View Full Version : Shade -v- Christian (Tourny)

Christian Lightheart
Jul 14th, 2001, 05:43:55 PM
*The white-haired padawan stood in the middle of the Academy's main gym room. The floor where the young boy stood had an inch of padded mats in a thirty by thirt meter square. The perfect place for these two to have a their match. Christian awaited Shade to enter so they could get this thing started.*

Shade Magus
Jul 14th, 2001, 09:30:59 PM
::Shade walked into the gym and spotted his opponent for the tournament, Christian Lightheart. He was standing on a mat and Shade presumed he was waiting on hi to come and join him, so he walked over and called to him::

"So, you waiting on me? If so let's get started."

::Shade unclipped his lightsaber from his built and held it there waiting for Christian to answer if it was he, he was waiting on::

Christian Lightheart
Jul 15th, 2001, 09:51:55 PM

*Christian quickly grabbed the hilt of his saber and had it activated in a blink of an eye. The light-blue beam of pure energy filled the room with it's distinct hum, killing the silence of the room.

Bringing the weapon up, he stepped forward and sliced downward at Shade's left shoulder.*

Shade Magus
Jul 15th, 2001, 10:37:03 PM

::Shade brought his lightsaber up and ignited it just in the nick of time. He then pushed Christian's saber back and he sliced at his opponent's right leg::

Christian Lightheart
Jul 18th, 2001, 10:47:39 PM
*The light-blue beam of energy shot down, protecting his right leg. The padawan took a few steps back and to the side allowing him to have a better grip on the hilt of his saber.

Using what skills he had in the Force, he pushed Shade back a few feet, allowing the two to break apart. Lightheart brought his lightsaber up and readied himself in a defensive stance.*

Shade Magus
Jul 20th, 2001, 09:51:50 AM
::Shade watched as Christian jumped into a defensive position and he jumped back into a similar position. HE then inched his way forwards, looking for an opening in his opponent's stance. After a moment of looking he found a small one and attacked at Christian's left side::

Christian Lightheart
Jul 23rd, 2001, 04:20:06 PM
*Watching and reaching out into the Force, the padawan sensed Shade's lunge a split second before it happened. The white-haired boy side stepped to his right, causing Shade to to stumble forward a bit. Lightheart then brought the butt of his saber handle down on Shade's exposed back.*

Shade Magus
Jul 24th, 2001, 07:17:55 PM
::Shade fell to the ground with a thud as the lightsaber handle hit him in the back. He rolled out of the way to avoid another attack and he lept to his feet to get into a defensive position. He put a hand behind his back to make sure he wasn't bleeding or anything and then he put his hand back in front of him and he sat there a moment before relaxing a little::

"Nice move. I gotta try and remember not to over do myself again. Thanks."

::Shade then let the Force flow through him and he used it to increase his speed and he ran at Christian and jumped into the air and swung his lightsaber downwards in an arc aimed forhis opponent's lightsaber hand::

Christian Lightheart
Jul 28th, 2001, 09:07:50 PM
*The padawan, surprised by the speed of Shade's attack, tried to bring his lightsaber up to deflect. Sloppily, however, as the two blades connected in a shower of sparks and lights, Christian's blade was flung from his hand, landing on the floor a few feet away.

Quickly, he took a few steps back calling out to his saber. The Force pushed out and brought the weapon back up to Lightheart's hand, ignited and ready to defend against Shade's next move.*

Shade Magus
Jul 30th, 2001, 08:09:44 PM
::Shade jerked his head up as he landed on the ground to see Christian get into a fighting stance and he jumped backwards towards and got into a similar position::

"I believe it is your turn now."

Christian Lightheart
Aug 4th, 2001, 01:50:23 PM
*The boy took in some air in a breathe, filling his body with much needed oxygen which should hopefully keep his stamina somewhat leveled off.

Christian then charged Shade, bringing his lightblue saber blade down hard aimed for Shade's left shouder. He blocked, and keeping the pressure up, Lightheart changed his momentum spinning around, bringing his lightsaber quickly for Shade's right arm.*

Shade Magus
Aug 4th, 2001, 10:04:37 PM
Shade brought his saber up just in the nick of time as he pushed Christian's saber back and he jumped backwards and did a backflip to put some distance between him and his opponent. He then rushed at him and dropped down to sweep Christian's feet from under him.

Christian Lightheart
Aug 6th, 2001, 11:25:52 AM
*He landed on his back hard. Thankfully, the padded mats took most of the brunt of the fall. Christian had to take a second to catch his fleeting breath, which gave Shade the chance to strick down.

Bringing his saber up, the two blades met once more, green blade against lightblue. Reaching out with the Force, Lightheart calmed himself, and spun on his back. His left foot kicked out as he spun, connecting to the side of Shade's knees, knocking him off of his feet as well.

Christian jumped to his feet, then sliced down at Shade with his saber.*

Shade Magus
Aug 6th, 2001, 07:24:55 PM
As Shade fell to the ground he brought his sabre back up to meet Christian's and he turned around on the mat so that he appeared upside down and then he used the Force to push his opponent away a feet step so that he could jump up and spin around bringing his sabre into a defensive position with his right leg into front and his blade being held at an inverted position behind his back, in his left hand with his right hand being held across his chest.

Christian Lightheart
Aug 10th, 2001, 10:55:23 PM
Nicely done.

*The young padawan complimented Shade. He got his bearings together and went on the offensive once again. Sometimes the best defensive is a good offensive.

Christian brought his blade down hard, being blocked by Shade. Lightheart broke the stalemate and sliced again. This went on for a second or two until the white haird boy kept their two blades together. He began to use the force to push Shade's blade down and back, opening the other padawan up. Now that Shade's right side was exposed, Christian spun, breaking the lock of plasma beams and connected hard with the heel of his boot into Shade's ribs.*

Shade Magus
Aug 11th, 2001, 06:23:47 PM
Shade flew to the side and let out a grunt as he hit the ground. He slid a few feet before twisting on his side and jumping back to the ground. He winced from the pain in his ribs as he landed on his feet and then turned to Christian.

"Thanks for the compliament. You are doing pretty good too. Maybe after this we could get together some time and you could show me some of your tricks."

Shade brought his lightsaber back up in front of him and he ignited it. He took a deep breath before rushing towards Christian. He stopped just short of his opponent and then he twisted to his left and spun on his heel bringing hs lightsaber downward on Christian's left side.