View Full Version : Gube!
Katarina Kariena
Oct 4th, 2001, 10:31:26 PM
Kat paced the shadows in the back of the room waiting for Gube to enter. Her black attire hid her well in the shadows so she wasn't easily noticed in the room.
Oct 5th, 2001, 01:47:53 PM
(OOC: do i have the saber?)
Gube entered in simple white clothing and put his robe to the side. He stretched for a moment then sat cross-legged on the ground, his eyes opened a few moments later and he turned to Kat hiding herself in the shadows. "I am ready."
Katarina Kariena
Oct 6th, 2001, 01:09:12 AM
Kat smiled, "Glad to hear it. Tell me, Do you have any past fighting experence?"
OOC: That's up to you. If you don't I have one I can provide.
Oct 6th, 2001, 02:25:09 AM
"Nothing more then self defense and a few fencing lessons my father taught me."
(OOC: Ok, uh, my father gave me one, green.)
Katarina Kariena
Oct 6th, 2001, 10:18:45 PM
"Alright, show me what you can do in hand to hand combat. The rules of this spar are simple. No weapons and no use of the force," Kat replied simply.
OOC: okies!! ^_^ We can work with that!! ^-^
Oct 7th, 2001, 09:17:49 PM
Gube rose slowly and fluintly his mood had change, his right hand in front of him his left coming up before it and his body braced for an lesson. "Ready."
(Tell you right now, my spelling sucks)
Katarina Kariena
Oct 7th, 2001, 11:08:40 PM
Kat nodded and stood there for a momment still before she quickly swept down to unbalance Gube.
Oct 8th, 2001, 11:56:57 AM
Gube jumped up alittle from the ground and brought down his foot towards her face. He landed and resumed his stance.
(either way it would not have hit you, if you blocked it k. And if you were unprepared for it, he would have stoped.)
Katarina Kariena
Oct 8th, 2001, 02:54:24 PM
Kat steped back, "Very good. Either you aren't as bad as you say or you're your own worst cridic(sp)."
OOC: Don't worry about it.
Oct 8th, 2001, 09:47:02 PM
"I have never really be given a reason to test them. Only one was my father, and he could stop me to the day he died."
Katarina Kariena
Oct 9th, 2001, 04:18:43 PM
"Hmmm... interesting," Kat replied as she jumped foreward and jabed at Gube...
Oct 10th, 2001, 07:40:00 AM
Gube stepped forward and to the left pushing her hand to the side and extending his leg to trip her.
Katarina Kariena
Oct 12th, 2001, 12:46:00 AM
Kat steped back pulling Gube with her and spun out of his grip.
Oct 12th, 2001, 09:56:11 PM
Gube took the hand she was pulling him with, and pushed, while doing so he twisted and continued to push. This cause her hand to slip around to her back pinning her.
He stepped back and resumed his stance, "Are you conviced ma'am?"
(I dont usually control any one's char like that, but it was unavoidable what i did, unless you used the force.)
Katarina Kariena
Oct 13th, 2001, 01:54:18 AM
Kat shook her head and stood up, "Just call me Kat. That was interesting what you did there... remind me to ask you to teach me that sometime."
OOC: It's ok, don't worry about it. Trust me I'm used to far worse.
Oct 13th, 2001, 06:01:49 PM
Gube nodded, "I hear to become a jedi takes a long time."
Katarina Kariena
Oct 14th, 2001, 03:56:48 PM
"That all depends on how hard you work at it. The harder you work the quicker you reach the rank of Knight," Kat replied. "Tell me, how do you feel right now?"
Oct 14th, 2001, 04:29:40 PM
"I feel calm." Gube said, looking a bit confused by her question.
Katarina Kariena
Oct 15th, 2001, 09:20:24 PM
"Hmmmmm," Kat replied. "What do you believe the force is?"
Oct 15th, 2001, 10:57:52 PM
"What I was told it was or what I believe." Gube asked obviously having some mixed emotions.
Katarina Kariena
Oct 17th, 2001, 06:41:34 PM
"So, what do you believe the force is?" Kat asked, senceing his mixed emotions.
Oct 18th, 2001, 05:16:54 PM
"I believe the force is the energy of everything around us." Gube said, he knew it was a little different then what she was probaly looking for.
Katarina Kariena
Oct 19th, 2001, 01:19:52 AM
"Good," Kat replied. "You've already shown me your skills in hand to hand, what about with a saber?"
Oct 19th, 2001, 06:13:30 PM
"Sadly that is one of the places i find my self a bit lacking." Gube said looking over a Kat.
Katarina Kariena
Oct 20th, 2001, 11:46:16 PM
"Let's see," Kat replied. "Do you have a lightsaber?"
Oct 21st, 2001, 02:00:22 AM
Gube walked to his things and picked up the saber, "This was my fathers."
Katarina Kariena
Oct 22nd, 2001, 04:01:48 PM
Kat looked at it a momment, "It's beautiful. How well do you know how to use it?"
Oct 23rd, 2001, 05:29:14 AM
"I am ok, but like i said before, I find myself lacking a bit here." He watched Kat as he said it.
Katarina Kariena
Oct 24th, 2001, 09:22:25 PM
"Let's see what you can do then," Kat said igniteing her lightsaber, "After we can work on what you can't do."
Oct 26th, 2001, 05:48:24 PM
Gube nodded and igniteing his own lightsaber, he brought it infront of him and waited, "ready."
Katarina Kariena
Oct 28th, 2001, 01:20:17 AM
Kat brought her saber foreward slowly in a small arc aimed for Gube's shoulder.
Oct 29th, 2001, 01:43:18 PM
Gube brough his saber up diagonally and moved forward to knock her down off guard......
Katarina Kariena
Oct 30th, 2001, 10:40:59 PM
"Very good," Kat complimented. "I'm going to attack again, faster this time."
Moving faster she cut at his other shoulder, keeping her saber under control the whole time so she wouldn't harm him.
Oct 31st, 2001, 08:52:15 PM
Gube moved to the side and kept the saber up. He moved it up along the other saber, sending flashes from the contact. It stoped shot of the base. His right hand being free to attack, instead he held the saber up and against hers.
He keep the pressure on not knowing what she was going to do.
Katarina Kariena
Nov 2nd, 2001, 01:07:45 AM
Kat stepped back.
"You're doing really well," she complimented as she steped foreward again with another cut to his shoulder. Her speed wasn't fast, but it wasn't slow either.
Nov 2nd, 2001, 03:32:05 PM
Gube did near the same move only enhanced futher, quicker. This time the hilt (i dont know what you call butt of the saber, i'll call it hilt.) of the saber came for he face and stoped, the flashes jumping off their touching sabers.
Katarina Kariena
Nov 4th, 2001, 03:50:34 AM
Kat cut at Gube again and again increasing in speed slowly.
Nov 5th, 2001, 02:27:43 AM
Gube brought his saber around a distant look in his eye's, he snaped out of it and Kat's saber had the opening to hit him.
Katarina Kariena
Nov 5th, 2001, 09:40:29 PM
Kat brought her saber close to Gube, but kept it under tight control and didn't touch him, "You did well. Was this your first time with a saber?"
Nov 6th, 2001, 01:56:35 PM
"Yes, Father only used sticks when fencing with me." Gube said wondering why he lost concentration.
Katarina Kariena
Nov 7th, 2001, 02:18:27 AM
"It shows," Kat muttered half to herself. "You're free to go for now, come back tomarrow and we'll start again."
OOC: Just post here again saying to left and came back the next day or something.
Nov 7th, 2001, 01:53:19 PM
Gube nodded and gathered his things, he went to his room and meditated for the longest time then went to sleep. The next morning he came into the room early to practice a little before Kat arrived.
He moved through his own drills smoothy and hoped that Kat would make more so that he would push his limit. He sat down on the ground and concentrated while waiting for her.
Katarina Kariena
Nov 8th, 2001, 12:35:56 AM
Kat walked into the room quietly and just watched Gube, trying to judge where he was. Quietly she stood there waiting and watching untill Gube would notice her. Then she would start.
Nov 8th, 2001, 01:26:28 AM
Gube pushed out with his mind trusting him self to something more, something that his father had seen. His father so impressed with his son's ablity with it that he sent him to this academy.
Gube was using the force to map the room, a smirk on his face when he felt her enter. He himself did not seem to know it was the force. He mearly used it his potential unknown.
He stood his eyes closed, "What's today's lesson?" He asked turning to her and opening his eyes.
Katarina Kariena
Nov 14th, 2001, 11:07:26 PM
"I thought we could see how high you can jump," Kat replied with a slight smile on her face.
Nov 15th, 2001, 07:10:42 PM
"How high i can jump?" Gube asked surprised.
Katarina Kariena
Nov 18th, 2001, 01:13:25 AM
Kat laughed slightly, "Like this!"
She jumped gracefully up into the air, useing the force to power her jump she grabbed the railing bar of the catwalk and pulled herself up. "You try.... just don't hit your head..."
Nov 18th, 2001, 03:34:43 PM
Gube frowned, he leapt up and went a total of six inches. He tryed again this time doubling his jump. "One more time."
He let his mind flow out around him and leapt up, he could feel the air around him gather and push hime more, he opened his eyes and found himself on the other side of the catwalk, about to fly back down.
His eye's went wide and he scrambled for the side. It being just out of his reach.
Katarina Kariena
Nov 21st, 2001, 12:11:29 AM
Kat reached down quickly and cought Gube's hand pulling him up, "Very good. You'll get it eventualy."
Nov 21st, 2001, 12:19:32 AM
Gube turned red, "Thank you, Kat." He let out a breath of relief.
Katarina Kariena
Nov 24th, 2001, 01:10:20 AM
Kat smiled slightly, "You're welcome. Do you wish to continue you or will that be enough for today?"
Nov 25th, 2001, 04:10:40 PM
"Please let us continue." Gube said looking over from the catwalk.
Katarina Kariena
Nov 25th, 2001, 10:02:56 PM
Kat nodded, "Alright."
She looked at him a momment, "Are you afraid of heights?"
Nov 29th, 2001, 08:41:02 PM
Gube looked over to her, "Not really, why do you ask Kat?"
Katarina Kariena
Dec 5th, 2001, 01:20:30 AM
"No particular reason," Kat replied as she summersaulted over him. "Would you like to try landing?"
Dec 6th, 2001, 08:21:07 PM
"Sure, but it hurts." Gube jumped over the rail and started to plumet. He closed his eye's and tried to use the force, he tried to slow his fall but he was going to fast and not enough use of the force. He would break a leg or if something did not happen soon.
(hehe, training is hard huh? I mean, if Gube knew every thing, there would not be a reason to train him.)
Katarina Kariena
Dec 7th, 2001, 05:34:23 PM
Kat used the force quickly to guide him down. "I think we're going to work on something else for a bit," she muttered to herself and jumped down.
OOC: *lol* tis ok, makes it a challenge for me too!
Dec 8th, 2001, 08:54:46 PM
Gube did not like her tone, and hated himself for letting her down.
"Ok Kat, and i'm sorry i'm not to good with this force thing." He said, looking down.
(yes the wonder student has a weakness after all.)
Katarina Kariena
Dec 11th, 2001, 01:51:50 AM
"It's alright, it's not easy to grasp or understand at first. Everyone has their challenges learning. That's why someone teaches you how to use your tallents and then you go from there," Kat replied in a soothing voice. "I apologize(sp) if I made you feel like you're doing something wrong. I know it's not as easy as it looks at first, but you will get it eventualy."
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