View Full Version : The Training of Hohass Ekwesh - Part I - Introduction
Master Yoghurt
Sep 2nd, 2001, 03:08:10 PM
Master Yoghurt waited patiently for his Padawan inside the Temple Meditation Chamber..
Hohass Ekwesh
Sep 2nd, 2001, 03:20:04 PM
Hohass smiled, as finally he found the right building. He saw the small alien, he had met at the Shipyards not too long ago. His eyes darted about the new room as he stepped into the place where the legendary Jedi were born. He walked over to his new Master and bowed. Not being accustomed to the Jedi ways, he had taken it upon himself to bow, and more generally be polite to all the Jedi. In this mind.
Master Yoghurt, I am glad to see you.
Master Yoghurt
Sep 2nd, 2001, 04:19:08 PM
The chamber was brightly lit as a result of glittering crystals suspended across the ceiling, reflecting and somehow intensifying the warm beams of sunlight from the outside of the building. The fresh air of Yavin's lush forests flowed into the room through invisible slits in the wall structure, filling the area with the rich, almost overhwelming scent of jungle orchids. There was not much furniture or decorative interiors to speak about, yet, the room had a sense of confort and calm. At the center of the chamber, the floor appeared be covered with ancient symbols and markings written in a language only readable by the Jedi Masters.
Yog stood in the middle of some kind of circle. He smiled at Hoass' approach, and then returned the bow; "Good to see you as well it is". Silently he pointed toward another circle on the floor right across Yog's position.
"Please.. sit.. make yourself comfortable.. the following exercise a calm mind and body requires"
The Jedi Master slowly descended to his knees, then folded his arms and legs in some kind of meditation posture.
Hohass Ekwesh
Sep 3rd, 2001, 04:55:07 AM
The Thakwaash made his way the the circle that his Master had pointed to and sat, cross-legged. He calmed himself breathing in deeply and awaited his Masters next instruction.
Master Yoghurt
Sep 4th, 2001, 12:56:37 PM
"Good. Now.. calm mind and listen. Remember our first meeting..? Told you about Dark and Light side I did.. about finding flow of the Force. Yet beware of fear and anger you must. Crucial goal for Jedi is.. especially for one of your kind. First task a mental exercise will be. To make contact with the Force this enables you. To sense and feel your surroundings through the Force.. predict the flow of the events.. now.. just close your eyes.. relax.. breath.."
Calming down, sitting across the Jedi Master in the same meditational position, Hohass Ekwesh relaxed and waited.. and waited.. and waited.. 5 minutes.. 10 minutes.. 30 minutes. Nothing happened. Hohass was just about to question Yog what the point of this was, when the crystals suspended across the ceiling started to hum a low frequency sound, filling the air with vibrations and energy. Suddenly, a tingling sensation started to wash over Hohass Ekwesh. Could this be the mysterious energy field he only had heard about through stories.. "the Force"? Suddenly, he could hear a voice.. not audible to the ear, but only through the mind and spirit. It was Master Yoghurt who tried to reach Hoass Ekwesh telepathically..
~~Stay calm.. passive.. listen to my voice.. do not fight it.. it is the Force you feel.. let it flow..~~
Although, Hohass had his eyes closed, a blury and hazed image started to materialise in his mind. The image gradually became clearer, until it dawned upon him, he was seeing.. or rather sensing the room around him - through the Force! As it slowly faded out, more images started to flicker in a blazing speed; people and places he had seen.. and some he had never seen before..
~~Through the Force, things you will see - other places, the future, the past.. friends long gone..~~
"Now tell me, what do you see?"
Hohass Ekwesh
Sep 9th, 2001, 01:13:44 PM
" Yes..Yyess." The Takwaash stammered. " I see now I can see.."
He stopped and thought for a moment. What can I see? he thought to himself. Suddenly familiar faces came into place. The one man who had quite possibly saved his life and without whom he would not be here. Wedge Antilles (sp?). The leader of the once Rogue Squadren. His days at the NR had ended and now he saught out a new purpose.
My I see so many things. So much to take in. My once squadren. My wingman, the one who helped me so much. many ships. What does this all mean Master?
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