View Full Version : A peaceful walk...

Hunk Seidou
May 23rd, 2001, 01:37:42 PM
Above, the sun's light filtered through the canopy, dappling the leaf-covered ground with an intricate pattern of light and dark. Through this light stepped Hunk, trying to be stealthy, but actually sounding like a herd or banthas in a fine porceline shop. His mind wandered as he reached out with the force, feeling the life energy of all the flora and fauna in the forest. Several times, so engrossed was he in his exploration of the force, Hunk almost tripped and fell over some fallen branch or sprawling root. But, oddly enough, he never did, always shifting his wait at the last moment, landing his foot firmly on the ground, never breaking stride.

In the recent weeks, he had become quite in tune with the living force, thanks to his repeated (but so far unsuccessful) attempts at force healing. These repeated failures were partially responsible for his trip to the dense forests near the Acadamy. He had hoped that being surrounded by the forest life would help him concentrate more than he had been able to in the cold, austure training rooms.

Navaria Tarkin
May 23rd, 2001, 07:10:19 PM
Navaria was quietly mediating in the jungles surrounding the Academy. For once the temperature and humidity weren't quite so bothersome and breathed in slowly and deeply, trying to calm her troubled mind. She sat underneath one of the tall trees that shaded her from the sun and cooled her skin gently

Hunk Seidou
May 23rd, 2001, 07:30:23 PM
OOC: Not at all, I would love some company

The further into the forest he walked, the more he felt he was not alone. There was a force presense here that was stronger than the background energy of the rest of the forest, another jedi perhaps.

Suddenly, he broke through the undergrowth into a large clearing, opposite the source of the disturbance. He couldn't make out any features, but it looked like a human, laying against an tree with broad, spreading limbs. In most situations, he would have gone right up and introduced himself with a hearty laugh and a friendly handshake, but in this case, he held back. Instead, he reached out with the force, attempting to learn about the person through it.

Navaria Tarkin
May 24th, 2001, 12:47:40 AM
OOC~ :)

IC~ Her awareness was stretching out all around her, almost like invisible hands were trying to touch all the living things that were near Navaria. This was something new for her, trying to focus on what was around her to block out any negative thoughts instead of trying to empty her mind of any and all thoughts.

The rock actually felt soft to her mental touch while the gentle grass was strong and full of vigor. It was such a wonderful feeling to sense such life that she truly smiled ... an actual smile of happiness. Something she was lacking during this short time of her new life.

A whisper ran through her body ... it was the force being used near her and directed at her. Her senses folded back closer to her and Navaria opened her eyes. Scanning the area, she didn't see anyone in particular. Her lips pouted somewhat in disappointment and her eyes closed once more. Her body became a focul point for this benevolant being, sensing that this signature held no ill will towards her.

Taking a deep breath, she let herself speak to whoever was there.

Hello? Are you seeking me?

Hunk Seidou
May 24th, 2001, 09:11:37 PM
Hello? Are you seeking me?

His thoughts were interupted by the voice. Did he really hear it, or was it all in his mind? Regardless, it indicated that the figure knew he was there. Sighing in resignation, he covered the opening with deliberate strides, bringing him to the other. As he neared, he began to make out more and more of the person. He had known that the person was a force user, but it wasn't until he was halfway across the clearing that he could confirm that was a female.

As the distance closed further, he could tell that she had a pretty and rather familiar. "You are Navaria, correct?" he asked, though he already knew the answer, "I would hope that you accept my apologies for the other night. I am sincerly sorry for any pain I may have caused you."

Hunk smiled warmly, "So what brings you out here today?"

Navaria Tarkin
May 24th, 2001, 09:50:16 PM
She waited patiently for a response through the Force, but none came. It pleased her to see the figure coming closer and indeed this being was familiar to her. It was the Jedi that she met in the bar when that strange Cizerack rite was occurring. A very .. strange ... and uncomfortable rite it was.

Her head lifted to look up at the Jedi when he came close enough and smiled.

"It's alright. The evening was rather awkward on many accounts."

She patted the ground next to her and invited him to sit.

"I came out her to enjoy the scenery and focus on my meditation."

Hunk Seidou
May 24th, 2001, 10:46:41 PM
Hunk sits down heavily next to the woman with an "umph".

"Ah, so I was right, you are a jedi. You know, we never really had a chance to be properly introduced yet. Hello, the name's Hunk, at least to most people," he said as he extended his hand.

"I came out here to get in touch with the living force, I was a little sick of being cooped up in the stark training rooms. And a little exercise never hurts."

Navaria Tarkin
May 25th, 2001, 12:17:47 AM
She smiled as she took the Jedi's hand.

"Nice to meet you formally, Hunk. Ah ... will say never thought I would meet a guy named "Hunk" before."

Nodding, Navaria completely understood how he felt as Hunk spoke about the Living Force and the Academy.

"Yes. I rather be outside here and enjoying the complete vibrance of nature then seeing the same walls of the Academy. Besides, this world ... I want to get to know it better."

Hunk Seidou
May 25th, 2001, 09:52:12 AM
This world? Oh, you mean this planet. Yes it is rather nice. Quite unlike my homeland though. I'm not used to such huge trees-of course that's also because I grew up on the plains.

Navaria Tarkin
May 25th, 2001, 12:40:19 PM
"This world and yours is quite different then my place of birth. I lived on Imperial Center. The only gardens are on top of buildings and far out into the preserves."

She found it ironic. Her previous life was confined inside buildings and bureaucracy but here, it was as much alive as the nature around her.

"But, this planet has meaning for me, great meaning. It was here that my life changed dramatically."

Her head rested on the tree and she closed her eyes.

Hunk Seidou
May 25th, 2001, 06:02:48 PM
"Imperial Center? I believe I've heard of the place. Don't think I could live there though," Hunk took a deep breath of the forest air and continued, "I was born and raised in the country."

He looked down at the young woman. She certainly was more mysterious. That was for sure.

Not wanting to disturb her, Hunk simply leaned back himself, and let himself concentrate on the force.

Navaria Tarkin
May 28th, 2001, 12:36:09 AM
The soothing essence of the Force became much more pronouced as Hunk to concentrated. It was becoming easier to sense the Force with each passing second.

"The latter part of my life, I was raised in the country for a brief time. On Bakura."

She stayed perfectly still, only letting the movement of her lips convey her thoughts.

Hunk Seidou
May 29th, 2001, 01:33:05 PM
"Bakura? Could you tell me about it?", Hunk questioned, out loud, shattering the silence. Though he was getting better, he still did not possess the abilty to speak directly through the mind.

But her answer was not what he was focused on, at the moment.

He could feel the force in astonishing clarity. Somehow, it seemed that being in Navaria's soothing presense made it much easier for him, almost as if her own powers were feeding him. Looking down at his arms, still scratched from when he had mistakenly walked into a thorn bush on his walk, Hunk used the serenity of the moment to concentrate on them. He was astonished to find that the multitude of small wounds began to close as he watched.

Navaria Tarkin
May 29th, 2001, 03:38:22 PM
She smiled.

"Bakura is lovely. Mostly farming communities outlining the major city where Mother and I stayed. She was a waitress at the local Tavern ..."

Navaria opened her eyes gently and looked over at Hunk, the smile even wider. She watched the tiny nicks and scratches close on the Jedi's arm in fascination. Her hand came out timidly and touched the pinkish skin that just healed.

"I didn't know you were a healer as well."

Hunk Seidou
May 29th, 2001, 09:28:37 PM
Hunk looks over and, seeing the woman's smile, breaks into a wide grin himself.

"A healer? Actually, that is what brought me here. I was told that the jedi could heal with a thought. I was, and still am pretty adept at regular old physical healing, but I am doing my best to learn how to use the force to amplify and compliment my abilities."

He pauses for a moment, "I was having a hell of a time doing it, too...until I came out here this is. I'm not sure if it was you or being out in nature, but somehow it came rather easily just now."

Navaria Tarkin
May 29th, 2001, 10:59:25 PM
She blushes a little to what Hunk had to say and sets his arm upon his leg.

"Well, because of my rather ... how to put it. Perhaps, strange nature, my abilities are strong in the healing and unifying aspects of the Force."

A finger delicately tucks a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Such things come natural to me but I lack the control that I need to use my power fully."

Hunk Seidou
May 30th, 2001, 10:40:38 AM
"Say, what would you think of a walk? I'm getting a little stiff sitting here, and would like to get moving again, but I'd love some company."

Hunk stands up and extends his hand down to Navaria.

"One of the padawans mentioned that there was a point to the southwest where there's a spectacular view of a valley, would you do me the honor of joining me?"

Navaria Tarkin
May 30th, 2001, 01:17:57 PM
Her expression changed from surprise to uncertainty a few times before responding.

"You wish my company?"

For once, someone actually wanted to spend time with her. Navaria had been longing to fit in but was too shy to talk to anyone. This day had turned out much better then she would have hoped.

She clasped his hand and stood up. Also feeling the stiffness in her own body. It didn't seem Navaria was meditating for that long but her body told her otherwise.

"A walk would be lovely."

Hunk Seidou
Jun 7th, 2001, 02:26:46 PM
As the pair walked, stretching their legs, Hunk decided to break the silence with some conversation.

"So tell me a little of your life before you came here, Navaria. What brought you to the jedi to study?"

Navaria Tarkin
Jun 7th, 2001, 10:18:38 PM
She was enjoying the scenery and sounds that the jungles had to offer. To inhale such wonderful air reminded her of Bakura. So crisp and clean. Navaria really didn't know what to say, so kept to herself and enjoyed being in another Jedi's company for a change.

Her footfalls fell silent when Hunk asked his question and her gaze stared at the ground. What was she to tell him?

For security, she gathered her robes about her tightly and looked off into the jungle. It was hard to read her facial expression, but her eyes reflected much loss and pain that she had to bare witness.

"I rather not talk about it, please."

Hunk Seidou
Jun 8th, 2001, 11:39:33 AM
A little flustered by the young woman's refusal, Hunk went silent himself. As the two stood on the narrow trail, the only sound that could be heard was the gentle rustle of the wind in the leaves and the occasional call of a brightly colored bird.

Suddenly, Hunk breaks the silence with a quiet, deep chuckle. "Not one to dwell on the past, eh? I can respect that. But what about the future? What do you want to do?"

Navaria Tarkin
Jun 8th, 2001, 12:47:16 PM
The wind picked up ever so slightly, rustling the leaves and forcing Navaria to hold back her brown hair before it got in her face. All these questions were basic things to ask someone when meeting them for the first time. How to you come here, what are your plans, etc. For her, these question brought nothing but painful memories and fear for the future.

"I want to move pass the fear that has found a place in my heart so one day I can become a Jedi Knight."

Her wants were so simple but so hard to obtain. Would she ever learn to control her fear? Sighing, Navaria realized that such a goal seemed so farfetched to how her behavior has been so far.

Hunk Seidou
Jun 29th, 2001, 09:52:08 PM
OOC: Hunk dusts off the old thread


::turns to Navaria::

Well, ummmm....I think that's what we're all here for, essentially. I know I'm trying to do that.

::attempting to lighten the tone a bit, Hunk looks around the forest, his eyes finally settling on a tree with several low, spreading branches. Taking Navaria's hand, Hunk made his way over to the tree. Letting go, he grabbed a thick branch, and hoisted himself up. He looked back down and extended a hand::

This tree looks like it's just waiting to be climbed. What do you say? Up for a little exercise?

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 1st, 2001, 03:25:58 PM
OOC~ Coughs from all the dust :p

IC~ She looked unsure as her eyes moved up the tree and settled on Hunk. There were no trees like this on Coruscant. Here they were beautiful and completely at home in their element. The ones that Navaria had the chance to see, she never went climbing. It was improper for one of her stature to do such things.

Reluctantly, she took his hand and Hunk helped to hoist her up as Navaria used her feet against the trunk to help. Her boot slipped and tiny bits of the bark crumbled off as she wrapped herself around Hunk to steady herself. She was too busy catching her breath to realize how awkward this was and let go of him, resting her back on the trunk. Funny thing is she wasn't embarrassed or anything like that. Navaria simply laughed and smiled at her own mistake.

"Well, that was exciting."

Hunk Seidou
Jul 1st, 2001, 08:56:59 PM
"Exciting? That was nothing."

::with an agility that betrayed his large size, Hunk began scaling the tree, using branches as footholds when they were available, hoisting himself up with his arms when they weren't. Soon, he was 30 ft above the ground, swaying precariously on the slender boughs::

"Well, are you coming up?"

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 3rd, 2001, 01:08:30 AM
She kept her balance on the larger branch from where she stood but looking up ... they got skinnier. Navaria looked down and then up to Hunk thinking maybe this wasn't such a good idea.

"Um ... I'm not so sure about this."

Little did she know her knuckles went white with holding onto the side of the tree so hard.

Hunk Seidou
Jul 4th, 2001, 09:35:34 PM
Her timidness brought forth twin emotions of annoyance and affection in Hunk; he kept smiling, hoping to win her over.

"Not to sure, huh?", Hunk called down, "Well, I am. So at least that's one of us. Come on now, there nothing to be afraid of, we're jedi. Join me, the view is spectacular!"

Thanks to his loud voice, and the way it carried in the still forest air, Hunk didn't hear the cracking as the branch on which he stood began to give way.

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 5th, 2001, 09:26:48 PM
From Navaria's perspective, she could see the branch begin to droop.

"Ah ... Hunk?"

He was still enthusiastic about being up so much higher then her and trying to convince her to climb up. Her tiny voice wasn't reaching him.

She began to wave frantically with her arms trying to alert him to the danger.


Hunk Seidou
Jul 5th, 2001, 11:09:38 PM
<font size=15>CRRRRRRACK</font>

Hunk's stomach made it's way quickly up his throat as the branch gave way and he plumetted towards the ground. Thinking quickly, he attempted to use the force to slow his fall.

Unfortunatelly, before he could collect his thoughts, the back of his head came into sudden contact with a rock-hard bough. Stars exploded in his eyes as his head snapped forward and he continued his fall. He landed, doubled over a branch, pausing momentarily before his limp body slumped off and hit the leaf-covered forest floor with a dull thud.

Hunk Seidou
Jul 9th, 2001, 09:41:01 PM
Hunk's eyes fluttered open and he tentitively moved his head to the side. His body ached and his head was swimming. As far as he could tell, the last thing he could remember was leaving the training complex to go into the forest and do a little solo training.

Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a pile of leaves and a fallen, rotting stump. Evidently, he had made it out into forest. But where, exactly, was he? And why was he on the ground?

These were the questions that were running through his head as a wave of nausea swept over him, and he slumped back down into the comforting darkness.

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 11th, 2001, 03:12:52 PM
A damp cloth was spread across Hunk's face as Navaria looked down at the Padawan, shaking her head.

"Now you know why I didn't wish to climb up the tree."

Timidly, Navaria placed a hand upon his chest and focused on the Force. She let it guide her abilities, which were still too new for her, and managed to disperse the trauma to Hunk's head. There was nothing she could do right now about the bumps and bruises to his body but at least he wouldn't pass out anymore.

"Your size was not made bouncing on tree branches, but your heart is twice as big, my friend."

Hunk Seidou
Jul 11th, 2001, 08:50:25 PM
He awoke to find a beautiful young woman bending over him, her hands pushing gently down on his chest.

Hunk sat up, fighting the dizzyness that made the forest seem to swirl around him. Still disoriented, he scrambled back a few feet, using his arms and legs.

"W-what happened? Where am I?"

He looked at the young woman a little more closely.

"Who are you?"

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 15th, 2001, 01:41:21 PM
She let her hands rest in her lap, not wanting to have Hunk scared anymore by her actions. He was confused and apparently the blow to his head had caused amnesia. Navaria was silently praying that it was temporary.

"My name is Navaria. You and I were walking through the jungle when you decided it would be fun to climb trees."

Navaria extended a hand to the broken limb that was not too far away from the both of them.

"You must have hit your head pretty hard to not remember it ... or me."

There was a touch of sadness in her voice.

Hunk Seidou
Jul 20th, 2001, 08:37:58 PM
Gathering his wits about him, Hunk calmed down suddenly. He smiled at the woman.

"Wait a minute, you do seem familiar. I believe I've seen you once or twice in Yoghurt's bar. If I recall correctly, you got quite upset when I mistook you for someone else."

Hunk sat up and brushed himself off.

Though he put on a calm, coolected act, truthfully, the fall and memory loss had shook Hunk up pretty good.

"So you say your name is Navaria, huh? I like it, it seems to fit you. So where did you say we were going again?"

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 23rd, 2001, 09:56:57 PM
Navaria crinkled her nose. She was worried about Hunk and thought perhaps going back to the Academy would be better then going towards the valley, but perhaps it might jog his memory.

"We were going southwest."

She pointed behind her.

"Towards the valley."

Hunk Seidou
Jul 25th, 2001, 10:14:26 AM
"Well it looks like it's about....well I can't really tell with these trees blocking the sky," Hunk commented as he looked up at the canopy high above. Turning to Navaria, he continued, "The valley, huh? That sounds nice."

Taking her hand, he started in the direction she had pointed.

Navaria Tarkin
Aug 15th, 2001, 03:29:51 PM
He probably didn't mean to jerk her arm, but Hunk must have been rather excited to get going again. She caught up to him and both were now walking side by side. Navaria had to admit it was rather awkward holding his hand but perhaps it was something to comfort the poor man. It had to be terrible to not know who you are.

"Are you sure you don't want to go back to the Academy? I mean, there's surely someone there that can help restore your memory."

Hunk Seidou
Aug 19th, 2001, 01:28:19 PM
::Hunk stopped and looked at the woman....it was getting late and she had a good point::

You know, maybe you're right, perhaps a little rest and some familiar surroundings is just what I needed.

Navaria Tarkin
Aug 20th, 2001, 07:11:55 PM
OOC~ Hunky, I think you need a new host for your piccys. Brinkster gave remote linking the axe.

IC~ They turned course and headed back towards the Academy. The sky became flushed with red, yellow and orange, signifying that it was time for day to pass and night to fall.

"Glad that you finally see reason. Besides, once you're better we can come out here again."