View Full Version : Jedi Amnde...Please report here

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Sep 20th, 2001, 12:36:59 AM
::A petite Jedi Master stands alone in a training room waiting for the arrival of Jedi Amnde::

Jedi Knight Amnde
Sep 20th, 2001, 10:21:38 AM
*Amalia enters the training room, upon seing Master Leia Solo, she bows in greeting and then smiles.*

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Sep 21st, 2001, 10:34:29 AM
::Upon sensing Amalia's presence, Leia turns around and returns the bow and smiles casually back at Amalia::

Amalia, I know you must be wondering why I asked you here today. Well...I've been thinking some. I would like to spar with you now. I want to see your style and techniques.

::The Jedi Master took off her cloak and placed it on the table behind her, before unclipping her saber and igniting its magenta beam::

Here's what I want you to do. Consider this like any other spar. I ask that you make the first move when you are ready. Unless..you prefer I do. Agreed?

Jedi Knight Amnde
Sep 21st, 2001, 02:54:00 PM
*Amalia thought for a moment, deciding whether or not she should take Leia up on her offer for a spar. She had never sparred with Leia before and realized that she would like to, in fact, she welcomed the challenge.*

"I see.."

*She unclipped her saber from her belt, not yet igniting it. She gazed at Leia's saber and smiled.*

"I would prefer not to use my saber for this spar, that is if you don't mind? A great tool it is, and it is as much a part of me as I of it, but it is not always needed by a Jedi."

*She shrugged.*

"I don't really wish to use it now."

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Sep 21st, 2001, 05:03:28 PM
::Leia thought on Amalia's response for a moment. One knows it is true a saber is not need for a spar, or persay challenge. The Jedi Master's face was one of no expression at first, but then a very small smile crept across Leia's face::

::With that Leia disengaged her saber and placed it alongside her cloak on the table::

Very well..Amalia. It is not necessary to use that, as we both know. What other means would you like to chose on this matter?

::Leia looked at Amalia inquisitively, waiting for her response::

Jedi Knight Amnde
Sep 21st, 2001, 11:49:30 PM
*She smiled.*

"My mind, the force, and my body. True the force is my alley, but it is not something that should be depended upon all the time. For one day, should I ever happen to be without the force, I shall have to rely on other means to help me through any given situation."

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Sep 22nd, 2001, 09:30:20 PM
::Leia smiled back at Amalia::

Very well stated Amalia.

::Placing her hand beneath her chin, thinking some. Leia paced the floor some before stopping::

Let me ask you something. If your love, Warren was captured by TSE and they would only released him to you upon one condition...that you turn to the darkside. What would you do?

Jedi Knight Amnde
Sep 22nd, 2001, 11:27:13 PM
*Amalia pondered the question being asked of her. It was a question she had never been asked before, and as with any question, she always thought for a moment before answering anything, if mostly just to gather her thoughts.*

"I would not turn to the darkside. To turn to the darkside would be to go against all that I stand for and believe in. There is always another way out of any situation. I would find another way."

Marcus QDunn
Sep 23rd, 2001, 10:41:09 PM


:: A sudden whipcrack and near the two Jedi's feet, an explosion that digs a hole in the floor, scattering shrapel and smoke. As the echoes die out, another voice can be heard...

"WORDS. Just words and nothing more. I have heard Jedi talk like you have and they amount to nothing. Even the Sith know what you speak of and can mouth the same platitudes. Words are empty shells unless you fill them with your actions!"

The hall is filled with the sounds of gunfire, the floor laced with projectiles, spliters fly everywhere. The local area is filled with smoke, the noise echoes and pounds....

And somewhere in that smoke, a Jedi Master's feet hit the floor with a muffled thump.


The hall's lights respond to the voice command.

"I will say you are to Show me something that sets you apart from a Dark Sider. None of your words will do"::

Jedi Knight Amnde
Sep 24th, 2001, 12:09:00 AM
*Amalia was startled and a bit perplexed by the Jedi Master's entrance, she had never seen a Jedi Master of any type enter in such a disruptive manner before, that was more along the lines of something a Sith would do, at least she thought so anyway.*

*Amalia listened to the Jedi Master's words very carefully. Just as she had done with Leia, she bowed to the Jedi Master, as a sign of respect, then she spoke.*

"If you don't mind me saying so, your words are of merely an opinion and are not at all factual. Everyone views things differently."

*She smiled slightly.*

"I've always been taught that whenever possible, a Jedi should always do their best to use words first to solve a conflict. If words will not work, then action needs done."

Marcus QDunn
Sep 24th, 2001, 12:51:16 AM
OOC : You IC dont know who I am. No one does except for a very, very select few

IC : His voice seemed to be coming from different areas, the echos confusing his exactly location

" Was I asking you to end a conflict or am I asking you for something else? I dont have words, I have actions. It is my actions that solve anything. Is it not true that if I dont act in the first place, nothing can happen? Words mean nothing unless you can back them up. How is talk being a Jedi?"

The darkness was total. He stepped quietly, not using his eyes but on the natural ability his race had to navigate in darkness, moving the direction he wanted.

From behind Amnde, almost directly behind, there was the onimous click of a gun being reloaded and a small voice, near the other ear. "I am a foe you can not negotiate with"::

Jedi Knight Amnde
Sep 24th, 2001, 01:31:20 AM
ooc: I see. Well, I know you are a Jedi at least, as Sith are not allowed to post here. And a Sith could not get into the Academy really without being spotted,at least I assume so. Anyway, my apologies.:)

"True, actions do speak louder than words. But words should never be ruled out, for words are a means of a voice or expression. Everyone should be free to speak, reguardless of the actions that may take place."

*She smiled softly.*

"Besides, you can tell a lot about a person just by what they say. Take you for example, your words, they tell me you are a man of action, do they not?"

*She crossed her arms and thought about his question.*

How is talk being a Jedi

"A Jedi seeks peace and justice and words are, at least I believe, far more peaceful and just than actions could ever be."

*Amalia heard the click of the gun as it was being reloaded, as well as the voice's words, she was mindful of both.*

Force Master Hunter
Sep 26th, 2001, 12:52:33 AM
OOC : Back again. Continued from a thread in the B&G

Morgan Evanar
Sep 30th, 2001, 04:00:32 AM
After the torrent of air slowed to a somewhat managable level, Morgan dropped his hand to his lightsaber, pointed it at the vent's flooring, and ignighted the green-blue blade. It only took a few more seconds to slice all the way through.

An Evanar sized piece of sheet metal fell some ten meters to the floor of the training room below, landing with a series of loud, resounding clangs. Morgan himself quickly followed, his lightsaber casting a dim glow into the darkeness below. He landed with only his knees bent slightlly, a tribute to his balance and strength of his bones.

"An interesting debate. Actions themselves are sometimes far more peaceful than words. Do the words 'I love you' express the statement as well as a tender kiss? Do words bring an injured being health?" Morgan let his words linger in the air a moment, and then continued. "Words do have their uses, but sometimes only through true action will the goal be achived."

Jedi Knight Amnde
Sep 30th, 2001, 02:01:11 PM
ooc: You know what, I know I'm not supposed to know what this is for, but you all are making this just a tad bit obvious. Consider this like any other spar? There are three of you now. As far as I know, this was a spar with Leia and seems to me that it has just tunred into so much more than just a spar, I'm not stupid. And you can think of this as you wish, a sign of weakness, whatever you wish to call it. But this really isn't worth it. If it is a simple spar, fine, but don't lie and pretend that it is, because we all know it isn't. Someone else can take my padawans, it's just not worth it to stay here, I wasn't even notified of all these people joining, it's kind of unfair to me.

And to determine a Jedi's worth by their actions, that's not what should be. That's more along the lines of a Sith If someone is a true Jedi, words are what a Jedi should always try to use first. Maybe it is action for a Jedi Warriors standards. But for a lightsided Jedi, peace and justice is what comes first and formost, and if you can't tell anything by my words in this thread to know that I am Jedi material or not then something is very wrong.

Not once did you think to ask me about what I know, your more interesting in my actions. What good will that do, how is that supposed to determine my worth as a jedi besides see what skill I have. In case you haven't noticed, fighting and action is not what is first on a Jedi's mind.

I just thought this was going to be just a simple spar, but obviously not, it would have turned into a spar if people would have just left me and Leia alone, but people are in so much of a hurry to see action.

Marcus QDunn
Sep 30th, 2001, 07:34:22 PM
OOC : "I can't explain myself right now because it would ruin everything. Just roll with the punches for now, it will make sense later."

IC : "Sprouting philosopy too now Morgan? Thats not like you."

He pouunted his remaining rail gun and pulled the trigger. The electrics whined and clicked.

"@#%$, Empty! Okay, we do this the old fashioned way!"

He reholstered the gun, took two steps then leapt at Morgan

Morgan Evanar
Sep 30th, 2001, 10:48:12 PM
Morgan's leg came up, and his foot lept out at Marcus' face. The result was somewhat less than satisfactory. QDunn managed to grab Morgan's leg a moment before impact, so some of the blow went into stopping his momentum instead of snapping his head off. Evanar recoiled slightly after the kick, and quickly brought his leg back and excuted a neat hook kick as he fell back, knocking the Jedi Master to the side. Still the grip persisted.

He had just recoiled from the impact of the floor when he felt himself being thrown into the air. Morgan stuck the landing.

"Don't knock a solid philosophy because you can't keep up."

Marcus QDunn
Oct 1st, 2001, 03:15:07 AM
OOC : Cant quite work out what you did Mrogan, so I'll presume I had to fet off floor and your a bit of distance away

"Oh, I can sprout philosopy with the best of them. Want to hear me? I know more big words and Jedi ways than I can count or even remember. And for you Amnde, I know when to talk and when not to - but just so you know something, I will speak for a moment. How are a Jedi's words effective? Hmmm? Why are a Jedi's words effective? Why is it that a Jedi like me can just arrive and hardly have to say a word before what I see needs to happen, does? I am not eloquent, in fact I am brash and blunt and I am no dipomant. Yet I can brting about a peaceful solution.

I have negotiated fates of planets and beings, more than you know - but why is it my presence and my words carry so much weight? Why is it a Jedi's words carry so much weight?"

Jedi Knight Amnde
Oct 1st, 2001, 03:38:54 PM
*She crossed her arms, giving some much needed thought to Q'Dunn's words.*

"A Jedi words are effective in many ways, words do what actions can't. They show expression, they have voice. True, actions are just as useful as words are, but they can't express a voice. Actions can't solve a conflict as peacfully as words can. I admit, words do not always work, and that is where action takes place. But I've never once ruled out words and gone straight to action, that's just not me. If I arise at a conflict and I can't solve such a conflict without my words then I use my actions. As I said, words say a lot about a person, it shows how one feels about something, how they view something, how they are as a person, it gives voice. There is not much more I can say to than what hasn't already been said. Just know that actions are not always needed. Sometimes words can do what actions can't. Action is not always needed. The same goes for action, what words can't do, obviously, actions can."

*She uncrossed her arms and looked around for a moment and then spoke again.*

"I could stand here all day and tell you what I believe and what I don't believe in, what I think is right and what I think is wrong, but it doesn't mean that I will get anywhere with my words, yet I chose not to rule such an option out until I am sure that such a thing will not be good enough."

Marcus QDunn
Oct 3rd, 2001, 11:36:54 PM
"I wasnt asking why you use Words Amnde - why is it my presence and my words carry so much weight? Why is it a Jedi's words carry so much weight?"

With the area still pitch black, he allowed his other senses to try and search out where Morgan was. Very, very quietly he moved to where he was sure a weapons rack was.

Morgan Evanar
Oct 4th, 2001, 03:08:41 AM
The normal behavior of a weapons rack is to stay very still on the floor and hold weapons. Now this partictular weapons rack happend to have an invisible Morgan behind it, which is quite a behavior modifier for any object.

QDunn was reaching for a blaster rifle when it seemingly lept up and smashed him across the face. Marcus was knocked three meters back, and the weapons rack moved in for the kill, crashing down from two meters up, weapons clattering to the ground. The Jedi Master managed to catch and stop the sturdy fifty kilo rack from impacting him, but was unsuccessful in wretching it free from Morgan's grip. Instead, the rack suddenly lurched upwards, taking QDunn up with it, and it spun, flinging itself at the wall.

The Shadow Jedi
Oct 4th, 2001, 08:07:21 AM
He kept his hand on the rack as he was swung, striking the wall with his feet first, absorbing the impact with bent knees, then kicked off straight out again, making sure he had both hands on the rack. Twisting in the air, he landed on his feet, then spun. The rack ripped out of Morgan’s hands, moving in a fast arc as the Jedi Master pivoted on his feet, picking up velocity and kinetic energy, to let go of the rack and allow the steel device to fly straight into Morgan. Both went flying away, to land with a crash some meters away.

Shaking his head to clear his mind from the blow he had received from the rack, he allowed his feet no noise, stepping away. Only his voice, sounding angry, was the only giveaway of his position in the darkness.

“Words do not define a Jedi! Anyone can speak as a Jedi does!”

Silence for a moment, with rustling of cloth and a couple of clicks – something being unclipped?

“Why does the words of a Jedi, the same as say another human, why do they carry more weight than the normal being?”

More rustling, then the sound of something being dropped to the floor. Footsteps, moving away.

“Don’t answer yet for a moment. Hold and think instead”

There was a moment of silence. The others in the room must have wondered what was going on and even more so when the lights clicked on, showing the room and three occupants. A pile of clothes and the weapon holsters lay on the ground.

Of Tohmahawk, there was no sign…. Except, stepping from a doorway, a black cloaked being, about 6 foot tall, clad in a full length cloak, the hood over his face hiding all features. A simple belt was around his waist, his hands were behind his back. He looked like a monk from some obscure religious order, except for the light sabre on his hip, a strangely built one. His voice was low and utterly calm, with no emotion, deep, pleasant in tone to listen to and very, very different from that of Tohmahawk.

“The Jedi are not marked by their words. Words are but a small part of the skills a Jedi must weld, but as the General stated, words can be said by anyone. What gives your word so much weight is not the fact you say them… but for the fact that you have the power to back them up. Your actions define you and if it were not for the actions of a Jedi, your words would by necessity meaningless, no matter the wisdom the might have. Without your actions, you have no power. Without power, your words are hollow.

A Jedi’s reputation precedes them. The very word Jedi evokes images in beings that affect the way your words are perceived. Consider this. A Bothan and a Jedi say the same words of peace. Who will be believed? The Bothan will not be, as their actions are often deciectful. A Jedi is known to be just and true and that is known by their actions. Thence, you words mean much, not because you say them, but because of who you are and how you act.

And last, how is a Jedi truly judged? By their actions with The Force. The Force is not a word, it can only be used. How you use the Force defines if you are a true Jedi or a Dark Sider.”

He went to one knee, then with a flick of the hand, used the Force to summon two equal length pieces of rod. He came fully upright, snapping straight, with both rods held parallel to the ground in front of him.

“A Jedi is often trialled to test their relationship and knowledge of the Force. This test can not be written out, it can not be done verbally. It can only be done in a practical way, with the Jedi being pushed to the limit, to be left with one choice…. Light or Dark? To choose. To define yourself by your actions.

His voice was still utterly calm and quiet.

"I am known as The Shadow Jedi. Have you understood what I have said? It is important you do"

Jedi Amnde
Oct 6th, 2001, 05:41:34 PM
*Amalia still had her arms crossed.*

"Of course I understand your words, but that doesn't mean I agree with them."

*She paused, her eyes seemed to drift from left to right as she appeared to be thinking.*

"You say that without your actions, you have no power and that without power, your words are hollow..."

*She raised a questionable eyebrow at The Shadow Jedi.*

"I guess ever Jedi's word is hollow, being that Jedi have never saught to seek or bring about power."

*She remained quiet for a time, staring directly at The Shadow Jedi.*

"I am tested everyday as part of what I do. I encounter many things as a Jedi. My patience as a Jedi is tested often, that is nothing new. Through my experiences, I learn, and continue to learn, always. This time, as I am here, right now, is a learning experience as well. How do just my actions define the person I am, the Jedi that I am?"

*She uncrossed her arms and pointed to her saber that still remained on the table.*

"That I carry with me always, it never leaves my side, but it does not define who I am as a Jedi, as a person. My values, and what I believe in define who and what I am, it is those values that I bring about into action. But without those values and what I believe in, I would have no place, I would not be who I am."