View Full Version : R2D2 the Jedi's Training

R2D2 the Jedi
Aug 1st, 2001, 09:14:14 PM
*Sitting in the training chamber waiting for Liam.*

Liam Jinn
Aug 2nd, 2001, 12:10:52 AM
Liam walked into the room carrying a small daggar in his hand. He smiled at R2 and began to speak.

"Ok, calm yourself and let yourself slide into the force. Feel your surroundings through it."

After a brief pause, Liam took the daggar and ran the blade against the back of his own hand, making a narrow cut.

"I want you to close this wound for me. Speed the healing process with the force. I know you can do this, let the force guide your actions."

R2D2 the Jedi
Aug 2nd, 2001, 01:32:23 AM
Looks at him like he's lost it... I'll try... Calms himself and the force slowly consumes him. Focuses the force onto the cut on Liam's hand. It slowly etches away revealing smooth skin as if the cut had never been there. I did it! Relaxes slowly and the force slips away.

Liam Jinn
Aug 3rd, 2001, 11:51:40 PM
Liam puts away the dagger and moves over to a window.

"You can see many things through the force. The future even. Tell me, what do you see through the force right now?"

R2D2 the Jedi
Aug 7th, 2001, 10:43:03 AM
You should have asked me that while I was still using the force...*Relaxes and the force enters his body again. Closes his eyes.* ...I don't see anything...

Liam Jinn
Aug 29th, 2001, 04:38:26 PM
"Well, that's ok. In time you'll see what you'll need to see. Now tell me, have you ever been tempted by the Dark Side?"

Ron Weezly13
Aug 30th, 2001, 04:02:11 PM
More times then I can't count on my fingers. But I've always seemed to find a way out...

R2D2 the Jedi
Sep 4th, 2001, 12:46:04 AM
Oops, forgot to switch names.

Liam Jinn
Sep 4th, 2001, 12:07:21 PM
What if someone you loved was in danger, would you turn to the darkside to save them from a horrible death?

R2D2 the Jedi
Sep 4th, 2001, 08:11:35 PM
I wouldn't have to turn to the Dark Side to save them...

Liam Jinn
Sep 4th, 2001, 09:52:26 PM
Oh, and how would you save them?

R2D2 the Jedi
Sep 4th, 2001, 11:30:21 PM
I would come up with something depending on the situation...

Liam Jinn
Sep 5th, 2001, 03:28:55 PM
Ok then, say someone strong in the force, the darkside to be more precise, held a gun up against your loved ones head and also had a dead-mans switch in his hand keeping deadly poison from going into your loved ones body. They give you 2 choices, turn or let your loved one die.

R2D2 the Jedi
Sep 5th, 2001, 09:45:04 PM
I'm sure they would kill them either way. But I would "turn" and see what happens. If they die, I go and kill him. If he lets them go, I kill him anyway.

Liam Jinn
Sep 5th, 2001, 09:50:26 PM
Liam sighs.

"You must learn that to turn is sacrificing a thousand more lives than just one!"

R2D2 the Jedi
Sep 5th, 2001, 10:46:31 PM
"Your saying that if I turn, more people will die?"

Liam Jinn
Sep 6th, 2001, 05:24:27 PM
"Aye. Think about your actions deeply and how they could effect the future of things.."

R2D2 the Jedi
Sep 6th, 2001, 10:39:36 PM
"I think I see what you mean..."

R2D2 the Jedi
Sep 9th, 2001, 11:52:57 PM
"So if I do join the Dark Side, I might be saving a lot of other people?"

Liam Jinn
Sep 10th, 2001, 10:58:12 PM
"No, if you join those people you could've saved as a jedi..die. Think of a circle. You are a part of it. You do something like joining the dark side, the circle is affected."

R2D2 the Jedi
Sep 11th, 2001, 08:41:27 PM
"Can we get off the subject and get back to training? I'm falling asleep..."