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Teka Kenobi
Sep 2nd, 2001, 03:07:29 PM
Teka Kenobi walked into one of the empty training halls, and stopped in the center. The room had a high roof, and the floor and walls were of a material, that echoed Teka's footsteps. The open door led down through the hall ways, where his sparring partner would hopefully be walking soon. He closed the door using the force and once it had shut properly took his sabre out.

Teka had made a point of getting here five minutes early. He'd arranged to meet the newly promoted Master Liam Jinn here, and would practice before the two sparred. Taking out his sabre he made a couple of circles in the air, the dark purple blade standing out brightly against its' surroundings. Swinging it to his left suddenly, the Knight used the momentum of his arm weight, and swung his body round with it, spinning low on his feet, before jumping up and kicking, in a full circle around his head height.

Liam Jinn
Sep 3rd, 2001, 02:59:35 AM
Liam stood at the doorway, watching Teka. When he had finished, Liam began clapping.

"Nice. Ready yet?"

Teka nodded and Liam set his NRSF coat down in the corner of the room, revealing 2 lightsabers. He left them hanging at his side as he walked closer to Teka. Finally comming to a stop, Liam got into a defensive position, motioning for Teka to attack.

Teka Kenobi
Sep 3rd, 2001, 05:00:51 AM
He sighed to himself as Liam spoke. No-one could take the first move, he thought to himself. Smiling, he nodded to Liam.

" Ok."

Teka ran forward leaping onto his left leg before spinning round with a roundhouse kick at Liam's head. Simply by raising his arm the kick was blocked, and Teka turned once more doing the same on the other side. As it was block again, Teka moved down towards the ankles of Liam spin kicking at them. As ussual a jump was made, avoiding the trip, but instead of moving up, to attack Liam, mid-air, Teka simply moved backwards, and got himself in a defensive position, to await Liam's next move.

Liam Jinn
Sep 4th, 2001, 12:16:05 AM
Liam flashed Teka a quick smile before charging. He jumped upwards as he neared Teka, and pushed off of the ceiling with his hands. Teka rolled out of the way just as Liam came down. The floor underneath Liam cracked as he landed, Teka shaking his head at the impact. Liam rolled back onto his stomach then pushed off with his hands, using his momentum of the roll, he kicked Teka in the stomach sending him flying back. Teka hit the ground a few meters away as Liam rose to his feet, setting himself up in a defensive position.

Teka Kenobi
Sep 7th, 2001, 12:17:04 PM
As Teka hit the floor he rolled on his back, and pushing off his hands leaped to his feet. A made what could have been interpreted as a smile, but in fact gritting his teeth. He also chrged forward and faked a jump into to air and dived feet first onto the floor. Sliding under Liam's legs in his defensive position, Teka quickly spun onto his left side and kicked across the floor at Liam's legs. However the widespread legged position failed to let Liam fall to the ground. So in the half attacked position, Teka jumped up at him Taking him down in mid air. The jump was aided by the force for speed, and it could be seen as the two flew through the air at a high speed, and crashed into the wall, at an unhealthy vector.