View Full Version : Christian....

Kikran Akard
Jul 2nd, 2001, 09:56:10 PM
"Christian...........wake up................."

::The voice came into the padawan's young head.....as he stirred awake::

"Christian, it's Kikran, your master.....today we begin your training. Now, I know your probably looking around to see where this voice is coming from....but I'm not there. I want you to find me, this will be your first lesson. I know you're able to sense my presence, follow it, and look for me."

::The knight waited in the near jungle for the padawan to find him::

Christian Lightheart
Jul 2nd, 2001, 11:40:54 PM
*Christian's eyes slowly opened, his vision blurry at first, taking their time to focus. He heard his master's voice and tried to look around the room. Kikran was right.

The sleepy padawan sat up in his bed, and threw the covers to the foot. He stumbled his way out of the bed, wearing a pair of white shorts and a white tank top. With a yawn and a stretch, Lightheart groggily reached out and tapped into the Light Side of the Force, refreshing his senses and awarenesses. He still felt the effects of a good nights rest, not wanting to wake up, but he felt stronger already.*

What a first test...

*He said to himself. The young padawan was still to asleep to be nervous, so he let the Force control his action. Christian could sense his Master's presence, although it was very faint. must not be in the dorms... Slowly, Christian stepped out of his room, and made his way to the ground floor, where he exited the building.*

Not gonna give me any hints as well, either. At least I hope not... I wanna see if I can do this on my own. *He spoke to no one but himself.*

Kikran Akard
Jul 3rd, 2001, 01:12:34 AM
"Let the force guide you......concentrate on it, and only it. Don't think about what's happening elsewhere. You will only find me if you truly concentrate."

::He picked up one of the flowers that only grew in the jungle. It was just starting to open, and it glistened as the planet Yavin dimly lit the area. He could sense his padawan moving through the dorm, and felt he was getting closer. "Good," he thought to himself. He seems to be getting the hang of this. The knight rested his head against the bark of the tree behind him, and waited for the padawan to make it to him::

"I hope he's been through the jungle before......or else this might prove to be interesting," Kikran thought."

Christian Lightheart
Jul 6th, 2001, 12:49:42 PM
*The padawan looked to around grounds around the Dorms with wide open drowsy eyes. His tiredness soon wore off as he reached out through the Force, trying to search out his master. He found it again, but it was still faint. Listening to his instincts and the feeling he was getting through the Force, he began walking towards the academy.*

Kikran Akard
Jul 9th, 2001, 07:53:41 PM
"Come now, Christian, you think I'd make you train in such a dull area such as the academy?" Kikran thought him himself.

::He picked up a stick and waved it around, as he observed his padawan's movements::

Kikran Akard
Jul 9th, 2001, 07:53:47 PM
"Come now, Christian, you think I'd make you train in such a dull area such as the academy?" Kikran thought him himself.

::He picked up a stick and waved it around, as he observed his padawan's movements::

Christian Lightheart
Jul 11th, 2001, 01:37:33 PM
*As the young padawan neared the acadamy, he came to a halt. In his mind, he could hear his Master say, "Do you think... at the academy..?" He searched the area with his eyes, then closed them, reaching out with the Force.

There it was again, Kikran's presence. It had grown near, yet was still far. Infront of Lightheart stood the Academy, to his left was the opening to the forest. In there

Setting off at a fast jog, Christian ran into the forest, letting the Force guide him. He stopped, looked around and smiled as he saw his master leaning against a tree with a stick.*

Sorry I'm late, master.

Kikran Akard
Jul 11th, 2001, 03:39:10 PM
::Suddenly Kikran disappeared, right from Christian's eyes.....and then he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned to see Kikran, after jumping out of a tree::

"Soon you will be able to see past such illusions, but let us start with something smaller. What can you do with the force, and what do you know of it?"

Christian Lightheart
Jul 15th, 2001, 09:59:54 PM
*The padawan nodded, a lesson which he would not soon forget. Do not trust your eyes. Looking at his master, he spoke.*

The Force... it's all around us, in living and no living things... binds us together. It's there to use, but never for misuse. As Jedi.. we ask it to help us, to aid us in times of need. As for what I can do with it... just a few things, really. I was taught how to levitate, push and pull object using the Force, and I have been able to see in the near future, like a second or two before something actually happens.... That talent I have had for a while, since back on Coruscant it helped me avoid some punches which were thrown at me in the fights i was dragged into.

*His eyes lowered. His dad, a now dead Jedi Knight, had taught him how to use that talent while using a lightsaber. That weapon had saved his young life quite a few times. His voice grew timid and soft.*

Other than that, I don't know much else..

Kikran Akard
Jul 20th, 2001, 01:46:12 AM
"What moves, or abilities, if any, have you learned since being here at GJO?"

Christian Lightheart
Jul 20th, 2001, 02:28:10 PM
Levitation, Pull, Push, and sensing, Master.

Kikran Akard
Jul 21st, 2001, 04:01:46 PM
"Well, this is your training. What area of the force would you like to start with...?"

Christian Lightheart
Jul 23rd, 2001, 04:08:21 PM
*Looking to his master, Christian thought. After a minute of silence, the young padawan spoke.*

Mind powers...

Kikran Akard
Aug 10th, 2001, 07:38:04 PM
"Mind powers, where would you like to start.....tele?"

Christian Lightheart
Aug 10th, 2001, 10:50:56 PM
Sure.... I'm ready to learn, master.

Kikran Akard
Aug 11th, 2001, 04:04:44 AM
"Alright...tele, is basically moving thing with the force, throwing things with it, etc. This is probably the most important thing for battles, as you can create diversions, use regular things as weapons, and many other things. Whenever you're in a battle, you must learn to use your surroundings. You'll have a better chance by using everything around you than just your saber. I believe you already practiced some tele with rocks and such. Please show me what you can do." Kikran said as he threw a rock at Christian's feet.

Christian Lightheart
Aug 11th, 2001, 11:36:20 PM
*Lightheart watched as the rock skipped a little at his feet. Closing his eyes, he reached out with the Force, focusing on the rock. In his mind, he saw the object begin to lift off the ground.

The rock shook a bit, then began to rise. When it was about 5 feet off the ground, Christian concentrated his train of thought, having the rock beging to move away from him at a good speed towards a nearby tree. Before it was to hit, the rock stopped in mid air, and hung there. It then began to move backwards to the padawan, until it was at arms reach. Slowly, the white-haired boy set the rock down at his feet.*

That's about it, master.

Kikran Akard
Aug 12th, 2001, 03:10:07 AM
"Good job. I'm glad to see you caught on so quickly. As you progress in training, this move will become easier, and you'll be able to lift heavier things, and move things quicker. Now, this move isn't only used for moving things. Its also very important, especially in battle, for diverting or stopping objects from harming you.....or someone else."

::As Kikran finished the sentence he sent a branch flying towards Christian's head, hoping his padawan would stop it before he'd have to::

Christian Lightheart
Aug 13th, 2001, 07:45:58 PM
*A danger sense warned the young padawan of something traveling towards him from his back. Spinning his frame around, Christian brought his left hand up and out infront of him. He could see the branch flying through the air.

With hardly any time to react, Lightheart did not think, but just did. The Force swirled around his hand and the branch, catching it in mid air.*

Kikran Akard
Aug 17th, 2001, 04:54:46 PM
"Well done, Christian."

::A small furry animal trodded by the two as Christian dropped the stick. Kikran bent down and watched as it sniffed around::

"A perfect way to start another lesson. Controlling others. I'm sure you've heard of this move. Mind control is used to get past simple guards, and those who are weak minded. Say a thief runs up to you, and pulls out a blaster. Yes, you could bring him down by force, or you could resolve the situation peacefully by simple making him decide to not do it. By using this ability, you can also have creatures, such as this animal....aid you when need be. Now, this ability can't be used on other force users, as they possess the mental power to override it.

Now, before you can do what I just said, you have to be able to enter the creature's mind. To do this, get in touch with the force. Look into the animal's eyes, it might help. Then reach out with the force, connect with the animal. Go deeper, feeling his intentions, and what he's thinking."

Christian Lightheart
Aug 29th, 2001, 01:06:40 PM

*Christian closed his eyes calming himself for a second. Opening them back up, he saw the animal a few steps to his left side nibbling on a small bush at the base of a tree. The creature looked at peace minding its own business. Not even afraid of the two humans which could reach out and touch it. It was quite a beautiful sight.

The animal stopped its feeding, freezing in place as it sensed it became the center of attention. It turned its little furry head towards Christian, it's small black beedy eyes looking up at the white haired boy. Making eye contact, Lightheart could feel so many new emotions, thoughts. However, he had no clue what it really was, for he had never felt this feeling before. Reaching out with the Force, the padawan tried to enter the creatures mind.

The creature, instead, scurried off into the depths of the forest.

Christian looked up to his master with a sad look on his face.*

I couldn't...