View Full Version : A spar? (Open to anyone who wants a good spar)

Satine Capashen
Dec 18th, 2001, 10:58:47 PM
Satine stands in the middle of his courtyard, his quarter staff held at a ready position, while his sabre was hooked to his belt, and a sword on his back.

Around the courtyard was rocks of all sizes, including a large boulder--normally Alpha's sitting place--and weapons on the walls. Mist hung around the JEdi Knight's ankles, mist that never seems to leave, no matter how much the sun shines. ALpha watches it swirl around at his ankles while waiting for his opponent to show.

He had sent a message openly on the JEdi's comm system, asking for a spar, and he had gotten a reply, telling him to meet him here. Just then, Satine hears footsteps--obviously trying to be stealthy, but not enough for Satine not to hear it--and says, "You're late. Ready to get started?"

He looks up, into the face of...

Sage Hazzard
Dec 19th, 2001, 12:50:09 AM
... What he thinks to be Sage Hazzard. As the Knight opens his mouth to speak a tap on the shoulder causes him to turn to the tapper. A fist meets him, causing him to tumble to the ground. Alter Mind was a favorite for Jedi Master Sage Hazzard.

Sage laughed as Satine looked up from the ground.

"I see you still carry an abundance of weapontry." The unarmed Jedi said with a chuckle. "The dependancy on objects could prove to be your downfall."

OOC - I'm not doing any fighting till after "Shelter from the Storm". Figured I'd spar.

Satine Capashen
Dec 19th, 2001, 10:23:21 AM
Alpha smiles, and says, "I can take you on even with none of my toys."

With that, he takes his weapons, and hangs them on the wall, then gets into a proper fighting stance.

"Shall you go first, or shall I?"

{OOC: Ok, kewl.}

Sage Hazzard
Dec 19th, 2001, 02:13:44 PM
Sage motions for Satine to come with his hand.

"Show me what you got."

Satine Capashen
Dec 19th, 2001, 09:20:00 PM
Satine smirks, and jumps towards Sage, a predictable move. Sage blocks the first kick coming, but Satine quickly snaps out with a fist, hitting the Jedi Mastre in the chest, and sliding him backwards a bit.

Sage comes back with two kicks, one which hits Satine in the leg, the other knocking him backwards. Satine quickly gets back to a fighting stance, and blocks the next two attacks coming his way, the Jedi Knight standing his ground admirably.

Sage Hazzard
Dec 20th, 2001, 01:45:53 AM
Sage swung a deliberately slow left cross. Satine sticked his right forearm up, blocking the clumsy attack. As this was planned Sage grabs Satine's left wrist.

He slides his left hand up to Satine's neck while at the same time grabbing Satine's right wrist with his right hand. He pushed forwardon the neck and pulled towards him on the arm, twisting his own body left as he did so. Momentum and science took over. Satine was effectly swung, back first, onto the ground.

Sage still held Satine's arm. He twisted it. making Satine grimace as his arm socket was becoming dislocated from his shoulder.

All this happens at lighting speed.

"Judo, my friend. Using one's weight against them. It always works." Sage smiled proudly.

OOC - How long have you been RPing man? Isn't it longer than me? I was wondering why it seems you've never raised above Knight? You seem just as good as me at RPing and writing.

Satine Capashen
Dec 20th, 2001, 08:23:20 PM
{OOC:I've been in a few different groups, most recently the short lived Jew Jedi Council, and I had to start back at Padawan level a few times. Mastre doesn't really appeal to me, and I probably won't get it, as I now have to train a Padawan successfully to Knight level. And my Padawans have an odd habit of disappearing. My last one retired.}

Satien grits his teeth, and ignores the pain, tapping into the Force, and using it to loosen Sage's grip. The surprised expression on the Mastre's face would've been humorous (sp?) had this not been a spar. Slipping out of his grip in a way only a kid can do, Satine rolls backwards, getting to his feet and putting his shoulder back into place, Satine jumps at Sage. He quickly blocks the first couple of Satine's attacks, but is knocked backwards by a heavy jump kick, the Jedi Mastre hitting the wall.

Sage Hazzard
Dec 21st, 2001, 04:20:33 AM
Sage recovered quickly, as only a Master can.

He charges forward. When he gets to the waiting Satine he thrusts his arms out at full force. His hands are close together, open palmed. Satine tries to block the blow and does so successfully, but the attack was meant to knock Satine back. It does so. The Knight stammers back, off balance.

OOC - Ah. You do mean New Jedi Council?

Satine Capashen
Dec 21st, 2001, 07:40:13 PM
Satine tries to regain his balance, but is knocked backwards by an uppercut. Flying backwards, the Jedi Knight uses his great agility, and lands on his feet, immediately jumping towards
Sage. He lands just short, Sage thinking it a mistake. But Satine doesn't make mistakes like that, and rolls inbetween Sage's legs, a Force bubble erected around himself, and knocking Sage to the ground with one foot to the back of the Mastre's knee.

{OOC:Yup, that's the one.}

Sage Hazzard
Dec 22nd, 2001, 02:33:54 AM
Sage goes down, his knees slamming into the ground. His hands are immediantly in place to push himself up. He turns as he does so.

Now facing Satine, Sage addresses him.

"You've gotten better." He says while wiping dirt off the corner of his mouth.

He quickly charges at Satine and launches loads of punches at him. The Knight skillfully blocks them all.

The Jedi Master's brain tingles with thought. He sidesteps to the right and throws an extremely wild left punch. It's blocked partially, but the punch never even gets close enough to be blocked effectively. The punch causes Sage to spin right slightly. He uses his new postition to slam the back of his right elbow into Satine's stomach. As the Knight bends over slightly, the air escaping from his lungs, Sage straightens his forearm to point skyward. Instead of punching with the back of his hand, the obvious attack, he twists his wrist and grabs the back of Satine's neck. He pushes the other's head into his raising knee. When he releases the Jedi Knight falls to the floor on his back from the blow.

OOC - Well, I hope you make Master one day. Even if it isn't your cup of tea. <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

Satine Capashen
Dec 22nd, 2001, 09:10:26 PM
Satine growls and shakes his head to clear it, getting to his feet slowly.

"As have you..."

Going back into fighting style, Satine quickly steps in, delivering a quick one-two succession, which is blocked. He follows up with a left feint, and then side kicking Sage in the throat--forceful enough to stun, but not enough to injure seriously--as the Jedi Mastre tried to block the feint.

{OOC:Thanx. <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)"> }

Sage Hazzard
Dec 23rd, 2001, 11:05:30 AM
Sage cringed. However, he put the pain on the back burner as he noticed Satine's foot was just now returning.

Sage raised his left leg and delivered a mighty blow to the inside of Satine's exposed right thigh. When Satine feels the attack his leg has returned. His body shifts to compensate for the wound, and the pain.

Sage wastes no time as he brings his left leg around, in a round house kick. The heel strikes on Satine's neck, on the left side. Unfortunatly, the Jedi Padawan's left side was extremely unprotected due to his left leg and following compensation.

The Jedi Master hopped back a bit. Now he noticed the pain in his neck. He grabbed the spot of contact and rubbed slowly.

Satine Capashen
Dec 23rd, 2001, 07:42:38 PM
{OOC: Padawan? You got my rank mixed up. I'm hurt...Lol, j/k}

Satine hits the ground, and rolls, ignoring the pain, and coming up on his feet.

"Impressive. Try to keep up with this though!"

Satine speeds at Sage, using the Force to enhance his muscles and speed, appearing a blur to the untrained eye. He launches punches and kicks extremely fast, Sage barely blocking them. The Jedi Knight manages to land a few punches, the impact diminished from a partial block, but still enough to knock the Mastre back a few inches at a time. Satine half attacks with a left punch, and then quickly reverses, and elbows Sage in the jaw, knocking him backwards.

Sage Hazzard
Dec 24th, 2001, 04:12:21 AM
Sage allows himself to fall to the ground quickly, as he does he turns. He lands in a way that his arms are beneath him. He uncoils them as he turns back around. He throws a kick into Satine. The added momentum of the kick sends Satine stumbling back minorly, allowing Sage to fully get to his feet.

OOC - Sorry. At the time I had just written a post in Zeke Talen's training thread. ::Eats Crow, Has Egg on Face, etc.:: :)

Satine Capashen
Dec 24th, 2001, 02:26:16 PM
{OOC:Quite alright. Sometimes I still think of myself as a Padawan. *shrugs*}

Satine clears his head, and taps into the Force, forming a large Force push, and knocks Sage into a wall, then runs after the Mastre. The Warrior Jedi Knight ducks udner a punch, and uppercuts Sage, knocking his head back, and follows up with a punch to the solar plexus, stunning Sage.

Sage Hazzard
Dec 26th, 2001, 09:33:48 AM
Sage falls into Satine, in between his arms, grabbing him to remain standing after the blow. He recovers slightly in a quick amount of time, enough to attack from the new postition. While leaning against Satine's chest, arms drapped around Satine, Sage tightens his arms. His biceps begin to squeeze on Satine's neck.

As the Jedi Knight attempts to unhook the arms, the grip growns stronger. Knowing that the Knight is sly, and would find a way to release the grip, Sage acts fast.

He falls directly down, pulling his own legs out from under him. This obviously brings Satine down as well. Sage's fall is protected by his backside, but Satine's face is slammed into the floor. This is because right before hitting, Sage let go. He pushed the head down.

The Jedi Master rolls away from Satine and begins recovering to his feet.

Satine Capashen
Dec 27th, 2001, 12:11:25 PM
A growl is heard as Satine pulls himself up to his feet. Just in time to get kicked by Sage. The Warrior Knight falls backwards, and this time, wasting no time, Satine jumps to his feet, coming up in a defensive stance. He immediately picks off two punches and a kick, coming back with a vertical punch, and two side-kicks--one right after another. Sage blocks them all, but just barely. Gathering up his strength, Satine makes a Force jump, propelling himself high into the air, and landing behind Sage. As the Mastre is turning around, Satine double kicks him in the back, knocking him face first into a wall...

Sage Hazzard
Dec 28th, 2001, 10:35:35 AM

Sage turns around slowly. He wipes the excess material from the wall off his face.

The Jedi Master grabs one of the fallen chunks of material and tosses it at Satine. As Satine puts up he hands to block it Sage runs at him. The Jedi Knight is forced between two decisions, to attack Sage or stop the chunk. The Jedi Master slows down the chunk's warpath with the Force, but only slightly, he also speeds himself up. He rolls at Satine's feet. The Jedi Knight jumps. But in his attention to Sage the chunk hits him in the face as he turns back around, Sage speeding up the chunk as he rolled.

Satine Capashen
Dec 29th, 2001, 02:21:39 AM
Satine falls to the ground, slamming his head on the large boulder in the centre of the courtyard.

'Damn..." was the only utterance of the Young Knight, as he gets to his feet, rubbing his head, just in time to dodge a kick. Instead of attacking directly, like his style normally was, Satine circled, picking off attacks--a few slip through, impacting with diminished force. Soon enough, Sage was getting wary of the Knight's actions, and decided to give him something to worry about.

Launching into a series of rapid punches, Sage jumps at Satine, but hits only air. Satine was behind the Mastre, having uased a Force illusion for the last couple of times. He punches twice, in rapid succession, into Sage's back, knocking him to the ground where the Mastre got a face full of dirt.

"You should have noticed that the last few times I only dodged, not defended. That's a way to tell if an illusion is what you're facing or not. Illusions definately don't feel real..." It seemed absurd, this. A Jedi Knioght was giving tips to a Jedi Mastre, but Satine seemed to be enjoying it, smiling a bit...

Sage Hazzard
Dec 30th, 2001, 03:48:16 PM
"Yes, well..." Sage said with a face full of dirt. "You're wrong."

Sage span as he got up. A fist full of dirt was thrown into Satine's face, blinding him momentarly. Sage flipped over the man, now at his back. He used an Alter Mind to make himself seem to still be in front of Satine. The young man could the illusion foggly through his dust laden eyes.

Sage quickly wrapped his left armed around Satine's neck. His right locked the left arm into place by holding it.

"When I was initiated into the Masterhood, I was given a test. It was an illusion. I assure you that everything felt, looked, and seemed as real as you and me. Never trust that your ability's limit, is the other's."

Sage proved his point by attacking from the front. The truth was, the man holding him was the illusion, but the Knight's mind was altered. He believed someone to be holding him, so his body went into place. That's how it works when an illusion touches you. Your brain is tricked and therefor moves into place. It only works if the other's ability is not enough where he can see through the deception and keep his brain in check. It takes a Master's skill.

The Sage infront attacked with an uppercut. Never one to fight an unfare fight, the Sage behind Satine dissipated, leaving only the one in front. With Satine's behind support, he fell to the ground, flat on his back.

Satine Capashen
Dec 30th, 2001, 06:28:35 PM
As Satine fell, he reflected that at least he hadn't gotten uppercutted by Sage. He changed his opinion when Sage kicked him, knocking him into a wall, and leaving a trough of in the dirt.

"I stand corrected on that..." Satine says, uncurling from his position and getting to his feet. "We're evenly matched so far, but let's see how well you do with this!"

With that, Satine jumped at Sage, using the Force to keep him aloft longer. As he does this, he heats up a sphere of air with the Force, and keeps it with him, essentially making a fireball. The Knight throws the ball at Sage, who gets singed in the shoulder, but escaped most of it because of a dodge. As he lands, Satine spin kicks the Mastre, but gets his foot caught. Sage flips him, and Satine spins, diminishing the force of impact. He immediately gets to his feet, uppercutting Sage, who goes backwards.

Following up, Satine slams Sage with an axe kick, and then a side kick, keeping his foot stationary for a second, and then putting it back, getting into a fighting stance. He also readies another fireball, and prepares to let it fly...