View Full Version : {Teka Kenobi vs. Angellink11}
Teka Kenobi
Jul 12th, 2001, 03:46:52 PM
Teka stood from his meditative position on the training room floor, and walked to the sparring area. Today he would spar against Angel, in his first fight of the tournament. With him was Lux and Lionheart.
Closing his eyes he let the force flow through him. He was confident of today spar, and hoped to progress up through the tournament to a reasobly high position.
Dressed in black Teka took down his hood to reveal his cut face, his brown hair and his ice blue eyes. Turning to the Judge he bowed respectfully and coming back up he turned again and did the same to his opponent.
Taking a step back he dropped his cloak to the floor, to reveal his sabre and gun sabre. Again he stepped up to the sparring circle and took in a deep breath of air before releasing it and foccusing on his task.
Jul 12th, 2001, 05:32:01 PM
Kyle smiled. He pulled his cloak off revealing his long scar on his right eye. He carried both his saber's he than opened himself to the force he felt it flow through him. He breathed in and out slowly and bowed to the Judge. He turned back to Teka and bowed to him than he pulled out his left side saber igniting the blue silver blade. He crouched back in a defensive position. Watching his opponent in a way he only did in a fight.
"Your take the first move."
Teka Kenobi
Jul 13th, 2001, 03:05:36 AM
Teka unclipped his sabre from his bely and held out horizontally in front of him. At one end a flash of light could be seen as the white blade shot out, the other end followed quickly after a number of buttons were pushed. Spinning it round to his prefered waiting position, a number of lethal strikes were made, cutting through the air. Taking his concentration off his sabre he looked up at Angel.
As you wish.
Teka ran forward unleashing a number of turns and swings, not only with his sabre but his body too. As he reached Angel he thrust the right part of Lux forward which met the sabre held by Angel. Hastily he swung the other end forward at Angel's unprotected side and as that was narrowly blocked moved back slighly about to defend himself.
Jul 13th, 2001, 11:29:01 AM
OOC: My name is Kyle okay Teka :)
IC: Kyle went into a defensive position watching Teka carefully. He never would under estimate his opponent. Kyle brouht his saber over his head than came forward. He swept beneath Teka and rolled underneath him. He was brouht his saber about but Teka blocked it quickly. Kyle went forward their blades meeting each other, each time as they brouht their blades to the other they met as if both of them where where reading each other's mind.
R2D2 the Jedi
Jul 13th, 2001, 12:05:16 PM
*Enters the room where they are sparring and blends into the shadows.*
Teka Kenobi
Jul 13th, 2001, 12:10:08 PM
OOC: Ack sorry about that, I'll say that from now :)
A few more sparks flew, as blades crashed against one another, before Teka relized this game was about to result in a stale mate.
Quickly he spun from Kyle's striking range and as he faced him again he force pulled Kyle forward somewhat and kneed him in the stomach, winding him.
As he doubled over Teka quickly turned his whole body and dropped to the floor with his leg out. As his leg spun, it took out the back of Kyle's knees and made him crash to the floor.
Teka jumped back more foccused than ever and waited for Kyle to get up. From the start he had used the Chudan stance but no practiced the Hasso stance, letting the force reach him still.
Jul 13th, 2001, 02:03:18 PM
OOC: It's cool.
IC: Kyle pushed himself up and smiled.
"Not bad."
Kyle than absorbed the force and sent it to his feet. He burst at Teka with surprising speed for a Padawan. Their blades met but Teka was forced to take a step or two back. Teka regained his balance right away. Kyle twisted his blade and crouched. He kept his hand hidden under his vest not going for anything of importance it was just a stance that Corran had taught him as a Merc. He pushed his left foot back and moved it so that he had better footing. He watched Teka and than he braced himself and prepared for another attack.
Teka Kenobi
Jul 13th, 2001, 03:36:31 PM
Teka spun Lux round at an imense speed, to be met by Kyles sabre. Teka, with his index and middle finger together, moved his hand in a short downwards movement which force pushed back Kyle's supportive leg, and gave Teka the chance tio complete a full hard roundhouse kick to Kyle's head sending him to the ground.
You're lucky it's not.
Teka was completely aware of his actions. Sometimes he faught hard, but did that make him evil? No. Teka waited for Kyle to get up. Not sure weather to offer a hand.
Jul 13th, 2001, 03:40:33 PM
Instead of landing on the ground Kyle brought his free hand out and flipped around. He landed on the ground and smiled.
"Good trick."
Without even moving a finger Teka's leg's gave way and he dropped to the ground. Kyle saw his saber on the ground and called it to him. He grabbed it and crouched to a fighting stance. He thought about bringing his second saber out but decided against it.
Teka Kenobi
Jul 13th, 2001, 04:15:00 PM
Teka landed softly on knee and foot and replied.
Oh, I have more.
He ran forward faking a jump upwards which Kyle's raised his sabres to, and slid, taking out his legs. Kyle dropped to the floor and Teka was up and swiflty rolled forward Taking Lux with him.
He turned, with a tight grip on Lux. Pressing a combination of buttons a ' hiss' could be heard as Lux split into two. Teka ran at the now standing Kyle and made a number of strikes, one slicing up Kyle's arm.
Quickly and quietly Teka raised his leg and booted Kyle in the chin sending him back a few feet but not flooring him. Teka got back into his original Chudan stance, sabre crossing and pointing at each of Kyle's shoulder.
Jul 13th, 2001, 04:38:11 PM
Kyle smiled.
"You didn't think very far ahead."
Teka looked at him confused than suddenly he went flying threw the air and hit a wall not harming himself. Kyle called his dropped saber to him and pulled out his out one. He ignited the second saber and a silver blade came out. He grinned.
"I still have plenty of tricks to my friend."
Teka Kenobi
Jul 14th, 2001, 03:56:28 AM
Teka quickly got up and rasied an eyebrow to the last comment and simply replied:
We'll see.
From the back of his belt he took out Lionheart and kicked of the wall into a high jump. Ignighting Lionheart in mid-air he procceeded to sweep away Kyle's sabres, with a little help from the force and a strong strike either side with his sabres, and boot him in the face. Landing, Teka could see Kyle's blleding nose, but would not pause there.
Quickly, as he landed, he nodded at him and two bright light, flashed into Kyle's eyes. As this happened Teka spun round and with Lionheart he sliced through half of Kyle's right leg, creating a small waft of smoke as he jumped back.
Jul 14th, 2001, 11:48:46 AM
OOC: Teka most of the stuff your doing a Padawan is not able to do.
Kyle held back the any emotion. He concentrated on the force and than began healing the wound a it took a couple of seconds but it was healed but only soar. He called his sabers back and twirled them.
"So you wanna play hard ball."
Kyle grinned and looked up. He gripped both sabers and leaped into the air using the force. He grabbed the object still up in the air and sliced the top of it. He flippd backwards and rolled. He watched as the object slammed into the ground causing Teka to lose his balance. Kyle than used to force to throw away one of Teka's lightsabers and held it there with the force. He went at Teka. He was bac on his feet. Kyle brought his saber down hard from the right knocking it out of his grasp. Kyle brought his foot up using the force once again for speed and kicked him in the mouth. Teka stumbled backwards and dropped to the ground once again.
Teka Kenobi
Jul 14th, 2001, 04:18:34 PM
a) Such as??
b) Because I chose to learn more complicated moves than push and pull it means I'm not a Padawan??
c) And a Padawan can heal a leg sliced in half in two seconds??
d) I'll ask a judge.
e) I'll post IC later.
Jul 14th, 2001, 06:26:18 PM
OOC: First of all you can heal a sliced wound with the force and I didn't say two seconds either. Also It's not cause your choosing hard things Teka your doing things with the force and all that, that a Padawan is not able to do and not cause you that push and pull things okay. My char knows moves that are more complicated than push and pull.
Liam Jinn
Jul 15th, 2001, 03:18:04 AM
OOC: He sliced halfway through your leg, Kyle. You can't heal wounds like that, that quickly. It's on rare occasions Masters are able to heal wounds like that in minutes. I don't see any moves so far that a padawan isn't capable of either. Now, please, don't argue you 2 and keep this FRIENDLY OOC. Ok? :)
Teka Kenobi
Jul 15th, 2001, 03:34:52 AM
Teka called his sabre to him from the floor and quickly got up. He wanted this battle to end sooner rather than later. He ran forward aided by the force and dived through the air grabbing the single Lux, and rolled to land. Turning to now face Kyle, Teka swung a sabre from both sides and the two struggled for a bit, each sabre clashing the next.
To break from this situation, Teka narrowly dodged a sabre swing by ducking, and then made a low hard kick to Kyle, severly injured leg. The kick caused Kyle to fall to the ground, as the damage to his leg got worse.
Jul 15th, 2001, 10:28:48 AM
Kyle laughed softly and got up ignoring the pain coming from his leg.
"Not bad but not good enough to take me out."
He twisted putting more pressure on it but still keeping a look at Teka waiting for any more tricks. He knew the kid was good but he knew that he could still hold his own against anything the kid threw at him. He turned bac to Teka and got his sabers and ignited them again. He twiveled on around and went to a new defensive posture. This time no matter what Teka threw at him he could stop it. He was also ready for any leg attacks once again. If he tried to drop kick him he could easily jump over it. He opened himself to the force and this time he let it go to Teka he could see the moves that Teka was planning and he immediately got ready to dodge them.
Teka Kenobi
Jul 15th, 2001, 02:47:46 PM
Teka used the force and closed his eyes for a second. No other force user, except Teka, could see into his mind. It was now bloked off. Teka used the force to strengthen his legs, and he waited for thirty seconds, still just working on his legs. With his right hand he motioned forward, with possibly the biggest force push he'd done in his current life. The opposing Padawan could not dodge that and flew the the air and smashed into the wall, creating a whiplash effect on his neck. The Padawan lay still in the hole that was now in the wall, his head bleeding now.
How was that..
Teka shot from his still position and adapted the force jump. He sped forward at an imense speed to crash into the ribs of his opponent making three simeltanous 'Crack!!'s. Teka backflipped away, and stood in the middle of the sparring circle facing his, now out, opponent.
Jul 15th, 2001, 05:46:37 PM
OOC: Edit your post, first of all your not allowed to make serious harm to another Padawan this is a tournament. Also I am not looking into your mind with the force you are able to see where they will attack and what they will do I was using a defensive mood wich means you didn't do anything. Now edit your post.
Kikran Akard
Jul 15th, 2001, 05:53:48 PM
OOC: You said you were able to see the moves he was planning, he plans them inside his mind, so technically you're both right....but we can't see every move someone will do, if we could, we'd never lose a battle.
Jul 15th, 2001, 06:06:10 PM
OOC: ture a defensive thing won't give you every move just a few. also he posted that he borke my neck would that not be maiming
Kikran Akard
Jul 15th, 2001, 06:24:48 PM
OOC: He didn't break your neck, he said it made a whiplash effect, meaning your head snapped backwards. He'll edit the other things in time, don't worry. Now lets keep this thread from getting cluttered with ooc stuff.
Liam Jinn
Jul 16th, 2001, 04:24:43 AM
OOC: Can we please keep the fighting IC, not OOC? :)
Jul 16th, 2001, 11:27:16 AM
OOC: Sorry but would someone doing something like that to someone's neck be called maiming cause i sure now it is. i got fifteen other peoples opinions that i know, and most of them are people that i'd trust with my life. cause what he did to me would either:
A: Break my neck and kill my char.
B: Paralyz my char cause the movement joints on the bacbone also are on the neck and I now it would do something like that either ruin the nec beyond repair and paraylz him.
Teka Kenobi
Jul 16th, 2001, 12:27:43 PM
Ok, I pushed you into a wall. Your head would have snapped back and hit it. Did I ever mention you breaking your neck? Maybe you should just rolplay out the situation instead of jumping to conclusions.
Teka Kenobi
Jul 16th, 2001, 01:44:40 PM
Ok. So you're in the wall with a bleeding head and a few broken ribs. You're pretty badly hurt, but hardly crippled. Your neck will be saw, as I said, from the whiplash.
Jul 16th, 2001, 01:55:17 PM
Kyle opened his eyes. He had worse treatment in an Imperial Interrogation chamber and he could still move after that. He forced himself up ignoring every sensation in his body. He than used the force to cut off certain portions of his body to stop the pain but he could still move them.
"Nice I must admit but an Imperial Moff can do worse with just a vibroblade."
He moved forward and elbowed Teka in the face. He than made three quick kicks into Teka's stomach. Teka dropped to the ground but got back up.
Teka Kenobi
Jul 16th, 2001, 02:34:02 PM
Teka touched his nose. It was saw but not broken. Getting up Teka faked a full on, over head sweep and turned his body momentum into a downwards spinning trip, causing Kyle to fall to the ground. Teka quickly jumped back and sarted stratagising.
As Kyle got up, Teka jumped forwards and brought a sabre from each side, down towards the legs of his oponent. As they were blocked he raised a knee into the already broken ribs of Kyle, bringing back to sharp pain instantly.
Jul 16th, 2001, 05:15:01 PM
Kyle blocked the pain right away with the force and tossed Teka bacwards with the force at the same time. He watched Teka carefully looking at his movements and than saw him getting ready for another fake attack. He watched as Tea's blade came at him and than pulled away. Kyle than slammed the butt of his two sabers into him. One in Teka's face breaking Teka's nose and the other in Teka's stomach.
"Your becoming predicatable Teka your changing your moves and using some that you did use before."
Kyle than charged at him not at full force as he would have liked but enough to surprise Teka for just one second that Kyle used to his advantage. He brought his saber around in a move he had seen before and brought it down knocking Teka's saber out of his hand and cutting into his ahnd but not doing any serious damage. He than moved and defelcted Teka's other blow and slammed his elbow into Teka's jaw. Than Kyle jumped back prepared for anything and for any force techniques anything that Teka would use and this time he was moving slowly letting the force flow through him.
Liam Jinn
Jul 17th, 2001, 11:19:17 AM
Ok...Kyle, how are you able to block all of this pain? The Force? Heh, ok lets say you do have the discipline to block all of this, broken ribs..badly damaged leg..your neck..I don't know if I'm missing much, but those are pretty bad. If you did dull the pain with the force, you still have the injuries, you can't just act like you dont. You'd move slower and wouldn't have as good as reflexes. Try not to just ignore the moves against you, write the effects of it. But this is partially what these spars are for, improving your characters. Now I'll let this spar go on for a little bit longer to declare a winner. :)
Jul 17th, 2001, 03:55:12 PM
OOC: sorry, i've been having a really bad week.
Teka Kenobi
Jul 17th, 2001, 04:57:10 PM
OOC: :p Dun' worry 'bout it. Ok, presuming that stuff did happen..
Teka quickly called his sabre to him, moving his jaw up and down as he did, just to makesure it was still there. Yes. It was. In a glance Teka sped frwards and flipped over Kyle. As he landed his sprung of his feet onto his hands, and kicked Kyle in the back of the head at a 45 degree angle. His opponent stumbled forward but failed to fall over.
Teka jumped forward to his opponent who was now facing him, and defended a side swing and continueing to make his own, above head strike. As it was blocked Teka kicked him in the stomach before hand-springing backwards, catching Kyle, who was currently doubled over, hard in the face.
Teka assumed a low defensive stance. He couldn't be ready for everything. No-one could. But he'd try his best. And that was all that mattered.
Jul 17th, 2001, 06:16:06 PM
Kyle continued to fight every sensation in his body knowing that he would be in a bacta tank for sometime. Kyle watched Teka he saw him go into a defensive maneuver. He turned his arm a bit and he felt pain rush through he knew he hadn't been hit there but his hole body felt like one giant bruise. Instead of going for a frontal assault Kyle concentrated on his lightsaber he let go of it and watched as it floated in the air. Than he did the same with the other saber and sent it with extreme force at Teka. Than another plan came to his mind. He turned to some rocks and focused on them and still forcing himself to keep control of the lightsabers and to not pass out. He sent some of them at Teka. We watched as the sabers missed and Teka cut through some of the rocks but a couple small ones slammed into him. He breathed in softly than called his sabers back.
Teka Kenobi
Jul 18th, 2001, 02:41:22 AM
Two of the small rocks hit Teka. One in the soulder and one in his lower skull. He stumbled forward. Putting his hand to the back of his head, he found that in fact he was bleeding slighly. He watched as the two sabres were called back to Kyle and smiled, releasing a sabre held, hand upwards, and watched as the two travelling sabre changed dirction.
Teka quickly ran at Kyle and faked a jump and skided, taking out both of Kyle's legs. Teka jumped back and watched as both of the sabre came back down, without force aid. They dropped fast and Teka watched as they zoomed down towards Kyle's chest.
Jul 18th, 2001, 04:22:39 PM
OOC: Who's sabers where they yours or mine?
Teka Kenobi
Jul 18th, 2001, 04:36:00 PM
OOC: Yours
Jul 19th, 2001, 10:37:03 AM
OOC: kep.
IC: Kyle focused and stopped them feelin pain ripple throuh his body. He than turned them around so that he would grab the handle. Once they reached him he took hold of them and went into a defensive stand. He could barely move now but he would continue to fight until the match was declared finished or he was out cold.
Teka Kenobi
Jul 19th, 2001, 03:59:26 PM
As Kyle got up Teka stood still. Once he was up Teka ran forward and made a double over-head strike with both sabres. They were easily blocked but they wern't placed there to do damage. Teka kicked Kyle in the chest then as he stumble back, quickly spun on the floor tripping Kyle, and watched as again his sparring partener fell to the floor.
Jul 19th, 2001, 10:55:51 PM
Kyle got up again watching Teka scanning him carefully and being on guard. He took a step to the left ignoring the seering (sp?) pain that rushed through his body. He than went forward with the aid of the force not as fast as he would have liked but reached his target and made a violent slash at him.
Teka Kenobi
Jul 20th, 2001, 02:37:07 AM
Teka brought his sabre around, whislt moving to the right. Instead of stopping the strike he encouraged it with a downwards strike onto it. Kyle's sabre was aimed for the floor now, and Teka quickly jumped over Kyle, stomping on his right shoulder as he passed over him. He landed and turned around, looking at Kyle and his wounds.
Jul 20th, 2001, 08:57:14 AM
Kyle rolled on the ground an brought himself up. He felt like he was gonna die any second but he wouldn't give. He moved forward slowly but at a good speed to deliver a hard blow at Teka which Teka deflected barely.
Teka Kenobi
Jul 20th, 2001, 12:18:48 PM
Teka quickly rasied his sabre up and just managed to keep Kyle's sabre from touching him. Teka jumped up and raised his left foot, but his right foot came up further. The kick was quite hard and knocked Kyle over as Tkea boot hit Kyle in his stomach.
Jul 20th, 2001, 06:33:42 PM
Kyle rolled on the ground and pushed himself up. He remained at peace and calm. He knew that Teka wasn't going all the way and that annoyed him a bit but he let it pass. *It's better this way.* He focused on Teka and than threw him backwards and forced him to land on the ground roughly.
Liam Jinn
Jul 21st, 2001, 01:13:40 AM
OOC: >_< Sorry for not posting sooner..
Liam stood up and walked over to the padawans. He helped Teka up and motioned for Kyle to come. He placed a hand on each of their shoulders and smiled.
"Teka moves to Round 2, though you both fought very well. I really don't know what else to say but good match. Both of you get yourselves cleaned up and shake hands." :)
Liam turned around and walked out of the sparring room.
Teka Kenobi
Jul 21st, 2001, 06:09:43 AM
Watching Liam leave, Teka turned to face Kyle. He smiled slightly and offered out his hand.
Good fight.
Jul 21st, 2001, 12:35:35 PM
Kyle shook Teka's hand and smiled.
"Yes it was a good fight. Good luck in round two."
Teka Kenobi
Jul 21st, 2001, 12:54:55 PM
Thank-you. I hope you'll be there.
Jul 21st, 2001, 02:01:54 PM
"I hope so to. Well I should be heading to a bacta tank, I'll see you later."
Kyle turned and walked off smiling.
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