View Full Version : Way of the Jedi (Force Class)

Warren Azalin
Dec 19th, 2001, 02:44:58 AM
The noon sun was just rising towards the sky as a figure in black stepped out into the new light. Raising his hand slowly to his forehead he blocked out what little light he could from all this sun, and on top of that all this heat. Then again he didn't expect to be cool outside when he wore what seemed to be Dark Black robes. To him it was the clothes of his choosing, to others it was the clothes of a Jedi Master, but no matter what was said it still made him fell hot.

"I gotta see about some lighter clothes next time...

He smiled for a moment as the thought passed his mind and a smile came across his face. It seemed a new day had started much to late for him and he was to be late for his "Force Class". After all, last thing he wanted to do was make those Padawans wait longer then they already had. Without further wait he began to make his way towards the Academy, greeting those along the way. He made his comments quick as he made his way towards the Academy in little time...

It was still dark inside as the Jedi entered the Academy. For some reason or another it seemed someone had forgot to turn on the lights in this place.... he would have to fix that though. After a short rummage through the darkness he found the switch and flipped it on. Finding the new light agreeable he stepped forward and produced a large DataPad from his robes. Placing it down on a small desk towards the door he walked back and leaned up against the wall, resting only for a moment. He hoped the Padawans would be here soon and he hoped they would at least sign in when they entered, after all that's what the DataPad was for. With all the work on his end done he let out the message through the Force, the message most of them had been waiting to hear...

"All Padawans without Masters report to the Academy on the double. Class is now in session...."

Falcon Gyndar
Dec 19th, 2001, 05:27:08 PM
Falcon walks in, being his usual relaxed and fairly wise self. He is wearing Jedi style robes, but in different shades of natural green. He appears beside Warren.

"Afternoon, Warren. Class is beginning, hmm? May I observe? It will help my instructional technique. Oh, It was my birthday on the 16th. I am now 29."

He stops a moment.

"How are you today?"

Dec 19th, 2001, 09:53:58 PM
Earlier that day as Xazor was meditating in her room, she felt something stir within the force. Suddenly she
was somehow aware of the fact that her force training class started today. She hurried up and left to get to the Jedi Academy in time. She arrived at the building and walked through the door to a large dimly lit room. She was wearing robes resembling those of a Jedi, but they were a dark shade of blue. Seeing Master Azalin, she approached him and the man that was standing next to him. She spoke not verbally but in her mind to him and said:

Greetings Master Azalin......I take it that this is the day and place I shall start my force training class, is it not? I suppose that I should sign in...

She said as she lifted the magnetic writing utensil and enscribed her name on the electronic key pad. After doing so, she gracefully and respectfully bowed and concluded:

I am looking forward to all of the wonderful things that I shall be learning.........I shall be a strong student. Thank you sir.....

She turned and left their presence to find a seat on the floor in the middle of the Academy.

DMourning Orb
Dec 20th, 2001, 03:56:44 AM
D'Mourning Orb enters the Jedi Academy building, weary of his surroundings. As he passes through the doorway his eyes find Xazor, sitting on the floor. Beautiful girl, he thought to himself. He would talk to her, but the handicap that plagued his larynx hampered any such aspirations.

D'Mourning Orb's vision shifts to Warren Azalin. He does not
recognize the man but determines from Warren's demeanor and posture that he is the man in charge. D'Mourning Orb notices a data padd next to him. He uses a method of non-verble communication by shifting his eyes from Master Azalin to the electronic pad. The gesture is a substitue for the spoken words of: is this where we sign in? Warren nods in response. D'Mourning picks up the pen and writes his name underneath Xazor's. He returns the pen and makes his way past Master Azalin, uneasiness in every step he takes.

D'Mourning approaches Xazor and smiles as he takes a seat next to her. Discomfort is extremely apparent in his facial
expression. He waits, silently.

Jedi Padawan Kin Windu
Dec 20th, 2001, 02:22:20 PM
Kin was sleeping on his bed, when he heard a voice calling to him inside his mind, he knew that the classes where starting. He arose quickly and put on his robe as he sprinted to the hall to search and find that voice, then he arrived at a room with students, each sitting and listening to the Master known as Azalin was teaching the young Jedi's Kin quietly bowed at Azalin and the other students with respect and sat down.


Dec 20th, 2001, 10:52:13 PM
Xazor looked up and saw a boy sit down next to her. She smiled brightly at him. She studied him for a moment and recognized him from the Recruitment Center. She spoke through the force to him:

Hello! My name is Xazor......I take it that you are D'Mourning?

She smiled at him again.

Jedi Padawan Kin Windu
Dec 20th, 2001, 11:22:32 PM
Kin only stares at the floor, waiting for Azalin's lessons of the Force, he sat quietly and thought to himself, about the new Jedi's and dreaming of becoming a Master. Kin then thought about his teacher, about who will it be, and will he live up to the time a Master teaches a student, he felt afraid of not becoming a Jedi Master, but he calmed himself, knowing if he tries hard enough, the reward will come.


DMourning Orb
Dec 22nd, 2001, 03:42:38 AM
D'Mourning Orb was touched by Xazor's cogeniality. He smiled
at her, losing himself in her eyes for several seconds. Then, he offered her his hand, to shake.

D'Mourning thought to himself: if she spoke to me in.. my mind, then she must know that I am deaf. But I can't relate back to her that way. I have no telepathic ability at all.

The last thing he wanted to do, was hurt her feelings by not responding to her. D'Mourning felt that he had to let her know, he was unable to communicate with others verbally. D'Mourning decided to cup his hand over his mouth, and then his ears, as if to say, "I am mute and deaf." He felt very uneasy doing it. It embarrassed him in a way.

Jedi Padawan Kin Windu
Dec 22nd, 2001, 03:27:42 PM
Kin watched the Jedi Padawan move his hand over his mouth and ears, and was confused with what he was trying to say. Kin then tried to find a translation himself, " I like juice, but I can't hear juice? " Kin thought to himself.


Dec 22nd, 2001, 05:17:09 PM
Xazor took D'Mourning's hand and shook it. She too was caught up in the warmth of his eyes. She understood that he was deaf and his motions indicated that as well. She could tell that he was nervous and uneasy. She smiled gently at him and said a million words at the same time that even he could understand.

It isn't hard to speak in the mind. All you have to do is think about what you would like to say and then feel the force. You can send messages to others' minds then. I know a little bit of sign language........I wish that we could talk........

She said with a sigh.

DMourning Orb
Dec 23rd, 2001, 04:12:28 AM
She knows a little sign language, D'Mourning thought to himself, I wonder how much?

D'Mourning wished he could speak to her through the force.
But he knew he could not. He wouldn't even know where to start. The definite realization of this notion weighed heavy on his heart. He felt every word she said to him, the essence of which had hallowed his heart. He could not hear, but he had felt the warmth and comfort of her voice in his mind. It was the most beautiful voice he had ever heard, in a manner of speaking. So sweet and sincere, angelic in every sense of the word. He wished he could speak to her. Let her feel his voice in her mind. It was impossible, however, D'Mourning thought. He would have to resort to using sign language.

D'Mourning signed to Xazor: I...

D'Mourning chuckled to himself, because he didn't even know what to say/sign to Xazor. He wanted to tell her that she had the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen. It was the first thing he had noticed about her. But, he decided against it. He was a shy person, not one to make forward remarks to a person whom he had just met. His next instinct was to ask her about herself.

D'Mourning signed slowly: Where are you from?

Simple. To the point. He did not want to sign too fast or so much that she could not understand him. D'Mourning hoped that she could understand what he had signed.

OOC: Kin, LOL, that was funny man.

Dec 23rd, 2001, 01:23:53 PM
Xazor watched him sign: Where are you from?

She smiled at him and signed back: I am from the planet Cysaria. How about you?

She hoped that he would tell her more about himself for he had curiously beautiful eyes that were full of warmth.....he looked like a very interesting person and she wanted to know all she could about him.......

Warren Azalin
Dec 23rd, 2001, 07:59:09 PM
(OOC: I'm waiting one more day to see if any more new Padawans show up. Sorry to those that responded but out of about a dozen Padawans without Masters I wanna be sure most of them attend the class.)

Dec 23rd, 2001, 10:51:59 PM
(OOC: It's ok, Master Azalin, there is only like, three of us, but we are patient for others to arrive. Thank you for the update. )

DMourning Orb
Dec 24th, 2001, 03:03:03 AM
I am from Corusant, D'Mourning signed. Born and raised, actually. I lived there most of my life. I was an only son. I lived with my mother in a nice house. It was short of affluent, but it was amicable to our needs. My father was a pilot for the Rebel Alliance. So, he was not around very much. He..

An awkward pause. D'Mourning had lost himself in the moment. He had forgotten that Xazor did not know sign language very well, and wondered if she was able to follow him up to this moment. He also felt uneasy about what he was about to reveal to her: the fact that his father was dead. He decided to change the subject.

D'Mourning signed: Cysari, I have never actually been there. What is it like?

Estelle Russard
Dec 24th, 2001, 03:43:35 AM
The morning (http://pub56.ezboard.com/fgjofrm3.showMessage?topicID=261.topic) had worn on and Estelle was making her way down the corridor of the Academy. Noting, as she did so, numerous padawans entering one of the many teaching rooms which led off from the gleaming corridor.

Her natural curiosity led her to do the same. As she stepped quietly into the room, she took in at a glance those already there. None were familiar to her.

The Jedi Master startled her. She had not realised he was standing just inside the doorway. He smiled in welcome and held out the datapad. Estelle automatically placed her hand on it and the instrument registered her attendance. She recognised him from the Bar and Grill when she had seen him there a few weeks ago.

"Hello Master Azalin. I am Estelle Russard" she said by way of explanation. She felt nervous and a little unsure if she should be here."I am padawan to Master ReaperFett. Is it alright that I join you here?" She glanced around, hopefully. She desired to learn all she could and find her true purpose in the galaxy.

Dec 24th, 2001, 01:18:21 PM
Xazor carefully watched D'Mourning sign. She knew more sign language than she had led him to believe, for she once had a deaf servant who she became friends with. She took in everything he said and understood it all.

Xazor smiled and signed in reply: Cysaria is a beautiful planet itself....but the people who live there are not so.....Cysaria is the home to many Sith......

She saw the startled expression on his face and withdrew a little bit.

She continued, though: I....I....I never knew my parents for I was raised by the Sith. I was the "Sith daughter" to the Lord of the Siths himself. They tried to push their evil ways on me, and they trained me in the ways of the force. They spoke of their enemy, the Jedi, as force users who turned the concept of the force into something that it was not. They mocked the Jedi's kindness and willingness to helped others. Well, a little into my training, I was sworn allegiance to the Sith Empire...... it was not my will...

She sighed and brought down the left side of her robes a little bit to reveal a tattoo on her upper arm. It was the mark of the Sith Empire.....she saw the look on D'Mourning's face, but decided to continue.

Well, I wanted to learn more about the Jedi, so I found some books and started to read. They sounded so wonderful and peaceful. A life that I desired so much. One day while the Masters were doing a routine room check, they found one of my books. Later that day when I returned, my Sith Father was waiting for me. He threatened to kill me and threw me to my knees. I bowed my head and he raised up his lightsaber and slashed it across my right upper arm. He stormed out with only the words, "You will always be aware of my presence and that of the ones like me"....I never found out why he spared my life....

She could feel tears coming on, but pushed them aside and continued.

After he left, I bandaged my wound and packed a few things and sped out on my Masters X-Wing. I didn't know where I was going, but the Force led me here, and so here I am. I have almost been here for a month, and I love it. I have made a few friends so far, and everyone has made me feel welcome.

She gave a slight smile as she looked into his eyes. She saw a hurt expression on his face and finished:

I am sorry if I have told you to much..........I just wanted you to know......I am not a Sith anymore, and I never was...in my heart anyway.....

She looked down at the floor and fought back tears, but one escaped.

DMourning Orb
Dec 25th, 2001, 03:15:06 AM
Every word Xazor signed tore away at D'Mourning's heart. Every word communicable, that dropped from her finger tips, brought tears to his eyes. It seemed surreal to him. Such painful memories, told through the motion of sign language by
such innocent hands. His heart felt hallow, bottomed out. He felt for her. Even though he had just met her, he could sense what kind of person she was. It was an ability he had had all of his life. It was uncontrollable, but thankfully, his mind had come through for him in this instance.

He began to pick up on her thoughts moments after he sat down next to her. He felt her; felt inside her mind. He could see what kind of person she was. She was beautiful. Everything about her. So pure and innocent. Extraordinary in every sense of the word. Her beautiful mind, her beautiful heart, everything about her overwhelmed him. She was in no way, shape, or form capable of being Sith. He watched her turn away from him; saw a tear trickle down her cheek. He wanted to wipe it away, but he resisted. They had just met. He felt it would be inappropriate.

She had signed: I am sorry if I have told you too much.

You didn't, D'Mourning thought to himself. He already knew what kind of person she was. Nothing she had ever done could be considered wrong in his eyes. She was the purest of pure at heart.

D'Mourning signed to her: I.. you did not tell me too much. What happened in your past is not your fault. You are not that kind of person.

Just then, something happened to D'Mourning which had never happened to him before. He communicated to Xazor telepathically. He was not aware of it. He did not control it. It was an involuntary and unconscious move his mind made.

He signed exactly what he related to her through thought:
Please, do not feel bad.

D'Mourning stopped signing, but continued his thought, relaying to Xazor, unconsciously: you, you never deserve to feel bad.

Dec 25th, 2001, 06:22:07 PM
Xazor was overwhelmed by his kindness and the deep emotion that D'Mourning showed her. She picked up on every emotion, thought, and action that he performed in those few minutes. He touched her heart in a way that no one had ever done before. She was genuinly speechless. Suddenly she was aware of what he was thinking. Did he mean to say that to me, or am I listening to his thoughts...? She asked herself. She could feel the escaped tear trickling down her cheek and brushed it away in hopes that no one else in the room would catch it. She looked back into his eyes and signed the few words that she had at that moment. As she signed them, she also spoke telepathically in his mind:

I...I know that I shouldn't feel badly about my past, but it is something that I have always felt ashamed of....I am not sure why, but I do. Others have told me that it is wrong to feel hurt and things like that...but I can't help it...

She heard him speak in her mind then a second time:

You, you never deserve to feel bad.

These words moved her heart in an unexplainable way. She had no words to sign, speak verbally, or telepathically this time. Only thoughts.......hundreds of thoughts that were all put into one and sent into his mind.

She signed only one small part of what she was feeling at that moment:

You are.........

She stopped for a moment and thought about what she was about to say. She didn't want to shed to much emotion on him at once, after all, they had just met and she wasn't sure if he would understand where she was coming from. Despite her uncertainty, she continued:

You are very special, D'Mourning..........I am a really lucky person to have met you........you are so gentle.....that is something that I have never known in my life.

She sighed as she finished. She hadn't even scratched the surface of what she really wanted to say, but words were not even the right way to express it.......so there came thoughts in the silence of the room. She could tell from his expression that he understood everything she was trying to say. He was so kind...so gentle......he summed up both words exactly to the very core of their meaning. She looked down at the floor for words but there was nothing.......so she stayed silent......she quietly sat there and listened to his beautiful thoughts.

DMourning Orb
Dec 26th, 2001, 02:28:46 AM
He saw her eyes move away from him, towards the floor. He
was deeply touched by her kind words. He still felt her voice in his mind, so beautiful, sentimental, clear in all it's purity. He wished to keep those words, forever, in his mind. At that moment he felt so close to her. In that moment, frozen in time, their minds touched. A deep rooted, unmistakable connection was made between the two.

D'Mourning made a move against his better judgement. He reached out with his left hand and touched her right. He had to. His heart ached, to feel her soft touch. Xazor looked up at him. They stared deeply into each other's eyes. No words were spoken. There didn't have to be.

Dec 26th, 2001, 09:50:35 PM
Xazor's heart skipped a beat as she looked into his gentle eyes. Their minds linked, allowing a deep connection to be made in their hearts. He took her breath away with only the soft and sudden movement of his hand onto hers. No words were spoken.....nothing was thought or exchanged telepathically. Again there was just silence. It was not the type of silence that felt uncomfortable as in awkward situations....no.....this was the type of silence that engulfed ones very soul in warmth. A type of silence that spoke soft words of pure and gentle love. Xazor looked down at her hand in his and smiled. This felt so right. She had never felt this way before and didn't even have correct words to describe this feeling. She suddenly reached her left hand over and took his right so that they were holding both of each others hands. He was so warm and gentle. As she did this, a soft blue glow surrounded them. Xazor held her breath and looked into his eyes. She didn't sign or speak out loud.......she spoke only a few simple words into his mind.

I feel like I could fly.......

She gave a bright smile. She had never felt this close to anyone before..........she had never even felt this way before. And now, all time and space seemed suspended.......all surrounding and revolving around these two hearts.

DMourning Orb
Dec 31st, 2001, 12:03:14 AM
As he held her hands he felt overcome with a variety of emotions. For one, he was happy to have met someone as special as she. Xazor was a unique and beautiful person. He could see that in her heart, feel it in her mind.

I am so lucky to have met, someone like you, he thought to himself.

He did not actually pray at that moment in time. His mind escaped him. He hoped, dreamt of a life in which she was an integral part. He saw a future in which they were together. Two souls who could depend on each other for anything, and looked in each other for everything. For that moment in time he saw the future. It was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

D'Mourning's mind became more powerful than it ever had before. It overwhelmed him. Oxygen rushed his brain.

His hands slipped away from hers. His eyes slowly closed.
Images, thoughts were no longer projected in his mind. He had blacked out, fallen against the floor.

Dec 31st, 2001, 12:58:41 AM
D'Mourning? D'Mourning are you ok?? Help me! Someone help me, he's down!!!!

Xazor's heart was beating faster than ever now. She screamed throughout her mind, heart, and soul. She started to panic but knew that it was not the best thing to do in this situation. She bent over and listened for a heart beat or breathing. There was hardly any signs of life coming from his body. His strong body laid there.......so helpless in appearance. She screamed out again for anyone.

Master Azalin!! Anyone......

She started to cry and her tears fell on his lifeless body. She prayed in her mind that the Force would help her and she called upon it. She collected herself and placed her hands on his chest. She let the Force flow from her fingertips into his soul.

Please.......don't die......

She quietly whispered.

DMourning Orb
Jan 1st, 2002, 02:11:40 AM
D'Mourning was not responding. He could not feel Xazor's hands upon his chest. The force that flowed from her fingertips did not effect his body.

He had blown a fuse. His mind was extremely powerful, but he had neither the experience or knowledge of how to harness his abilities.

What he had just experienced was so powerful, it disconnected him from his concious state. In those fleeting moments before he collapsed he thought he saw his Father.
Whether it was just a memory or an image of an angel waiting to take him away, he did not know.

He was not dead, yet. But, he was close...

Jan 1st, 2002, 04:31:28 PM
Xazor was crying more than ever now. She couldn't lose him.


She whispered into his mind through the Force. Her heart longed to help him so much. Suddenly as she spoke these words in her mind a glowing aura formed around her.

What is going on........?

She thought to herself. Suddenly she felt more powerful than she had ever felt before. She again placed her hands on his chest and pushed the Force into him. She began to slowly feel weaker. Now she knew what was going on..........she was draining her life energy for him........placing it into his soul so that he would live.

DMourning Orb
Jan 1st, 2002, 08:10:43 PM
D'Mourning's body was cold. His skin, a purplish hue. He had stopped breathing.

Xazor's hands were against D'Mourning's chest. The force flowed through him. She was giving her life to his.

His body was effected, slowly. Life spread from his chest to the rest of his body. His temperature began to climb. His heart beat became louder and louder, until it was knocking against his chest. His lungs began to fill, rather quickly. Oxygen rushed his brain.

When he was unconscious, on the verge of death, he did not feel the force moving through his body. He could not feel the transfer of life, from her soul to his. All he could remember was feeling Xazor's pain. In those moments that he was dying, he swore that he felt her tears fall on him. The weight and substance of which was hardly minimal in volume. In the real world, they were liquid drops, falling on the cloth of his shirt. They were quickly absorbed. A few wet, streaking marks. But, what D'Mourning felt was the weight of the world falling down on him. When her tears made contact with his chest it rocked the cavity of his body; the weight and force of which hollowed his lungs. In those fleeting moments his lungs reached out, grabbing for air...

His eyes opened, a brilliant green. D'Mourning had no knowledge of which Xazor had done. He could never fathom... For him, personally, it was her pain which fed his life. Her tears were a symbol of heartache and loss. He would not allow a gentle creature, the likes of Xazor to feel such pain. He reached out, with all of his heart, all of his soul, to live, not only for himself, but... for her.

Xazor's face was streaming with tears. D'Mourning opened his mouth. No words came. Even if he could speak, words could not describe what he was feeling.

D'Mourning reached his arms out. Xazor's head collapsed, falling against his chest. They held each other there, on the floor of the Jedi Academy Training facility. Lying there, D'Mourning looked up at the ceiling. Tears rushed the surface of his eyes. A lump grew heavy in his throat.
At that moment in time the world was weightless. Holding Xazor in his arms made him fell more powerful than he had ever felt before. No one, nothing else in this world mattered to him. Lying there, holding her... it overwhelmed him. He was overwhelmed with a variety of emotions, the likes of which could never be translated into words.

He closed his eyes, causing the lingering tears to stream down his face. The lump in his throat grew heavier. They held each other on the floor. No words were spoken. The room was almost completely silent. The only sound: sobbing.

Jan 1st, 2002, 09:19:23 PM
Xazor had no idea of what had just happened. She felt very weak........her soul felt like it was on fire. She felt her life slowly draining from her body. Then suddenly he responded. His soul accepted the challenge to fight.........it accepted her life so that he could live for not only himself.......but for her. She had never imagined that something like this would ever be placed upon her heart.......but it was. The sacrifice of true love was made and it was so powerful........powerful enough to give life to the dead and to give death to the living. There was a flash of light and it surrounded them both, suddenly, as they lay there in each other's arms. It made her spirit feel light........light as a feather. She could clearly see D'Mourning's face. She was not crying anymore..........and neither was he. They were now standing on what seemed to be...clouds. They had never left the room, yet it seemed as thought they were millions of life times away from where they were. Xazor suddenly closed her eyes and then opened them again. There they were.....standing in the Academy.....wrapped in embrace. Xazor's heart was beating loudly in her ears and she could feel his heart beating against her chest. Whatever had just happened to them would make them different from now on. It was something that they couldn't explain. Xazor looked around as she was in his arms and everything looked the same. The other boy was still sitting next to their places on the floor.....Master Azalin and his friend were still leaning against the wall. The whole feeling of the room was the same......but not the feeling that was now encrypted in their very beings.........in their souls was a different world.

DMourning Orb
Jan 1st, 2002, 11:14:38 PM
Lying there with Xazor in his arms felt incredible, but D'Mourning felt the need to move his muscles a bit. His back felt tight, an invisible vice had him in it's grip.

He began to sit up, slowly. His back stretched. The muscles began to loosen ever so slowly. The invisible vice released it's hold.

D'Mourning's hands moved to caress Xazor's cheeks with the open side of both palms. His thumbs stretched vertically the sides of her face, reaching the temples of her forehead. His fingers caressed both sides of her neck. He felt her soft cheeks, her soft skin. He could fell her breath...

Xazor's eyes were pointing down. She was clearly exhausted. D'Mourning leaned in, his lips approaching the top of her head. He could smell her hair, the sweet essence of which made his heart beat faster. D'Mourning kissed Xazor. It was a soft, sweet kiss, gently trespassing over the follicles of her hair.

He pulled back to look in her eyes.

He mouthed the words: Are you okay?

D'Mourning was more worried about her mental well-being than anything else. He had no idea of the physical exhaustion which she had just undergone. For the moment, he had practically forgotten about what had happened to him, only minutes ago. His own well-being meant nothing compared to hers.

Jan 3rd, 2002, 11:19:39 AM
She saw him mouth the words are you okay?. She tried to speak through the Force....but could only manage a few words:

I think so....

She had no sooner finished saying this when she put her arms around his neck and went limp. She had passed out due to the physical and mental stress which she just went through. Reacting to her fainting, D'Mourning quickly put his arms around her to keep her from hitting the floor.

Amalia Azalin
Jan 3rd, 2002, 01:45:20 PM
ooc: Very nice thread, but because this is supposed to be a force class and so as to not mess up this nice thread here, I'll make a new one. Hopefully one that actually gets the class going. A lot of us have been busy, sorry for the wait all.<img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

Jan 3rd, 2002, 01:47:20 PM
ooc: I told you it was messed up! <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)"> LOL....