View Full Version : Teka Kenobi

Nichos Marr
Jun 23rd, 2001, 10:03:56 PM
Nichos stood just outside in the training center, admiring the garden that various padawans and others at Yavin IV had made some time ago. It really brought out his inner peace. The Jedi could easily meditate here without much distraction. It was an ideal spot to get a good feel on the Light Side of the Force.

The Jedi sauntered off to a rock and sat quietly. He crossed his legs and peacefully rested his arms on them. He inhaled deeply and then exhaled. Nichos called upon the Light Side and slightly fell into a meditative trance. He would resume this action until his new padawan Teka showed up for training.

Nichos quickly glanced at his watch, keeping his grasp on the Light Side. It was almost noon. Teka would be there soon. He bowed his head and drifted deeper into the trance, keeping his senses open for Teka.

Teka Kenobi
Jun 24th, 2001, 03:51:01 AM
::Teka walked through the grass full garden until he could see two rocks. Sensing the man in the middle he walked in that direction, noticing his surroundings. Looking up he could see the grand training center, where no doubt he would, if not today, train there at some point.::

::Reaching the man Teka stood still, in his un-orthadox black cloak, that covered his head and body. Teka could feel the sun's rays beating down now, although it had no effect on him. Silently he waited for his master to exit the trance. He knew that Nichos had sensed him there. Now he would wait.::

Nichos Marr
Jun 24th, 2001, 10:44:20 AM
Nichos's eyes flickered open.

"Welcome Teka. You're early." Nichos glanced at his watch. It was 3 minutes to noon.

The Jedi hopped off his rock and placed his hands at the small of his back. He began to pace back and forth, allowing the Force to flow inside of him.

"Teka, I know you've been a padawan for a long time. You have a lot of experience and have been through a lot. You've dealt with Sith and survived. Before I can train you to Knighthood, I have to know what you've learned. I have to know about you yourself. I need to know your past, your goals. Anything you can tell me."

Nichos sat on the grass and lied back on the rock.

"Make yourself relaxed."

Teka Kenobi
Jun 25th, 2001, 12:33:26 PM
::Teka smiled for a moment then looked to the ground. He looked back up at Nichos who was looking at him with expectant eyes.::

My past? A couple of weeks before my birth my father was killed in a fight with an un-known Sith. I grew up on Kail with my mother. My mother bought the Kail ranges off a man's family after he died. I think he worked for the corporate sector govournment. We developed the land and gradually bought more land. My mother. She died on the land she loved. By the hand of a Sith. A Sith I know very well. Vega Van-Dervald.

::Teka closed his eyes and looked back to the ground again. He let the force enter his mind freely and pass through him. He calmed ad carried on.::

I am currently a Major at the RDF, a secret Naval base, which is also placed on Kail.

::He sighed then put on a breif smile before returning to a normal expressionless face.::

I will become a Master, and proove myself to to the Galaxy. I will become the best I can be and acsend to defend as many as I can.

Nichos Marr
Jun 30th, 2001, 09:32:39 AM
"It is good that you have such confidence in yourself. Confidence is a valuable asset that many do not have." Nichos said.

He stood up from the rock and stretched his bones. The morning sunlight shone on his robes, slightly causing him to sweat. Nichos walked over to Teka.

"You are able to control your doubts and fear." Nichos smiled in approval. "Before we continue, I need you to tell me what you have learned so far. I think you know how to use a lightsaber, but have you learned any force moves?"

Teka Kenobi
Jun 30th, 2001, 12:30:44 PM
Teka watched his Master get up. By now he was used to these questions. He hadn't had a very succesful time with Masters and hoped that Nichos would be his Master until he was Knighted. The heat didn't affect him. It was something in his genes. Neither hot or cold weather would make him sweat or shiver. He could feel them, yes. He just didn't react to them.

I know all of the basic force moves. Push, pull, plank, and adaption of the force wall, heal, sense. I am however not quite able to cast force weather. I can do the wind..to a certasin extent but none of the others.

Nichos Marr
Jul 10th, 2001, 10:35:01 AM
Nichos quietly nodded, keeping his mouth closed. With his hand, he motioned for Teka to follow him. The Jedi Knight began to walk to another part of the garden.

Nichos stopped in front of a large tree. He stared up, barely able to see the top. Finally he spoke, "This tree is used to learn Force Jump. Have you ever learned Force Jump?"

The Jedi collected the life force around him and felt it strengthen his legs. He jumped high, swinging around a branch. Nichos slowly climbed his way down, jumping the rest of the 15 feet.

"You have to collect the Force and use it to strengthen your legs. Once you feel the surge of energy in your legs, jump. Most padawans can make it to the 60 feet mark. May the Force be with you."

Teka Kenobi
Jul 10th, 2001, 03:03:17 PM
Teka closed his eyes. He did as his master said and let the force anter his body. He felt his legs strengthen and bent them. In a moment he straightened them and jumped high into the air. As he felt his momentum start to shift directions he looked for a brach to land on, and did so. He looked down to his Master and nodded, although the chances were Nichos couldn't see the nodd from the floor. Teka wasn't sure what distance he acheived but started his dismount of the tree carefully.

Like his master he jumped the last 15 feet, and landed in front of him.

What distance was that Master?

Nichos Marr
Jul 12th, 2001, 10:39:33 AM
"You made it..." Nichos used his macrobinoculars and checked the mark that Teka had just been on. "...To the 70 feet mark." Nichos turned around to grin at Teka. He put his binoculars away.

"Teka, you did excellent. You've learned to strengthen your leg bones."

Nichos walked over to two rocks. Three pieces of wood were lodged between them.

"Do the same thing that you did before, except this time, strengthen your hand and your arm. If you do it right, you'll be able to break those pieces of wood. If you do it wrong, you'll have a broken hand." Nichos stood back to watch Teka.

Teka Kenobi
Jul 12th, 2001, 12:28:44 PM
Teka nodded at his Master and walked over to the two high rocks. He examined them for a second and turned to the wood. Shuting his eyes he did the same as before letting the force flow through him and particularly his arms before opening his eyes and launching a downwards thrust with his arm snapping all three fairly easily. The first plank of wood dropped in two pieces to the floor as did one half of the second.

Teka steeped back and examined his hand. It was fine, he could move it anyway, and the was no visible damage. Turning on tiptoe and heal, he faced his Master to hear the outcome of his action.

Nichos Marr
Jul 13th, 2001, 10:46:41 AM
"Quite excellent Teka. You've learned to use the Force to strengthen your body in times of need. This technique is very important when you are stuck in battle with Sith or Dark Jedi." Nichos said.

"Now I remember you telling me that you don't know very much about controlling weather. Unfortunately, I cannot help you in that department. Each Jedi specializes in their own category of the Force."

A bird flew down and perched itself on Nichos' fingertip.

"My specialty is with living beings. I can speak with most, and control the animals when need be. Tell me Teka, what do you want to specialize in?"

Teka Kenobi
Jul 13th, 2001, 12:21:42 PM
Teka smiled at the question. The answer would be no-doubt one of the most important in his life and possibly save his life on numerous times. He had however one thing in mind. Teka spoke with meaning. Although only one word he felt strongly about it and wished to specialize in this area like no other.


Teka knew that Nichos' specialty was with living beings, and that was in fact part of nature. Hoping Nichos' response would be a positive one Teka watched the bird fidgit on Nichos' finger.

Nichos Marr
Jul 16th, 2001, 09:15:16 PM
"Nature...That's quite interesting. With your power in the Force, I think you can accomplish it. Jedi Master AmazonBabe is a master at nature herself. She focuses on plant life."

Nichos began to pace back and forth. Suddenly, he had an idea. The Jedi closed his eyes and called out with the Force. A few moments later, a tiger-like creature stepped out of the bushes. Immediately it caught sight of Teka and began to growl.

"One of the many aspects of nature is animal life. You must have good contact with every animal, and know how to control them, if need be."

The tiger began to slowly advance.

"Try to use the Force to get into the animal's mind and instill it with feelings of security and hapiness."

Teka Kenobi
Jul 17th, 2001, 11:25:16 AM
Teka looked at the animal, pacing now up and down. He wondered weather his Master was controlling it, but he couldn't sense anything. Teka looked at his Master, then back to the animal before taking a deep breath and standing back. Slowly, he closed his eyes keeping track of the animal through the force.

People had entered his mind before and meddeled with his co-ordination. Now he had to enter the animals mind and bring a sense of peace to it. He concentrated hard on the animal trying to get into it's mind. At first he failed, but he was sure he was on the right track. Quickly he made sure the animal was still in front of him, before trying again.

This times he let his mind wander through the force, into the animal's. Teka tried to bring security like his Master said, to the animals mind, and thought safe thoughts, then sent them through the force to it.

Slowly Teka left the animal's mind and opened his eyes. The tiger like creature had stopped pacing and growling and was now sitting looking up at him. Teka smiled and looked to see his Master's rwaction, if any.

Nichos Marr
Jul 17th, 2001, 02:24:17 PM
Nichos showed no reaction. His face was blank and emotionless. Deep down, he was proud of Teka, but the Jedi wanted to see if Teka could find that out for himself.

"Keep in mind that the larger the animal, the harder their mind will be to control. Some species cannot be controlled, such as Hutts and Toydarians. They are strong-willed creatures. Non-Force using humans can easily be controlled with the Force. Especially those who barely show emotion, like Stormtroopers."

Nichos turned to Teka.

"Training is done for today. Tomorrow, we will resume your training in the living quarters. I look forward to seeing you there."

The Jedi Knight began to walk away.

Teka Kenobi
Jul 17th, 2001, 04:19:03 PM
Teka smiled and watched his Master walk away. Today he had learnt alot. His smile broke as he wispered softly to himself.

Thank you Master Nichos Marr.

Teka turned and headed to his ship. His next destination was the B&G.

Nichos Marr
Jul 25th, 2001, 04:57:20 PM
<font size=3>*TWO DAYS LATER*

<font size=2>Nichos entered one of the many training facilities GJO was equipped with. This one was vacant and it had recently been cleaned. In the middle of the training center there was a table with two wooden chairs.

Nichos walked over to the table and sat down on the chair facing the doorway. He silently awaited Teka, going over what he was going to do in his mind. Off to the side, a few rocks lay and a bunch of mats.

All that was needed was for Teka to show up.

Teka Kenobi
Jul 25th, 2001, 05:12:57 PM
Teka turned into a corridor to his right, and approached a door, his feet almost silently tapping with each step. He opened the door with his hands, as opposed to the force. As his Master said, one cannot always rely on the force.

The doors opened quietlye and Teka walked through the hall to his Master. He stopped before the first wooden chair and bowed in respect. He stepped back and waited for his Master to reet him.

Nichos Marr
Jul 25th, 2001, 05:17:11 PM
"Teka Kenobi. You have been through three masters. You have fought Sith and endured pain. You have exceeded what was expected of you in the fight against evil."

Nichos rested back in his chair.

"Show me and tell me all that you have learned."

Teka Kenobi
Jul 25th, 2001, 05:29:12 PM
Teka silently nodded and moved to a more comfortable position. He looked around the room for specific props but found none.

Master, I know the basic force moves. Force push, pull, lift and speed. I know force wall, and the adaption of it being force plank. I know force blind also, where I am able to shine two bright lights in the eyes of my opponenent temporarily stunning them. I know force jumping, healing and I now have the ability to control minds of non emotional animals, and species.

Maybe I should show some of these..

Teka Kenobi
Jul 25th, 2001, 05:38:00 PM
Teka stepped back and looked to the right. The rocks and mats would now be used. He motioned with his head and three rocks darted into the air. There they stayed, before turning and gliding under and over each other. Once again they stopped and were set down on top of each other balancing as Teka released his grip with the force. He looked to the mats and walked over to them. Bending his knees he shot into the air, with a small jump of about 25 ft. Letting gravity bring him back down he softened his fall with the force, and landed quietly on the mats. As he landed he darted to the left using force speed, he was a blur, before doing the same thing again to the other side of the table. He stopped running and thought of how he could show his next couple of moves.

Teka Kenobi
Jul 25th, 2001, 05:45:34 PM
Quickly Teka ran forward. He could now show his agility and force power at the same time. He leant back as he ran and stepped twice on the wall backflipping in the air, to land on a seemingly invisible plank, 3 ft off the ground. Again he backflipped and twisted his body through the air to land on the table, facing his Master. He quickly hopped off of the table, breathing deeply a quickly before speaking.

I have also been accepted as a Jedi Warrior.

Teka could not think of how to show any more of his moves without trying them on his Master which may not have been the best idea. Teka decided to stand still and see what his Master said before doing anything ese.

Nichos Marr
Jul 25th, 2001, 05:50:16 PM
"You've learned to use the Force and use it well, this much is evident. But what have you learned of the Force? What have you learned of the Light Side and the Dark Side?"

Nichos stood up from his chair and began to pace back and forth. He had never received this sort of training when he was being taught by Warren. The Jedi Knight had many other padawans, so Nichos didn't receive that much training. The Jedi didn't really care. He liked to learn things himself. Now it was his duty to impart his knowledge on Teka.

"Tell me what you have learned about the Force."

Teka Kenobi
Jul 25th, 2001, 06:00:08 PM
The force, as I interpret it, surrounds everything and is everywhere, except with the Ysalmiri and on Mykrr. The jedi use the force, for good, to protect innocents from the darkside. The light path is the harder of the Two. I can use it as I wish, and as I go on I will learn more and more of it, and develop my skills within it. However the darkside of the force is evil. The Sith and dark Jedi manipulate the force for their own good and to better themselves. They ingest their pain and regurgatate it in stronger attacks. Theit path is the easy one, and more often than not they are a cocky people.

Nichos Marr
Jul 25th, 2001, 06:06:57 PM
Nichos nodded.

"Teka, you have been taught all you can by each of your three masters. You have been accepted as a Jedi Warrior and you have shown admirable strength and resistance to the easy way out. You have a good heart, never lose it."

Nichos began to walk toward Teka.

"I've taught you all that you didn't already know and I think it is time for you to progress to the next level. Take the next few days to rest and recollect of what you've learned."

He flashed his padawan a grin and headed for the door.

"I will see you soon."

Joel Hardy
Jul 26th, 2001, 04:45:01 PM
(This message was left blank)

Teka Kenobi
Jul 26th, 2001, 04:55:47 PM
Teka watched his Master leave through the door before speaking loudly over to him, so he could hear.

Thank you, Master.

Teka smiled and watched his master depart. Looking round the room he decided to follow his master and leave. His next destination: The living quarters.