View Full Version : Jedi Guerrero:
Morgan Evanar
Oct 16th, 2001, 08:32:11 PM
Morgan stood seeming precariously close to the edge of the second level of the massive Massai temple now occupied by the Greater Order. A moisted breeze kicked up, bringing forth the many diverse scents of the jungle, and lifted the edge of his trenchcoat, fluttering above the vast, flat wall.
He smiled broadly in the five o'clock daylight as Guerrero walked out of the shade of the archway.
"Good afternoon. How are you feeling?"
Jedi Guerrero
Oct 16th, 2001, 08:46:08 PM
I walk up to Morgan.
"Fine and you"
Morgan Evanar
Oct 16th, 2001, 08:58:53 PM
"Quite well." He said, his smile still there, but it was slightly less warm as he took apraisal of the man before him, who was Borucia's brother. Morgan hadn't known the famed Jedi Master well, but his deeds spoke strongly of the man's character. Hopefully, the man before him would become a champion of the light as well. It was time to find out more about Guerrero.
"Why do you want to be a Jedi?" He asked, looking at the man with a measure of curiousity.
Jedi Guerrero
Oct 16th, 2001, 09:09:30 PM
I want to be a Jedi because when I was a little boy me mom told me about my brother and all that he had done. When I went to explore the galaxy I found out more about the force and I was amazed whit its power and I came here. I will like to follow my brothers steps and be a jedi or even a master.
Morgan Evanar
Oct 16th, 2001, 09:46:40 PM
"Jedi Master is a goal most will never achieve, but is an admirable aim." Morgan paused, deep in thought.
"You said that you've explored the galaxy. I'm sure that you may have run into some interesting situations. Did you ever use the Force to help you out of them, and if you did, how?
Jedi Guerrero
Oct 16th, 2001, 09:52:11 PM
NO I knew I had the force but I never could manage it so I never used it.
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