the sphere. He jumps to the left, and makes an overhead slash at it, missing as it dodges and fires. He swings the saber at the blast, making contact with it, watching it fly off in another direction ::
:: He turns to his master ::
How was tha-- ow!
:: He cries out, as a blaster shot catches him in the shoulder ::
Bloody thing....
Danster the Gangster
Apr 13th, 2001, 05:11:19 PM
***Danster notices a but oif aggresion in his padawan***
Calm yourself, anger and aggresion lead you to the dark side, now concentrate on the remote, don't lose your concentartion
Apr 13th, 2001, 07:21:20 PM
:: Ralakk nods, taking a deep breath. He focuses intently on the droid, waiting for the next shot. Suddenly a short humming noise is heard, and a bolt of energy escapes the sphere. The blur of white-blue from his saber makes contact with it, sending it flying. Another shot is blocked, and yet another one dodged ::
Hey, I think I'm getting the hang of this...
Danster the Gangster
Apr 14th, 2001, 04:48:07 PM
Yes, keep going, don't lose your concentration
***Danster activates another remote that begins circling Ralakk***
Apr 17th, 2001, 10:59:32 PM
OOC: I SWEAR I replied... I've been having major OS issues on my computer, and right now i'm on windows 3.1 >.< I'll reply tomorrow, promise :)
Sorry about that...
Apr 18th, 2001, 09:46:02 PM
:: Ralakk gulps, and stands at the ready. Suddenly, he swings twoard the new driod, obviously missing as it easily dodged the shot, but turned the attack into a defensive swing, blocking a bolt. Breathing deep, he readied himself for another shot as the first droid hummed and fired. As he swung, he saw another shot fly by his head. Swinging around, he blocked a bolt from the droid behind him, when suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his shoulder ::
Gah! Those things are quite sneaky, Master!
:: He eyed the droids suspiciously, ready for their next move ::
Danster the Gangster
Apr 20th, 2001, 06:43:06 AM
Yes, that they are, but if you stretch out with your feelings, let go you concoius self and act on instincts, you will be able to see the remotes next move before it actually does it. Let the force flow through you
Apr 23rd, 2001, 08:06:26 PM
:: Ralakk breathes deep again, and concentrates. Feeling something.. new. Flowing through him. Something much greater than he. He focuses on the droid infront of him, and to his surprise, very concious and aware of the one behind him. Suddenly, he spins around blocking a bolt, and dodging another one. Swinging his saber behind him, he almost hits a bolt, but misses. Frowning a little, he spins back around, only to have another shot to fly by his face. he brings his saber back around infront of him, and hits two bolts, sending them flying. Sensing, somehow, that the droid behind his was about to fire, he swung at it, ony to realize it was the same trick. But he was prepared, swinging it back behind him, nailing the shot head-on ::
Whew... I did better, i think.
OOC: I'll be away for five or six days, just to let you know :)
Danster the Gangster
Apr 29th, 2001, 06:31:55 AM
***A smile emerges across Dansters face***
Very good, very good indeed
Now, you can out away your saber now. I want to show you something
***Danster points to a tree in the distance, quite a lomg way away.***
I want you to run to that tree and back, without the aid of the force
May 4th, 2001, 10:47:31 PM
OOC: Okies, i'm back. I kinda forgot about this! >.< Yeah.. anyways.....
:: Ralakk looks at the tree a good 150-200 yards away and grimices. He never was too fond of running ::
I'll try.
:: Ralakk prepares himself to run, and starts off. Trying to be light on his feet, almost sprinting. After a semi0short period of time, he makes it to the tree, and turns around catching his breath. Taking off again, he eventually makes it back, a little longer thant he first time ::
*Panting* ...Th-that wasn't that fun, Master... :)
Danster the Gangster
May 8th, 2001, 03:40:48 PM
I'm sure it was
***Danster lets the smirk he was trying to fight off sprawl across his face***
Now, once you've got your breath back, try running to the tree and back, this time though, let go your concious self, and let the force control your movement
May 8th, 2001, 04:11:28 PM
Ermm... ignore this. I clicked the button twice >.<
May 8th, 2001, 04:11:32 PM
:: Ralakk looks at the tree, preparing himself to run again. But instead of taking off, he relaxes abit, taking a deep breath. Focusing on what he knows to be the Force, he feels more.. strenght in his lower body. They feel very relaxed, and ready to work. He readies himself, and takes off. Noticing that everything is going by faster, he glaces down at his feet. He can still see them, but barely. Looking back up, he sees the tree not 15 yards away. Woah! he thought, as he started to slow down. Turning around, he gathers up speed again, calling upon the Force. He starts to feel it in his legs, not as strong however. He shrugs, and runs, still fairly fast, making it back a few seconds longer than the trip to the tree ::
Wow... that was... amazing. But I think I lost my concentration twords the end....
Danster the Gangster
May 9th, 2001, 04:05:29 PM
When you learn to quieten your mind, bury your inner thoughts, you will be able to concnetrate for a vast amount of time.
Next, I shall show you another trick
***Danster's eyes closed, and he bent down slightly. Harnasing the force, he felt it flow through him. In a swift action, Danster straightened, and left the floor. With the aid of the force, he was able to jump up into a high branch on a nearby tree. Again concentrating, he let himself fall. As he neared the floor, his desend slowed, and Danster landeed smoohly. He regained composure and looked at Ralakk, who seemed slightly bewildered***
Try that, it is one of many things that the force can help you with. Concentrate hard, and let the force take control. Relax your knees, let the force do the jumping, you simlpy tell it when to jump, do you understand?
May 9th, 2001, 04:33:54 PM
:: Ralakk looks odly at his Master, amazed that someone could acctually jump that high.. and land. Looking up at the tree, he takes a step back, and croutches down. Feeling the Force in his legs as before, but instead of running, he told it that he wanted to jump, and jump he did. Not that high, though. Barely clearing 6 feet. Looking down, he forgot that he must land, and before he could react, he was hitting the ground hard, not ready for the impact. As he lay on his back, he looked up to his master, his cheeks bright red ::
"I guess I.. erm, forgot I had to land.." He said, laughing a tad..
Danster the Gangster
May 9th, 2001, 04:40:05 PM
***Danster chuckled slightly***
Don't worry, I didn't even expect you to jump that high on the first try never mind land!!!
Before we continue, I'll try something that will help you with tasks like this
***Danster flipped up, and landed, balancing on one hand upside down. As his eyes closed and his concentration level rose, objects around him began to rise, inlcluding Ralakk. After a few minutes, he landed Ralakk softly on the floor, along with the other objects. He then rolled back over, and sat down***
Try that. You must push away you inner thoughts. Clear your mind of worries or cares. Let the force flow freely through you. First, just try raising small objects before you try bigger ones. The main importance is to concentrate and focus on the force, forget your surroundings
May 10th, 2001, 11:45:45 PM
:: Ralakk blinked a few times, having never have floated in the air before, and it was kind of scary for him, in a way. As hus Master had instructed him, he took a deep breath, and closed his eyes. Concentrating, feeling the Force flow through him, he started to feel the things around him. It was like being blind his whole life, then suddenly being able to see things. It was almost overwhelming, but he kept at it, focusing on the task at hand. Reaching out with the Force, he could tell that a small stone was nearby, and he reached out to it. Not commanding it, but rather "asking" it to move. Nothing. He tried harder, straining abit, asking again. The stone moved. Not a whole lot, but a little. Then, slowly, it started to wobble, and begin to hover. Now a few centimeters off the ground, it stayed in the air, not that balanced, but there. Ralakk sensed this, and he slowly opened his eyes, to find the sotne he was pointing at was hovering...
Then it dropped, with a small "clank". Ralakk took a deep breath, small beads of sweat had started to form on his forehead ::
I think I lost concentration, Master.
:: Ralakk took another breath and sighed ::
OOC: That was pretty long... o.o
Danster the Gangster
May 12th, 2001, 05:18:13 PM
That was very good for a first time effort. We need to try some more of that. You must push away all inner thoughts, bury them deep within you. Empty your mind. When you learn this, you will find many force moves will come much easier. You may think that hovering objects is pointless, but it can be used for an attack when you are in a difficult situation
***Danster's eyes closed, and he was immeditaley at one with the force. The small rock levitated up to about head height, and in a swift flick of Dansters wrist, the stone shot across, in front of Ralakks face, and into a tree, denting it. He opened his eyes and faced his padawan***
Not bad is it! You have a go, but make sure you have it floating nicely before you sent it toward the target, as you will have to concentrate on two things then, keeping the stone afloat, and hitting the target accuratly
May 16th, 2001, 11:20:37 PM
:: Ralakk breathes deep, looking at the stone, and the dent in the tree. He closed his eyes once more, and reached out to the Force. He felt it around him, and once more concentrated on the rock. It slowly started to wobble, then lift, however shakey. Focusing more, he lifted it more, and it became less shakey.
:: He had it hover for a few seconds, and then sent it on its way. Heading at the tree at a fair pace, it hit it, after declining a few inches, and fell to the ground. Instead of opening his eyes again, he reached out, feeling that it didn't make a mark, and was determined to try again. He picked up the rock again, and brought it back to him slowly. He felt it fall to the ground, as well as heard it, and frowned. Ralakk lifted his arm, thrusting it somewhat-angrily at the stone. The stone shook a little, and flew into the air. A little surprised at this, he pointed to the tree quickly, and felt the rock go off and hit the tree.
:: Opening his eyes, he saw that it made a small dent. Not that great, but an accomplishment nonetheless ::
Danster the Gangster
May 17th, 2001, 05:39:38 PM
***Danster clapped***
Very good, very good indeed. Now, while we are on the subject of in battle force moves, have you ever heard of the famous Force Push???
May 22nd, 2001, 02:41:21 PM
Thank you, Master.
Heard of? No. But, I can assume, from the name, what it may be..
Danster the Gangster
May 26th, 2001, 05:20:12 PM
***Danster thrusts a spear into the floor, raises his hand toward it and a almost invisible wall appears and heads towards the spear, traring it from the ground and carrying it dozens of feet before it lands. He turns to his padawan***
Was that what you expected? You give it a go
May 30th, 2001, 06:04:45 PM
:: Ralakk looks at the spear, then at Danster in awe. Walking over ot the spear, he picks it up, and jams it into the ground. Taking a few steps back, and a few deep breaths, he reaches out to the Force, feeling it all around him, as well as within.
:: Reaching his hand out, he thrusts a mental image of a wall at the spear, and opens his eyes. As the "wall" hits, he sees it flicker a little, and come to a stop. Sighing, he tries again, this time with the same results. Starting to get aggravated, he whips his hand out at it, sending it a few feet away.
:: Looking back at it, and wiping a little sweat off his forehead, he looked back to his master ::
Danster the Gangster
Jun 3rd, 2001, 12:48:12 PM
***Danster look somewhat worried at Ralakk***
Did you feel any anger before you did that force push?? Did you feel any whatsoever?
Jun 3rd, 2001, 01:09:10 PM
Well, yes, a little, Master....
:: Ralakk's voice trails off as he looks twords the ground ::
Jun 9th, 2001, 05:48:05 PM
OOC: Hellloooooooooo?
Danster the Gangster
Jun 11th, 2001, 12:54:05 PM
You must never use anger to harness the force, that is the path to the dark side, to evil.
Sit down
***He obeyed, Danster joined him***
Close your eyes, and free your mind of all anger or aggresion, concentrate on the force only
Jun 11th, 2001, 01:11:26 PM
:: Ralakk sat down, and was joined by his Master. Abit curious as to what he was doing, he obeyed and didn't ask any questions.
:: Closing his eyes, he focused on the Force, what it was and meant to him, and let go of all his thoughts. Feeling a wave of... peace, almost, wash over him, he felt his Master next to him, as well as other life forms in surrounding areas, although fainter.
:: Opening his eyes, he saw his Master next to him, his eyes closed and body relaxed. He closed his eyes again, feeling the Force flow through him just like before ::
Jun 11th, 2001, 01:11:35 PM
:: Ralakk sat down, and was joined by his Master. Abit curious as to what he was doing, he obeyed and didn't ask any questions.
:: Closing his eyes, he focused on the Force, what it was and meant to him, and let go of all his thoughts. Feeling a wave of... peace, almost, wash over him, he felt his Master next to him, as well as other life forms in surrounding areas, although fainter.
:: Opening his eyes, he saw his Master next to him, his eyes closed and body relaxed. He closed his eyes again, feeling the Force flow through him just like before ::
Danster the Gangster
Jul 6th, 2001, 04:52:45 PM
***Danster left his trance, and sat observing his padawan. He wanted to see how far his concentration would go. Danster looked around at surrounding objects, trying to forsee whether Ralaak would be able to raise them***
Jul 6th, 2001, 05:55:29 PM
:: Ralakk went deeper into thought, feeling his Master next to him, and sensing that he was standing up. He also felt the room around him, and objects.
:: Focusing on the objects, he tried to move them, to no avail. Trying again, he sensed that one of them, a training droid, shook a little. He opened his eyes, and saw it wobble to a stop ::
Danster the Gangster
Jul 10th, 2001, 04:34:53 PM
Control, Control, you must saty in control. Once you have reached the peak of concentration, hold it. Do not sense the movement, feel it, through the force. When you learn that, you will not need to open your eyes. The Force will give you a more than accurate picture in your mind of the area and objects around you
Jul 12th, 2001, 06:47:02 PM
:: Nods to his Master, and closes his eyes again. Feeling the Force flow through him, he reaches out to it, once again sensing the things around him. Focusing more, he not only senses them, but starts to--to feel them. Feeling them awoken a whole new--thing*, and focuses on moving them. Feeling a different droid shake, he wanted to look at it, but didn't, his mind starting to reveal a picture of it, what it was doing. He tried it with other ones, feeling them move as well.
:: He focused on lifting one of them in the air, feeling it hover a few inches, and tried the one next to it. After getting both up, he tried a third one. All of a sudden the other two fell, startling him and making him jerk his eyes open ::
Danster the Gangster
Jul 13th, 2001, 04:43:47 PM
Good, that is progress, but we must continue with this task. Concentration is required for nearly all Jedi Skills, try again, but clear your mind of all other thoughts. Concentarte on absolutley nothing but the force. Let the force take control of your senses, do not be disturbed by anything, except the call of the force. Try again
Jul 14th, 2001, 10:45:40 PM
:: Sighs a little, relaxing, and closes his eyes again. Feeling the Force flow through him like before, and sensing--no, feeling the objects around him. Focusing, he lifts one, two droids, each of them hovering about 5 or 6 incheds.
:: Trying a third, he lifted it the same height. He drew his attention to the fourth, but still concentrated on the other three, keeping them up, as he lifted the fourth and last one.
Keeping them there, he worked on moving them a little, having them go up and down, back and forth.. ::
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