View Full Version : Training of Livia Hikari

Warren Azalin
Aug 27th, 2001, 01:51:07 PM
:: It had been a long time since Warren had once again walked down the halls of The Greater Jedi Order. Months had passed ever since Abaddon had emerged in his body, but Warren finally had control now. And soon the time would come when Abaddon was no more, soon he would be a True Jedi once again. He let his thoughts linger on the subject a little longer as he walked into the training room and waited for his newest padawan to arrive: Livia Hikari. ::

Livia Hikari
Aug 27th, 2001, 07:10:58 PM
Livia wanders down the halls of Greater Jedi Order, looking for the place her master told her to meet him. As she walks, she then notices him standing alone and walks up to him.

"I'm here like you asked, Master..."

Warren Azalin
Sep 8th, 2001, 01:53:39 AM
"Welcome Livia, did you find your way around easy enough? I hope so, anyway now onto the first part of your Training."

Walking towards her he let himself gaze upon her as he circled around her questionably.

"Tell me, why have you come to be a Jedi Livia?"

Livia Hikari
Sep 8th, 2001, 02:09:03 AM
"Well I've been told it is in my blood, my father and mother were Jedi although I can't remember them so the way of the Jedi seems to be my path as well..."

Warren Azalin
Sep 8th, 2001, 02:15:05 AM
"So you chose this path only because your parents where Jedi? Tell me, what would you have done had your parents walked the path of the Dark?"

Livia Hikari
Sep 9th, 2001, 12:29:36 AM
"That’s not exactly what I meant, Master…" Livia remains quiet for a few moments as she looks at the floor, but the pained look in her eyes is very evident as she looks back up at Warren.

"My parents were killed by a group of Sith, they died trying to protect me and they were killed because one of the Sith had something against the odd hair color my family has. As the daughter of two Jedi, I believe that it is my duty to keep such things from happening. I want to learn the way of the Jedi partially to keep others from suffering the fate of myself and my parents. There isn’t any vengeance in my heart I can assure you since I have no idea what my parents’ attackers looked like but I know we will meet again and I would rather be able to defend myself than to die as one who could not fight her own battles. I know this probably doesn’t make much sense but it is something that I believe is my path, I wish to follow in the footsteps of my parents and learn the way of the Jedi to protect those who cannot protect themselves and to keep them from suffering needlessly.And even if my parents had walked the dark path, I wouldn't do so, there's not a dark bit in my entire being......"

Warren Azalin
Sep 9th, 2001, 01:21:10 AM
Smiling subtly Warren looked down at Livia.

"I understand your stand against the Dark but never believe that the Dark cannot take hold of you at any moment. After all a Jedi's job is not only to protect the weak but also to protect themselves from the Dark, even the smallest things can effect you and it is these things you must learn to fight against to. Tell me Livia, if you found these Sith or Sith if the case may be what would you do?"

Livia Hikari
Sep 9th, 2001, 01:40:09 AM
"I have no idea of how those Sith looked, that like everything else I can't remember.......I have no idea what I would do since I have no idea what they looked like......"

Warren Azalin
Sep 14th, 2001, 04:10:08 PM
"I believe a time will come when you shall face your past Livia, I only hope that my training will help you when the times comes so you shall not be consumed by hatred and revenge. For a Jedi is one with the Force and at peace with it, your parents knew this and I believe in your heart you know this too. I feel obligated to ask you this question so I know what your parents taught you, if anything before they became one with the Force. Tell me Livia, What is the Force?"

Livia Hikari
Sep 16th, 2001, 01:30:58 AM
"I honestly don't know, I can't remember anything from before the time I woke up several years ago and an old woman who survived told me about what had happened. I can't tell you what they may have taught me because I can't remember a thing."

Livia then looks at the floor again, she hated not being able to remember her past.

Warren Azalin
Sep 19th, 2001, 02:11:10 PM
Walking over to his padawan, Warren put a hand on her shoulder as he sighed to himself.

"I understand more then you know Livia, I too had no past when I first came to the Jedi. I now wonder if it was better with no past or living with the knowledge I know now of my past.... What I'm trying to say is this; one day you will remember, the force usually is odd like that. When you gain your memories though I want you to be ready to face both your past and your future. For all this I shall ask you the final question before we begin. What do you believe is the difference between Light and Dark, between the Jedi and the Sith, and I am looking for an answer from your heart, not one of those textbook answers all the Padawans spout now a days."

Livia Hikari
Sep 26th, 2001, 02:41:38 PM
"well I know that we are the good side of the force and the Sith are the evil side, but that's about all I know since that was all the old woman who helped me knew. I don't know enough about either side yet to be able to come with an answer of their differences though"

OOC: ttt....

Warren Azalin
Oct 15th, 2001, 04:13:03 PM
"Fair enough. After all it is with knowledge that one learns, and if you already knew as much there would be nothing more to teach you. Correct? Well Livia it seems you are ready to begin the Training. That is if you want? Now will you come with me?"

Warren motioned for Livia to follow him as he exited the Academy and began walking out towards the surrounding woods.

Livia Hikari
Oct 16th, 2001, 01:32:55 PM
Livia nods and follows behind her master.

Warren Azalin
Oct 31st, 2001, 05:58:57 PM
Not long after leaving the Academy Warren led Livia to a small secluded clearing in the Forests of Yavin IV. Sitting down upon a large branch, he grinned as he turned towards Livia. He had done this test with many before but not many had gotten it.

"Tell me Livia, How Feel you? Or more importantly, What do you Feel?"

Livia Hikari
Oct 31st, 2001, 09:14:06 PM
*Livia closed her eyes, she knew he was trying to get her to say something more than the easiest answer*

"I feel the force, I can sense your aura and mine, I feel the other force auras of those around nearby. Is that the answer you're looking for, Master?"

Warren Azalin
Nov 4th, 2001, 06:13:15 AM
Nodding his head towards Livia, Warren got up from his seat and moved forward. Putting his hand on Livia's shoulder Warren looked on at the knowledgeable Padawan. He could tell she knew it was the force, and could feel it running through her.

"There is no right or wrong answer here Livia, what you feel is but a glimmer of The Force, when trying harder one can begin to sense it all around them because of the lifeforce of every living thing. The Force can be found in almost everything, but there are things that some do not understand. The Force is not a weapon to be used lightly, in fact it is no weapon at all. Neither is it a tool either, it is hard to explain, but The Force becomes a part of you the more you use it, and the more you use it the stronger it becomes in you. Many start with the basics like Mind Tricks and Force Levitation, as time goes on though you will learn new things, do not let your mind halt your progress though. Never think of what can or cannot be done with the Force, only know that it is a part of you and shall help you in your quest to protect the innocent."

Stretching his out towards the dense forest Warren picked up what seemed to be a small rock on the ground and let it float in the air behind him as he turned back towards Livia.

"In the beginning you shall be taught to do things like this, and over time your skills will improve tenfold. I heed a warning there though, do not try to learn to much. For knowledge is one thing but a quest for more power is another, and that path leads to the dark. Now do not think this Darkside is an evil thing because to be honest here is no Darkside, Light and Dark are merely opposites of one power: The Force. Those who use the Force to protect others are known as the Jedi, it is out quest to help those who cannot help themselves. There are others though, others that use hatred and pain in order to gain power. It is from them that the Darkside is known from, those that use this force for evil and hatred are known as Dark Jedi and Sith........"

Letting the rock still hover over his shoulder, Warren called on the force into his hands as he used it's power to create a small blaze. Breaking the molecules with rapid speed he grinned as he aimed his hand over his shoulder sending a small ball of fire crashing into the rock. Pieces of the stone rained down as Warren looked back at her.

"My First Lesson to you is this: I would like you to try and lift one of those rocks as I did. Now it shall not be as easy as I made it look, to be honest I'll be amazed if you get it on the first try, but you will get it. I also would be amazed if you knew how to tap the Force on your first try, so listen closely. I want you to feel the life around you, I want you to feel the Force in it and call it to yourself. Speak to the Force and let it know your will, do not give up. Concentrate on that rock until you see it lifted into the air. Only after you picture your goal shall it be completed, and now I leave this task in your hands."

"May The Force Be With You."

Livia Hikari
Nov 20th, 2001, 01:37:18 PM
Livia listened and watched while taking all of what Warren was saying in. After which her master looked away and Livia tried her best to do it. Closing her eyes, Livia tried to use the force to do what he had asked but she wasn’t sure if she could. It wasn’t long before Warren hears “Master?”
And when Warren turns to look, a small rock hovers in front of Livia who looks astonished. “I….I…don’t know how…I did that…..”
Livia’s mind races with questions like (How did I do that? Was this something mom and dad taught me before they died? Why can’t I remember anything?)