View Full Version : Shade Magus, I wish to have another spar.

Katarina Kariena
Jul 24th, 2001, 01:29:23 AM
Kat waited in a dark corner of the room for Shade to show up. She had enjoyed her first spar with the apprentice and was looking foreward to another one, this time with a diffrent twist.

She sat in the shadows, her black outfit keeping her well hidden. She also kept her presence in the force hidden. This spar would be diffrent indeed.

Shade Magus
Jul 24th, 2001, 07:11:05 PM
::Shade Magus walked inot a dark room where he had been summoned. He looked around for who had summoned him until he noticed someone sitting in the corner and he walked towards them hoping they could shed some light on what he was doing here::

"Umm...heloo. I was called here and I was wondering if you could tell me why."

::While he looked at the stranger he got a strange feeling that he knew them but he decided to ignore that feeling::

Katarina Kariena
Jul 25th, 2001, 11:01:55 PM
Kat smiled slightly even though Shade coulden't see. "I wish to spar with you agian," she said, keeping her voice level and slightly diffrent than normal so he coulden't pick her out just yet. "This time the field is diffrent so beware." She waited for him to reply seeing if he would figure out who she was without her stepping out of the shadows.

Shade Magus
Jul 26th, 2001, 07:06:16 PM
::Shade looked a little shocked at this last comment. He thought about the only two people that he had sparred with and decided that the body build couldn't be right for Christian so he thought it had to be Kat but he couldn't be sure::

"Ok you are either Christian Lightheart or Kat. So which are you? But about the spar I would be glad. I always need some exercise."

::He waited for his opponent to reveal their true identity::

Katarina Kariena
Jul 26th, 2001, 09:44:40 PM
"If you think I'm going to come out that easily Shade you're wrong. You tell me who I am," Kat replied. She knew he already knew who he was, she just wanted him to prove it.

Shade Magus
Jul 26th, 2001, 09:49:53 PM
"If you are really sure about that.......Kat."

::Shade stood there before the Jedi Knight looking at her::

"So what makes you want to spar me again?"

Katarina Kariena
Jul 27th, 2001, 01:14:14 AM
Kat laughed slightly, "You shall see. By the end of the spar you will know."

Feeling no need to stay in the shadows now that he had told her he knew who she was she stood up and walked out of the shadows. "And this spar shall be diffrent from the last. A bit more of a challenge."

OOC: I will tell you on AIM what I have done to the room :evil:

Shade Magus
Jul 28th, 2001, 11:44:26 AM
::Shade looked at Kat and raised a brow. He knew he wasn't much of a challenge for her. Especially after their last spar. He was a little nervous when she said more challenging::

"Just what do you mean by more challenging?"

OOC::If I seem a little slow in replying it is because i am in the process of moving but i will try to reply every day. sorry

Katarina Kariena
Jul 29th, 2001, 07:31:43 PM
Kat smiled, "Search out with the Force and you shall see."

Before Shade had come in she had hidden yasimari(sp) in various places in the room. Parts and places of the room were hidden from the force, not the whole room itself.

OOC: It's ok. Don't worry about it. :)

Shade Magus
Jul 30th, 2001, 08:07:37 PM
::Shade had a curious look on his face, but he did what he was told on reached out. At first he didn't notice anything unusual until he realized that he couldn't feel some of the room. He stepped back towards the door a little that way he could veiw the entire room to make sure all of it was still there::

"Okay. What is going on here?"

Katarina Kariena
Jul 30th, 2001, 09:54:05 PM
Kat laughed slightly at his reaction, "Think of it as a test. A challenge of sorts. You can't feel some parts of the room so when you fall into those bubbles without the force you'll have to show the tallents you have other than those in the force. You can do it. I woulden't set this challenge before you if I didden't know you can."

Shade Magus
Jul 31st, 2001, 06:48:13 PM
Shade looked a little worried when she told him what those bubbles did. Well, if this is how she wants it I guess i have no choice. Atleast if I can get her into one of these bubbles I'll have a greater chance do to my martial arts training, but she has it to. I hope I can do this, He thought to himself as he walked slowly back into the room.

"OK then let's do this," Shade said as he slowly took off his jacket and threw it in the corner nearest to him.

Katarina Kariena
Aug 1st, 2001, 02:16:39 AM
Kat nodded and smiled slightly, "Alright. You attack first this time."

Shade Magus
Aug 4th, 2001, 10:00:43 PM
"Alrighty then."

Shade ignited his saber and took a step back before jumping at Kat trying to dodge the bubbles and he attacks at Kat's left side.

Katarina Kariena
Aug 5th, 2001, 01:40:34 AM
Kat blocked his attack and steped back into one of the bubbles without the force. She steped back far enough into one that Shade would have to follow her if he were to strike again.

Shade Magus
Aug 6th, 2001, 07:19:52 PM
Shade landed justoutside of the bubble and watched Kat. He thought about all the possiblities before going into the bubble. He watched as she moved and he knew he would have to go in there, so he took a deep breath and stepped inside. As soon as he took that step he felt himself being striped of the Force.

"Well this is gonna be interesting."

Shade then took another breath and held up his sabre and ignited it. He then rushed her and faked an attack to the left and then he dropped down and went to sweep her legs up from under her.

Katarina Kariena
Aug 6th, 2001, 10:02:20 PM
Kat triped and pushed herself into a backflip and landed in a fighting stance. "You're doing good Shade, keep it up!"

She used her saber to lock his and she side kicked at his ribs.

Shade Magus
Aug 7th, 2001, 08:21:11 PM
Shade watched as the kick came at him and he leapt back just enough to where he could feel the bottom of Kat's boot graze across his stomach and he let out a sigh of breath before he regained his balance.

"Thanks for the compliament."

Shade jumped back to where he was just outside of the bubble and he waited for Kat's next attack with a plan of his own forming in his head.

Katarina Kariena
Aug 10th, 2001, 12:40:33 AM
Kat steped foreward into the force zone and spinkicked at Shade again, knowing she would proably have to use her gymastics before the move was finnished.

Shade Magus
Aug 10th, 2001, 10:21:04 AM
Shade lifted his hand up and caught Kat's kick and used the Force to help him push her back into the bubble. While she fell backwards he brought his lightsaber up and ignited it. He was trying to keep her inside the bubble so that he might stand a chance he was able to use some of the Force.

Katarina Kariena
Aug 12th, 2001, 03:04:13 AM
Kat rolled up into a fighting stance. She knew if he tried to keep her in here none of his force attacks would work. The ysalamari bubbles blocked all the force. There was no way to use it or project it into the field. She ignighted her saber and waited for Shade's attack.

Shade Magus
Aug 13th, 2001, 06:59:30 AM
Shade sat there watching Kat as she moved inside the bubble. He tried to send in some Force waves, but it appeared that he couldn't send the Force into the bubble so he decided to go on a strong offense. He twirled his saber around slowly on his hand for a moment before he jumped into the bubble and slashed upwards at Kat.

Katarina Kariena
Aug 14th, 2001, 12:20:26 AM
Kat side steped and blocked it at the same time. Quickly she steped in and side kicked Shade in the chest.

Shade Magus
Aug 15th, 2001, 08:52:47 PM
Shade let o9ut a grunt as he took the kick to the chest and he fell to the ground. As he hit he rolled out of the way of any other attacks and got up to his knees so that he could keep an eye on her and look at his chest. After a moment he got up to his feet and stood in a defensive position with his right leg in front and his left in the back. He held out his lightsaber and watched Kat for any signs of her next move.

Katarina Kariena
Aug 16th, 2001, 10:17:07 PM
Kat mearly waited paciently for Shade's attack.

Shade Magus
Aug 18th, 2001, 10:55:47 AM
Shade watched Kat intently as he slowly slid forward on his feet. He was twirling his lightsaber around his finger. He then twisted around on his left foot and brought his saber down towards Kat's right leg.

Katarina Kariena
Aug 19th, 2001, 05:54:21 PM
Kat jumped away and blocked it, but not in time to avoid getting burned.

"Good Shade. Don't forget to stay calm during this exercize."

Shade Magus
Aug 20th, 2001, 04:03:13 PM
"Yes I know. In am trying but it is just that whenever I fight I almost lose myself in the motions and the style. It is not that I get angry it is just that I kinda go into a trance and I am not really seeing through my eyes but someone elses. I'll try a little harder but I am doing the best I can for now."

Katarina Kariena
Aug 20th, 2001, 10:26:50 PM
"You're doing great. The trance can be good sometimes, but other times it could mean life or death. Be careful," Kat replied as she suddenly leaped foreward and summersaulted over Shade landing behind him. She made a sweeping motion trying to trip Shade from behind.

Shade Magus
Aug 21st, 2001, 08:44:19 PM
"I'll try to be more careful."

Shade watched as Kat leapt over him and before he couold do anything his feet were swept out from under him. Before he could hit the ground though he twisted and put his hand out under him to catch himself. He then pushed back up onto his feet and pulled his lightsaber around him and he ignited it awaiting for anymore attacks.

Katarina Kariena
Aug 22nd, 2001, 04:43:22 PM
Kat spun around like she was going to round kick Shade but instead she extended her saber hand at a slice at his neck.

Shade Magus
Aug 25th, 2001, 12:53:47 PM
Shade leaned back to try and avoid the blade and it barely missed him as it flew across his neck. When he went to get up he found out he was leaning to far back so he did a back-flip and when he landed he brought his saber back up intot a defensive position and then he twirled it around and he brought it down towards Kat's left arm.

Katarina Kariena
Aug 26th, 2001, 08:09:13 PM
Kat moved to the side and her arm got grazed by the Shade's saber and she moved to the side and moved to elbow Shade in the chest.

Shade Magus
Aug 29th, 2001, 08:25:25 PM
Shade fell back as Kat's elbow hit him in the chest. It had winded him and he laid there on the floor trying to catch his breath. As he started to get up he looked around he realized he had lost his lightsaber and when he looked around for it he found it under Kat's foot.

"Well isn't that a shock. Wonder how that happened, eh?"

Shade stood there with his arms up ready to defend himself as he looked for an opening so that he could call back his saber or make an open-handed attack.

Katarina Kariena
Aug 30th, 2001, 05:35:26 PM
Kat picked up his saber, "Very good. You've done well. Maybe next time you'll beat me."

She smiled and tossed his saber back to him. "You're free for now, I'll see you tomarrow."

OOC: Amnde don't kill me if you read this. I liked your idea. Shade, just post in this string like it's the next day. :p

Shade Magus
Sep 24th, 2001, 09:27:05 AM
OOC: sorry for leaving you hanging like that Kat but my internet kinda got cut off by accident but if you would like we could pick it up again.

Katarina Kariena
Sep 25th, 2001, 11:18:11 PM
OOC: Tis ok, trust me I know the feeling. x.x Just start where we left off. ^-^

Shade Magus
Sep 26th, 2001, 08:35:53 AM
OOC: Ok thanks for understanding

Shade walked back into the room that Kat had left him in yesterday. She had really thrown him for a loop last time but now he was ready for her. He looked aroudn the room listening, waiting, watching for anything that could come out.

Katarina Kariena
Sep 26th, 2001, 03:24:57 PM
OOC: No prob! ^_^


Kat 'stood' on the doorframe above Shade and jump/summersaulted over him. She twisted just enough so that she landed infront and faceing him. "Have a restfull evening Shade?" she asked with a smile on her face. "Don't worry, I don't have any pranks pulled today."

Shade Magus
Oct 1st, 2001, 10:49:32 PM
"YEs I did have a nice evening. How about you?"

Katarina Kariena
Oct 1st, 2001, 11:14:26 PM
"Couldn't of been better," Kat replied. "Now, How are your hand-to-hand combat skills?"

Shade Magus
Oct 2nd, 2001, 08:05:34 AM
"They are pretty good....better than most but also worse than others. Why? What kinda session did you have in mind for me this time?"

Shade waited for her to answer. He was still looking around the room to make sure she was telling the truth about not having anymore surprises for him.

Katarina Kariena
Oct 2nd, 2001, 03:11:42 PM
"Glad to hear it. And don't worry, as I said, I've played no tricks on you today," Kat moved into a ready stance and waited, "You're attack first."

Shade Magus
Oct 3rd, 2001, 06:39:43 PM
Shade took a step back at Kat's proposition but then he quickly regained his stature. He tilted his ead to the side out of curiosity.

"Are you sure about this?"

After waiting a moment and watching Kat, as she got ready to answer him he took off and threw a punch straight at her face. He was trying to ctach her off gaurd but he couoldn't tell if he did or not.

Katarina Kariena
Oct 4th, 2001, 10:37:50 PM
Kat side steped and put her arm up to block, punching through the block to Slade's chest. "Good."

Shade Magus
Oct 5th, 2001, 10:22:56 PM
As Shade fell back from Kat's punch, he tucked his feet under him and rolled back until he was standing upright again. He went straight into another fighting stance keeping his gaurd up. He wasn't going to her get anything else through so easily again.

"Very nice. I knew you were a good fighter but i didn't know you were so agile. Maybe I should be more careful. I believe it is your turn now."

Katarina Kariena
Oct 6th, 2001, 01:03:20 AM
"Flattery will get you nowhere Shade," Kat laughed slightly and summersaulted over him, landed, and went into a spinning round kick to his ribs. "I'm not that good."

Shade Magus
Oct 6th, 2001, 04:39:08 PM
Shade let the kick come to him and before it hit him he dropped down to the ground and swept his leg under Kat's. As she fell to the ground he spoke.

"I'll try and remember anout the flattery next time."

As he finished speaking he jumped into the air and flipped over Katarina and landed near a corner and leaned up against it, thinking about his next move.

Katarina Kariena
Oct 6th, 2001, 10:21:53 PM
Kat jumped back to her feet and spun around, "Very good, Shade."

She stood there a momment thinking of her next move before she leapt towards him and feigned a kick to his side and punched at his solarplexis.

Shade Magus
Oct 6th, 2001, 10:43:19 PM
Shade watched as Kat went to attack on his left, but before he could realize what was going on she had changed her attack. Luckily Shade had prepared for something like this by getting in the corner. He kept going to his left and rolled along the wal and let her hand pass him and punch the wall. HE then grabed her arm and pulled her to him and pushed her into the corner and then he attempted a roundhouse kick.

Katarina Kariena
Oct 7th, 2001, 08:44:17 AM
"Note to self, never punch a wall again," Kat muttered as she spun around to block Shade's kick with her other hand, shakeing the hand that hit the wall.

Shade Magus
Oct 7th, 2001, 10:02:02 PM
Shade brought his leg down to the ground and stood up straight. He wanted to give Kat a chance to check her hand.

"I hope you didn't hurt your hand to bad."

Katarina Kariena
Oct 8th, 2001, 12:09:16 AM
Kat shook her hand, "Nah, it'll just be a little sore and black and blue, nothing major. You ready?"

Shade Magus
Oct 8th, 2001, 04:57:04 PM
"Sure I am ready."

Shade put a smile on his face as he lifted his hands back up into a ready position.

Katarina Kariena
Oct 9th, 2001, 04:15:36 PM
OOC: *kicks ezboards for not posting*


Kat nodded and smiled, "Good, I believe it's your attack."

Shade Magus
Oct 9th, 2001, 06:18:31 PM
OOC: lol


Shade nods his head with a smile.

"If you say so."

He then starts to back up a few steps before he stops. There is a moment of silence as both of the fighters stare at each other, preparing for what the other would do. Then all of a sudden Shade started to run towards Kat and he jumped into the air, attempting a mid-air kick.

Katarina Kariena
Oct 12th, 2001, 12:23:01 AM
Kat saw his attack and droped, rolling under his midair kick. Standing she spun towards him in a roundhouse kick as he landed.

Shade Magus
Oct 14th, 2001, 01:30:33 PM
Shade fell back against the wall from Kat's kick and slid down to the floor. He grabbed his side and rolled to the ground. He put his hand against the wall and used it to help him pull himself up and then he stood there trying to catch his breath.

"Wow....what a kick......"

Katarina Kariena
Oct 14th, 2001, 03:48:38 PM
"Are you alright?" Kat asked, relaxing her stance slightly, but not enought to give any advantage.

Shade Magus
Oct 14th, 2001, 10:18:06 PM
Shade looked up at Kat and cocked a smile.

"Yeah I'll be ok."

He watched as she lowered her stance and he tensed his muscles for a split second before he leaned back onto his arms and swept Kat's feet from under her. He then jumped back up and went back into his usual stance.

Katarina Kariena
Oct 17th, 2001, 06:30:31 PM
Kat fell back into a backflip and returned to her stance. Just as she landed she leaped at Shade looking like she was going to attack him but summersaulted over him. Spinnig she did a roundhouse kick at his side.

Shade Magus
Oct 17th, 2001, 08:46:21 PM
Shade watched Kat flip over him and when she kicked at him, he caught her foot and he brought up his own foot to kick at her upper body. He was trying his best to keep up with her but she was just wearing him down and it was starting to show. He had to think of something quick or else this match might be over sooner than either thought it would be.

Shade Magus
Oct 17th, 2001, 08:52:20 PM
Shade watched as Kat flipped over him and as she landed she kicked at him. He brought his arm up to block it and when he did he grabbed her foot to hold her there as he attempt his own kick. He had to do something to slow her down because the match was starting to wear him down and Kat could see that clearly.

Katarina Kariena
Oct 19th, 2001, 01:16:27 AM
Kat kept her balance and blocked his kick, twisting away she pulled her leg away from Shade and stood defencively. "Very good, Shade. Draw on the force to bring you strength when you start to get weak."

Shade Magus
Oct 20th, 2001, 02:29:54 PM
Shade shuffled backwards to gain some distance to prepare and also catch his breath.

"I am trying, but I don't think I can. It is just so intense. It seems like the more I try to call on it the more I am mentally wearing down and the more I fight the more physically I am worn down.

Shade stood there with little drops of sweat running down his brow. He raised his left leg and brought it parallel with the ground with his knee bent. He was attempting gain some balance and also a position in which he could react quickly to whatever was next.

Katarina Kariena
Oct 20th, 2001, 11:50:52 PM
Kat backed off, "Stop trying so hard and just let the force come to you. Sometimes the harder you try the harder the force is to grasp."

Shade Magus
Oct 21st, 2001, 12:51:33 AM
"I'll try."

Shade relaxed his muscles and closed his eyes. He reached out with his senses for the force. He tried to grasp it but it kept elduing him. After a few moments of this he felt the warmth of the Force as it flowed into him. He felt as though someone had just switched on a power generator in him. He cuold feel the power course though him.

He then opened his eyes and focused only on his opponent. As his focus grew more narrow he could feel the space around him grow and it seemed as if Kat grew atleast three times in size.

"Whoa. This is awesome."

Shade then felt something he hadn't felt before, a knowledge that came to the surface and it was as if he could calculate the presice attack in a moments time spand. He stood only for a moment mre before lashing out with his left fist at Kat's right forearm.

Katarina Kariena
Oct 22nd, 2001, 03:56:54 PM
Kat moved to get out of the way but wasn't fast enough and got hit in the shoulder. She rubbed her shoulder a momment and then summersaulted over Slade and spun into a round house kick to his side...

Shade Magus
Oct 22nd, 2001, 04:55:59 PM
Shade lifted his arm and blocked the Kick. He was amazed at how much faster he had become. He took hold of Kat's leg and before he knew what he was doing he had already knocked her other leg from under her and had thrown her on the ground. He was shocked at what he had just done and he stopped immeaditely.

"Are you ok?!?"

Katarina Kariena
Oct 24th, 2001, 09:26:02 PM
Kat pushed herself and leaned on one elbow, shaking her head, "I'm fine."

"Pride hurt a little, but other than that I'm fine," she joked. Standing up she shook her head again and asumed a defencive stance. "I've seen what you can do defending, let's see what you can do attacking."

Just don't kill me to much, she thought quietly to herself.

Shade Magus
Oct 24th, 2001, 10:14:13 PM
Shade nodded and smiled a little.

"Sorry about that."

He then lifted his hands back up inot the air in front of him and made them into fists. He waited for Kat to do the same and when she had he spun around on his heel and made an attempt at a roundhouse aim for her mid-body.

Katarina Kariena
Oct 25th, 2001, 09:48:35 AM
Kat let herself fall into the force and ducked under Shade's kick moveing in to punch his chest.

Shade Magus
Oct 26th, 2001, 01:08:58 PM
Shade reached out to put his hand up in front of his chest to catch hers. He caught but could slow down the momentum enough to knock him off his feet. As he flew backwards he put his hand out to catch himself and as he did he heard a small crack and then flet a sudden pain in his wrist.

Katarina Kariena
Oct 26th, 2001, 05:35:58 PM
Kat ran quickly over to Shade and knelt beside him, "Are you alright? I heard something snap."

Shade Magus
Oct 27th, 2001, 10:37:19 PM
Shade leaned up, cradling his wrist in his arm.

"I'm not sure.I think I broke something,but I coudl have just popped it out of place."

Heheld it there trying to move it but the pain only getting larger.

Katarina Kariena
Oct 28th, 2001, 01:33:32 AM
Kat knelt beside him and looked at his wrist.

"This might hurt," she warned him as she gently placed her hand on his wrist, reaching out with the force trying to make it as painless as possible, she probed to see what he had really done to his wrist.

OOC: You tell me, is it broken or popped out of place?

Shade Magus
Oct 28th, 2001, 12:22:21 PM
Shade tensed up as she touched his hand but he relaxed a little as he felt the Force flow through him. He took a breathe as she moved it around a little and he felt the bone scrape against the other. After a moment of breathing Shade looked up and spole in a hesitant voice.

"I think it just popped outta place. If I could get it back in there then it shoud be better in a few hours."

Katarina Kariena
Oct 30th, 2001, 10:46:53 PM
Kat looked up from his hand to his face, "Would you like me to set it or do you want to go see one of the medics? I know it proably hurts like hell. It's your choice."

Shade Magus
Oct 30th, 2001, 10:56:39 PM
"Actually the pain isn't quite that bad as it was a second ago, but knowing me I'll probaly do more damage on my way to the medics than anything, so if you really wouldn't mind I would like you to set it. Besides, I never have really trusted doctors that much after a bad expirience with one a long time ago."

Shade brought his arm up to where Kat could see it and he slowly held out his arm and tried to hold it stil so she could set it.

Katarina Kariena
Oct 31st, 2001, 04:49:48 PM
"I can't say as I blame you there," Kat replied half jokingly. "This might hurt a little..." she causioned as she gently put her hands back on Shade's wrist and used the force to help guide her in setting it stright again. After a few momments she looked up again, "All done. I hope it feels a little better."

Shade Magus
Oct 31st, 2001, 06:42:34 PM
Shade felt his wrist and tried to move it around a little. He then looked up at Kat and smiled.

"Yeah, it's feeling a lot better thanks. It really only hurts now when I move it around alot."

Shade stood up using his other hand and held his injured wrist near his chest.

"I hope you don't mind, but could we take a small break so that I can rest my wrist? Or would you prefer to continue now? I am sure I could take it slower and let it heal that way."

Katarina Kariena
Nov 1st, 2001, 10:10:12 AM
"You're welcome," Kat replied. "Yes, please take a break and come back when your wrist feels better. I might be a pain in the butt, but I'm not cruel."

Shade Magus
Nov 1st, 2001, 10:55:06 AM
Shade laughed at her comment and nodded his head.

"Thank you. I am sure that it won't be long before I am able to continue. I might even be able to start back up this evening or would you ratherme continue tomorrow?"

Katarina Kariena
Nov 2nd, 2001, 01:04:52 AM
"Tomarrow," Kat replied. "Take as much time as you need. I'm sure your wrist must hurt quite a bit still."

Shade Magus
Nov 3rd, 2001, 02:05:36 AM
"Not really, but I guess I should give it the proper time. I shall see you tomorrow then."

Shade stood up and bowed to Kat and then proceeded to walk towards his living quarters where he could practice and help his wrist heal better.

Katarina Kariena
Nov 4th, 2001, 03:48:07 AM
Kat bowed politely to Shade and watched him walk out, her heart filled with concern. She still wished to be more of a friend than a master, but she was still unsure if her apprentices thought of her that way.

Sighing she walked out and went to the bar for a drink, they would pick up again tomarrow.

OOC: Just post like it's the next day or something.

Shade Magus
Nov 11th, 2001, 01:45:23 AM
Shade walked into the training academy and went to the room where he had been practicing with Katarina for the past few days. He looked around before sitting down in the room. He then looked at his wrist and flexed it a few times making sure it was better than the day before. He sat there and waited for his master to return so he could continue his training.

Katarina Kariena
Nov 12th, 2001, 09:16:44 PM
Kat walked in calmly and looked at Shade as she entered, "How's your wrist?"

Shade Magus
Nov 12th, 2001, 10:35:43 PM
Shade looked at his wrist before answering.

"It is doing much better. Thank you for asking."

Katarina Kariena
Nov 14th, 2001, 11:10:44 PM
Kat smiled slightly, "Glad to hear it. Have you ever tried to use the force behind your moves, Shade?"

Shade Magus
Nov 14th, 2001, 11:51:34 PM
"You mean to amplify the strnegth or speed of my attacks? If so then yes, but I wasn't very successful at that."

Katarina Kariena
Nov 18th, 2001, 01:14:46 AM
"Let's see," Kat replied. "Could you try a few force-punches or kicks?"

Shade Magus
Nov 19th, 2001, 11:35:06 PM
"Ok, but don't expect much."

Shade stood in the mddle of the room and closed his eyes. He let the Force flow through him freely and then he tried to push all the Force he could into his body and used it to increase his muscle power and speed. He then let out a chain of punches and kicks that he used the Force to amplify, but before long his body gave out and he lost control an stopped. He then looked at Kat ad shrugged.

"So far that is about all I have been able to do."

Katarina Kariena
Nov 21st, 2001, 12:09:02 AM
"It's alright, you did the best you could," Kat replied and then thought for a momment.

"Have you ever tried training for endurance with the force?"

Shade Magus
Nov 21st, 2001, 12:21:24 AM
Shade looked at her for a moment before replying.

[]"Not really. I have always mainly tried to just increase my tlents and then work on endurance."[/i]

Katarina Kariena
Nov 24th, 2001, 01:19:01 AM
"I want you to try useing the force a bit more in your moves. Not a lot, just build up to it. Even in our spars," Kat replied. "It may help."

Shade Magus
Nov 24th, 2001, 01:35:46 PM
Shade looked at Kat and nodded.

"I'll try, but I can't give you any promises that it will work. I have been trying, but for some reason I just cannot keep it up. I hope that one day I will be able, but until then I will try as hard as i can."

Shade turned to Kat and stood, pateintly waiting for his master's next instruction.

Katarina Kariena
Nov 25th, 2001, 10:17:52 PM
"hmm... Care to spar again? Preferably without getting hurt this time," Kat asked.

Shade Magus
Nov 25th, 2001, 11:52:14 PM
Shade chuckled at the comment and nodded.

"Yes. I would like that very much."

Katarina Kariena
Dec 5th, 2001, 01:18:10 AM
Kat smiled, "Your move first, your choice of lightsabers or not, or a combination(sp)."

Shade Magus
Dec 5th, 2001, 08:31:23 PM
Shade nodded and took a deep breath. He then stood back and unclipped his lightsaber and held it in front of him. He ignited it and stood there looking deep into Kat's eyes. He then stepped forward and raised his lightsaber and brought it down in a diagonal slash across her chest.

Katarina Kariena
Dec 7th, 2001, 05:40:17 PM
Kat steped back and ignighted her lightsaber last second to block it. Smileing slightly she steped back again out of his striking distance.

Shade Magus
Dec 8th, 2001, 12:32:14 AM
Shade watched her move back but in only followed. He wanted to try and stay on the offensive and play this match right. He then did a flip over her head and landed behind her, sweeping his foot across the gr9ound to trip her up.

Katarina Kariena
Dec 11th, 2001, 01:56:39 AM
Kat jumped above his foot and into a backflip.

Shade Magus
Dec 12th, 2001, 12:20:49 AM
Before Kat completely landed, Shade twisted back around and used a Force push to knock her back.

Katarina Kariena
Dec 12th, 2001, 06:55:09 PM
Kat flew back but landed gracefully on her feet. She smiled, he was learning. Circleing around him she got closer and went to neatly punch his solarplexis(sp).

Shade Magus
Dec 13th, 2001, 10:40:16 AM
Shade threw his hand down to try and catch it, but he failed. His knees bent as she hit him in the gut, but he didn't waste much time. He backed up a little and then went for her again. He fired an assault of punches and kicks, but with each one his solarplexis began to hurt more and more.

Kat Kariena
Dec 14th, 2001, 01:17:51 AM
Kat jumped away and then summersaulted over Shade. Landing on the other side she waited.

Shade Magus
Dec 15th, 2001, 01:37:21 AM
Shade twisted just in time to see Kat land, and he brought his whole body around in a motion that allowed him enough physical force to ground into the air and spin with his foot out aimed at her left arm.

Kat Kariena
Dec 15th, 2001, 03:17:24 AM
Kat attempted to get out of the way, but her arm got knicked anyway. He was getting better. Good. That's exactly what she wanted to happen.

Shade Magus
Dec 15th, 2001, 06:15:17 PM
Shade landed on his feet and began another volley of blows. He couldn't tell what Kat thought about him now, but to him he still thought that he hadn't done the best that he could. He swung out with a right fist just as he landed and set his balance.

Kat Kariena
Dec 16th, 2001, 03:51:54 PM
Kat blocked most of them and doged the rest. Shade was doing well, she hoped he could keep up what he was doing. In a few minuites she would see how he did going on the defencive.

Shade Magus
Dec 17th, 2001, 12:06:13 AM
Shade leaped inot the air and spun around, faking a kick and intead going for a right hand punch, which was seen at the last moment and blocked. He thoguht he was doing pretty good now nad was impressed with himself for coming this far.

"So...Kat....how do you think..........I am.........doing?"

Shade managed to speak those words as he moved from place to place, punching in one and kicking in the other.

Kat Kariena
Dec 17th, 2001, 01:51:23 AM
"Very well, I'm impressed," Kat replied blocking his kicks and punches. Abruptly she threw a punch at Shade.

Shade Magus
Dec 17th, 2001, 10:37:18 PM

Shade was turned to the side when the punch was thrown at him, but he managed to put his hand up in front of it and block it palm open. He then grabbed her wrist and twisted it around him, attempting to throw her.

Kat Kariena
Dec 18th, 2001, 09:36:54 AM
Kat grabed his wrist and didn't go flying far, she landed and went down to one knee, quickly she moved one foot in an attempt to sweep his feet out from under him.

Shade Magus
Dec 18th, 2001, 06:20:30 PM
Shade's feet came out from under him and he hit his back on the ground.


He rolled over to his side and pushed himself back up. His breathing was hard and sweat was on his face. He was tired from what he had just done and now he would have to change paces. It was going to be interesting to see if he could.

Kat Kariena
Dec 18th, 2001, 06:53:23 PM
Kat twirled around and went to side kick him, knowing that he was more than likly going to block it. She had something else in mind.

Shade Magus
Dec 18th, 2001, 10:00:01 PM
Shade moved in and countered her side kick, but before he could he saw her trying something else.

Kat Kariena
Dec 19th, 2001, 01:25:13 AM
Kat twisted around and allowed herself to fall backwards into a backwards summersault, it hadn't quite worked as she had hoped, but it got her out of his striking range. "Very good, Shade."

Shade Magus
Dec 19th, 2001, 12:46:05 PM
Shade looked at her with a smile.

"Thank you."

He then started to hop back and forth from one foot to another as if he was a boxer. He then brought his hand down and went in for a left fisted jab.

Kat Kariena
Dec 20th, 2001, 11:28:47 PM
Kat grabbed his jab and pulled him foreward in a move that would off balance him. Letting go as quickly as she grabbed him she backed away and waited. "Welcome."

Shade Magus
Dec 21st, 2001, 12:31:19 AM
Shade slipped up and landed on his back. He could feel a sharp pain in his rib area. He couldn't believe that he was still fighting with as much pain as he felt, but he was going to. If he couldn't fight now then what would happen when he fought a real opponent. He stood up slowly and stood there waiting for the next move. He would have to play it safe for right now, until he could formulate a plan.

Kat Kariena
Dec 25th, 2001, 11:05:41 PM
Kat send a small force blast at Shade and watched to see how he would react.

Shade Magus
Dec 26th, 2001, 12:31:53 AM
Shade raised his arms and put them in a X across his head to protect himself and then he felt himself slid back a few feet. He then dropped his hands and went back into an offensive position, with a plan on his mind. He ran towards Kat and at the last second he stopped and threw his hand palm fist at Kat emitting a Force push and then using a roundhouse to catch her off gaurd.

Kat Kariena
Dec 28th, 2001, 02:54:30 AM
"AACK!" Kat said as he cought her off gaurd. She hadn't been prepared for that at all, the next thing she knew she was getting up off the floor. "Very good, Shade... Atleast you didn't send me into the wall," she said to him, the last part was in a joking tone of voice.

Shade Magus
Dec 28th, 2001, 11:28:56 AM
"Yeah, I was trying not to."

Kat Kariena
Jan 4th, 2002, 07:08:13 PM
Kat jumped up, "Good. I'll see you again tomarrow. We're done for today."

Shade Magus
Jan 5th, 2002, 12:26:37 AM
"Ok. See ya!"

Shade took a deep breath and walked away to his quarters to rest.

Katarina Kariena
Jan 5th, 2002, 10:39:16 PM
Kat left the room and shut off the light, going to rest until it was time to come back tomarrow.