View Full Version : Renewed Light: Training for Odan-Urr

Figrin D an
Jul 9th, 2001, 07:25:03 PM
:: The courtyard was mildly busy with activity. Figrin D'an walked comfortably along the outer edge and observed keenly. Some Jedi were casually talking, others were reading. Still more were sparring and tuning their skills in the Force. Training was the subject on the Jedi Master's mind as well.

Figrin stepped out into the a open area of the courtyard. The sun shown brighly above the complex and played amongst the shapes of strutures and people, casting shadows along the stone and grass surfaces of the prominade. The Jedi found the comforting shade of a tree and gently leaned against it. He closed his eyes and quieted his mind as he waited for Odan-Urr to arrive. ::

Odan Urr the Scholar
Jul 10th, 2001, 12:52:48 PM
Odan-Urr studied the halls and drew a rough map well asking directions of other students and the like.
Soon, he found his way to the training grounds and saw his new master leaning in a tree.
"Master, I am here." Odan-Urr said through the Force and walked up to him.

Figrin D an
Jul 12th, 2001, 12:55:21 AM
:: Figrin opened his eyes to find Odan-Urr standing before him. The Jedi Master stretched a bit and moved away from the tree, putting some space between himself and his surroundings. ::

"I hope you don't mind the open-air surroundings. I find it a much more conducive environment for examining one's skills than a sparring chamber."

Figrin removed his brown Jedi cloak and place it on the ground beneath the tree. His grey tunic and pants stood in contrast to the many other Jedi that wore more traditonal white garments. His lightsaber was clasped to his belt as the Jedi's only visable weapon.

"You no doubt have some solid Jedi skills already, but I want to see for myself how strong you are. Before we begin, I would like to know what areas your original training focused upon." ::

Odan Urr the Scholar
Jul 12th, 2001, 01:40:24 PM
"Master Ooroo let me partake on my primary liking. Studying."

Figrin D an
Jul 13th, 2001, 01:12:11 AM
:: Figrin frowned slightly. This might be a bit more challenging than I first believed, he thought to himself.

"The scholarly life is an admirable one. I, too, have been a scholar for much of my life, and it has been most fulfulling for me. However, a Jedi has a duty to protect and defend... a responsibility that sometimes means taking up arms against those would cause harm."

Figrin paused, gathering himself before he continued.

"You carry two lightsabres, you must be reasonably well-skilled in the Jedi arts. But, we shall see..."

The Jedi Master moved to his left, putting about 15 feet of distance between himself and Odan-Urr.

"Now begins the test. Attack me. Use whatever skills you have at your disposal. I will not set a specific objective for you to accomplish... just demonstrate your skill."

The Jedi Master kneeled on the ground and closed his eyes. He rested his hands on his legs. His lightsabre remained on his belt, as he waited for the first move. ::

Odan Urr the Scholar
Jul 13th, 2001, 01:00:46 PM
Odan-Urr closed his eyes for several moments, chanting slightly, and then his eyes popped open.
He floated several feet off the ground and one of his lightsabers, the Vita popped on and flew into his hand.
He slowly moved forward and whirled it slightly, not having had to use for a long time.
He slowly closed the distacne between the two of them, foot by foot, all the while calling the Force to him.
He stopped circling approxiamtely one foot from Firgrin and whriled the one lightsaber down in an arc, using Force Enhanced speed for it to go down with blinding speed.

Figrin D an
Jul 20th, 2001, 01:31:55 AM
:: Within a glimpse of a moment, Figrin extended his hand and arched it, as if he was holding a cylindrical object. Nearly simultaneously, the sabre hilt that was cliped onto the Jedi's belt blinked out of view and reappeared in his left hand. With a quick flick of his thumb, the dark blue blade snapped to life, crackling in the humid air. Figrin, still kneeling on the ground, twisted the sabre slightly into a downward angling parry postion, just in time to block the sabre blow from Odan-Urr.

He seems to have good speed, thought Figrin to himself, and reasonable telekinetic skills.

Figrin pushed his free hand towards the ground while simultaneously springing his feet into the air. The Force-enhanced push-off from the ground allowed the Jedi Master to sail into the air and execute a sommersault, landing firmly on his feet a few meters from Odan. Figrin brought his sabre into an en guarde position, watching his opponent carefully. He would allow for another offensive attack before he would begin testing Odan's defensive skills. ::

Odan Urr the Scholar
Jul 21st, 2001, 12:55:06 PM
Odan-Urr, sensing Figrin's intentions, waited, his second lightsaber hovering infront of him as he studied it.
"Master, I shall wait for your attack."

Figrin D an
Jul 23rd, 2001, 12:56:39 AM
:: Figrin shifted his weight to his left, eying Odan carefully ::

"Very well," responded the Jedi, in a calm and calculated demeanor.

:: Figrin crouched slightly, then sprung forward in a full-tilt charge at Odan. Odan raised his sabres into a defensive stature, bracing for the Jedi Master's direct assault. Figrin shot towards his opponent with great speed and prepared to bring his sabre to bear. Figrin started to bring his sabre forward, as if in a single monstrous strike. He feigned the attack, however, and at the last moment lept above Odan. The Jedi Master's body twisted in the air, bringing him into an attack position before his feet even touched the ground. As Figrin landed, just off-center of Odan's back, he arced his sabre back and began a powerful horizontal slash towards Odan's mid-torso.... ::

Odan Urr the Scholar
Jul 23rd, 2001, 01:11:17 AM
Odab-Urr, tilted his head backwards and sung softly, raising his hand, pointing backwards, creating a Force Barrier, the lightsaber flashing off of it.
He Hung there, about an inch off the ground, still singing as his lightsaber arcs around, fighting and blocking Figrin's attacks with inhuman speed.
Odan-Urr slowly gained Force energy as Figrin tried to get past his lightsaber, not realizing that ven were he to get past it, he'd have to try to get through the barrier, then hed have to deal with his lightsaber again.
Finally, Odan-Urr pulled out an antique dagger and hurled it at the wall in the garden, it whistling slightly through the air.
It hit the wall and shattered the wall, pieces falling onto the ground.
Figrin's attention was distracted for just a second, yet it was long enough for Odan to strike a slight blow on low power to Figrin, knocking him down.
Odan-Urr waited, still encased in his shell and still signing peacefully.

Figrin D an
Jul 25th, 2001, 12:54:25 AM
:: Figrin rolled to his right and quickly got back on his feet. He twirled his sabre, bringing it back into a low-guard postion. The Jedi Master glanced momentarily at the wall behind him that was now cracked and broken.

"I hope you intend on repairing that when we are finished." Figrin smiled slightly as he turned his attention back to Odan.

Figrin calmed his mind and concentrated, calling upon the power of the Force. In a nearby rock garden , several large stones, about 100 pounds each in weight, began to levitate and move out towards the two combatants. The rocks, twelve in total, hovered into a circular formation and begin to revolve rapidly. Increasing in velocity, the stones seemed to blend to together to form a single circular wall of matter. The spinning circle began to rise high into the air and expand it's circumference, streching out to a diameter of several yards. The blinding, spinning wall of stone slowly decended, placing Odan at it's very center.

Figrin stood a dozen yards away, allowing the Force to flow through him and control the large pieces of rock with great precision. He opened his eyes, a calm stony gaze eminating from his face. The sheer speed at which the rocks were spinning generated much wind, cycloning about Odan as he attempted to remain calm. Odan struggle to maintain his balance. Odan looked about him to see that the wind disturbed nothing outside of the perimeter of spinning rocks. The trees remained still, no leaves plants swayed under it's mighty influence.

Figrin at last spoke.

"Prepare yourself."

Odan's eyes shifted quickly about, watching and waiting

The first rock shot towards Odan from behind him... then a second... then a third... finally bombarding him from all directions...

Odan Urr the Scholar
Jul 25th, 2001, 11:49:03 AM
The rocks slammed in towards him as he tuned out the howling wind.
He lifted both hands and the rocks were slowed down gradually so that by the time they hit the wall they were just bounced a little.
Odan-Urr replied softly, "It'll get repaired, but first it'll be destroyed."
He lifted one of the heavier rocks with the force and flung it with everything he could muster at the wall, shattering that whole section and having it all sag down.
He lifted both hands and flung the rocks at Figrin, creating a banshee wail in Figrin's mind.
Figrin fell slightly, clutching his head as Odan-Urr's own attack came zooming in.

Figrin D an
Aug 1st, 2001, 11:53:53 PM
:: The screaming sounds created by Odan swirled in Figrin's head. He cringed slightly, working to re-focus himself on the task at hand. Using a technique learned in his youth, Figrin pushed the sounds from his mind and cleared his thoughts. He used the Force to erect mental barriers around his mind, shutting out the influences of the outside world. The Jedi Master's mind became serene.... at peace.

The rocks hurdled towards Figrin at an alarming rate. Moving quickly, Figrin crouched, then sprung into the air. The Force-enhanced maneuver launched the Jedi above the tops of several nearby trees. The Jedi sommersaulted and landed on a branch high in the top of a 50-foot tall tree. The leaves rustled as Figrin looked back downward. The rocks flew by and slammed into large support pillar, chipping the stone and sending gleaming marble shards in all directions.

Figrin lept from the branch, bring his sabre to bear on Odan as his fell towards his opponent. His first strike connected with the sabre in Odan's right hand, pushing it downwards and forcing Odan's hand towards the ground. Odan attacked with his second sabre, swinging towards Figrins's back. The Jedi Master, in one powerful move, arced his sabre over his left shoulder, blocking the attack from Odan. Simultaneously, Figrin slipped his foot under the lowered right arm of Odan and kicked upwards, dislodging the sabre from Odan's hand. The hilt flew into the air, spinning end over end. Figrin extended his right hand and, with a quick burst, used the Force to push the sabre across the courtyard. The Jedi Master spun back to face Odan and brought his own sabre down towards Odan's torso. Sparks flew as the attack was successfully blocked. The two Jedi lauched attack and counterattack with lightning speed and precision, neither gaining a significant advantage over the other. ::

Odan Urr the Scholar
Aug 3rd, 2001, 12:45:21 AM
With Odan-Urr's mental barrier pushed down, he concentrated more thouroughly on the battle at hand.
He got a seconds respite from Figrin and with blinding speed ripped the saber from the air, it flying into his hand as if it we're transported.
He flashed it into an arc through the air slamming into Figrin's saber as the second one came up into a flashing arc and smashed Figrin's saber down.
Odan-Urr took advantage and swirled a cyclone of dust and rocks around him and Odan-Urr dived through the haze around Figrin and slashed forward as he used the Force to wrench Figrin's attention and head around.

Figrin D an
Aug 10th, 2001, 03:52:02 AM
:: The Jedi Master spun around and managed to parry in time to block an incoming sabre strike. The blades sparked and crackled loudly for a fleeting moment, then returned to their customary hum as Figrin pushed himself away from his opponent. Odan-Urr continued his attack, using both his sabres to mount a formidable assault on Figrin, slowly pushing the Jedi Master back towards a large ornate fountain that stood as a centerpiece in the courtyard.

Figrin continued to step back, allowing Odan to dictate the direction of the travel to two combatants would take. They eventually reached the edge of the fountain. A large pool surrounded the main fountain, contained by four-foot polished marble walls.

Figrin could feel the stone of the wall brush against the back of his right foot. He could retreat no further. Odan continued his sabre barrage, looking to gain an advantage over the Jedi Master and end the battle. Figrin decided a surprise maneuver was in order.

Figrin continued to block Odan's sabre attacks, but concentrated on baiting his trap. The Jedi Master allowed a clearly discernable pattern to his defense emerge... a pattern that left his upper body open to a quick attack. The Jedi continued to fight, sabres clashing violently in a symphony of color. Figrin calmed his mind, waiting... waiting for the bait to be taken.

Odan slashed with the blade in his left hand... and was quickly block by Figrin. The second sabre, in Odan's right hand, arced high towards Figrin's head... just as Figrin intended...

The Jedi Master dropped into a crouching position as the sabre blade sliced though the air. Springing up and outward, Figrin threw his right shoulder into Odan's torso. Odan was pushed off balance long enough for Figrin to twist around and grab his opponents wrists, binding them and preventing further attacks. Using all his physical strength, Figrin pulled forward on Odan's arms while simultaneously casting Odan's body upward and over his back...

Odan flipped once in the air was thrown into into the deep fountain pool. The impact of his body on the water caused a large splash which spilled over onto the ground. Figrin retrieved his lightsabre and clipped it to his belt. Odan had righted himself and was now standing in the pool of water. Water dripped from his soaked clothing.

Figrin offered a hand to his apprentice and helped him out of the pool. ::

Odan Urr the Scholar
Aug 11th, 2001, 01:37:53 AM
Odan-Urr felt the Force flow out of him and cursed himself for not sensing his master's attack.
He shook his head and decided to work against the Predator inside him to become Jedi.
He took his master's hand and bowed his head.
"You are a formidable opponent, master.
Good spar."

Figrin D an
Aug 11th, 2001, 02:27:23 AM
:: Figrin bowed in kind, acknowledging Odan's gesture.

"You are quite good yourself. You have a strong presence in the Force, and your skills are well-developed. You adapted well to many of the attacks I threw at you."

Figrin paused for a moment as Odan began to wring out his soaked tunic.

"You'll discover that most Force-users also now train in a variety of physical fighting forms as well as developing Force abilities."

The two began to walk out of the courtyard, heading towards the main academy complex.

"Those that would seek to destroy the Jedi are numerous and powerful. We, as Jedi, have modifed our training methods to include many different combat forms so that we may better defend ourselves and others. These are things, however, that can be taught to those willing to learn."

Figrin smiled slightly, then continued.

"For now, though, let's rest. We'll continue later with some Force training and testing."

Odan Urr the Scholar
Aug 11th, 2001, 02:41:10 PM
Odan-Urr sat down and calmed, slipping into a restorative trance.