View Full Version : Self Direction

Varen Windu
Aug 9th, 2001, 09:37:12 PM
(Looking for a Master...)

After a short-lived apprenticeship to his father, Arik Windu, son of the acclaimed Jedi Master Mace Windu, Varen Windu's father, a novice Jedi Knight, fell prey a virus contrived to attack the Jedi molecular structure in the days of the Clone Wars, and, eventually, kill its host.

Varen was left masterless after only minimal exposure to the Jedi ways, left to fend for himself at a very young age. Now, returning to the Jedi path and in search of an able master, he saw to it he took a self-guided tour of the Jedi stronghold, speaking briefly with some of the residents.

Stripping away his almond-colored cloak he stood in an emerald tunic, trousers, and knee-high boots. His carried no weapon; his father's lightsaber was placed in his funeral pyre upon his cremation, as was tradition in the Windu line.

Various pairs of master/padawan couplings trained together, the senior Jedi usually instructing his/her pupil while they performed some supernatural feat through the Force.

For now, Windu mused, he would make do with observations... he could, after all, learn just as much, or more, by watching others.

Varen Windu
Aug 13th, 2001, 11:31:50 AM
None having approached him, Varen decided on running through his daily exercises, a regemin of martial arts, meditation and Force manipulation.

He set into an artful attack sequence, comprised of sharp kicks, jabs, elbow and knee maneuvers, curbing, or subduing, opponent techniques, and so on.

Astonishingly, after a vigorous and extensive session, the Jedi novice had hardly even worked up a sweat.

After a brief, replenishing and reviving meditation, he readied to further his somewhat lacking telekenisis skills.

He had been told, through the eyes of the Force, that there was no difference between a feather caught in the wind, and a boulder sitting at the bottom off a canyon. This was, to him, at this point in his training, an unbelievable and almost ludicrous prospect.

His cloak, discarded on the floor, rippled, clutched by an unseen hand. It rose, if only barely, from the ground. Windu, eyes closed in rigid concentration, raised a hand. The Jedi robe further levitated... and then swam to the floor, his focus broken.

Well. He would remedy his skill in the Force later. Now it was off to find a master...