View Full Version : The Training Of Artemis Ventrai.

Warren Azalin
Sep 12th, 2001, 02:57:49 AM
The rain fell lightly on the Jedi Knights window as he looked out and let out a sigh. It had been months since he had been gone from the GJO, ever since that Demon Abaddon had taken over his body. It was over though, or at least the mental battle was over, no longer did Warren have to stand by as that man killed the innocent with his own hands. How could he ever make up for it though, how could he himself deal with what he had done, or at least failed to stop. It was the past now, right now he was back, and he had Padawans to teach and new Jedi to create. Walking towards the door he grabbed his saber off the bed as he smiled at Amnde, or was it Amalia now. Whatever she was called now he still lover her, and that fact that she carried his children made him even happier, Maybe all this was going to change, maybe his path to the light had been opened before him again. Smiling slightly he leaned over and kissed her on the forehead as he began to throw on his robes and head out the door...


Turning back towards Amnde he grinned, it seemed he had woken her up. Looking into her eye's he tried to hide his smile.

"Don't worry Hon, I'll be back soon enough. I'm only going out to do some training. I'll be back before you get up I promise aright."

Hearing her mumble something almost inaudible Warren quickly left the room closing is silently behind him. It took him only a few minutes to get out to the outer grounds of the Academy. Finding a suitable spot he sat down in the flowing rain letting the water wash the pain off his warn body, but even as he sat there in mediation he sent out a small call through the Force.

"Come Artemis, it is time to begin your training."

Sending the message to Artemis he sat there meditating while the padawan made his way to him. It was not exactly the time to begin training, but for Warren it was the perfect time. Opening his eyes slowly he could see the light peaking over the horizon, maybe it was a sign to him. Either way he looked at it he was home, and he was home to stay.

Artemis Ventrai
Sep 12th, 2001, 03:02:43 AM
Artemis Ventrai hears the call through the Force and runs to where his recently acquired Master called. He arrives, staff in hand, and bows to his trainer.

Master Azalin, I got here as fast as I could. I'm ready to begin.

Warren Azalin
Sep 12th, 2001, 03:51:31 PM
"Do or do not, there is no try."

Sitting down in his Meditative Trance Warren let the force flow through him once again. It had been a long time since he had felt the warm touch of The Force flowing through him and he had grow to miss it, but in no way had he lost his grasp on it. Concentrating on the living things around him he called out the light in him as he pictured the light surrounding him in his mind. Slowly yet surely the light began to flow out of him engulfing him in it's blinding light. Smiling as he often did he concentrated the light into his hand, little by little an orb of light began to form in his hand. Grinning at his accomplishment he tossed the light into the air illuminating the darkened morning sky above him. After all he had given Artemis the call to action, but had given no info as to where he was.

Several moments later Artemis showed up with his staff in hand and ready for training.

"Master Azalin, I got here as fast as I could. I'm ready to begin."

Nodding at Artemis lightly, Warren offered the padawan a seat as he got back down to the floor and began to speak.

"Tell me Artemis, what do you know of The Force?"

Artemis Ventrai
Sep 12th, 2001, 09:18:40 PM
Artemis studies his Master as he thinks about his answer. He thinks back to the first time when he realized he had abilities others did not. He was trapped in a burning barn, about a year back. As the flames got nearer and nearer, he grew strangely calm. As the first flame licked at his hand, he instinctively drew the flame in, absorbing it harmlessly into his body. As more and more of the flames flew into him, he began to feel increasingly powerful, until he finally released all of his energy outward, blasting a hole in a nearby wall. He walked out of the barn unharmed, to the amazement of all around him. Word soon reached the Jedi Order, and he was summoned shortly thereafter. Artemis snaps out of his reverie and relates the story to Warren.

So, to me, the Force is something that connects me to everything around me, making myself a part of it and it a part of me.

Warren Azalin
Sep 13th, 2001, 11:35:51 PM
Listening to Artemis speak with great intent, Warren sat there nodding every once in awhile to his padawan. Artemis, like many he had heard of before had tapped into the Force without knowing it, but absorbing the fire? That was interesting, even at his own level Warren was not much at absorbing energy, much less a burning inferno like Artemis had done, indeed there was something special about this man.

"You speak the truth Artemis, The Force is not only a tool to wield with skill it is also the lifeforce of all around you. Everything you see around you yields some powers of the force, for it is everywhere and everything. I shall teach you not how to use The Force, for no one man may ever wield it. No, I shall teach you how to harness The Force to help others around you."

Getting to his feet slowly, Warren motioned for Artemis to follow him as he headed off into the forested areas around the Jedi Academy. Sitting down upon a large branch, he grinned as he turned towards Artemis. He had done this test with many before but not many had gotten it.

"Tell me Artemis, How Feel you? Or more importantly, What do you Feel?"

Artemis Ventrai
Sep 13th, 2001, 11:50:25 PM
Rising after his Master, Artemis follows the man into the forest, studying him and the surroundings as they walk. After hearing Warren's question, he contemplates his situation, examining his deepest thoughts and feelings. He breathes the surroundings in deeply, feeling the Force pulling at him, into him, as if it is calling to him. After a moment to gather his thoughts, he replies.

I feel... calm... a part of everything. As for what I feel... I feel the forest. But it feels as if I am drawing it towards me, and myself to it... it is a strange but not unpleasant sensation.

Warren Azalin
Sep 14th, 2001, 02:51:39 AM
Nodding his head towards Artemis, Warren got up from his seat and moved forward. Putting his hand on Artemis' shoulder Warren looked on at the seemingly confused padawan. He could tell he knew it was the force, and could feel it running through him. He also knew Artemis could not understand it, after all, he only knew what had been told to him among the citizens.

"What you feel my friend is The Force, you can sense all around you because of the lifeforce of every living thing. I told you already that The Force can be found in almost everything but there are things that some do not understand. The Force is not a weapon to be used lightly, in fact it is no weapon at all. Neither is it a tool either, it is hard to explain, but The Force becomes a part of you the more you use it, and the more you use it the stronger it becomes in you. Many start with the basics like Mind Tricks and Force Levitation, as time goes on though you will learn new things, do not let your mind halt your progress though. Never think of what can or cannot be done with the Force, only know that it is a part of you and shall help you in your quest to protect the innocent."

Stretching his out towards the dense forest Warren picked up what seemed to be a small rock on the ground and let it float in the air behind him as he turned back towards Artemis.

"In the beginning you shall be taught to do things like this, and over time your skills will improve tenfold. I heed a warning there though, do not try to learn to much. For knowledge is one thing but a quest for more power is another, and that path leads to the dark. Now do not think this Darkside is an evil thing because to be honest here is no Darkside, Light and Dark are merely opposites of one power: The Force. Those who use the Force to protect others are known as the Jedi, it is out quest to help those who cannot help themselves. There are others though, others that use hatred and pain in order to gain power. It is from them that the Darkside is known from, those that use this force for evil and hatred are known as Dark Jedi and Sith........"

Letting the rock still hover over his shoulder, Warren called on the force into his hands as he used it's power to create a small blaze. Breaking the molecules with rapid speed he grinned as he aimed his hand over his shoulder sending a small ball of fire crashing into the rock. Pieces of the stone rained down as Warren looked back at Artemis.

"My First Lesson to you is this: I would like you to try and lift one of those rocks as I did. Now it shall not be as easy as I made it look, to be honest I'll be amazed if you get it on the first try, but you will get it. I also would be amazed if you knew how to tap the Force on your first try, so listen closely. I want you to feel the life around you, I want you to feel the Force in it and call it to yourself. Speak to the Force and let it know your will, do not give up. Concentrate on that rock until you see it lifted into the air. Only after you picture your goal shall it be completed, and now I leave this task in your hands."

"May The Force Be With You."

Artemis Ventrai
Sep 14th, 2001, 07:22:32 PM
Artemis senses the energy flowing from Warren as he lifts the stone, and looks on in amazement as the stone shatters into fragments. Artemis can sense the power, but it feels... more external than internal. If only he could bring power in somehow...

He reaches out toward the rock none the less, but feels as if he is missing something. He reaches out with the Force, tugging at the rock... but achieves nothing. He tries once again with all his might, but barely budges the rock.

Master Azalin... I feel... empty. I need a power source, it would seem.

Warren Azalin
Sep 14th, 2001, 11:36:33 PM
The Jedi Knight watched on as Artemis tried to call out to the Force and lift the stone, but there was something wrong with him. It was as if his padawan could feel the force, but not utilize it's strength. Looking on in awe Warren smiled because honestly he had never seen such a strange presence in the Force. Maybe this all had to do with his interesting past in the force, and what he had done with the fire...., but if that was the case then Warren had to try something differently.

"Artemis, please try again. You are not empty, the Force flows through you as easy as it flows through me. As for a power source, you are the power my friend, use your might and get your power from within."

Nodding to his master slightly Artemis went back to work on the stone with new hope, Warren knew what had to be done though. He had heard rumors of Force Users dead in the force themselves, but some had the innate ability to absorb energy through the Force and power themselves through it. He had a feeling Artemis was one of these rare few, no, he knew he was. Feeling the Force flowing through him once again, Warren charged another ball of flames in his hands as Artemis tried his hardest to lift the stone with his mind....

"Hey Artemis, think quick!"

Watching as his padawan turned Warren raised his hand firing the large ball of fire his padawan. He hoped this would work, it just had to.

Artemis Ventrai
Sep 15th, 2001, 12:34:31 AM
Artemis' eyes widen in surprise as the ball of flame flies towards him. With no time to move out of the way, he reaches out to the Force in desperation. The Force, instead of powering him, seems to reach through him to the Force-powered flame rapidly approaching. As the searing flame reaches his skin, he draws the energy in, just as he had done in the burning barn. The fire fills him, charging him with strength.

He gets up from the ground, as the power of the blast had knocked him off his feet. Otherwise, he is unharmed. He stands, filled with energy that is aching to get out. He attempts to move the stone once more and succeeds... all too well. He reaches out, yanking the stone into the air. Unable to control the power in his body, he releases it all into the stone, shattering it to dust. His eyes widen in shock once more, as he is astonished by the results.

I... I'm sorry... I didn't mean to... was that ok?

Warren Azalin
Sep 15th, 2001, 01:21:46 AM
Watching as the stone flew into the air quickly Warren felt joy rush through him almost at once, thankfully he had indeed been right. That was good for him because had he been wrong then Artemis would be..... well he was just glad he was right. Moments later the stone seemingly exploded in mid-air as both Artemis and Warren stared at it smiling, a few moments passed in silence as Artemis turned to look at Warren with a distraught face.

"I... I'm sorry... I didn't mean to... was that ok?"

Trying to stifle his laughter Warren could only answer his padawan with a but of slight applause.

"Very good Artemis, better then I expected really. It seems I was right, you seem to have the unique ability of absorption. It is a powerful ability that not many have full control over, hopefully you shall be different. Do how did it feel? Was the Force all you thought it would be? Because if not then you had better get ready for a lot more, from here on out Artemis your Training shall only get harder, and if you feel you are not up to it you must tell me."

Artemis Ventrai
Sep 16th, 2001, 12:11:07 AM
Artemis nods solemnly.

Yes, I am up to the training. Nothing on earth can dissuade me from wanting to become a Jedi. But as to the issue of control...

I'm not sure how well I'll ever be at that. Once the power is in me, I cannot seem to hold it long. It seems to want to fly from me as soon as possible. I simply had to release it. Hopefully I can add some control to this soon...

Warren Azalin
Sep 18th, 2001, 05:14:08 AM
"You will learn to control your powers Artemis and you shall be a great Jedi. You are not the first to have that ability and I doubt you will ever be the last. Come, sit down and I shall tell you about the Jedi to ease your mind of worry.

25,000 years before the Galactic Civil War Jedi Knights were the guardians of justice and freedom, the most respected and powerful force for good for more then a thousand generations. While the Jedi Where known for their uncanny abilities and supernatural skills with lightsabers, their real power came from the ability to tap into and manipulate the Force.
Jedi Knights defended the Old Republic from all threats, including the proponents of the Clone Wars, but there as one threat they could not stand against - internal corruption. The Republic itself fell to the corruption of it's leaders, and the Empire was born. Then, before the Jedi could move against him, the Emperor used one of their own to destroy the Jedi. Through treachery, deception, and the actions of the corrupted Jedi Knight called Darth Vader, the Jedi Knighthood was exterminated. Only a few remained.
One of the survivors, a Jedi Master named Yoda, trained Luke Skywalker as the first of a new line of Jedi Knights. After the Battle of Endor, Luke began searching the galaxy for other Force users and started an academy to train those strong in the Force.

It is because of all this that we are here today Artemis, had it not been for the acts of certain people the Jedi would have forever crumbled or never existed. That is why we carry on Artemis, to teach a new generation. Not only in the force, but also in control. I shall teach you how to control your powers from what I know, because I cannot teach from experience. But you have taken the first step towards being a Jedi Artemis, you have dedicated your life to the Force and I will make sure that was not in vain. Now if you have any questions ask them now, or if not come with me to the Academy. It is time for the next lesson."

Artemis Ventrai
Sep 19th, 2001, 12:53:13 AM
Artemis listens intently to the story, entralled by the tales of the ancient Jedi. His aspirations and hopes of becoming a Jedi soar as he hears the tales of the great warriors of old. When the story is over, his resolve is complete. He will become a Jedi, no matter what the cost.

Master Azalin, my only question is to ask what I may do to become a knight. I am ready, and wish to continue my training.

Warren Azalin
Sep 19th, 2001, 05:01:25 AM
"Exactly what I wanted to hear Artemis, it is that type of attitude I was hoping for. See you are already on your way to becoming a Jedi, even now you have just passed your second test. A Jedi must know about the Force and be able to tap into it, that was your first test. That is not all a Jedi needs though, after all what it power without knowledge and goals, and that was the second test. You have proven you have the willpower to take your training seriously, and you have already proven you have the power to wield the Force. This alone brings us to the next lesson but know that your tests are not over yet. But where would the surprise be if I told you what to look out for huh, so lets go."

Laughing a little to himself Warren led Artemis back towards the Academy grounds. Once again he could smell the cool morning air as they walked closer to the Training Rooms and farther from the forest, it was a scent he indeed missed ever since having to be away for so long, but that was the past and he was back and better then before. It took them a short while longer as they crossed the Jedi Gardens on the way towards the academy, after all it was by no means a long walk between areas. Stopping suddenly Warren turned back towards Artemis as he let a small smile cross his face.

"You know I been thinking, the Training Rooms might be a little easy for you so we'll go to my "special" course."

Doing almost a 180 Warren walked passed his padawan as he headed towards the living quarters. He could see Artemis was puzzled as to what all this was about as they began heading down the Halls of the LQ. Quickly Warren came to a halt a few doors down from his own room as he looked back at Artemis.

"Ok, here's the deal. I am going to take you to my special training room but all I ask of you is not to wake Amalia as we go in ok. Other then that, let's go."

Moving forward Warren opened the door to his room silently as he crept in, quickly he motioned for his padawan to follow as both of them headed towards the back room.


Stopping dead in his tracks Warren motioned for Artemis to go on as he talked to Amalia. Quickly and quietly his padawan made it to the door and went inside as Warren went over to Amalia.

"Yeah it's me Hon, I just came back to use the Training Room a little. Ok? Don't worry get some more sleep."

It didn't take long for her to drift back into slumber as Warren made his way across the room and back to Artemis. Walking in he noticed Artemis looking at a few of the machines on the wall, surely he had to know what those were, almost everyone did. Pulling a small controller from his pocket he aimed it towards the wall and watched Artemis' surprise as they came to life and seemingly hovered in mid-air. The machines flew around Warren as Artemis stared in awe.

"This <img src=http://fan.starwars.com/JediGirlsOfCoruscant/files/remotegif.gif> is a Remote. It is used by most to train they're reaction times and abilities but for us Jedi it serves a deeper purpose. This shall be how you learn to use not only the Force but your skills for battle. Now in the beginning your training might look something like this...."

Activating one of the remotes for attack Warren smiled as it shot off as blaster bolt at him only to have it be deflected by a pulsing blue lightsaber that seemingly appeared out of nowhere. Not even Artemis had seen Warren move as the lightsaber just appeared in his hand.

"Once you improve though these remotes shall become but a simple task. Let me show you what I mean."

Pressing a few buttons on his controls he watched as the other 5 droids went into attack mode.

"This outta be fun...."

Warren was not able to finish as the first bolt headed straight for his face, followed by a few others. Quickly he brought up a Force Field as he reached out with the force and tossed one of the remotes into one of the others causing both to crash together and fall to the floor. Soon enough the other 4 began to circle around him as they each took aim. Without any notice Artemis felt a gust of wind surround him as he watched Warren still standing there like he had moments before, except for some reason he was smiling now. Suddenly all four remotes fell outta the sky and crashed to the floor themselves. Artemis stood their trying to figure out what had happened, after all it seemed like the Jedi had not even moved much less attacked, but how?

"....Force Speed, gotta love it. Don't worry you'll learn it later. For now I want you to try your hand at one of these guys."

Pressing yet another button a small receptacle droid came in and sweeped the six now useless remotes our of the room.

"I lose a lot of remotes like that, strange huh. Oh well, time for lesson. I think I'll start you on one and see how you go from there ok."

Coming from the wall another remote was activated as it began to circle around Artemis, slowly taking aim.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Do you need a Lightsaber or are you prepared enough?"

Artemis Ventrai
Sep 20th, 2001, 12:29:28 AM
Following his Master, Artemis is getting more and more confused as he goes. However, by the time he reaches the new training room, he understands what is going on. He watches Warren in awe as he deftly destroys the droids. Artemis is reminded yet again that though he has begun his journey in earnest now, he has miles yet to travel.

Artemis replies to his queries about needing a saber.

I will not need a lightsaber. This will be all I need.

He indicates the staff in his left hand, raising it slightly.

This cane was a gift from my father. I have owned it since I was a child. I exhibited some Force abilities early on with this staff, but I only seem to be able to do this with it...

Artemis concentrates, using the one Force technique he is all too familiar with. He raises the staff like a sword in front of him, calling on the Force. The weapon begins to glow, covered in an aura of Force power.

I hope this will suffice. I am ready to train.

As the droid is clicked on, Artemis drops into a defensive stance. He moves around the droid, trying to anticipate its movements. He fails in his first few tries, getting stung with the energy darts as his blocks fall short. With encouragement from Warren, though, he is able to open himself to the Force more fully and block the darts. Unfortunately, the droid is too fast for him to effectively counter attack.

A smirk touches his lips as an idea is formed in his mind. He brings his staff up in front of him and closes his eyes. If the fire in the barn was a power source, and if Warren's fireball was a power source, perhaps an energy bolt would be as well. He waits on the attack, allowing the Force to flow through him freely. One dart, then another, then another sting into him. Instead of harming him, though, they are absorbed into his being, filling him with power. Once he has absorbed enough, he reaches out, taking hold of the droid. It is locked fast in his Force embrace. While it is stationary, he swings down quickly with his staff, shattering the droid to dust.

I am sorry for destroying your equipment, but since you did as well, I thought I should try to emulate you. Did I pass?

Warren Azalin
Sep 20th, 2001, 04:30:40 AM
"There is not pass or fail in the Force Artemis, only knowledge. The true answer here is did you learn anything? If the answer is yes then you passed because you learned something new, and with that comes more knowledge and control over the Force. As for the Remote forget about it, I've broken so many the man who sells them to me at wholesale now..."

Warren let out a slight chuckle as he pictured himself having to go back and get more remotes this soon. It seemed like only yesterday that he had gone through over a dozen, at this rate he would need to take on a secondary job to pay for his training. He doubted that but even the mere thought of it brought a smile to his face.

"Anyway, I believe you should continue testing yourself. Try a few more of the remotes by yourself, get a feel for them and how to use your body in real combat. After you are done here we shall continue on to the next lesson."

Artemis Ventrai
Sep 22nd, 2001, 03:35:34 PM
Nodding, Artemis calmly picks out several of the droids and switches them on. He begins parrying the blows with his staff, learning to rely on the Force. Though he is not very effective at the beginning, he slowly gets better, blocking most of the shots.

He then moves to a different tactic. As each remote fires, he absorbs the shot, then directs the energy in the form of a Force Push at the remote opposite him. The tactic is quite effective, but the remotes begin to learn and adapt. They concentrate their efforts, firing all at once... to no avail. Artemis absorbs all the shots, stretching his powers to their limit. Once he absorbs all the energy he can hold, he releases it out on the drones in a crushing fist of Force manipulation. Each droid seems to implode simultaneously, crashing unceremoniously in small piles of transistors and plastic. He had wanted to merely hold the droids, but he simply could not control the power.

Once he is done, he discharges his staff and bows to his Master, awaiting the next test.

Warren Azalin
Sep 25th, 2001, 04:05:41 AM
Remote after remote Artemis fought on, he was beginning to learn how to use his innate abilities as well of the Force, and that's what Warren had hoped for. Watching in silence the Jedi Knight smiled as the last remote came crashing to the floor with a dull thud. It seems Artemis had learned the basics of fighting but he would need to learn more. The padawan was skilled but relied on what he saw more then what he felt, and this was what Warren hoped to fix in his next lesson.

"Very well Artemis, now please come here."

The Padawan walked over to Warren and bowed again as what he saw as a sign of respect, Warren could only laugh since no one actually ever bowed to each other anymore. Artemis was a different type of padawan, that was certain.

"Artemis you can feel the Force all around you right? Well I want you to try something now, I want you to try and combine what I have shown you thus far for your next lesson."

Reaching into his robes, Warren pulled out a long black piece of cloth that resembled a blindfold. Reaching his hand out he handed the cloth to Artemis as he spoke again.

"One can always fight what they see, and one can always sense what they cannot see. It is the combination of these two that you must now learn Artemis. You must open yourself to the Force and use the Mind's Eye to see what you cannot see. This usually is not an easy task, but then again I am not an easy Master so for you it shall be even harder."

Using his remote control again, Warren aimed it towards the back wall as two sections pulled back into each other revealing hidden chambers inside an already secret training room. By now Artemis had begun to wonder just how much Warren had in stall for him, but somehow he did not mind. As Master and student looked on at the new doors a pair of IG series droids came out and stood there looking only at Warren. By this time Warren could see the look of confusion on Artemis' face, after all who kept IG droids in their room.

"I know what your thinking. Your wondering what their for huh? Well you see awhile back I made an enemy out of one Trace Sha, and Trace almost never travels alone. I have heard and seen him walking with IG droids before and came to think what if he tried to use them against me. So after a little talking with a few friends on Talus I was able to get them shipped to me. Wasn't easy seeing as my old home seems to have become a No-Jedi zone. That's all in the past though, now I use these two to perfect my skills, and soon these shall help you perfect your skills and control. Now listen closely Artemis, these two are not as easy as those remotes where. My droids will not use simple blaster fire like those did, no, these shall use special training sabers I had attached to them. You shall fight them one by one and then both at the same time. Do you understand? The trick is though, you must be blindfolded. You must not be able to see what is coming next, that's where the Force comes in. Like I said before the Mind's Eye can help you see what one cannot see. Using that you shall try to "see" where the attacks are coming from and counter them. I use the term see loosely of course........

Oh and Artemis, can you try not to break these. You know a Jedi only gets so much, and I rather not go through a few months work to rebuild my training station. Thanks."

Artemis Ventrai
Sep 30th, 2001, 06:31:27 PM
With great apprehension and trepidation, Artemis calms himself and prepares for the battle ahead. The droid comes to life and attacks far sooner than expected. He tries his hardest, relying on his normal senses, but is unable to truly anticipate the droids. He gets several twinges of pain from the failed blocks, being unable to get his staff in position in time.

He steps back and calms himself, reaching through the Force to a new form of sight. He cannot truly "see" the saber-wielding droid, but he can sense its presence equally well. He begins moving in time with the droid, parrying its strikes, even delivering a few of his own. He drops his Force charge on the staff just before each hit, so as not to damage the expensive piece of equipment. After several minutes of successful sparring, he calls to his Master.

I believe I am ready for the second droid...

Warren Azalin
Oct 15th, 2001, 04:10:35 PM
"Very well then."

Warren watched as the droids became active yet again. Soon Artemis would reach a new level in his combat, or at least that's what Warren had hoped for. If not he would be beaten senseless by a group of IG droids... Well that was a little to much, of course Warren would deactivate them before any serious danger came to his Padawans. But the fact still remained that Artemis would have to use the Force and his training if he was to pass this test...

Artemis Ventrai
Oct 18th, 2001, 08:34:24 PM
The droids spring once more to life and begin hovering toward Artemis. He takes his stance between them, preparing for their attack. The coordinate their attacks, coming from different sides at once. He parries them in turn, striking at the blades instead of simply parrying them. The force from the attack moves the droids back with each shot, giving him the time to deal with each droid. As he fights, he calms, moving more and more surely. He allows the Force to flow through him, guiding his movements, until he is fighting by instinct and feeling. The Force moves through him, strengthening him, guiding him, and empowering him.

However, he is making little headway with the droids. Even with the Force, he will eventually tire. He begins working his way toward one of the droids to get them together in one line. He strikes the bot's saber very strongly, causing it to list to one side. As it stabilizes, he slips behind it, grabbing the arm just below the blade. He quickly begins absorbing power from the saber, pulling in power as quickly as he can. He shunts some of the power to a Force hold, locking the other droid still. Once he consumes all the power in the first droid, it drops to the ground. He then releases the full blast of energy on the second droid, charging the bot instead of draining it. The overload blows the surge capacitor on the remaining droid, disabling it as well. He lets out a long breath, recovering from the strenuous fight.

I hope the droids are ok... I did my best not to damage them. But I certainly hope there are no more suprises. I'm not sure if I could handle another fight today.

Warren Azalin
Dec 2nd, 2001, 04:18:43 AM
Warren let out a small chuckle as the last of the droids was dispatched. Artemis seemed worried about damaging the droids, about costing Warren money. Warren didn't care so much about the Droids as he cared about his Padawans safely, Warren knew that given the choice he would have destroyed his own droids if it looked like Artemis could not handle them, thankfully that had not been needed and he was able to keep his money... for now.

"Well done Artemis, but is that really the full extent of your power? I have a feeling you could be more, but something is stopping you? What is it?"

Warren knew exactly what it was, and it had to deal with Artemis' absorption, or for lack of a better word his inability to produce energy himself. Warren would try a Meditative Trance with him if he only had the energy to do it... but then again Warren had ways of giving Artemis energy...

The Padawan was in the middle of bowing as a fireball twice the size of his own head came hurtling towards him. Warren meant the Padawan no harm but knew this would be enough to make him be able to go into a Trance...

Artemis Ventrai
Dec 2nd, 2001, 04:28:48 AM
As the fireball comes streaking toward his head, Artemis' eyes widen in suprise. With nowhere to run, he simply opens his arms. The more of his body the fireball strikes, the more places he'll be able to draw in energy. He drops his stance, bracing himself for the impact. As the fireball strikes, Artemis is engulfed in warmth and pressure. He draws the flames in, but it is much more difficult than the last fireball. This one is more energy, coming faster than before. Once the fireball is totally absorbed, he stands still, breathing heavily. His cloak is a little singed, and he is weakened from the exertion. He speaks to his Master.

Master Azalin, I have absorbed the fireball. What do I do with the energy now?