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Navaria Tarkin
Dec 12th, 2001, 12:40:27 AM
On a beautiful day such as this, to be confined inside the Academy would dull her senses. The energies outside and closer to the jungle were more pure and primal as Navaria had felt when she decided that a small sabbatical was in order. More happened during those few weeks to help quiet and calm her mind then all her training had thus far since coming to the Jedi.

The last few days of her exile were spent understanding and learning the newly acquired abilities that were given to her but not enough to master it by any means. It was the best place to start in her endeavor to continue her training.

Unlike her visit to Yog's, Navaria was the epitome of cleanliness. Her Padawan braid was weaved perfectly. No strand of hair was out of place. The brown cloak was thoroughly washed and fresh clothing adorned her body. She felt like a new person on the outside. Almost an extension of the new person inside.

She headed towards the start of the jungle and sat down before it. Bowing out of respect to what life it had given her, Navaria folded her legs and began searching the ground for a suitable test subject. A lizard stuck its tongue out at her and its brown skin turned green as it blended into the foliage. It didn't matter. Navaria didn't want to use something alive anyway until she was sure of herself. That also excluded flowers, grass and trees.

Raising a hand, a small jagged stone floated into the air and came towards her. To be able to trust herself, she needed to work from the bottom up.

Her eyes dilated as she brought the grey stone towards her face. It was angular all around which caused it to have many sides of different shapes and sizes. Opening her palm upwards, she let the stone rest there as she began to feel it with the index finger of her other hand. It mostly felt rough and sharp but there were some parts that felt smooth to the touch.

She narrowed her eyes and concentrated harder on understanding how this chaotic stone could be orderly. It was always easy when she did it.

<img src=http://thesithempire.clanpages.com/navaria.jpg>[c]<a href=http://pub56.ezboard.com/bgjo>The Council Rooms of the Greater Jedi Order</a>

Anbira Hicchoru
Dec 12th, 2001, 01:36:38 AM
:: In the distance, Anbira spotted the woman as she experienced the Force. He had felt her presence from a distance, and decided to watch her commence her training. ::

Navaria Tarkin
Dec 14th, 2001, 03:18:20 PM
It was just a grey stone and her tactile senses couldn't pick up anything new. She could feel her hand shaking and set the stone down. Navaria was trying to hard but the power lay within her now, it was a matter of understanding how to unlock the gift without loosing her mind.

Taking a deep breath, she lifted the stone this time with the Force and let her mind go. All there was before her was this stone that was formed through wind and rains.

Focusing further, it once belong in the river but someone ... a child perhaps? Had plucked it from the river and threw it as far as his arm could.

She narrowed her eyes and let the stone fall. That wasn't suppose to happen.

Anbira Hicchoru
Dec 18th, 2001, 04:09:45 AM
:: A thought brushed against her mind ::

<font color=0099CC>You have sensed...the past?</font>

Navaria Tarkin
Dec 18th, 2001, 05:31:16 PM
Her head spun around in surprise in the direction she felt the presence that had touched her mind. Navaria looked at Anbira in curiosity. The voice she had heard was free of the injury her carried.

The words didn't come at first due to old habits but Navaria regained her composure, "Yes, I believe it was. That wasn't what I was trying to do though."

She smiled, "Has that happened to you?"

Anbira Hicchoru
Dec 18th, 2001, 07:57:42 PM
<font color=0099CC>Yes.</font>

:: The old Jedi approached his younger comrade ::

<font color=0099CC>But there is a great hole in my sight where I should be.</font>

Navaria Tarkin
Dec 19th, 2001, 12:50:07 AM
She frowned and looked at the stone that she set down.

"I'm not sure I understand ... unless ..."

Navaria looked at Anbira with sadness set deeply into her eyes.

"... was ... was that because of your ... accident?"

Anbira Hicchoru
Dec 22nd, 2001, 08:59:39 PM
:: Anbira looked up intensely at her for a moment ::

<font color=0099CC>You know of this?</font>

Navaria Tarkin
Dec 22nd, 2001, 09:39:58 PM
A look like that would have forced her to cower slightly. That was before her trip into the deep Jungles of Yavin. Navaria was actually taken aback that Anbira didn't remember when they last met.

"You told me of your accident in the bar once. Nothing in detail just made sense to take that leap in logic."

Anbira Hicchoru
Dec 23rd, 2001, 01:07:47 AM
:: Anbira nodded, picking up a stone ::

<font color=0099CC>I often wonder...if I could remember, would I want to? I know what I once was. I was evil, and I see it in many eyes. Do I want to delve into my past, and open a hidden wound?</font>

Navaria Tarkin
Dec 25th, 2001, 11:07:10 PM
"Everyone has something they aren't proud of. Even if it's not their fault. I know what my face means to others ..."

She started flipping the stone inbetween her fingers.

"What will most likely happen is that your past will come back whether you want it to or not. Might be best to face it on your own terms when you're ready."

Anbira Hicchoru
Dec 28th, 2001, 07:17:01 PM
:: He nodded ::

<font color=0099CC>You are right. I must eventually face that which I cannot see. I must know Anbira Hicchoru, even if the truth may destroy me. I cannot exist as half a man.</font>

:: His right hand reached up, fingering at the lingering scar at his neck, fully understanding that much more was taken from him than his memories. The very breath in his voice was denied, through injuries he did not know how to heal. He looked at Navaria with eyes that were almost sad. He had seen her face elsewhere, and knew of what she spoke of. The spectre of Dalethria Mal Pannis haunted her as the spectre of his own history hid in the shadows. They were intertwined in their fates. ::

<font color=0099CC>You are intimate within the Living Force, Navaria. Can you help me?</font>

Navaria Tarkin
Jan 3rd, 2002, 01:30:05 AM
"Help you?"

She was strong in the Force? Perhaps that was so as what was seen with her counterpart. Navaria was still only a Padawan and whatever power that rested inside her was locked away for many reasons.

"I do not know what strength you see in me but I'll help you in any way that I can."

Anbira Hicchoru
Jan 4th, 2002, 07:09:23 PM
:: Anbira's eyes narrow at her ::

<font color=0099CC>I can only think it is my past whispering in riddles...but I forsee great power and potential within you.

I think we are destined to work in unison.</font>

Navaria Tarkin
Jan 6th, 2002, 12:01:26 AM
She blinked and stared straight at Anbiraa as the words he spoke caused a spine tingling chill to run down the length of her back. Even after that sensation passed, it felt like there were tiny pinpricks tickling her skin.

Navaria closed her eyes and focused. It was her fear of what she had let herself become that haunted her but as she stilled her mind. Things settled and the pins in her back disappeared as a sensation of peace overflowed her senses. The only way she could describe what was happening was Deja Vu. Somewhere this had occured but not with her and Anbiraa.

Shadows of a acrid place filled her nose and a tall black structure loomed over her, beckoning her to find shelter within its walls. A flash of yellow and then of a watchful Kat ......

No! The stones whispered like a long lost lover a name ... a name she should know. Sssor ... sssha ....

The visage of a dragon tried to swallow her as if Navaria was close to something and the young Padawan cried out, grabbing at her head.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jan 6th, 2002, 01:34:37 AM
:: Anbira's eyes grew wide. Through Navaria's explosion of thought, he saw precisely how intertwined their destinies were. ::

<font color=0099CC>Your original, Dalethria...she was an agent of evil under my tutelage?</font>

:: He saw the pain in her eyes, the sadness born through the wickedness of the one named Dalethria Mal Pannis, and born doubly through the dark macchinations of his own past. Once again, the spidery evil of his former life had scarred another heart. He'd seen the look of fear in the eyes of many before. The strain at times was more than he could bear. For a moment, Anbira looked at her. ::

<font color=0099CC>Don't look at me like that.</font>

:: Nothing happened, and Anbira in his desperation tried to scream the same at her, nothing but a mournful wail escaping his voiceless throat. Sliding to his knees, Anbira looked up, repenting every ounce of his past with all of his might. Every sin he never even knew of...every wicked act that he could not see for the black shadow over it. Blights on his soul he could not touch, and further could not wash away.

He looked up at her ::

<font color=0099CC>If I could change my face, if I could change my name, if I could run to the farthest end of the galaxy to remove myself from whatever I have done, I would do it. But it won't end. I've seen that. Its the same with you, and I have felt your pain. You carry the very same blight.</font>

:: His hand grasped hers tightly ::

<font color=0099CC>I don't want to be a ghost, and I don't want to be a runaway! I want to take back what was never mine, the way you do! The only way we can escape the evil that haunts us in our shadows is to fight it. I now know I cannot run.

Help me Navaria. I don't know what else to do. Heal me, for I cannot hide my voice from those frozen in fear any longer.</font>

Navaria Tarkin
Jan 6th, 2002, 01:56:59 AM
The name Dalethria burned her ears with shame and caused the acid inside her stomach to churn with disgust. The bile rose up in the back of her throat because of it and the after effects of what she saw.

"Stop saying that name ..."

It came out more like a plea then anything but still Anbira continued. Navaria thought that anything dealing with her evil twin she could accept but this was proving her resolved wasn't as strong as she thought.

Anbira tooked her hand and it forced Navaria to look into his eyes. The words that he said made sense for the fear, regret and shame that weighed her heart was right there in front of her. There was always an inkling that this man who had seen more years then her had been through the same as she. They both carry a burdon in which they played a role ...

"I ..."

Her eyes fell downwards as she wondered if she could do what he asked. The pounding inside her chest was fast and furious, for it was beating with fear.

"You ask so much ..."

As she raised her head, her blue eyes were glistening with unshed tears.

"I'm but a Padawan in so many regards."

Anbira Hicchoru
Jan 6th, 2002, 02:11:22 AM
:: Anbira smiled, understanding her insecurity ::

<font color=0099CC>And I am but a withered old man. What possible use can we be?

Even the smallest sparks can become a fire.</font>

Navaria Tarkin
Jan 6th, 2002, 02:18:06 AM
As if Anbira was the most fragile being to walk the galaxy, Navaria lifted her hand and ever so gently traced the area where his voice had been taken.

"I don't even know where to begin."

She swallowed the lump in her throat.

"The damage is so ... extensive."

The palm of her hand pressed into his throat, applying a little pressure. Navaria tilted her head to the side and frowned.

"I can almost see ... the damage ..."

The gifts she had received could possibly help her but even still, she had no idea how to control such ability.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jan 6th, 2002, 02:29:22 AM
:: Anbira closed his eyes, swallowing and nodding that he was ready ::

<font color=0099CC>I am ready, Navaria. Draw upon my strength, if you desire.</font>

Navaria Tarkin
Jan 6th, 2002, 04:43:09 PM
She exhaled.

"Then I shall because I know that I'll need your help. But ..."

Her tone grew serious.

"... if it is too much for you, I'll stop. I refuse to be the cause of more injury because I couldn't control what I was doing."

Anbira knew the risks and Navaria could feel his need for her to continue. The pain that he felt and the whispers of his past that haunted him needed a starting point for redemption. If but her simple body and ability could bring back his ability to speak, then so be it. For Navaria, it would continue her own path of penance for the sins that flowed inside her blood.

Her mind was calm and placid. Her only focus was Anbira in front of her and in her mind's eye, an illuminescant being of brillant blue energy appeared. This was the essence of this man and his power was indeed far superior then any she had witnessed before. The fear inside her started to creep slowly forward, nagging at Navaria saying she was weak and a failure. The impossible could not be had and she would end up dead trying to accomplish this.

That could be true but Navaria wasn't alone. Anbira and Navaria were intertwined through destiny ... no matter what form they took. Whether they were the agents of the Dark, causing misery and chaos like a plague along the land ... or be kindred spirits and help each other to heal and learn ... undo what has been done through action and hope.

Her mind was open and her body ready to draw upon the offered energy. Navaria didn't have to try. She could feel Anbira willingly letting go of his power. With ease it entered her body and this was the second time that Navaria had tasted this level of power. The first time was in the jungles of Yavin barely two weeks ago. Daleethria, her clone sister, had come to her and spoken to her as a ghostly apparition once again. Navaria hadn't seen her since talking with Sanis at the bar that one night. In the jungle, Daleethria gave Navaria the knowledge of her power and strength. How to use enhanced senses on a scale that would drive almost all mad.

But it lay hidden ... waiting for the young Padawan to come to terms with who she was and not be afraid of Dalethria. It was also a way for Daleethria to even the odds against the sister Sith. If Dalethria could inherit the power of the insane clone Daalethria ... then the quiet clone would relinquish her gifts to the true Master. Navaria may not have her true body, but in essence, she was the real entity. Not a delusion that was created out of fear like Dalethria.

Navaria thought of her body as if it were a battery but how long before burn out did she have? A bridge between the energy and her own ability to tap into the Living Force was established. As the energy was absorbed inside her, it would hopefully give Navaria more time.

Fingers fluttered up and down Anbira's neck, trying to get a grasp at the area that was damaged. She wanted to stay focused and not concern herself with tissue that was healthy. It was a waste of precious energy and time. Time that the Padawan had very little of.

Instinct drove her to do what must be done and she wrapped her hands completely around his neck, closing her eyes finally. It was then that she saw the dark blotch within his aura that needed to be healed. Her own energy mixed with with Anbira's focused on that area. She willed it to become then same light blue essence that the rest of his body was.

Underneath her hands, the sensitivity of touch that came out of no where almost lost her focus. It was like she could feel skin and tissue inside Anbira's throat mend together because her own body was heightened.

It could have been seconds or minutes, time was irrelevent, but her body was quickly being drained. A wound of this magnitude should not be healed by a Padawan ... but she was a Tarkin. Determination was a strong trait in her family but it would finally be used for unselfish costs. For life instead of death. Navaria would do what not even the Jedi could for her mother and that would be to heal what could not be. If she had to she would die because the peace she long searched for was found here ...

The brunette's head dropped between her arms as unconsciousness was coming. Her chest was burning but the pain could not be seen. Navaria's face was the perfection of calm, slightly betrayed by a twitching of her upper lip. The darkness inside Anbira's aura wasn't gone. It was unseen but still there... Navaria knew this. She would not stop until she saw this through...

Her breathing finally faltered as a gasp of air shot out of her lungs. It was the last breath she took as the Padawan fell into Anbira's lap ... exhausted and completely drained off all her energy. Her already pale features had turned blue as the air of life that she breathed was turned into the tissue and cartilage that reshaped Anbira's ability to speak. That was the trade.

But there was still hope ... the heart of a Tarkin wasn't as easy to stop and if Anbira listened closely, it was still beating strong...

Anbira Hicchoru
Jan 8th, 2002, 04:40:35 AM
:: He felt old...much older than he even looked. Nearly slumping over from the loss of strength, Anbira's resolve steeled as he saw Navaria, barely hanging on in the aftermath of her efforts. With a sense of desperate urgency, he lifted her up in his arms, carrying her quickly back to the Academy. He pleaded for help...with a voice he had never even heard before. ::

Somebody! Somebody help!

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Jan 8th, 2002, 03:43:28 PM
(Jubei was quick to respond to the plea, running swiftly to the area. He stopped short, upon hearing the voice. He was awe-struck)

Father...you speak?

Anbira Hicchoru
Jan 8th, 2002, 03:46:29 PM
:: Seeing Navaria's strength leave had made that fact a distant memory. Anbira nodded to his son's question. ::

Yes, but that is not important now.

:: He gestured to Navaria ::

Her efforts have weakened her tremendously, my son. We must act quickly, or she will not recover.

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Jan 8th, 2002, 03:51:44 PM
(Jubei nodded, extending a hand to the weakened woman)

Yes, Father. Her connection with the Living Force is very faint. I feel it...

(A healing prodigy, Jubei knelt down, placing his hands on either side of Navaria's head in a gentle manner. A faint blue glow surrounded the area where his skin touched hers)


Navaria Tarkin
Jan 8th, 2002, 04:05:01 PM
She was surrounded by darkness and her body felt light as if she was floating. Navaria couldn't feel anything around her but it was cold. So very cold.

In the nothingness, she could feel that something was trying to reach her. Her eyes picked up nothing until in the the distance, exact measure could not be certain, a faint blue light called to her.

Though she could not see her hand, Navaria reached out to try and touch the light ....

She regained consciousness with a scratchy groan for her throat was bruised and sore. Slowly her eyes fluttered opened and saw Jubei. Navaria tried to force a smile but winced in pain.

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Jan 8th, 2002, 04:58:02 PM
Gently...you nearly exerted all of your energies here.

(Jubei helped Navaria to her feet.)

I thank you for helping my Father. His was an injury not even I could mend.

Navaria Tarkin
Jan 8th, 2002, 05:08:14 PM
She looked at Anbira who confirmed what Jubei said with a nod. Navaria then returned to look at his son, still holding onto him for support.

Her speech was dull and cracked on every syllable.

"He said ... I could do it. I'm amazed that I did it...."

Anbira Hicchoru
Jan 8th, 2002, 06:18:11 PM
For the Jedi...great things are often expected.

Navaria Tarkin
Jan 8th, 2002, 08:27:42 PM
Navaria didn't want to think about things like that now. Right now her body was calling for her to rest and recover from her ordeal. Her mind was too clouded to continue this conversation anyway.

"I'd like ... to rest now."

Anbira Hicchoru
Jan 9th, 2002, 05:47:10 AM
:: Anbira smiled ::

And rest you shall, Navaria Tarkin. My thanks go with you.

:: Anbira helped Jubei carry Navaria back to the Living Quarters ::